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Chapter 21: Stubborn Miss Six (Part 2)

After get off work, Su Ping took Mei Ran to the market to buy a bed.

Miss Mei came from a rough background and was a bit carefree. She was not like Tang Mei who calculated everything and paid attention to everything. Su Ping bought her a bed, and she didn't care whether it was expensive or cheap, as long as she could sleep; she didn't care what she had to eat three meals a day.

Don't be picky, as long as you can eat it.

After buying a bed, Su Ping didn't have much money left in his pocket. He definitely couldn't afford to eat in a big restaurant. Seeing Su Ping's embarrassment, Mei Ran said she wanted to eat pie. So the two of them bought pies from a pancake stall nearby and stood on the street.

Started eating.

Seeing Young Master Su in brocade clothes eating pie with her on the roadside, Miss Mei suddenly felt a sore nose.

In the past, she often stood on the street with her master to eat, but she had never had such a sore nose.

The pie tasted good. Su Ping ate some greedily and had a full meal. He sent Mei Ran back to the Yamen, and with a few more instructions, he sat in a donkey cart and went home with his belly rubbed. The donkey cart stopped in front of the Duke's Mansion.

Next, I gave the driver twenty coins and he strolled home.

As soon as she got home, she saw Tang Wan blocking the door, saying that Miss Six had been waiting for her uncle to come back for dinner. Su Ping said that she had eaten. Then the little maid ran to report the incident.

Although this was not a big deal, and although Su Ping had not been in contact with Tang Mei for long, Su Ping still felt that something was wrong. As expected, Tang Mei was unhappy and ordered her uncle to go upstairs and eat more.

Su Ping smiled bitterly and thought to himself, there is no way to deal with such a person who forcefully gives favors.

In the Tang family's dining hall, meals are delivered at regular intervals every day. If someone has special requirements for food, they must inform the dining hall in advance.

In the past, when the Duke's palace was wealthy, any young master could just ask for whatever they wanted to eat. But during the war, the family's funds were tight. In order to save money, Tang Kuan imposed food standards. If the standard was exceeded, the young masters would have to eat it themselves.

Add money.

Tang Mei was very generous today, adding eight coins to a banquet for her husband-in-law, but her husband-in-law refused to eat, which made Tang Mei more and more angry as she ate the meal.

A candlelight dinner ended in a very unpleasant atmosphere. Tang Mei sat on the couch with a cold face.

Knowing that she was busy, Su Ping didn't take the initiative to say goodbye and just waited for her to speak.

"My uncle went to work in the county on his first day. How do you feel about it?"

"not bad."

"I'm just from the ninth grade, do you still think it's good?"

"Why don't you ask your brother to work harder and get me a senior official?"

"Phew! You're not done yet."

Tang Mei was about to get angry, so she bit her lip and suppressed her anger. She took a deep breath and said, "In my opinion, you'd better not become a junior official. If you become a ninth-rank official, not only will it not make people feel glorious, On the contrary, I feel embarrassed. You might as well stay in the warehouse and help me. I appoint you as the co-organizer of Okura, which is worse than being the ninth grade. Don't you think so?"

"I don't think so."


As soon as Tang Mei glared, Su Ping waved his hand to signal her not to get so angry.

After she calmed down her anger, Su Ping said: "I guess I can stay with you for another month. During this month, if you have any questions, you can ask me. I will tell you everything I know."

Tang Mei frowned and said, "But many things happen at short notice, so I won't go to the county to find you now. And the original people in Dacang are a lot of rats. I want to replace them. But there are many people I want to replace.

They belong to the families of several gentlemen, and there must be a convincing reason to get rid of them."

Su Ping said: "When a new official takes office, you should focus on fire prevention and theft prevention and formulate relevant rules. Especially fire prevention. Anyone who dares to step on this line can be fired even if there are no consequences."

Tang Mei's eyes were huge, and anyone could clearly see the slightest movement. Now her eyes moved more frequently, and lights kept flashing in her eyes. I didn't know what she was thinking. She said "oh", and a few heartbeats passed.

Only then did he say: "Starting from tomorrow, don't go to work. I will send someone to the county to ask for sick leave for you."

"Alas! This is not very appropriate. I have just taken up my post..."

"There's nothing inappropriate." She interrupted Su Ping and knocked on the table: "I am the head of the family, you have to listen to me."

Su Ping sat there, not looking at her, raising her finger and pointing at her: "Okay, I will bear with you for a few more days."

After saying that, Su Ping stood up and walked away.

Watching her husband-in-law leave, Tang Mei sat on the couch with a dull expression.

She lost her temper just after being pointed out by Su Ping so impolitely. When Su Ping walked away, she realized that she was getting angry. She stood up, ran to the window, and shouted at Su Ping: "

How dare you point your finger at me! Hey, stop! Come back and apologize to me!"

Su Ping pretended not to hear, turned around the moon gate and returned to the small house.

The prince Zhao Tian, ​​who was wearing green clothes, had just met a person in the concierge of the seventh lady's house. After meeting the person, the prince was ecstatic. However, the prince had to maintain a cold demeanor in front of his subordinates, so he could not see the ecstasy.

By the way, the prince is really a good actor, with a slender figure, handsome appearance, and well-controlled language, demeanor, and expressions. He is completely different from the one he was when he was beaten.

Everyone who meets the prince praises him for his good demeanor. Even if he is wearing a young man's green robe, he cannot conceal his royal aura.

The prince has contacted the princelings, and the princelings are operating step by step. Under the leadership of King Teng Zhao Gong and the prince's tutor Cao Dong, the prince's minister of rites, the princelings have taken a series of measures. Within the palace, the prince also has confidants.

Man, everything is ready now, just waiting for Duke An Guo to return to the court.

Because he was in such a good mood, Zhao Tian seemed to have forgotten about the beatings he had received a few days ago, and that very night, he spent a good night with Miss Qi.

Although the gift was not bought, Miss Qi was quite moved when she saw the prince was beaten for buying a gift. She was even more moved than seeing the gift and burst into tears.

The prince also burst into tears, pretending to be on the verge of death, and kept saying: As long as my beloved concubine is happy, it is worth beating me to death. The only regret in this life is that I could not be a real husband and wife with Zhaobao, and so on.

The seventh lady was of top quality in figure and appearance, and the prince was very satisfied after tasting it that night. The newlyweds tasted it for the first time, just when they were getting tired of it, and the prince was very tired in the past few days.

The prince was sitting in the concierge, thinking about a bright future, when he suddenly heard the loud shouting of the sixth lady Tang Mei from in front of him. Zhao Tian was so shocked that he took his mind back, hurriedly left the concierge and ran to the seventh lady's room.

"Zhaobao, come and let me hug you."

"Hey, Prince, please keep your voice down, don't let anyone hear you. This is so embarrassing."

When Team Leader Chen heard that Deputy Team Leader Su had asked for sick leave, and that it was an indefinite leave, he jumped up with concern. He just said that Deputy Team Leader Su could rest at home and recuperate, and that he could take as long as he wanted. As for those in the Yamen

Don't worry, my supervisor will take care of everything. If a superior comes to check on me, my supervisor will definitely deal with it for Deputy Supervisor Su.

Seeing that Bantou Chen was so easy to talk to, the servant in the Duke's Mansion ran back without even giving a gift and reported the truth to Tang Mei. Tang Mei praised Bantou Chen as a reasonable person.

Obviously, Tang Mei had little social experience at this time and was unable to guess what Bantou Chen was really thinking. However, she knew that she would catch Su Ping and prevent him from going to work, so she must help her smooth things over in Okura.


The reason why she was eager to clean up those people was not entirely her intention, but Tang Kuan's.

Tang Kuan felt that those people were all rats and needed to be cleaned up, but most of those people entered the warehouse through Tang Kuan's back door. Tang Kuan couldn't do it himself, so he asked Tang Mei to do it for him. The two brothers and sisters

Let's sing black and white together.

Now, the people with a little power in the warehouse are all named Tang. They usually steal things, and the workers don't dare to care about them. Now that the sixth lady is in charge, things are about to change. Those cousins ​​and elders

My nephews are all in bad luck.

"Baoyu, come and help me draft the rules. After you draft them, I will review them myself."

It had been ten days since Su Ping came to the Duke's Mansion and they had met many times. This was the first time that Tang Mei called Su Ping. But when she said those two words, she sounded awkward, as if she was chewing pig skin.


Su Ping raised his head to look at her, only to see her with a straight face and squinting eyes in the opposite direction to Su Ping.

It seemed that it was really difficult for her to say the word "Baoyu". Looking at her reluctance, she seemed to have suffered a big loss.

Moreover, the word "review" is obviously a modest word, used by oneself, such as asking a teacher to review an article for a student. How can anyone use it the other way around like she does?

Perhaps this is because after saying the word "Baoyu", she felt that her status had dropped, so she deliberately used the word "Jianyue" to regain her balance. But after saying this, she felt embarrassed again, so she stopped looking at the person.

Let’s just say that this woman’s heart is hard to predict and she has too many things going on.

Su Ping ignored her at all, picked up a small pen, and wrote dots on the paper.

Seeing Su Ping writing, she slowly moved her eyes towards Su Ping's table. She was sitting on the couch at a higher position, but she was far away and couldn't see clearly what Su Ping was writing. She couldn't help but poke her head forward. Su Ping suddenly raised his head.

Looking at her, she turned her head sharply, tightened her neat upturned bun, and pretended not to look.

Seeing her fake look, Su Ping was struck by the point of laughter and burst into laughter.

Tang Mei lowered her eyes and looked at him coldly. Seeing Su Ping laughing non-stop, the sixth lady got angry and grabbed the wooden brush on the couch, trying to throw it away: "You are stupid, why are you laughing!"

"I'm laughing at a fool."

"You! You are looking for a beating!"

Tang Mei came with a brush in hand, but her husband ran away, moving like a rabbit in disgrace.

Tang Mei chased to the window and stamped her feet anxiously: "Hey! Don't run away, come back and finish writing the rules!"

"Just wait, I want to go for a walk."

"When will you come back?"

"have no idea."

Su Ping wandered around and turned to Miss Seventh's house. Suddenly she saw a man in black flashing past. Although the man had his head lowered and his movements were extremely fast, Su Ping still recognized the man and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

One sentence: "Chen Qianfou...?"

This chapter has been completed!
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