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Chapter 304 Our family has plenty of land, why go to the government to study agriculture?

As soon as the Governor's Mansion in Chang'an announced the establishment of a university and the standards for recruiting students, the students and scholars in Sichuan and Shaanxi were all excited. Finally, they could take scientific examinations and become officials without going to other places. This policy of the Governor's Mansion was actually

Moral governance is also good governance.

Due to the wars in these years, the life of scholars in Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces has not been easy. Most of them have not participated in the scientific examination organized by the imperial court for a long time. Going to other places for scientific examination is quite difficult for the current scholars in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Difficult things. Although the New Deal of the Governor's Office caused scholars to lose many privileges, this did not hinder people's enthusiasm for becoming officials. There are some things that when the first person does it, everyone's thinking is how can it be done?

Like this? How can you treat me and other pillars of the country so harshly? But when the second person imitates the same, people's mentality is quite strange. Although there is resistance, it is not unacceptable at all.

Scientific examinations have always been a top priority among Chinese scholars. This year, due to the war in Nanjing, the planned spring visit of Enke was delayed. After the crisis was over, they eagerly announced that Enke would be replaced in August.

August coincides with the university admissions exam in Beijing and the Wenzheng University in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Henan provinces that Sun Chuanting is about to host. At one time, there were three major scientific examinations in the world, and there was a feeling of competition for talents from all over the world.

Since it is inconvenient for scholars from Sichuan and Shaanxi to go to other places, most of them choose to go to Chang'an for scientific examination. The situation in the area around South Zhili is good, so they naturally participate in the scientific examination here in South Zhili. Those who are not in good condition have other ideas. Science

Although taking the test is a shortcut to reach the sky in one step, not everyone can climb this shortcut. Everyone knows how the science test has become in the southeast. These days, the homes of those Donglin bosses are

Never stopped.

Knowing that the situation was not serious, the people began to think of ways to contact sea ships and try their luck in Beijing. The scholars who had repeatedly failed in the examination had already gone north in groups. The scholars in the southeast were very worried about going north.

Going to university is not exclusive at all. For them, it is simply a blessing from heaven. After studying at university, they can receive the salary of the Northern Dynasty and enjoy the benefits of the Southern Dynasty. Isn’t it the best of both worlds?

Will they be deprived of benefits by the Southern Dynasty when they leave? Who would go north if it doesn't matter? In a human society, how could the authorities in the south do things so absolutely?

The merchant ships heading north were crowded with various scholars who wanted to take advantage of Beijing, but among them there were only a few representatives of the scholarly community.

The situation in Dengzhou Port has been very good in the past few months. After the liberation of Dengzhou, the first thing the imperial court did was to resume the business of Dengzhou Port. At the same time, it also established a Customs Department at the port. The Customs Department implemented a common tax policy

After paying the tax in Dengzhou, there will no longer be repeated tax collection in Tianjin. This is one! The second is that you will not pay taxes if you do not leave the port area. If the sea-going ship from the south only docks at the port for supplies, you can choose

No tax is paid. If the goods from Dengzhou are shipped to the port and shipped out of the port, there is no need to pay tax.

Not paying taxes without leaving the port area may seem to have little impact on merchants, but in fact it has a big effect. Some merchants do not have abundant cash flow, so they do not have to pay taxes if they do not make transactions, which can reduce the pressure on them to do business. The same goes for foreign merchant ships.

In the same way, this policy allows businessmen to come to the port with confidence and will not lose money even if the business is not completed.

There is a problem here in Dengzhou. Except for Mouping and Penglai, other places are not under the control of Beijing. In other words, one government has a phenomenon of governing two counties. If we only rely on these two counties to do business, the market will be quite narrow.

In order to solve this problem, Zhu Youjian wrote a letter to Liu Lishun. He taught him a way to write a letter of affirmation in the name of the prefect of Dengzhou to the counties and states where the two counties intersected, and he must not obstruct normal non-governmental exchanges and trade.

At the same time, they were only allowed to levy commercial taxes once from merchants.

Can a problem be solved by a letter of apology? It can really solve the problem! They don’t have to listen to what others say, but they have to listen to Liu Lishun’s words. If they don’t listen, they will find someone who is obedient. For counties and prefectures that have not been restored, the policy principle is to control but

If they are not cured or disobedient, they will be cleaned up. After cleaning up, they will send a letter to the governor of Denglai and the prefect of Dengzhou who are still stranded in Weihai Prefecture, asking someone else to do it. Such a strange way of governance, the officials there were not very good at the beginning.

If they get used to it, they will get used to it. There is no strong army in Dengzhou, and there is no force in Shandong that wants to compete with the imperial army. If they don't want to accept the current governance method, the situation will only get worse.

The officialdom is gradually adapting to the current strange situation, and the people are also adapting to this strange situation.

Gu Renwang Fucai was a wealthy man in Weihai Prefecture. Not only did his family own hundreds of hectares of fertile land, but his sons were also scholars. The eldest and second eldest son were both well-known scholars, and the Wang family in the countryside could be considered a scholarly family.

Now his two sons have encountered a tangled matter. Last year, they both participated in the Qiuwei competition held by Shandong in response to the Southern Direct Examination, and both of them failed. In the past, if they failed, they would just wait until the next time they took the exam.

But the situation is different now, they seem to have one more choice.

"Dad, my second brother and I are going to Penglai. If possible, we want to go to Beijing to take the college entrance examination." The eldest son of the Wang family ran to his father's study and asked him for permission to see if he could allow the two brothers to take the college entrance examination in Beijing.

University stuff.

"Going to Beijing to take the college entrance examination? This is a big deal and needs to be considered in the long term. If you go to Beijing, you brothers will never be able to take the college entrance examination."

"We have decided that we will go secretly this time. If we fail the exam, we will come back to participate in the next autumn exam."

"I heard that Beijing's universities are very easy to get into. You can't even get into Beijing's universities. I'm afraid Qiu Wei has no chance."

What Wang Fucai said was quite straightforward, which made his eldest son’s face look a little ugly. Did anyone say that about his own son? Do we go to Beijing to take the university entrance examination because we failed to pass the national examination? We do it for the ideal of studying, okay!

"Dad, you can't just go to the universities in Beijing. I heard from my classmates in Mouping that the list posted clearly shows that this year, the universities in Beijing combined will not recruit students from Beizhi and Mou and Lai counties.

The student quota is only over 4,000, and if you don’t include the normal school and military school, it is less than 3,000. Among them are agricultural school students, who are not as easy to pass as rumored."

"Three or four thousand places are not enough? How many candidates can our province produce in three years?"

"It's not for scholars all over the world to take the exam, but for people from one province or state to take the exam."

"Don't lie to me! How many people in the world can go to Beizhi? It's probably one of two at best. Forget it, looking at the looks of your two brothers, I'm sure I won't be happy if I don't let you go. Yes.

You can go, but if you can't get into the two Imperial Colleges, go home as soon as possible. Don't go to normal school or agricultural studies. You have to farm. Our family has plenty of land, so why go to the official school? Become a teacher. You are now

If that works, why go to Beijing?"

Wang Fucai is not very interested in the university in Beijing. It recruits nearly 10,000 people at a time. He feels that it is really a bit weak. But it is not a bad thing to let his sons try the water. The current situation in Dengzhou may change the flag at any time. The sons

It's not a bad thing to get a seat in the past.



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