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Chapter 22 Change the Lining

Obviously, Tang Mei lied a few days ago.

She said to her newly arrived son-in-law: Only if I sit firmly in charge of Okura and perform well, my father will value me more. And if you perform well, I can tell my father about your family's affairs. Otherwise, why should my father?

Help your father improve his title?"

She said these words to deal with Su Ping, who made many unreasonable demands like a monkey thief. But if An Guogong Tang Qiong was really at home, she would not go to her father to talk to her because she had not spoken to her father for two years.

Of course, she wanted to tell her father, but An Guogong would not come to Qinxiang Xiaozhu to surrender to her, so she would have to go to her father. But there were always many people around her father, and she couldn't lose face in front of so many people.

A man admits his mistake to his father.

After all, their father and daughter had a fierce quarrel two years ago, and at the age of sixteen, she even made some vicious oaths that she regretted for more than two years. And she also believed that those oaths would not only make her regret it for two years. Even if

One day her father will forgive her, and she will regret her poor performance that day. Ten or twenty years later, she will even take it to her grave.

She used to think that on the day she married the prince, her father would definitely say something to her. In that case, she would apologize to her father and resolve the unspoken resentment of the past two years. But then the engagement was canceled and changed to

Na's father did not appear at Miss Six's wedding.

Of course, it’s no wonder that my father, the Great Sima of the Liang Dynasty, and Tang Qiong, the Great General of Shence, stayed in Chang’an to command the war. In the past two years, the total time my father stayed at home probably did not exceed a month.

Miss Six's lies actually contain some truth. If she really becomes Okura Supervisor, she will meet her father because of work in the future.

Every time Tang Qiong came back from Chang'an, she had to meet with the major supervisors of Qinghuafang, including Supervisor Okura. That way she could talk to her father without losing face.

She even imagined a scene where she went to see her father with a stack of documents in her arms. Her father looked at her in surprise, with kindness, forgiveness, and surprise in his eyes.

Sitting in front of his father, he did not need to apologize or repent. He only showed his good work achievements and received praise from his father. In such a pleasant way, the father and daughter were reunited.

Of course, the above are all Tang Mei's own thoughts, the thoughts of an eighteen-year-old girl. If these thoughts were known to Su Ping, Su Ping would definitely be surprised, and then burst into a wry smile.

Because Su Ping felt that a big man like An Guogong was unlikely to be as angry as Tang Mei, who would stay angry for two years and even not speak for two years.

The reason why this happened is that Duke An Guo was too busy, and this sentimental but bad-tempered Liu Yatou was angry with her father because of face issues.

In fact, this was one-sided, mainly because she refused to forgive her father for beating her. And she wanted her father to take the initiative to show kindness to her, but An Guogong did not do that, which made her feel very sad.

"Su Baoyu! You said you went for a walk, why did you come back at such a time? What were you doing?"


"I know you went for a walk! I asked you, what else did you do besides walking!"


"You want to take a walk for an hour?"


Su Ping really went out for a walk at first, but he spotted Chen Qiansou and followed him all the way.

Chen Qianfou was an expert in the imperial city, but he couldn't get rid of Su Ping. He felt someone was following him and thought it was the queen's people. He was wondering how the queen's people followed Anguo Gong's mansion. You must know that Chen Qianfou could walk in here.

It's because someone responded.

Since he couldn't get rid of the stalker, he hid in a corner and planned to ambush him. However, the stalker did not approach the corner rashly. Instead, he said: "As long as a dragon rises over the world, his life will be as long as the sky."

Then they met, and Chen Qianfou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Su Ping. However, he did not tell Su Ping what he wanted to do. He only said congratulations to Su Ping for entering the Duke's Mansion and marrying Tang Qiong's legitimate daughter. This will definitely happen.

Bring you unlimited benefits.

Chen Qianfeng looked very anxious. In his haste, Su Ping did not tell him that they were preparing to annul the marriage.

Chen Qianfeng told Su Ping not to tell anyone about their meeting, otherwise it would easily lead to death. Then he turned to leave, but after walking a few steps, he turned around and asked Su Ping to go to Jingxingfang Middle Street No. 3

Call Fang's house and send a message.

If the person chasing him was not Su Ping, Chen Qianfeng would definitely kill him. Even if it was someone he knew, or even someone he had a good relationship with before. The reason why he let Su Ping go was because he absolutely trusted Su Ping. If Su Ping also

If he would betray, he believed that there would be no more trustworthy people in the world. In fact, Su Ping also viewed Chen Qianfou in the same way. If one day Chen Qianfou betrayed his friends, Su Ping would also feel that he had no self in life.

Su Ping then ran to No. 3 Jingxingfang. In fact, it was not the Fang family, but the Chen family, which was Chen Qianfou's home. Su Ping also saw Chen Qianfou's two biological sisters and a cousin.

His sisters are like gods.

It's strange, Chen Qianfou looks so rough, how can his sisters look like that?

"Tonight I will prepare beef, pork head, and smoked chicken for you, but I will not prepare wine for you because I am worried that you will get into trouble by drinking. I ask you to stay up late and write out the rules for me tonight like you did that night.

And starting tomorrow, you have to help me replace those people on the list. And...hey, are you listening to me?"

Su Ping was trimming her nails with Miss Sixth's small file, scraping out some scraps. She moved her hand to the paper basket and blew on it: "Do you think I am a forgetful person? You have told me three times that I

The Sixth Miss."

"Hey! Who is your sixth lady? Speak nicely!" Tang Mei was very dissatisfied that Su Ping touched her file without permission and snatched it back.

"Okay, I'll talk nicely. I'm going to take a nap."

Su Ping stood up and was held down by Tang Mei: "I don't allow you to leave!"

Su Ping looked up at her. There were orders and prayers in her eyes. She was angry because of Su Ping's laziness, and worried that Su Ping would really give up.

In fact, the sixth lady is very good-looking, and she is the kind of person who is very attractive. The more she looks at her, the more pleasing she becomes. But she always glares, which ruins her temperament. Su Ping raised her hand and crossed her fingers. Tang Mei was reluctant to do so.

Putting the file back into his hand, he continued manicuring.

Half an hour passed...

"When will you finish repairing it?"

"Don't worry, I will help you write down the rules tonight, and I will help you clean up the rats tomorrow."

Perhaps Su Ping deliberately slowed down his manicure to the point of a snail's crawl, which made Tang Mei gasp for breath.

Su Ping stopped being angry with her and put down the file: "Are you ready over there?"

"Ready. As long as you clear one, I will arrange one immediately."

"No, it's not me who clears it, it's you."

After dinner, Su Ping left with the four treasures of the study, and he also ordered two candles and some lamp oil. It seemed that he was fully prepared for a big fight.

For this reason, Miss Six was very satisfied and sat on the couch thinking about the future.

Suddenly, my thoughts changed and I thought of my adopted son-in-law again. I felt that I was too harsh on my adopted son-in-law, especially when I confiscated his orb.

So she stood up and went back to the bedroom to rummage through the cabinets to see if there was anything else she could take out as a gift for her husband-in-law. In short, Miss Six could not return the confiscated things to her husband-in-law, as that would make her feel very sad.

fell shame.

But Miss Six was not a very rich person. Of the two hundred and thirty taels she had saved, she gave two hundred and thirty taels to Grandma Wang.

After rummaging around, I found a piece of the prince's clothes. Although it was casual clothes, the prince's clothes were very good. They were made of silver satin and had gold embroidery. The only bad thing was that ordinary people couldn't wear these clothes because they were


It is said that if the son-in-law of the Duke's palace wears black and yellow lining, it will be troublesome if someone reports it to the Ministry of Rites or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But other than this matter of clothes, there are no men's things in Tangmei House.

In fact, this dress was not prepared by Tang Mei for the prince, but left by the prince. The prince is one year younger than Tang Mei. On the prince's sixteenth birthday last year, he went out in casual clothes and came to Tang Mei's house as a guest. He had two drinks.

Drinking, I couldn't control myself. Holding the wine glass, he sat down next to Tang Mei with a smile and stretched out his hand to his arms.

Tang Mei was startled and pushed the prince. The prince rolled over and fell to the couch. The wine was spilled, his hat was crooked, and his eyes were slanted. He covered his head and said that he was seriously injured in the fall. Come here quickly.

Hug me or you won't survive.

But Tang Mei didn't tolerate him.

The prince was a little annoyed, took off his robe that was soaked by the wine, threw it on the ground, and left angrily.

As soon as the prince walked to the door, he turned back and said: I will give you another chance. Tell me, prince's father, please stay quickly. I, Tang Mei, have always missed you.

But Tang Mei said, if you want to leave, just leave, don't come here to be embarrassed.

This time the prince really left.

The first time the prince reached out to Tang Mei, he was rejected ruthlessly. The prince felt that it was too humiliating. Perhaps this had something to do with the subsequent annulment of the marriage.

Thinking of the past, the sixth lady held the clothes in her hands and was in a daze. Suddenly she became angry, raised her hands and tore off the black and yellow lining. She took out a piece of white silk from the cabinet and cut it according to the size of the black and yellow lining.

Miss Six decided to use the white silk as a lining. After sewing it, she gave the gown to her husband-in-law.

The light was always on in the back room.

The lights there are not extinguished, and the lights in Qinxiang Xiaozhu are also not extinguished.

The husband-in-law was writing at his desk, while the sixth lady was sewing under the lamp. Each stitch was struck faster and harder than the last, as if saying goodbye to the past life.

This chapter has been completed!
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