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Chapter 139 Daming is a Stick with Tapered Ends and a Big Knob in the Middle!

"You two gentlemen are a little late!"

At the gate of the camp, brothers Zhu Youjian and Song Yingxing made such a complaint as soon as they met.

The Song brothers looked at each other and quickly prepared to kneel down to apologize, but the emperor quickly stepped forward to stop them.

"Two national warriors have come all the way. I can't afford such a great gift. Come on, let's hurry into the camp. The lunch prepared in the camp is almost cold." After saying this, he pulled the Song brothers to the No. 1 Imperial Villa without saying anything.


Today should be the best day for Zhu Youjian since he came to Ming Dynasty. He finally met the most famous celebrity in his later memory in the late Ming Dynasty. This kind of excitement is difficult for others to understand. It is like you are in a complete stranger.

environment, and the feeling of meeting an acquaintance.

There are countless famous monarchs, ministers and generals in the late Ming Dynasty, but in terms of figures who transcended the times, Mr. Song is the one in front of us. His name not only exists in the limited history of the late Ming Dynasty, he is a serious person.

He is a historical celebrity. In the hundreds of pages of ancient Chinese history textbooks, his achievements are described in special paragraphs. This honor is really enjoyed by no one else in the world today. This is better than a biography in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

But it's much more important.

To be honest, Song Yingxing's image is slightly similar to his portraits in later generations. They are both very thin. But generally speaking, there is still a big gap between the portrait and the person.

After arriving at the villa, Zhu Youjian hurriedly asked people to pass the food around and asked the Song brothers to sit at the same table with him to eat.

"Two gentlemen, please don't be formal. This is not a palace. You can be as casual as you like. We are not monarchs and ministers here, but close friends. I have invited these two gentlemen to come to the capital. I have a lot of knowledge to ask for advice."

The Emperor's words made the Song brothers even more frightened. They had heard the Emperor treat the virtuous ministers before, but they had never heard the Emperor address himself by his own name in front of his ministers. Besides, the two brothers were not important ministers in the court, and were not even Jinshi.

No, how could you deserve such a favor?

However, the holy will was difficult, so they still had lunch at the same table with the emperor.

After lunch was finished, Zhu Youjian ordered people to remove the tableware before the formal conversation began.

"Mr. Yuanli, the reason for calling you to Beijing this time is to ask you to be appointed as a doctor in the Ministry of Household Affairs, and then to know Miyun County. Miyun County is the gateway to Gyeonggi, and this year the palace has set up a factory in the county.

We have also opened a qianqiang market and overhauled the railway within its territory. It can be said that this county is now an important place for the country, so I have no choice but to send officials like Mr. to Miyun to take charge of the overall situation."

"I thank you Long En! Your Majesty, after I arrive in Miyun, will I be involved in any errands at the Ministry of Finance?"

"Mr. here at the Ministry of Household Affairs is mainly for a name, but of course he still has to take care of some general affairs. The palace's factory in Miyun will receive 10% of the net profit into the warehouse of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and then it will be handed over to Mr. to complete the delivery."

After hearing the emperor's words, Song Yingsheng was a little confused. He asked himself to collect taxes for the factory affairs in the palace. Isn't this using chicken feathers as arrows to make things difficult for others? He might offend people on both sides, both the Ministry of Revenue and the palace.

Blame him.

"Sir, I guess you will feel embarrassed, but I have made proper arrangements. The accounts of the palace's factory affairs are fully supervised by the newly established Supervision Department Yamen. The taxes paid will be collected regularly by the Supervision Department Yamen and then transferred directly to Sir.

Mr. Bian is only responsible for checking the accounts. If you have spare time, you can arrange for someone to verify it again."

"In this case, my job will be much easier."

"After Sir, I have the following points to explain. First, all matters involving the court's laws and regulations, as long as they are within the territory of Miyun, will be handled by Sir, including factory affairs in the palace, as well as railway construction and the opening of forecourts. The nobles and officials in the court must all follow the principle of territorial governance! Secondly, gentlemen must abide by the principle of fairness and justice in everything they do. They cannot be treated differently because they are born in the palace or are nobles. This is There are two meanings. Firstly, we cannot favor them, but we cannot embarrass them. Just treat them as ordinary officials and common people. I am afraid that they will rely on the power of the palace to do evil in the local area, but I am also afraid that they will be punished by others. Deliberately targeting and imposing restrictions. Previously, there were some unreasonable people in the south who deliberately targeted palace officials and pursued personal interests under the guise of asking for orders from the people."

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At this point, Zhu Youjian paused intentionally, took a sip of tea, and let Song Yingsheng digest the information before continuing: "Third, the main purpose of letting Mr. go to Miyun is not to supervise factory affairs, but to be reasonable and legal." Under the circumstances, it helps the factory to become bigger and stronger. Some civilized officials in the dynasty, who are both bad and stupid, do not realize the benefits of industry and commerce, and arbitrarily interfere with the development of industry and commerce. This is a taboo. The affairs of the world will be unstable without agriculture and without commerce. If you are not rich, you will not be strong if you have no work. You must understand this clearly. Mr. Chang Geng should have great insights into the benefits of industry and commerce. After that, you can have more exchanges with Mr. Chang Geng. I have great expectations for Miyun’s factory affairs. It is also the key to breaking through the chaos in front of me. What is the source of the chaos in the world now? There are many superficial reasons, but internally it is the imbalance of products between the north and the south. The wealth of the world is too concentrated in the hands of the gentry, while the country is poor and the people are poor! The world is Do you really have no money? The salt merchants in Jianghuai, the gentry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the maritime merchants in Fujian, aren't they extravagant and extravagant, with countless money? There is probably a lot of money hidden in the cellars of the gentry all over the world. But how can we break the situation? I and the imperial court You can't be a robber, plundering and plundering. If you rely on industry and commerce to gather the wealth of the world, the country will be rich, the people will be safe, and the gentry will also benefit. The poor in the north will put more effort in industry and commerce than in agriculture. Use more force to produce more. This is my painstaking effort. I hope sir can help me."

What he said to the Song brothers was Zhu Youjian’s final insight after pondering over the chaos of the Ming Dynasty for nearly a year. On the surface, the chaos of the Ming Dynasty originated in Liaodong and northwest, but there were only two sources of cross-fertilization. One was the unbalanced development between the north and the south. Another is that the income distribution method is too concentrated towards the gentry group.

Once the development between the north and the south is unbalanced, officials from the southern department have more say. They increasingly feel that the north is a burden and burden. Therefore, when issuing policies, they will always find ways to develop in a direction that is beneficial to the interests of the southeastern gentry. And they use In the name of fairness, of course! For example, the processor tax is unfair, and the opening of customs is unfair. The real fairness is to impose additional taxes based on the amount of land. In this way, everyone’s burden will be the same, and you in the north should not want to keep taking advantage of us. Light. But the problem is that after the taxation is fair, the people in the north will no longer be able to survive.

They also don’t think about the Ming Dynasty as a whole. The people in the north cannot survive, but they will rebel. What’s terrible is that people from the northwest and Liaodong directions have been fighting for many years, so they are particularly good at fighting.

The entire Ming Dynasty was tricked.

The imbalance between the north and the south is a cross-sectional problem, and the over-concentration of production means and resources is a problem of distribution along the vertical axis. If the Ming Dynasty is compared to a stick, the piece held by people is too thin now, and the piece at the far end is also too thin.

On the contrary, there is a big tumor in the middle. How can it be used like this? It will definitely break after use.

This chapter has been completed!
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