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Chapter 18 Govern the inner palace first, this is called the inner palace must be settled first when fighting against the outside world!

"My dear friend, there will be no foreign affairs in the future. I will mainly inspect the inner prisons in the morning, and go to Long live Mountain to observe the construction of the Academy in the afternoon. You will go and call some of the senior eunuchs in the palace, and we will discuss the future work arrangements in the palace."

"Your Majesty, you are in charge of the important affairs of the country, how can you waste your energy in the inner palace! The simple tasks of the servants are not worth the special effort!"

"My lord, you are wrong. Now I want to take care of things outside the palace, but the ministers may not have that intention. With wise ministers watching over the affairs of the country, I don't need to worry too much. A few years ago, I was

How much have you worried about state affairs? Looking at it now, many of them have not been done correctly. After I fainted last time, I also figured out that instead of anxiously worrying about state affairs, it is better to calmly take care of the palace first. You can't manage the family.

, how can we govern the country well? If we want to govern the country effectively, we must first regulate the home. This means that when fighting foreign affairs, we must first settle the domestic affairs!"

Putting his main experience into the military academy and the inner palace is what Chongzhen has always wanted to do. Before, there were too many external affairs involved, but now he is free and at ease. The palace has nearly 10,000 eunuchs and maids, and 24 large institutions.

There are countless small institutions and peripheral institutions. In addition to eunuchs, maids and guards, there are also twenty to thirty thousand craftsmen and peripheral service personnel. Counting the people who circle around the Ming Palace, the number may be at least fifty thousand. This is a quite large group, and

There is no difference in the large state-owned enterprises of later generations. It is already quite difficult to manage this organization well.

There are various craftsmen professions in the inner palace, and there are many peripheral imperial estates, complete with workers, peasants, herders, merchants, and soldiers. It is a large small society. Chongzhen put his thoughts on this. On the one hand, it is the integration that he can now directly control.

The power of later generations taught him that what apparently belongs to him does not really belong to him. Many big bosses are said to be worth more than 100 billion, but when they really need money, sometimes they can't even come up with 100 million.

So it sounds like he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, the emperor’s decrees don’t even come out of Beijing. He even has trouble leaving Bauhinia City. Now only these people in the palace can think of themselves as big cloves of garlic. Let’s start with this.

Only when we understand everything can we have hope.

On the other hand, of course, I want to find some ways to make money by tidying up the inner palace, and get some money out first. At the latest, early next year, both the palace and the outer court will see a huge drop in fiscal revenue. If there is no new one by then

If you don’t have financial resources to support it, you have to go bankrupt first. As a time traveler, I don’t want to find any way to make money. How can I say it? There are so many craftsmen under the inner palace, and the level is not bad. This has the innate ability to develop the industry.

What an advantage! As long as you can find a few industries that make money quickly, making money will be easy, right?

After a while, Wang Chengen called over the heads of several important departments in the palace.

"Everyone, I called you here today because I have some important instructions. As the most important thing in the country, the palace must be in order and share my worries. In order to make the palace run more orderly, especially when the prince is about to go south.

During this special period when many family members are leaving, I decided to make adjustments to the governance of the palace. We established an organization like the outer court cabinet to centralize the governance power of the inner court. Therefore, I decided to make adjustments to the governance of the palace.

, there is an internal affairs hall, which is responsible for the miscellaneous affairs in the palace for me. The internal affairs hall has a main hall master, who is served by the chief ceremonial supervisor, Wang Zhangyin, and there are also two left and right superintendents, led by the imperial horse supervisor Wang Zhangyin and the chief Bingbi

Wang Cheng'en took up the post, and four additional ministers were added, Du Xun, Du Zhiyi, Fang Zhenghua, and Gao Yushun. Since eunuch Wang Dehua was in charge of the national seal and needed to be stationed in Wenyuan Pavilion, eunuch Wang Zhixin was in charge of horse control and military affairs, and was also specialized in flawless affairs.

In the inner palace, Wang Chengen will be the Prime Minister of the Internal Affairs Hall, and he will lead the other four ministers to take charge of the daily affairs of the inner palace. Normally, the five of you will discuss matters together. If something is difficult to resolve, you can ask two princes to discuss it, or

Come directly to our Holy Inquisitor."

When discussing matters with eunuchs, there is naturally no need to be as polite as foreign ministers. Therefore, Chongzhen did not use a deliberation attitude, but directly decided the matter with an order. If this matter was like the court affairs, it would require a battle of wits and courage.

, how can you still have the nerve to call yourself the emperor?

This arrangement was mainly to strengthen Wang Chengen's power in the inner palace, so that he could directly control the inner palace. Wang Dehua and Wang Zhixin did not seem to be good people in the history books read by later generations, but these two people are now

They were the ones with the most say in the inner palace, so Chongzhen used the method of promotion and demotion to separate them from the task of managing the specific power of the palace.

Don’t you like to worry about and meddle in external affairs? Just concentrate on this now and leave the palace affairs to Wang Chengen.

"I'll thank you Long En!" They have no right to object to this. Besides, the current structure has long been that Wang Chengen is in charge of the inner court, and the other two father-in-laws are responsible for coordinating with the outer court. On the surface, it doesn't seem to be an adjustment at all. But if time changes,

If they grow up, they will know that the eunuchs are no longer handling foreign affairs like they used to be. The emperor has sold out everything he can sell, so what else is left for the eunuchs to dictate? The power of the two of them will become increasingly diminished.

The other four ministers are also prominent figures in the palace. This time they entered the Internal Affairs Hall based on their seniority, which naturally did not disrupt the power structure in the palace. They felt that they had been promoted, and the internal affairs ministers and the external ministers

What’s the difference between Chen’s bachelor? We are internal bachelors now!

"My dearest friend, you, the Prime Minister, are responsible for the affairs of the inner palace. You have a heavy responsibility. From now on, you will focus entirely on the affairs of the inner palace and help me to take care of the inner palace first. To take care of the inner palace, you must first rectify the atmosphere.

To clean up the various unscrupulous eunuchs in the palace, we want to refresh the atmosphere of the inner palace and stop it from being stale. Some time ago, I asked the queen and the prince to go south to rectify the south palace. Before I officially informed the outer court, it had already spread throughout the capital.

If you don't keep secrets, you will lose your country. I don't want this to happen again! Therefore, I plan to reset the internal affairs factory and put it under the direct control of the Internal Affairs Hall. The Admiral will be responsible for establishing it. From now on, the internal affairs factory will exclusively supervise the personnel of the internal affairs department. It is strictly prohibited.

Intervening in any affairs of the foreign court would be easy to distinguish from the Dongchang, which is overseen by Grand Admiral Wang Zhixin."

Reset the expert factory? And specialize in supervising personnel! The emperor is going to take action in the palace, and the eunuchs standing below became nervous. As an eunuch, he is not greedy for money, does not line his own pocket, and does not ask for bribes. How can he be called a eunuch?

? Now that a regulatory agency suddenly appears above us, life will definitely be difficult in the future.

Of course, it was only the middle-level eunuchs who were worried. Top eunuchs like Wang Zhixin didn't care. After all, who cares about deducting the three melons and two dates from the inner palace? We can deduct them from the outside.

He is a man of money. He doesn’t care about foreign affairs but is well versed in the factory! Besides, the emperor gave our eunuch a bright and profitable job. Minsheng Money Bank can earn ten or twenty thousand silver a year. This money plus the benefits after death

, it’s not too little. If I had known this, I should have discussed it with Wang Chengen and asked for more shares.

This chapter has been completed!
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