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Chapter 318 How to store food after a bumper harvest?

The extra money must be spent, and it must be spent meaningfully. It is definitely not a good thing to have money lying in the warehouse. Emperor Wanli saved so much money, but in the end it was not over in just a few battles? What's more, the money saved by the Royal Bank is still

Unlike Emperor Wanli, he had no serious money to save.

"Your Majesty, it would not be good if all the money in the treasury is spent, just in case the court is in urgent need of money."

"Husband-in-law, you have been in charge of the bank for several years. I have to tell you a truth today. Making money is difficult, and spending money is actually even harder. Money lying in the warehouse will only become less and less spendable, and

Once you use the money, you will find that it is of no use at all. Only when the money is spent correctly will our treasury be safe. The few items I asked the bank’s investment department to buy are all very useful and are waiting for you.

By figuring out the advantages of these items, you can become a real banker and financier."

What is a banker and financier? When Gong Yonggu walked out of the palace, he was full of confusion and questions. When he walked to the palace gate, he was still thinking about the emperor's words. Unexpectedly, he almost bumped into Zhou Yanru and others who were about to enter the palace.


"The prince-in-law has just come out of the palace? Your Majesty should be in the bedroom right now, right?" Zhou Yanru chatted with Gong Yonggu as he had nothing to say.

Gong Yonggu's position as president of the Royal Bank should be said to be the most valuable position in the Ming Dynasty. Even Zhou Yanru, the head of the hundred officials and the chief minister of the cabinet, must be polite when meeting Gong Yonggu. Generally speaking, he will be polite when meeting him.

Say a few words to build a relationship.

Just kidding, the imperial court now owes the most money to the Royal Bank. Of course, a debtor must be polite when he meets his creditor.

Zhou Yanru still had some moral integrity, so he only chatted briefly. Fu Shuxun, the Minister of Household Affairs who followed him, had no moral integrity at all. He held Gong Yonggu and chatted for a long time before letting him go. If they hadn't been like this

He has to go to the palace to do business, so it’s probably not a problem for Fu Shuxun and Gong Yonggu to come to the office and chat all afternoon.

As soon as Gong Yonggu was sent away, Zhu Youjian was about to return to the harem and continue to talk to the concubines. The eunuchs said that Zhou Yanru and Fu Shuxun were outside the palace asking for an audience.

It's true that these people didn't even register in the attendant's room, but came to disturb people's interest. Can't they follow the schedule arranged by the attendant's room? Can't you have a day or two off when you are an emperor?

"Grand Master, Minister, you entered the palace in such a hurry, but something urgent happened?" He was very angry with these two idiots in his heart, but Zhu Youjian still showed the demeanor of a professional emperor and asked them what they came to the palace for.

"Your Majesty, the two of you came to the palace because there is an unsettled matter that you want to discuss with your Majesty. This year, it is rare for Beizhili to have a good harvest, and the grain output is quite abundant. However, we have to guard against the low price of grain and harm to farmers. I and others are thinking

Taking advantage of this year's bumper harvest, we will replenish the warehouses that have been empty of grain, and store all the tax grain collected this year in the warehouse to prepare for emergencies. There is no food in the warehouse, and I am really a little panicked."

Storing food? So that's why. Are you so anxious to come here and ask? "I'm sure about this! You can decide this matter yourself from now on, as long as you prevent someone from taking advantage of the opportunity to enrich their own pockets and harm the treasury."

"Your Majesty, this matter is a bit difficult. After the grain is stored in the warehouse, the court's expenses are a little tight. There are still many warehouses in disrepair. I hope that the warehouses built with stone and mud can better prevent rats from stealing.

Renovating each warehouse together will cost money."

These two guys who have been arguing for a long time are here to run a project! They want to start a warehouse repair project, and at the same time, they want to find a way to get the emperor to spend the money for the grain reserve.

"The grain storage warehouse really needs to be repaired. Can the Ministry of Revenue be able to get the money? I know the tax situation this year, and the Ministry of household income is not lacking. Also, when the warehouse is being renovated, the Supervision Department Yamen must supervise the whole process. I have no objection.

The imperial court spends money to do things, but the money must be spent so that things can be done well. In the process of spending money, corruption and deduction must be strictly avoided. As for the lack of money for grain storage, I have also solved it for you. You will have to reserve money in the treasury this year.

Report the total amount of grain to me, and I will ask the supply and marketing cooperative to pay you using the current grain price. Before the grain tax is put into the warehouse next year, each warehouse must transfer all the grain to the supply and marketing cooperative according to the previously mentioned grain quantity. If there is any defect, the household

The department supplies the supply and marketing cooperatives at the price."

"Your Majesty, if you sell the grain to the supply and marketing cooperative before harvesting next year, don't you think it's the same as having no grain in stock?" Fu Shuxun asked this question not knowing whether he was really confused or pretending to be confused.

"Isn't there still grain tax coming in next year? You can just keep doing it as it is! You can't keep old grain in the warehouse every year, right? Replace it once a year, which is just right."

"But there is a loss in food storage."

"There are losses. The Ministry of Accounts has to bear this matter, right? How to reduce the loss of national tax as much as possible? The Ministry of Accounts will find a way on its own. When I finish, I will arrange for the Supervision Department Yamen to conduct a special inspection of the accounts." If the money was paid directly by the palace, who would

I don’t know if there will be any food by then. So Zhu Youjian’s idea is that money can be spent, but food must be available by then.

Originally, Zhu Youjian was thinking about building a later-generation central grain storage system to replace the existing mechanism. But then he thought that later generations had not solved the problem of grain and mice. So he decided to turn this matter purely into a business.

How can the supply and marketing cooperative consume so much old grain? It is very simple. It can be used for brewing, making mixed noodles, and other products that use grain as raw materials. The main consumer of old grain is brewing. Although there is now a liquid brewing method, staple grains are used

Winemaking is still irreplaceable. Wine brewed by the liquid method must be blended with grain wine. In the future, winemaking will basically use old grains! There was a lot of grain produced that year, and all the old grains were used for winemaking. When there was less grain produced, the old grains were used to make wine.

Put it on the market and reduce the production of edible wine. Grain cannot be stored for long, but the wine storage technology can still store snacks. The older the wine, the better the quality.

There is no need to worry about sales. Various market channels for this product are now open. I heard that even ships traveling on ocean routes are buying large quantities of the wine from the palace winery. If it is not possible, alcohol can be extracted and used as medical supplies and as fuel for alcohol stoves.


In other words, in this way, the grain storage not only involves the Ministry of Revenue, but also the supply and marketing cooperatives and the winery system in the palace. As long as there are more links involved, the difficulty of fraud will increase. The grain stored by the Ministry of Revenue must be sold to

Supply and marketing cooperatives, supply and marketing cooperatives have to pour grain to wineries and food processing factory systems. If the difference in amounts is too big, the account will definitely be unfair. Especially for wineries, where are the relevant profit indicators and raw materials?

If there is a problem, it is directly related to the output value of the relevant person in charge. They will not participate in fake transactions for their own benefit, unless they can make money without alcohol.

Anti-corrosion and anti-rot is really a big knowledge. Especially when it is related to grain storage, which is the lifeblood of the country, it takes a lot of thinking. Zhu Youjian feels that the method he has figured out can at least guarantee that it will not

It's a general direction problem. It should be able to run effectively in a short period of time.

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