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Chapter 237 The Imperial Court Builds Canals for the World

Under the protection of Qin Liangyu's two thousand white pole soldiers, Zhu Youjian set out to inspect Miyun.

The first stop is of course Tongzhou. When people talk about Tongzhou in later generations, many people think of it as the suburbs of Beijing. However, in the Ming Dynasty, Tongzhou was a famous and prosperous place in the world. In most cases, grain was transferred to the capital at Tongzhou dock.

Let's put it this way, North-South Tongzhou was like the starting station of the only land highway in the world at that time. The communication between the north and the south in the Ming Dynasty mainly relied on this thing, and it was a serious golden dock.

"Wang Zhizhou, after the water transportation is stopped, will Tongzhou's business have a big impact?" After arriving in Tongzhou, the first thing he asked when meeting Zhu Youjian, the chief official of Tongzhou, was Tongzhou's current business environment.

"Your Majesty, Tongzhou's market is quite prosperous."

"What does it mean to be prosperous? You certainly haven't specifically investigated how the loss of water transportation will affect the people who rely on it for their livelihood. Officials are used to being bosses, and they have always understood the people's livelihood in a general way.

, without actually caring. This situation must be changed. Tongzhou needs to use the shortest possible time to count how many shops in the city have closed because of this, and how many people who rely on the canal for a living are now having a hard time making a living.

We still have to find ways to solve the problem, and this is what responsible officials should do."

"Your Majesty, I will take care of this matter as soon as I have finished. However, the Yamen may not be able to manage the livelihood of the people who have lost their livelihood."

"I knew you would say this. Let the yamen find a way, not to raise them up, but to find a way to guide them to find a way to make a living again. To say this is difficult, it is indeed difficult! But it is not impossible to do it.

Although water transportation has been interrupted, according to statistics from the Customs Administration, maritime trade has returned to normal and is growing in the past two months. At the same time, the imperial court is also launching a series of projects, including

There are many in Tongzhou, and these can provide a living. The problem now is that some people may not adapt to the new way of making a living, while some people do not know much about these and lack the means to enter the new way of making a living. The government must solve these problems


After carefully explaining to the local officials a lot of ideas on changing his thinking, solving employment problems, and industrial transformation, Zhu Youjian left Tongzhou with unsatisfied thoughts and continued on his way to Miyun.

Sitting on the carriage, Zhu Youjian asked Zhou Yanru, Wu Di, and Fu Shuxun, who were accompanying him, to get on the carriage and talk seriously about development issues with them. Originally, he did not plan to bring civil servants out on this tour, but before leaving,

Zhu Youjian suddenly felt that bringing a few important ministers out and solving some problems related to civil affairs would make this patrol more meaningful.

"The current situation, I use one word to describe it, is that everything is in ruins waiting to be revitalized. Abolition is already a fact, and how to revitalize it is the time to test my ability and that of everyone in the court. Why do I need to borrow a large amount of national debt to repair officialdom?

, build water conservancy, build railways, build the capital? Because doing these things can serve multiple purposes. One of them is crucial, allowing the court and the people to smoothly go through the adaptation period after losing so much land, and allowing a large number of people to

The money flows into the hands of the people, allowing them to reorganize production, have enough money to pay taxes, have enough money to live, and have enough money to live a better life. Maybe you understand the truth behind this?"

"Your Majesty is saying that you must first give what you want to take?" Zhou Yanru thought for a long time before saying such a paradoxical statement.

"That's not the truth! How clear is the canal? It's because there is a source of running water. The real reason for doing these things is to make the goods colonies and people in Beizhili move and live. As long as they flow and circulate, everything will be

It will change for the better, but it will not work if it remains lifeless. Since ancient times, many people have been talking about what the imperial court and the government do? Only now do I understand that the imperial court is to build water canals for the world. To make the stagnant water flow alive, the reinforcement and widening will soon collapse.

This is what the imperial court has to do, to dyke the dangerous rivers, dredge the blocked rivers, divert water to the fields with serious water shortages, and drain the waterlogged fields."

"Your Majesty uses water control as a metaphor for governing a country. His words are profound and wonderful! I have been taught. If you think about it carefully, governing a country is indeed like controlling water. It must be connected, connected, and connected. Borrowing national debt, building roads and water conservancy can not only solve the problem of promoting agriculture, supporting business, and strengthening the military.

It is necessary to consolidate the foundation, and it can also make the world's wealth return to the hands of the common people. It is indeed a win-win situation. The only trouble is that the burden on the court has become heavier. In addition, it is indeed good governance." Wu Gang served as a local official and served in the government.

When he was in Shanxi, he also organized water conservancy projects, so Zhu Youjian came to his senses after he explained the situation a little more thoroughly.

"Borrowing national debt has indeed increased part of the burden on the court, but the government's finances will also increase as a result. We have to think about this reason. Why I want to provide food for the people as a whole is not only to expand tax sources. We must have a deeper understanding of taxes.

Understand it, it not only has the role of nourishing the country, it also has the purpose of regulating the flow of goods and crops. If the rich do not pay taxes, it will be a great disaster for the court and the world. In the end, the court tax will become, I and the court

It is a tool for digging money for the rich in the world. The rich will hold the court hostage, and it will become more and more difficult for the court to carry out its policies. It is not that the country does not need the rich, but it only enjoys profits and does not prosper the country. The rich who serve the country are all

Absolutely not. The purpose of collecting taxes from the gentry and nobles is to prevent their money from getting in and out. In the end, it will be buried in the cellar and become dead money."

"What your Majesty said is true, and I deeply believe it." Zhou Yanru has a deep understanding of the kidnapping of the imperial court by rich people! It's not that his ideological level is particularly high, but that he has personally experienced being kidnapped. Fushe

The rich people paid for his restoration, and then made various conditions for him to use his power to cash in and repay the debt. So when the emperor said that the rich were holding the country hostage, he immediately praised him.

"Let me not talk about generalities, but let me talk about some specific things at the moment. The imperial court has spent huge sums of money to consolidate the foundation. The money must be spent in the right places and with practical results, so as to truly become good governance that rejuvenates the country and benefits the people. To achieve this

, Anti-corruption must be done to prevent officials from corruption as much as possible. The cabinet, various ministries, and the Zhili Governor-General must take this matter as a top priority. At the same time, the quality of the construction facilities must also meet the standards.

and requirements, this is not only a matter for the Supervisory Office, but also for all the ministries of the imperial court. Grand Master, after you return, you must formulate complete detailed rules to handle this matter. My idea is that the important officials in the imperial court should form an inspection team to conduct inspections according to work and place.

, now that the imperial court only has one area in the north of Zhili, it is convenient for the central and central ministers to conduct separate inspections. The inspectors must not only be dedicated, but also responsible. If there is a problem in that area, the leading inspector will be responsible."

Combating corruption is a systematic project. The determination to combat corruption is not enough. There must also be a series of policies and personnel to truly implement this matter. The only way out now is to use corrupt officials to deal with corrupt officials! These important officials in the DPRK

There are not many good ones, but that does not prevent them from being used to fight corruption.

"Anti-corruption is one focus, and the other focus is practicality and business development. For example, after the water transportation is gone, the transformation of people's livelihood along the route will be a major issue. I am not too worried about Tongzhou. The products from Miyun and Beijing going south will still be transported by land and water through Tongzhou Go to Tianjin Port. The products imported from Tianjin Port will also be transshipped through Tongzhou. After the railway from Miyun to Tongzhou is built, the situation will be better. What I am worried about is that except for Tongzhou and Tianjin, other people who rely on the canal to make a living How can the government smoothly survive this transition period?"

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