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Chapter 111 Royal Bank President Gong Yonggu

The two Tao brothers happily left the recruitment point set up in the palace. Then they cut two kilograms of pork on the street and brought it home to their mother.

The two returned home, and my mother saw the way the two brothers were carrying pork, and knew that the recruitment of workers was settled. She quickly told her daughter Tao Yanlan to go to the kitchen to start cooking.

Boss, it's a big deal that the second child can eat the royal rations. Although a month's salary is only two taels of silver, this is a long-term stable income job, and it is definitely a good job.

Being able to work in a factory close to the palace is as good as joining a large state-owned enterprise as a worker in later generations. To some extent, it is even more exciting than working in a state-owned enterprise in later generations. There is no way, this is an era when job opportunities are scarce, and being a soldier and fighting a war

, you only get such a small salary, and you have to risk bloodshed and sacrifice.

Chinese people have an unusual obsession with eating from the public family. This situation was even worse in the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, how could there be so many people who took the initiative to enter the palace by cutting themselves off?

The family gathered around the table for a reunion dinner. Tomorrow morning the two brothers had to pack their bags and set off for Miyun. Miyun is nearly 200 miles away from the capital. After that, it is estimated that they will not be able to return home several times a year.

"Dalang, Erlang, you have to work hard when you go over. Don't let the opportunity that the third son finally fought for be let down."

"Mom, the second child and I know the importance. When we went to the recruitment point today, we realized that except for people with connections in the palace like me and the second child, the other people recruited must have skills.

Craftsmanship doesn’t necessarily determine which one is chosen.”

"It's good to know the severity. After you settle down in Miyun, ask someone to write a letter to me and Lao San to let us know the specific situation there. Mom has thought about it. After you settle down, we will go there.

Say goodbye to you two."

"Mom, when you propose a kiss, you have to inquire carefully. If you know how to live your life, you can feel sorry for the person." The second eldest son of the Tao family is the most concerned about the proposal of a kiss. He didn't have the chance before, but now that he has a serious job, he still has a chance.

Thinking about which one to pick.

"Mom naturally knows what kind of marriage to give you. Let's agree first. After you marry and have children, the first son will have to be adopted by the third child and hold the door open for him. The third child has a hard life, for us.

The family has suffered a great crime. You cannot lose your conscience and let him have no one to rely on when he grows old."

"I understand, mother, the third child is old, so we will take him here to support him in his old age. We won't let him suffer."

The reason why some eunuchs who enter the palace keep in touch with their families is to have someone to support them in old age. However, not all eunuchs will be welcomed by their families. If you can't make a name for yourself in the palace, who will worry about your retirement?

There are nearly ten thousand eunuchs in the palace, and there are a few who are famous. Most of the eunuchs are old and homeless. When they get old, they leave the palace and find a eunuch temple with a partner, but they live a miserable life. There is no telling how miserable these days are.

Ordinary people would go to the eunuch temple to worship Buddha and burn incense. Occasionally, some conscientious eunuchs in the palace would pay tributes for incense. There are actually fewer such eunuchs. In the inner palace system, the senior eunuchs and the junior eunuchs are two different worlds.

People. They have their own circle. If they can be kind, they won't have to worry about no one to take care of them in old age.

Starting from April, the factory area in Miyun has started construction one after another, and the railway roadbed bidding for the distinguished people has also come to an end. The first large-scale project started by Zhu Youjian after his rebirth was officially launched across the board.

The factories in the palace are recruiting workers, and the nobles who have contracted the railway infrastructure project are also recruiting workers. This can solve the employment problem of tens of thousands of people. But this scale of employment is very difficult for the capital and surrounding areas where there are more people and less work.

, it is still not enough. Job opportunities are still available, and not everyone can take them. There is no way! The only way to go now is to let some people get rich first.

In the context of the human society, people with job opportunities are naturally people with connections. Zhu Youjian can't stop it, and he doesn't want to stop it. He also wants to rely on such relationships to make the interest group of the inner palace more closely connected.

, which has greater penetration into society.

Factories and railways have begun construction, and supply and marketing cooperatives are also busy working on it. What's next? Zhu Youjian's idea is to start a big project related to money.

"Your Majesty, the craftsmen over at Long Live Mountain have sent word. They say that the machine for pressing money is almost ready. If your Majesty has time, you can go over and check it out."

"The machine for pressing silver coins is almost done? I'll go over and take a look. By the way, have they said how the cotton-made paper is going?" The silver coin pressing machine and cotton-based paper making were given by Zhu Youjian some time ago.

The tasks assigned by the Meishan Craftsman Research and Development Institute. These two tasks are not very difficult in terms of technology at present, and they should be completed soon. As expected, not long after, the people from the research and development institute came with good news.

I quickly ran to Meishan to see the die-casting machine made by the craftsmen and the silver coins that were pressed out. I weighed it in my hand, then blew it with my mouth and put it to my ear, but I didn’t hear the legendary buzzing sound.

.It seems that the quality of this silver coin is not up to par.

"Looking at the machine now, there shouldn't be much of a problem. It can barely pass the test. But there are still problems with the texture of this silver dollar. You have to continue to improve the proportions of silver, copper, and tin, as well as the degree of fusion. A good silver dollar can easily

There is a buzzing sound when you blow it to your ears.”

Can it make a buzzing sound just by blowing it? I'm afraid the emperor is forcing things on others! The craftsmen resented the emperor's request in their hearts. They changed the formula countless times, but they really couldn't get the money for such a request.

After discussing the direction of process improvement with the craftsmen responsible for minting for a while, Zhu Youjian went to the group of craftsmen studying paper to pay attention to their progress. The progress of this group of people was pretty good, and they had already made the original paper, but

The quality still needs to be improved.

"The formula of the paper needs to be further improved. It must be resistant to folding and kneading, and the quality must be better than the current quality. The paper must also have a uniform texture. The color must be mixed in during paper making, and the color must be better.

It is uniform and cannot fade easily. The formulas for paper making and color mixing must be accurately recorded so that the texture can be guaranteed to be the same when making it in the future. At the same time, the formula must be kept strictly confidential and no one is allowed to leak it except the craftsmen involved in the development. If it is leaked

, punished as a crime of treason, punishing the nine tribes, the law cannot forgive!"

Why was it that a well-made piece of paper was implicated in the crime of killing the nine tribes? The craftsmen involved in the development looked at each other, very puzzled.

Generally speaking, except for the color, there are not many other process problems with the paper. There is no good way to solve the color now. The paper used for banknotes in later generations is not made of ordinary cotton, but made of natural colored cotton.

It would be impossible to cultivate usable colored cotton, so we would have to make do with it first.

When coming down from Meishan, Zhu Youjian said to the eunuch beside him: "Send someone to pass the decree outside the palace and recruit the prince-in-law Gong Yonggu into the palace to meet the emperor!"

Gong Yonggu is his brother-in-law. This man is a trustworthy loyal minister and a real relative. Zhu Youjian is planning to make him the president of the soon-to-be-established Ming Dynasty Royal Bank and the director of the Royal Mint!

This chapter has been completed!
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