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Chapter Forty-Fifth

"Miss, the situation is not good, we can't delay any longer."

Grandma Wang couldn't get into the Duke's Mansion, so Tang Mei simply went to the Governor's Mansion to see her. Grandma Wang kicked the little maid out and said to Tang Mei in private:

"The old slave knows that the young lady has a kind heart, but she is so kind-hearted that it will be a big deal. After listening to the old slave's advice, she exposed Tang Qiu's scandal. As for Miss Ninth, she asked Princess Fan to suppress her.


After hearing what Grandma Wang said, Tang Mei frowned and found it difficult to make up her mind. Although she had a big quarrel with Tang Qiu, she was his aunt after all. If the scandal about her was revealed, Tang Qiu would not be able to make up his mind.

I can't be a human anymore.

Tang Mei hesitated and said: "Isn't it a little too extreme to do things this way?"

Grandma Wang glared with vicious eyes: "Miss, when she yelled at you, didn't she do it all the time? Miss let her go today, but she didn't know that miss let her go. And if she becomes the princess,

The young lady would feel uncomfortable if there were checks and balances in the family. If her scandal was revealed at that time, the Duke would not be happy. He would even complain that the young lady should have concealed the scandal instead of exposing it.


Tang Mei frowned: "Then if I expose her now, my father won't blame me?"

Grandma Wang said: "Can that be the same? The princess is a prominent figure in the family, not comparable to the Ninth Aunt. Exposing it as early as possible is to protect the family's face."

After hearing what Grandma Wang said, Tang Mei became even more confused: "Even if Tang Qiu is moved, there is still Tang Huan (Miss Ninth). You said that if you ask Princess Fan to help me, she can help me?"

Aunt Wang sneered: "As the saying goes, 'Help people help send Buddha to the West.' Since she can nominate the lady, can't the lady still see how important our uncle is to her? So many experts can't

Only our uncle can make Princess Fan feel at ease. This is a big deal for her life."

"Not even in the inner courtyard?"

"Shun Neiyuan is of course higher than my uncle, but Shun Neiyuan persisted for too long and will soon run out of gas."

When Su Ping returned home, she was invited to the second floor by Tang Mei. This time she did not prepare the meal in advance, but first asked Su Ping if he had eaten. Su Ping said he had not eaten. At this time, Tang Mei asked the maid to go to the canteen to bring some food.

He also specifically told the maid in front of Su Ping to make a pot of good wine.

I don’t know what’s wrong with Tang Mei. For her, a sumptuous dinner consists of beef slices, pork head slices, half a smoked chicken and a bottle of wine. Su Ping was speechless for a while.

Knowing that Tang Mei wanted to ask for something, Su Ping was not in a hurry and ate slowly.

"Baoyu, I have two things to do now."

She said the word "Baoyu" unnaturally, as if the two words were grinding her teeth, but she still insisted on smiling and said: "One of them has little to do with you, so I won't talk about the other.

I need you to see Princess Fan and ask her to revoke Tang Huan's candidacy."

Su Ping's face was expressionless: "Does Princess Fan have that much power?"

"Yes." Tang Mei said: "You have watched "The Alliance of Peace", and you should know that our princess has a first-class status. In the palace, she is equivalent to a noble concubine. Outside the palace, she is on the same level as the princess."

Su Ping frowned: "You said it was two things. The other thing must be aimed at Tang Qiu?"

Tang Mei nodded: "Yes, I want to expose a scandal about her and ruin her reputation."

Su Ping put down his chopsticks: "That's inappropriate. Both of these things are inappropriate."


"Unkind and unfilial." Su Ping sighed: "I really don't know which dog-headed military advisor gave you the idea. This is not helping you, but harming you. In order to obtain the position of princess, you even killed your own aunt.

If you also go for 'lost reputation', what will everyone think of you? What will the Anguo Guild think of you? As for Princess Fan, she is already dying. Everyone knows that the power of Shunneryuan is now lacking, and it is all up to me. I will go find her now.

Isn't it a threat for her to do something like this that makes things difficult for her?"

Su Ping tapped the table twice: "Too despicable."

Hearing this, Tang Mei became anxious: "Actually, I also think this is inappropriate, but... I have no other way."

Su Ping said: "If you ask me, you should keep a thin line in your life. Instead of ruining Tang Qiu's reputation, it's better to go talk to her and let her quit voluntarily. In this way, she can still get a good reputation as a 'leave to the virtuous'. And

, if I give you the ten recommenders who support him, wouldn’t you have more recommenders than Miss Ninth? Why bother Princess Fan?"

"Hey, this is really a good idea!" Surprised, Tang Mei hesitated: "But... even if she quits, those ten people may not recommend me."

"This is what you have to do, take Tang Qiu to win the support of those people." Su Ping smiled: "What's the matter, you want to succeed, but you still refuse to do anything? Are you just waiting to be freeloaded?"

In fact, even if she has more recommenders than Miss Ninth, she may not be the princess. Because the decision-making power lies in the hands of the emperor or the empress. If the emperor is in a good mood, he will make the decision himself. If the emperor feels annoyed, he will hand over the matter to her.

Leave it to the Queen to do it. In recent times, the Queen has chosen the princesses of the powerful families, including the Meng family and the Ximen family.

After dinner, Su Ping returned to the small room. As soon as he sat down, he saw the boy from the Fourth Young Master's Mansion looking for him. The boy said that the Fourth Master was drinking and listening to music at Zuixian Tower and invited his uncle to go with him. It is said that the eighth uncle, Lin Tong, came with him.

Also there.

So in the evening, Su Ping followed Tang Mei and her fourth brother to have a good time and drink.

This Liang Dynasty song is actually very ordinary, but the dance is very good. The key is that the costumes of these dancers are jaw-dropping. Suddenly, their long white legs are raised high, and the square inches are vaguely visible, which makes people feel uneasy.

The Fourth Young Master is a fun-loving person, and he has a group of friends with similar status. It is said that he set up a trap to trap a foreign businessman today and got 20,000 taels of silver.

Whether it's big or small, this money has become the Fourth Young Master's money for fun.

It is said that the Tang family is all about credibility. If the Fourth Young Master is so deceptive, won't it ruin the reputation?

The so-called setting up a trap is to prevent the other party from knowing who is deceiving him. Perhaps, the businessman is still grateful to the Fourth Young Master for helping him avoid a prison sentence.

"Baoyu, is there any progress on your side?"

After drinking for three rounds, Tang Kuan called Su Ping to his side and asked in a low voice.

Su Ping told Tang Kuan the situation, and Tang Kuan couldn't help but nod his head, and finally said that if the matter was completed, he could give some money to the Honghua Society and also go to Jingzhao Prefecture Yin (Fourth Master Tang Jiong) to give him a nice word.


After eating and drinking, it was time to take a bath and do some muscle training. The beauties stood in a row, starting with Tang Kuan. Su Ping beat a drum in her heart and looked at Lin Tong sitting aside. She asked him with her eyes, are we still together?

Do you want to choose? Lin Tong gave Su Ping an affirmative look.

But at this moment, a young man suddenly ran in and came to Tang Kuan panting: "Report to the Fourth Young Master that the Duke is back."

As soon as they heard that the Duke of Guo was back and wanted to play, a group of people quickly tidied up their clothes and ran downstairs with a rumble.

Seeing An Guogong Tang Qiong from a distance, Su Ping sighed: What a majestic person.

General Shence, wearing a golden helmet and black general's cloak, sat down on a dragon-shaped beast. The black flag opened the way, and the big banner broke the wind. There were armored cavalry guards in front and behind. I couldn't see how many people there were. They shouted "horse neighing" and "hooves".

There was a murmur of noise, and a gust of black wind blew into the Duke's Mansion.

Su Ping and others quickly came to the Duke's Mansion and went straight to the Sima Hall. They saw Tang Qiong in the middle distance. He was forty-nine years old, tall, strong, with wide eyes, not angry and intimidating. He was walking high

Looking back from the steps, I saw that the grand warlord leader was at his peak.

But as soon as he came back, he got into the Sima Hall and closed the door to thank the guests. Only Zhen Xiuwei and Shi Maosheng, wearing iron armor, strode into the hall. Not long after, An Guogong took people away again and took the big Sima at home.

The guards were also taken away. Looking at the direction, they actually broke into the imperial city.

"Holy shit!" Tang Kuan exclaimed: "My biological father, are you going to fuck the emperor?"

"Ouch! What should we do?"

"Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

"What should we do? Should we fight in with the Duke, or should we run away quickly?"

"Go away! Go home and stay!"

This was destined to be an extraordinary night. First, there was a loud killing sound in the imperial city, and soon there was a deathly silence.

Not only Duke An Guo rushed into the imperial city, Duke Meng Ren of Jing State, Ximen Zaichi, Duke of Chu State, Zhao Gong, King of Teng, and Zhao Changchun, King of Qi, all rushed in holding the banner of the prince.

That night, the gates of the imperial city were closed tightly, and no news could come out.

At dawn, it was suddenly announced that Emperor Tiande had died due to heart disease, and then it was announced that Prince Zhao Tian had ascended the throne.

As soon as the new emperor ascended the throne, he led a group of powerful princes to discuss major issues with the three clans.

At the same time, mourning and music resounded in the Duke's mansion, and Concubine Fan passed away.

Su Ping became sad after hearing the bad news.

Maybe Fan Gongfei had done some wrong things before, but in Su Ping's impression, she was a concubine who struggled for her own happiness; a mother who struggled for her daughter's happiness; and a wife who waited with hanging breath to see her husband one last time.

But she persisted, but failed to realize her wish. Moreover, An Guogong had come back, but he did not go to see Fan Gongfei. This makes people feel regretful.

Tang Mei brought her maid Tang Wan to the backyard. She was holding a filial piety robe in her hand. She stood in front of Su Ping's cabin and threw the filial piety robe to Su Ping.

Su Ping was feeling sad and ignored her.

Tang Mei said with a smile on her face: "Don't be sad. Although the princess has passed away, I didn't say I would let you go right away. But don't think that I have voided the original agreement. After all, you are now paying for your fourth brother."

I'm taking care of my fourth brother."

Su Ping said: "Who said I am sad because of the annulment of my marriage?"

"Hey, stop pretending." Tang Mei held her hands and said, "Dad is busy with important things now. Only when he comes back can I tell him about your father's title. But this matter cannot be rushed. I don't know when dad will come back, and I don't know when he will come back."

When can you see me later?"

Su Ping looked coldly.

Seeing Su Ping's look, Tang Mei's face darkened: "Why, you're not happy when I say this?"

In fact, there was no need for her to come in person to deliver mourning robes. So why she came, perhaps only she knew clearly.

I don't know when she stopped telling her family members that she wanted to drive away her husband.

This chapter has been completed!
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