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Chapter 138 Is Ruan Dacheng Available?

"Daban, have you ever heard of anyone in this world who has great talent but has no ambition?" Because his mind has been running at high speed these days, when he really wanted to find a useful celebrity in the late Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian found that he actually

He was stuck, so he had to ask Wang Chengen to see if he could remember such a person.

People with great talents but no ambitions should be very eager for opportunities. Such people are easy to obey. Although Zhou Yanru is the most suitable for this job, he will not do this if he is a serious first assistant.

Professional counterpart work. When setting up a publicity agency, it must be like the Supervisory Office at the beginning. It is regarded as the emperor's private office. Officials with a good career cannot be recruited.

The emperor's question stumped Wang Chengen. If there are really talented people in the world who have no ambition, doesn't it mean that the current government personnel are inappropriate? So even if he knew that there was such a person, he couldn't say it out loud. "Emperor

Master, all the talented people in the world have entered the court, so there probably aren’t many wise people in the opposition, right?"

"This is wrong! How can there be no virtuous man? I am not Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, how can I be deceived by these words. My dear friend, just tell me the truth and quickly recommend a great talent to me. This person's reputation and official comments

You don’t have to be good, but you must have real talent.”

"Your Majesty, when it comes to talented people with bad reputations, I have heard of a few. Yushan's Qian Zhizhi and Tongcheng's Ruan Jizhi have some talents, but both of them have bad official reputations.

, the important ministers in the court probably recommended them."

"What I'm talking about are Qian Qianyi and Ruan Dacheng?"

"The old slave is talking about these two people. I don't know about the other talented people in the field. I am ignorant and ignorant." Wang Cheng is an eunuch after all, and he doesn't know much about Shilin. The only one who has heard the name is Ruan Dacheng.

, Qian Qianyi is a well-known person, and these two brothers are indeed celebrities of this era.

Qian Qianyi and Ruan Dacheng? These two people also have a certain reputation in later generations. Especially Qian Qianyi, because of the allusion that the water is too cold, almost everyone who knows a little about history knows it. Ruan Dacheng is also a famous celebrity, and his reputation is better than

Qian Qianyi is also a bad guy, and he is a big traitor who has been directly featured in dramas.

It is true that they are all frustrated now, and they all seem to have some talent. Judging from their historical performance, their moral integrity is very poor! The two people recommended by Wang Chengen seem to be quite suitable. Now there is a happy worry in front of them. Choose

Who is more suitable?

Qian Qianyi is still the leader of the Donglin Party. He is very famous and his talent should be good. However, Zhu Youjian feels that this person may not be easy to control. He is a typical person who talks all about doctrines and is all about business in his heart.

Such people want both benefits and reputation, and don't want to miss out on anything, so it's not very easy to use.

Ruan Dacheng seems to be more suitable than Qian Qianyi. His reputation is now ruined in the Donglin Party and he is not tolerated in the southeastern official circles. It is well known that this person's moral integrity is not good, and everyone will seek refuge with Wei Zhongxian for official status.

Now give him a bone, and he should go up the pole to catch it. Is he talented? If I remember correctly, he should be a famous dramatist, or he has created several plays that have been passed down to later generations. The form of drama is actually better than poetry and song.

Endowment, and there is a publicity environment that is more suitable for the current situation.

However, the plays he created still have a bit of a scholar-official taste and are not really works for the public. But that doesn't matter. As long as you have creative talent, it is not difficult to break away from his taste.

"Big companion, ask the people in the attendant's room to draft a central edict, and quickly ask Commander Li to send someone from Nanjing to convey Ruan Dacheng to the capital. If I remember correctly, he should be in Nanjing now."

"Your Majesty, Ruan Jizhi once committed himself to the Wei Party. If he is summoned to the capital, I'm afraid the officials will have objections."

"It doesn't matter, just go and summon him! I have other important uses for Ruan Jizhi, so it won't hinder the officials."

The emperor was also ill and sought medical treatment urgently. Everyone was summoned to the capital! Wang Chengen had strong objections to Zhu Youjian's decision to use Ruan Dacheng. However, he still followed the emperor's instructions and quickly arranged for someone to do it. He didn't know that the emperor

If you summon Ruan Dacheng to Beijing, what kind of errand will you arrange for him?

Of course, Minister Ruan was brought here to take charge of the propaganda work. Zhu Youjian felt that this work was very important. There is a saying that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. In fact, this is not comprehensive. To be precise, only by mastering the barrel of the gun and the barrel of the pen can power be achieved.

He has the right to take the lead. Don’t forget that the core figures of the two major groups in later generations were all propaganda ministers of their respective groups. Don’t think that the bald man is a warrior. When he started in his own group, he was not just the principal, his serious job was propaganda


Once the publicity work is done, it is more important than tens of thousands of elite soldiers on the battlefield. Now there is a question about how to name this organization. If it is called a Propaganda Department, will it be difficult for people to understand what this organization is?

What kind of organization.

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸镄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling愮殑杩玩综合app锛屽挭鍜阒呰合洒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽狠汨汨洽銇engraved


After Wang Chengen left, Zhu Youjian thought about it for a long time before deciding how to set up this organization. After Ruan Dacheng came, he asked him to set up a newspaper and drama club in his own name, and named them Xinmin Newspaper and Xinmin Theater.

Ruan Dacheng was appointed as the editor-in-chief and director of the troupe. Then he recruited a group of his assistants and students to do this. Although it was opened in the name of Ruan Dacheng in private, the funds of this institution were directly sponsored by the palace, and all funds were transferred from

The funds were allocated by the Royal Bank, and specific operations were directly supervised by the emperor.

After selecting the person in charge of the publicity agency, Zhu Youjian was in a good mood, and his thinking became much clearer when he was giving lectures to the students in the general school hall.

Good things came one after another, and soon after his mood improved, another piece of good news came. Li Ruolian, the commander of the Jinyiwei, sent a message saying that the Jinyiwei who had previously sent people to the south to find Song Yingxing's brothers had brought them to the capital.

"Comrade, hurry up and send someone to bring the two Mr. Song to the camp. Remember, when you are about to arrive at the camp, tell me that I will come to the camp gate in person to greet Mr. Song."

The emperor wants to personally go to the gate of the camp to greet the Song Yingxing brothers? Isn't this the same courtesy as the imperial welcome at the palace gate? In the Ming Dynasty, only important ministers who left the town and returned in triumph could enjoy this treatment. The courtesy is too heavy!

This was Wang Chengen's first reaction, but after all, this was not a palace, and it seemed inappropriate to remonstrate.

At noon the next day, the team that went to pick up the Song Yingxing brothers finally arrived at the gate of Xishan Camp. By this time, Wang Chengen had already rushed to the front of the team to join the Song brothers.

"Two Mr. Song, Your Majesty has been waiting for you at the camp gate in person since the morning. This kind of courtesy is rare in the country. I would like to ask you two gentlemen to speed up your pace a little." Wang Chengen saw the Song family.

Brother, I quickly spoke to urge them to move a little faster. Early in the morning, the emperor came to the gate of the camp to wait for someone, and he stood waiting. This made Wang Chengen feel bad. He was afraid that if he stood for a long time, the emperor would step out.


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