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Chapter 429 The future of Jiangong students is enviable, jealous and hated!

Building a defense line with cement seems to be easy, but in reality it is not something that just anyone can do. It is really impossible for the Manchus to do this kind of work. There are also very few slaves under Qi Ding who can do cement construction.

Otherwise, why would there be a specialized type of work called masons in ancient times? There are standards for cement mixing proportions, usage time, etc. Because of this, the Manchu Qing Dynasty prepared to outsource the work to Fan Yongdou. Let Fan Yongdou think

The method is to get some skilled people to be craftsmen, and they are sending some Aha to do labor, and strive to build the Liaoyang defense line as soon as possible, so that Shenyang does not have to face the Ming court's troops at any time.

"The regent spent a lot of money to build the Liaoyang defense line! He specially approved five hundred thousand taels of silver for you to find a way to buy cement in the customs. At the same time, he also approved one million taels of silver banknotes as labor expenses. Yongdou, now

Are you still crying about being poor?" Fan Wencheng deliberately emphasized the amount of money when he spoke, and Fan Yongdou naturally understood what he wanted to convey.

"Don't worry, sir, the common people will handle this matter beautifully. However, although the Ming court did not directly list stone mud as prohibited from trade by border merchants, it also limited the total number of merchants who could sell stone mud. If the common people want to

A large number of stone and mud sellers come here, which must be a lot of trouble, so the price is naturally higher than the actual price marked on the inquiry site. Please explain this matter clearly to the court, so that the court can take stock of me and other merchants.


"Don't worry, the regent and several other masters have known about this for a long time, otherwise they wouldn't have asked me to come to you to handle this matter."

"Thank you sir and all the masters for your strength. I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

Fan Yongdou said he was full of confidence, but he was a little unsure in his heart. Cement worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver is not a small number, and the total official trade volume between the Manchu and Ming Dynasties is less than two million silver dollars. This batch of cement

At least 3,000 to 4,000 cars and above. It is very difficult to smuggle 3,000 to 4,000 cars of goods through the customs. If he fails, he will be found out by the Customs Department of the Ming Dynasty. If he is detained, he can

They are no longer human.

Baimeng book

The Manchu Qing Dynasty is preparing to carry out large-scale construction in Liaoyang next year. Under the Ming Dynasty south of Liaoyang, the construction tasks next year are also not light. They must complete the widening of the official road and roadbed construction in the four prefectures of Jinfuhaigai before the winter next year.

Create a stable transportation channel for future wars.

There is a high probability that the war will be carried out in winter. In winter, sea transportation will not be available, and materials in Jinzhou and Lushun can only be transported to the front line by land. It is very necessary to build an official road that can allow large vehicles to pass unimpeded.

The construction standards of the official road have been qualitatively improved in the past two years. The roadbed is made of composite soil and the road surface is made of sand and gravel. This standard is similar to the war preparation road in a certain period of later generations. If it is well maintained, it will not last for thirty to fifty years.

The question is. The width of the road should allow two carriages to pass side by side. There should be a pedestrian passage of about one step on both sides of the road, and drainage channels should be built. If conditions are good in the future, trees will be planted on both sides of the road.

"Brother Huang, you will be transferred to the prefecture this time. You will be mainly responsible for the construction management of the official road from Lushun to Fuzhou. It is considered a temporary assignment. The grade and salary will remain unchanged for the time being. I hope you don't want to

"It's weird." Under normal circumstances, the construction work of Guandao is led by the local government as the main manager and owner, which organizes construction teams from the local area to carry out the construction. The Supervision Department dispatches personnel to supervise the construction quality and finance. In the southern Liaoning area, due to insufficient manpower

In the end, the construction team was transferred from the railway construction team of Taipu Temple. Even so, Jinzhou Government Office, as the main person in charge, still had to arrange specialized personnel to form a project team to follow up the project throughout the entire process to ensure that the official road would be smooth before winter next year.

Arrive in Haizhou. In order to ensure that this major project is completed on schedule, Chen Dayou transferred his most trusted Huang Chao to the project department to help him monitor the progress of the project.

"Lord Zhizhou, you are serious. As an official of the imperial court, working for the great cause of the country, how can Huang be picky? Don't worry, Lord Zhizhou, Huang will do his best to complete the official road project on schedule with quality and quantity." Huang Chao understood.

Chen Dayou's implication is that although he will not change from seventh grade now, after the completion of the official road project, he will definitely be taken care of by his old classmates and move towards a higher leadership position.

There are people in the court who are good at becoming officials. This is what they say. It has not been two years since I came to Liaonan, and I have already been promoted from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, and I have been the magistrate of the town for nearly a year. This time I was transferred to Liaonan by an old classmate.

After nearly a year of experience in the official project department, I might be able to take a big step forward and become a serious seventh-rank official. It seems that I listened to my old classmates and went to a normal university, which was the right decision.

At that time, his father was still resentful of Chen Dayou for being unkind and insisting on measuring his family's land. Now, every time his father brings something from his hometown, he will specially send a copy to Chen Dayou, telling Huang Chao to make sure to use this favor.

Bringing this about. Wasn't it because Chen Dayou was now his son's immediate boss that there was such a big change in attitude? He hoped that he would take more care of his son.

When he was studying at the Normal University, Huang Chao didn't have much expectations for his career. He just wanted to teach for a few years, and then work as an official in the county or town government, eat court meals, and make money for himself.

The family recovered some losses. But after he came to Liaonan and became the town magistrate at Hongzui Fort, he became more worried. It seemed that he could make more progress? At least he had to become a town magistrate from the seventh level. Later.

Part-time Zhizhen Wang Dabao was transferred to Fuzhou as the Seventh-grade Fuzhou Criminal Bureau Chief. After he took over the position of Zhizhen, his desire to become a high official became even more serious. Now Huang Chao doesn't want to think about anything else, he just wants to be a high official as soon as possible.

Now that I have lost my childhood title, I can become a county magistrate or magistrate with the help of my old classmates.

Becoming a seventh-grade official and the head of a county has a different weight in Huang Chao's heart. Because in his mind, an official holding this position is a serious official. Even if he only serves one term, he will go home.

He is willing to sell sweet potatoes. The opportunities in life are really amazing. Who would have thought that a rich country man like him, who has no talent in reading, would one day truly embark on an official career?

In order to make his career more stable, he must maintain the relationship with his old classmate Chen Dayou. Even if he is not promoted this time, he still has to do a good job for others. Jinzhou was promoted last year, and Chen Dayou took advantage of the situation.

He has become a fifth-grade prefect, and this year he has been upgraded to a full fifth-grade. According to the speed at which this man is promoted, it is entirely possible to become a feudal official, and even to enter the central government with his qualifications and connections will not allow him to do so.

It’s surprising. It used to be said that people born in Jinshi are the disciples of the world, but Chen Dayou, the first imperial Gongsheng under the direct supervision of the emperor, always looked down on people born in Jinshi when they were chatting. In their eyes,

In the past, only the former generals and supervisors were qualified to call the emperor the principal.

Huang Chao couldn't be envious of his old classmates' fortunes. It was so easy to go to jail at that time, and even his own family could raise the money. The problem was that his family didn't have that awareness back then.

?Now, all I can do is hold onto someone else’s thigh.

This chapter has been completed!
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