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Chapter 428 Fan Yongdou is not only a supplier, but also a contractor!

At the end of the year, the emperors and ministers of the Ming Dynasty were summarizing the strategy for the coming year, and the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were also not idle. In recent days, Dorgon has been communicating with the important ministers of the Manchu and Han Dynasties to determine the focus of the next strategy.

This year has been a relatively smooth year for Dorgon. After the Ming and Qing dynasties opened up trade, he earned more than 1.5 million taels of silver dollars in one year by selling timber and other products. Relying on these materials,

Their government-run trading company is very popular! It also provides a good reputation guarantee for the banknotes they issue! Relying on these things, Dorgon saved more than 2 million for the national treasury in a year or so.

Two silver coins.

Such a full treasury has never happened since the founding of the Qing Dynasty. Whether it was the Nurhachi or Huang Taiji periods, the Manchu treasury has never had so much money. No wonder Emperor Ming spent so much money in recent years.

It’s not the same thing. It turns out that by printing money, money can only go in but not out! According to this trend, by the end of next year, the national treasury may not be able to save five million taels of silver. Dorgon feels that he has mastered the code of wealth.

From now on, there is no need to worry about lack of money.

In addition to being rich, the Manchu Qing's hard power has also recovered this year. Starting from last winter, they spent nearly a year in the northeast, capturing many Jurchen slaves and adding them to the Eight Banners. After one year, the Banners

Ding increased his number by more than 10,000, which can be regarded as recovering a lot of losses in the Liaonan War.

"Xueshi Hong, how did Ming Ting prepare new gunpowder and produce new firearms? Gu spent a lot of money and struggled for so long, but still hasn't figured out the way to imitate their new firearms.

This is not a good thing for the Qing Dynasty." Other conditions in the Qing Dynasty have improved, but the imitation of firearms is very unsatisfactory, because Dorgon has been a little anxious and angry recently.

"When the Foreign Minister was here, the Ming Dynasty did not have new gunpowder or new firearms. The method they used to get it was not clear to the Foreign Minister. However, the Foreign Minister heard that the Ming Dynasty was building ammunition factories in Lushun and Daning.

These two places are not far from the Qing Dynasty, and the regent can think of more ideas in these two places."

"Maester you mean?"

"The prince should make plans and use all his strength to capture an arsenal when necessary. As long as he captures an arsenal, the disadvantage of firearms can be made up for. In addition, recently we have craftsmen who got inspiration from Ming army lighters and created

The prince should arrange for craftsmen to make more self-generating fire guns! Although this thing is not as useful as the Ming court's muskets, it is better than nothing. At least it will not make the Qing warriors too passive."

"We can only make do with it now, but will our use of troops against the Ming army destroy the current trade environment? If we miss a single blow, the Ming court will lose more than a million taels of silver a year.


"It is only a matter of time that we fall out with the Ming court. The Ming court built gun and ammunition factories in Daning and Lushun, and everyone knows Sima Zhao's intention. If we don't do it, they will do it sooner or later. At present, the most important thing is timing.

Only by finding the right opportunity can the Qing Dynasty break the situation."

"Opportunity? In the opinion of a bachelor, will the Qing Dynasty encounter an opportunity?"

"There should be! Since the peace talks between the two countries, although Emperor Ming's actions have been very cautious and restrained, they still used troops in the hinterland. They attacked Songjiang in the middle of this year, and recently Datong. I heard that these days the north is directly connected to the south

The soldiers and horses are also gathering, and it is estimated that they will send troops to Shandong at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. According to Chen's prediction, in the next year or two, Emperor Ming will be unable to restrain himself and launch a comprehensive war to quell the rebellion. According to their current situation

With their preparations, there is a high possibility that they will use force in Liaodong and the hinterland at the same time. This is the opportunity that the Qing Dynasty has to wait for."

"If the time comes, how can our army break the situation? To be honest, with the current combat power of the Ming army, Gu Zhen is a little worried about whether our army can win."

"The regent's worries are not unreasonable, but the Ming army may not be without loopholes. The minister's idea is to use all his strength in the direction of Daning. As long as all the forces are concentrated together, there is still hope to defeat the enemy in the direction of Daning. The Ming court is here A lot of minerals have been discovered in Daning, and huge sums of money have been invested in their development. The Daning Dynasty will be able to turn the crisis around. In order to be able to use all its strength in the direction of Daning in the future, the foreign minister suggested that the prince try his best to get some stone and mud from the Ming court. Come here and build a fortification centered on Liaoyang, imitating the Ming Army's method, so that the Ming Dynasty's Liaonan army can be firmly pinned to the south of Liaoyang. After the fortification is repaired, troops can be mobilized from Jinzhou to defend it. They cannot fight in the field. , it can be used to defend the city."

Hong Chengchou felt that the Qing government was also quite unlucky. Who would have thought that there were so many mines in Daning? If he had known that there were mines in Daning, he would rather lose Liaonan than fight to the death in Daning. He could never let such a good place go to waste. Give it to the Ming court. Having said that, if Daning is recaptured, it will be a lot of advantages. I just don't know if the Qing army will be able to recapture this place.

"Sir, you are really a great counselor! Liaoyang direction really needs to build a defensive fortification. Fortunately, now that we have money in the treasury, I have decided to spend all my efforts on this matter now!"

In Fan Wencheng's mansion, Lao Fan was entertaining guests, and his guests were also named Fan.

"Yongdou! You have worked hard this year, but you don't know how to make a living?"

"Yongdou is deeply grateful for the support and care given by the Minister. If it hadn't been for the help of adults this year, Yongdou probably wouldn't have been able to survive. However, to be honest, life is really hard right now and life is getting worse every day. For Yongdou, we have to ask you, sir, to give him more ways to survive."

"I knew you would complain, that's all. We are my family. I really have something good to take care of you this time."

Seeing Fan Wencheng's smiling face, Fan Yongdou suddenly cheered up. This old dog must have something good for him. Fan Yongdou, who understood it, quickly said: "Please give me some advice, help Yongdou." Dou can get out of the current predicament. Your kindness will be unforgettable to Yong Dou and his whole family, and he will definitely repay you generously."

"Let's not talk about the generous report, let's talk about the business first. You should have heard of Shi Ni. The regent just assigned a task to me yesterday. In order to find a way to get a large amount of Shi Ni from the Ming court, the court is ready Use stone mud to build a line of defense in Liaoyang. You must find a way to complete this matter forever. If you can get enough stone mud, the court will not only purchase all the stone mud you supply, but also build Liaoyang fortifications. I entrust you with the power, and I hope you will not betray the trust of the court."

"Sir, please rest assured that the ordinary people will definitely find a way to get enough stone and mud to relieve the country and the court." Cement is an export product controlled by the Ming Dynasty. It is not easy to buy in large quantities. But Fan Yongdou feels that he still has some ways to solve this matter. Yes! The smuggling trade is the industry he is most familiar with. This project will definitely be more profitable than his current business!

This chapter has been completed!
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