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Chapter 305: Northern Zhili has an advantage in taking the university entrance exam!

After getting permission from their father, the two brothers Wang Huashen and Wang Huawei set off from home after packing up a little. After leaving Weihai, their first stop was Penglai. The information here was better, and they wanted to find out more before heading north.

In a teahouse in Penglai County, the two brothers of the Wang family invited several scholars who were familiar with them to drink tea and listen to their news.

"Brother Yu, is it really that easy to go to Beijing to take the college entrance examination?" Wang Huashen took a few sips of tea, then went straight to the topic and asked the question he was most concerned about.

The scholar who was being questioned said slowly: "It depends on what you say, it should be quite easy for people like us in Penglai and Muping, but it might be a little more difficult for you foreigners."

"Why is it easier for you than us? Doesn't the list say that your quota is only about a thousand more than us." The two brothers Wang Huashen had already read the list after arriving in Penglai, so he did not understand what his friend said.

What to say.

"It's only one thousand more than you, but the problem is that Beizhi only recruited once last year. Thousands of people are recruited in a year. How many scholars are there in Beizhi? I heard from people at the port that this year

It is estimated that there are only seven or eight thousand people in Beizhi who are eligible to take the exam."

"So few? Are there many foreigners among us?"

"There are probably a lot of foreigners. The ships going north these days are all scholars from the south. There are even ships specially designed to transport people for reference. According to people, there must be eight or even ten thousand scholars from the south.


"Are these southerners crazy? Isn't there Enke in Nanjing this year? Are they not going to take the exam?"

"Brother Wang, what you're saying is, how many people can be admitted to Enke? Besides, scholars and famous people without scholarship are not eligible to participate in Enke. There are so many scholars in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Once I heard that after studying in university, you can eat from the imperial court.

Are they still struggling?"

"The salary at the university is not that good. At most, you can only be awarded an eighth-grade official. If you go to a normal school, you will be nothing more than a teacher."

"Hey! Brothers, it's better to have an official position than not to have one, right? No matter how low your rank is, you are still an official of the imperial court. Even if you are a teacher, you are still registered with the imperial court. There are many scholars in the southeast, but there are few ways to make a living.

There are few scholars who still work as masters and make a living in accounting offices. Think about it, is it better to be attached to others and be a helper? Or be a minor official in the court? Although the official rank awarded after graduating from university is not high at the beginning, it is the same as a Jinshi.

There is no upper limit. The imperial court requires you to take the Jinshi exam first and have an official status."

Wang Huawei, the second eldest son of the Wang family, listened to his friend's analysis and couldn't help but complain: "These people in the southeast! They are really bad people and good things. Can't they stay in their own place safely? They go north to steal our way of survival."

"You also have a hard life. If Weihai, like us, was liberated by the imperial court, you would not be treated the same as us as the students in Beizhi." The man named Yu said these words very much in Versailles. Now,

Scholars in Penglai and Muping counties found a sense of pride in returning to imperial rule.

"So is the imperial court! Why can't we, Weihai, be restored as one? Besides, we are also separated according to the scientific examination. Isn't this a different treatment?"

"Can we not treat Gu Jiang differently? This year, the scholars in our two counties have to pay agricultural taxes like ordinary people, and they also need to make some compensation for the court. Sugar cane is not sweet at both ends. Some time ago, the government posted a list saying that our two counties

When the New Deal was implemented like that of Beizhi, many people made sarcastic remarks, saying that we were going to suffer along with Beizhi."

After the two Wang brothers had a cup of tea, they basically found out the information. Going to Beijing to take the college entrance examination was not as easy as imagined. The competitors didn't want to have a few green onions like their father said. What's the best choice?

!Based on the current situation, the admission rate of the two universities of political science and science and engineering is likely to be five to one or even higher. It is not easy to get into the Agricultural University and the Normal University if you want to.

Despite this, the two decided to go to Beijing to try their luck. The admission rate was lower than they thought, but it was still higher than the candidates who passed the examination. Relatively speaking, the two of them still had high hopes.

After staying in Penglai for five days, the two brothers found a passing merchant ship, paid the ship fare, and set off for Tianjin. They did not go north with their friends in Penglai because the friends in Penglai were very bad now and kept talking.

To show a sense of superiority, it feels very bad to be around them.

The boat they took came from Songjiang Prefecture in Nanzhi. After getting on the boat, they found that there were more than a dozen scholars on the boat who had come from Nanzhi. Needless to say, these people must have also gone north for reference.

We were all scholars, and we were on the same boat, and we started chatting after a while. After hearing that the two Wang brothers were famous scholars, these people were extremely envious.

If you have the reputation of being a scholar, you can enter the normal school without taking the examination. Unlike them, even if you want to go to the normal school, you have to pass the exam to get into the normal school.

Co-author: You are not even scholars? Why are you going to Beijing? Can you get into a good university like this? The Wang brothers really want to complain.

From what I hear, this group of people are all from Shaoxing. Some of them work as staff, and some are preparing to work as staff and scribes. I heard that the admission threshold for universities in Beijing is quite low.

After that, we made an appointment to form a group and go to Beijing to take the college entrance examination. The group of people on the boat were very interested. They all said that it would be good for the court to open a college. Otherwise, how would people like them have the chance to enter the court and become officials? Even if they only passed the exam this time

Normal school, they don’t feel that they are at a disadvantage, they still have a bowl of food to eat, right?

Who are these people helping? The more I listen to this, the angrier the Wang brothers feel. It is you, a bunch of hungry people, who have ruined the college entrance exams. Without you guys, how could it be so difficult for our brothers to take college entrance exams?

Although culture and education are popular in Shandong, the conditions are worse than those in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The proportion of scholars is not as high as in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Therefore, it is not too difficult for local scholars to make a living. There are not many people who work as clerks or helpers. Even if they fail to study, they can work in the countryside.

A country squire with an upright character can do just that for a local rich man. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, there is no such condition. Scholars without fame have to find a way to make a living, and they have to work as helpers. Even if they have the title of scholar, they still have to have the ability to work.

maintain life.

Being an aide and helping out is not an easy task. Their lives have to depend on their employer, forget about personal dignity and the like. Of course, if this thing is done well, there is still a bright future. Some aides around senior bureaucrats, such as Shi Ye,

When I went out, I was quite majestic, and all the officials below were fawning and flattering me. Speaking of which, how many high-ranking officials would randomly find staff? In this job, relationships are also important. Without relationships, you can only give them to small officials like the county magistrate.

Officials are supposed to do things. Sometimes they can’t even do the things that minor officials do. When many professional staff first join the job, they start from the outside as unpaid guests. To put it bluntly, the so-called guests are unpaid people who work with bureaucrats for free.

The labor force is a freeloader. If you are lucky, you can get ahead, but if you are unlucky, you will just be a freeloader for the rest of your life, with no guarantee of income at all!


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