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Chapter 486 In the future Ming Dynasty, people like Xiao Ma must be the backbone!

The emperor's words came to this point, and Zhou Yanru also knew that it would be a bit unethical if he insisted on standing in the position of chief minister and did not say anything: "Your Majesty cares about the old minister, and the old minister will die without repayment." Ye. I will serve my country to the death on any errand, and I will never dare to resign."

"The Grand Master is considerate of my thoughts, and I am very pleased. The establishment of the Counseling Hall is a major matter, and it may take about a year of transition to truly take shape. During this period, the Grand Master still needs to worry more about the affairs of the cabinet. As soon as possible The transition will be completed by the end of this year. The Consulting Hall is the most important hub of the country. When it is running, it will be too tiring to rely on the Grand Master alone. My idea is to transfer some mature and prudent people from the cabinet and the Six Ministries to help the Grand Master full-time. Come and take care of this yamen. I think that Jiang and Huang, the two elders, Li Yushi from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Chen Benbing are all serious people. In the future, they can serve in the Counselor Hall as the deputy to the Grand Master. Supervise the affairs of the court and the military. Mr. Chen Ge has contributed a lot when he was in charge of the New Wind Movement and is very capable. My idea is to reset the position of the censor of the capital and let Mr. Chen Ge take charge of it. In this way, the cabinet will There are a lot of vacancies in Heliubu, so Grand Master can pay attention to those who can fill the vacancies these days."

The Metropolitan Procuratorate does not have a full-time position. This is not only the practice of the Ming Dynasty, but also a tradition in previous dynasties. This time Zhu Youjian is planning to transfer Chen Yan to this job, and his political status is not lower than that of the deputy minister of the cabinet. He Even if I have an opinion in my heart, I can't say it out loud.

When Zhou Yanru walked out of the palace, he glanced at the imperial city unconsciously. He knew that no matter how important the nominal status of the Consultant Hall was, no matter how high his title as Da Sikong was, his political life in the Ming Dynasty had come to an end. , his stormy era will end in one year!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely, but after thinking about it, he felt a little better. Objectively speaking, the emperor was really generous to him. At the end of his political career, he also gave him high honor and dignity, and Frankly speaking, it will give him five or six years to be active in the Ming Dynasty's political arena. This kind of kindness, no emperor in ancient and modern times can do this. Not to mention the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, they have always had the problem of treating their ministers harshly, even if He is a famous virtuous king in history. Who else did this?

Looking back on my career in this life, I have been in the cabinet twice, for a total of more than ten years. I can stay in the center for such a long time, and land in peace and glory. What complaints can I have if I have done this job? ?As a human being, you need to know how to advance and retreat!

If you are the Great Sikong, be Great Sikong. After five years of being the Great Sikong, the Ming Dynasty's ZTE should be a sure thing. By then, ZTE's famous ministers will not be able to escape the historical treatment! I, Old Zhou, can definitely live a happy life.

According to the emperor's wishes, in the next nearly one year, there will be a major change in the government. Chen Yan will be sent to the Inspectorate, and most of the other cabinet ministers will be sent to the Inspectorate for retirement. Then pick up people like yourself Who will be in the class? Although the emperor asked him to consider it, most of the people who are the chief officials of the cabinet probably have their own ideas in mind. If he insists on recommending them without knowing what they are interested in, he will be too shameless. The only thing that can be done next is to target the people who currently have the opportunity to enter the cabinet and find a way to make sure that they enter the cabinet.

Judging from the emperor's preferences, Song Yingsheng of Shuntian Prefecture will probably be reused. This man has won the Holy Heart. The emperor has expressed his approval for him several times without any scruples. In addition, his brother is the emperor's favorite.

He is a close minister and one of the important ministers cannot escape his position. But the problem is that such a person will definitely not be favored by him, and there is no need for others to pay attention to him.

Among the existing cabinet ministers, the emperor did not say anything about Wu Sheng, which means that he should still stay in the cabinet, and he does not even rule out taking the important position of first assistant or second assistant. The situation is similar to that of Song Yingsheng, and Wu Sheng also

There is no need for any favors, things will fall into place naturally.

After thinking over and over again, Zhou Yanru felt that the people who could be favored by him were Song Quan, Ma Shiying and Zhu Dadian, who were currently on the periphery of the core decision-making circle. These three people were currently working as the emperor's favorite substantive officers, and among them they were definitely

Someone will join the cabinet and hold an important position, so you have to think of some way to make them accept your favor.

In Jinan Prefecture in the second month of the lunar calendar, Ma Shiying was preparing to go out of the city to see the situation of spring plowing this year. This year is the third year of Shandong's recovery, and it is also the first year of orderly organization in the true sense. This year must be done

Just score some points.

After vigorous rectification and recovery last year, the situation in Shandong has improved a lot. The functions and personnel of various grassroots units have basically returned to normal. It is time to fully exert their efforts.

"Supervisor, there is a private letter from your Excellency from the Communications Bureau." A secretary who stayed in the city rode out of the city on a fast horse and handed a letter to Ma Shiying.

Officials are not allowed to hire private staff, but important ministers like Ma Shiying are equipped with many secretaries and service staff. Not only do they have the secretary-general of the Governor's Office and the administrative staff of the Yiying Office who have formal administrative positions, but there are also five people responsible for daily life and personal document processing.

Secretary, so there is no shortage of people around him. Although these people are from the imperial court, they are still on Ma Shiying's personal errands. When doing work, they still hang around Ma Shiying. Even if it is a personal matter, they do not dare to neglect it.

.As long as you serve this master well and receive a little help from others, your career in the future will be unlimited.

Being a confidential secretary to an important minister is a very popular job now. This job has more prospects than working as an aide to an important minister in the past. No matter how good the aide is, he can't pursue a serious official career. Secretaries are different. As long as they work long enough, they can be released.

, with people above them, they have a great chance of rising to prominence.

Why did this secretary chase him out of the city to deliver a private letter? Ma Shiying was a little puzzled. Since he became the governor of Shandong, there are too many old friends who have written to him private letters. Most of them hope to return to the imperial court in Beijing through their own paths.

Ma Shiying didn't bother to pay attention to these snobbery. When I was forced into desperation in Nanjing, no one came forward to help me. Now that the situation has changed, you guys have a good idea.

After taking the letter and reading the signature on the envelope, Ma Shiying understood why the secretary did what he did. No matter how cold-hearted a person is, he would not dare to neglect a letter written by the chief minister of the cabinet to his superior, even if it is a private letter.

Most of the time, private messages are more important to your family than formal documents.

Why did Zhou Yanru write a private letter to himself? Ma Shiying thought as he opened the envelope.

After reading the content of the letter, Ma Shiying, who was riding on the horse, fell into deep thought. This letter was a bit strange. Most of Zhou Yanru's letter was concerned about the current construction situation in various aspects of Shandong, especially the finance and economy.

He was specifically told to work hard in this area in the future, to achieve results that would satisfy the court and the saints, and not to live up to the grace of the saints.

In addition to these things, at the end of the letter, Comrade Zhou lamented: Since this year, he has obviously felt that his energy is a little weak, and he is somewhat unable to deal with state affairs, and many ministers in the court are in a similar situation to him. In the future Ming Dynasty,

We have to rely on young and powerful people like Xiao Ma to do the work. His Majesty attaches great importance to capable and energetic ministers like you. I, Old Zhou, also look forward to you being able to support the heavy burden of Ming Zhongxing. Comrade Xiao Ma must work hard.

We must not let down this great situation and era.

Rice Ball Exploration

What does it mean? On the surface, this letter is all empty talk and has no substantive content. But the chief minister of the cabinet cannot be idle and write an insignificant letter to himself. He must

There is something in the words!

The question is what exactly is he going to say? After taking the letter and reading it carefully, Ma Shiying had a vague feeling in his heart. Could it be that there will be major changes in the center in a while? His Majesty is going to make major adjustments to the cabinet?

Not to mention, it is really possible! Think about it, Zhou Yanru and others have stayed in the cabinet for a long enough time. They have stayed in the cabinet for at least eight or nine years. Such a long period of inactivity in the cabinet is definitely rare in the Ming Dynasty.

Now the fate of the country has reversed. In the recent battlefield in Liaodong, the national army even regained the two important cities of Jinzhou and Liaoyang, restoring the situation in Liaodong to the situation when the emperor had just ascended the throne. As an emperor, at this time, the central government was born.

This idea is perfectly normal. If he didn't have this idea, there would be something wrong.

Judging from the meaning conveyed in Zhou Yanru's letter, the emperor seems to have talked with him. He seems to be withdrawing from the cabinet. In addition, several other members of the cabinet will also withdraw. What he means is that he should work hard and strive for

Joining the cabinet during a major cabinet reshuffle?

As a minister, it is definitely a dream to be able to join the central government! Thinking of this, Ma Shiying felt a clever idea in his heart. The situation seems a bit complicated! It is naturally a good thing to have someone help him to join the cabinet, but the problem is that the identity of the person he is helping is a bit sensitive.

It’s not that he has any opinion on Zhou Yanru. The core is that Zhou Yanru is an old leader who is about to retire. What would the emperor think if Zhou Yanru recommended him? The emperor’s mind can be said to be complicated or simple. As a normal person,

It can be imagined that the emperor definitely does not want a person who is leaving to still have influence in the center and place people he likes.

"Secretary Tang, please go back to the Governor's Mansion. The rest of the people will leave quickly with the governor." After thinking for a while, Ma Shiying decided to start the work currently arranged.

As for the matter of joining the cabinet, we can think about it slowly after we go to a place to rest. It is not okay for Zhou Yanru to ignore him, and it is not okay to do it too frequently. He must think carefully before acting.

In fact, at this time, he was confused about the changes in the future situation of the court. Adjustments to the cabinet were usually done vigorously and resolutely, but from Zhou Yanru's letter, it felt a bit like the emperor and he were discussing it. This is really

What a strange thing. Isn't this guy Lao Zhou clear-headed? Why does it feel like he is like Yun Dan Fengqing, willing to give up his position as chief minister! Zhou Yanru has also become a sage? He doesn't care about personal power at all.

Don't care anymore?

Riding a horse, he arrived at the place where he was going to inspect the farming. Under the leadership of local officials, Ma Shiying went to the farmland to see the spring plowing in person, and went to the nearby water conservancy project site to inspect the progress and quality of the project.

Ma Shiying is most familiar with these matters. When he was in Guizhou, he was good at this kind of work. Later, when he worked at the Refugee Resettlement Agency, he mainly dealt with farming and water conservancy.

"My officer, I took a rough look at the spring plowing situation today and learned about the progress of the water conservancy project. The year's plan starts with spring, and spring plowing work is the top priority. As a local government, we must not neglect it and must complete the work.

Be careful and do it practically, so that you can serve the people well, both the court and the people. In farming, the most important thing is water conservancy. The court spent a lot of money to build water conservancy projects in Shandong. Every penny must be used effectively and done well.

This century-old project has benefited the people of our Qilu land. No one can be careless about this matter. The water conservancy project involves countless money. If anyone is not honest in this matter, I and the court will not take it lightly."

After singing a high-pitched tune and speaking harsh words for a while, Ma Shiying asked the lower-level officials to go back to rest. Then he left a few important local officials to have a dinner and drink the reception wine.

"Everyone, after last year's hard work, the situation in our province is basically smooth now! But my governor is worried about something. Based on the current situation, it will not be difficult for our province to return to the peaceful situation before.

But just returning to the previous situation is not what I and the court expect. We must improve the original situation to a higher level. Not to mention comparing with the capital and Beizhi, at least it must be half as good as them. That's it.

You are worthy of the imperial court, and you will have a better future. You are all local people-friendly officials. Do you have any good ideas on how to develop the local economy more effectively?"

In fact, Ma Shiying was absent-minded during the entire inspection today. He had been thinking about the news revealed by Zhou Yanru. After much deliberation, things still had to be implemented to develop the new concept proposed by the emperor in recent years and develop the economy.

The so-called economic development can definitely not be achieved by relying on agriculture. No matter how much agricultural taxes are collected, there will be no big breakthrough. After all the people are paid, the total agricultural taxes in Shandong will only be 1.5 million to 2 million.

It's just between two. Such a large amount of tax was not considered small in the past, but it is simply not enough now.

We still have to take the path of Beijing, Tangshan, Miyun and Beizhili and set up some factory districts. That thing creates a lot of profits and taxes, and the results are quick. I heard that the self-built factory districts in Baoding Prefecture are already showing results. Last year

The annual profits and taxes created are close to one million. Not long ago, when Lao Wu wrote a letter, he said that he would aim to reach two million this year.

If a factory district with a tax revenue of nearly 2 million is built in Shandong, his political achievements will be ruined. The trouble is that he can't think of the main industry of the factory district in Shandong.

Which industry has the most advantages? Although Ma Shiying has never worked in a factory area, he still knows some tricks and knows that to do this, you must have a pillar industry.

This chapter has been completed!
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