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Chapter 487 The way of developing economy in Ludi.

"Lord Dutai, I think that if we want to increase taxes and the economy that your Majesty mentioned, we still have to build a factory area like Beizhi. Factory areas, industries, mines, and commercial stores are concentrated, which makes it easy to collect taxes. At the same time, it can also To gather wealth, the most important thing is that the local government can also earn some extra income from renting land and factory buildings, which can make the money a lot easier!" A local official who attended the dinner expressed his thoughts to Ma Shiying. Among the officials of the first generation, officials of high grade basically have experience of serving as officials in Beizhili, so they are not very unfamiliar with how to develop the economy.

"Yun Yang, you have served in the Miyun County government and are familiar with how to build factory areas. What do you think is the best place to locate factory areas in our province? Also, is there any way to quickly build factory areas? Start it?" Seeing that the official who was speaking was transferred here from Miyun, Ma Shiying couldn't help but take a high look. Now the officials from Miyun are very popular.

"Director, there are three main aspects to consider when choosing a factory area. The first is transportation, the second is products, and the third is market. These three are equally important and indispensable. When His Majesty built the Miyun factory area, he fully considered these aspects. Miyun is rich in mineral resources and water power. In addition, it is close to the large market outside the mouth. At the same time, it is not too far from the capital. At that time, the only limitation was transportation, but His Majesty had a long-term vision and spent huge sums of money to build Miyun Tong. With the railways to Tongzhou and Beijing, everything is ready, and Miyun Factory District has what it is today. In the same way, Tangshan Factory District also meets these three conditions. Therefore, I feel that the factory should be built in Lu. When it comes to districts, Yanzhou should be the top priority."

"Yanzhou? Yanzhou does have mines, and it is also close to the canal. However, there are not many canals currently open to navigation, and this place is not in our province. Setting the factory area in Yanzhou will have limited impact on other counties in our province."

"Supervisor, this is how I consider it. Yanzhou is not in our province, which is the advantage of setting up a factory area. In this way, the Yanzhou factory area can use the Central Plains as its hinterland and market to develop its ambitions. In the future, the Central Plains will be pacified. The location of Yanzhou and Nanzhi is even more prominent. No matter whether the canal is restarted in the future or the railway to Nanzhi and the Central Plains is built, Yanzhou and Xuzhou are the places that must pass through. Another situation is that if the factory area is located in Jinan The market and hinterland will be too small for the central prefectures and counties in our province. The Jiaodong Administrative Office was recovered early and has convenient ports and shipping. If they set up a factory area, they will definitely grab our hinterland and market. So. The best choice would be to further distance the factory area from Jiaodong."

Jiaodong? After listening to this official's analysis, Ma Shiying's mind suddenly opened up. Yes, now he, as the governor, is only in charge of half of the province, and there is a large area in the east that he only has nominal jurisdiction over. The current status quo is not temporary. This phenomenon is likely to remain so for a long time to come.

The de facto separation from Shandong is not something that happened just a day or two ago, nor is it something that just happened now. The Denglai Governor's Office has existed for a long time, and the current Jiaodong Administrative Office just increases the area under its control. Over there, this The situation in the past two years is indeed better than that in other places in Shandong. I heard that last year they paid more than one million taels in taxes to the capital, and it is estimated that it may exceed two million taels in the next two years.

Thinking of this, Ma Shiying couldn't help but be surprised. On the surface, he and Song Quan were the most likely candidates to join the cabinet in the upcoming major cabinet adjustment. But now it seems that the competitors are far more than just Song Quan. Although Liu Lishun of Jiaodong is in

He is much lower than him in terms of rank. The problem is that his background is not simple. He was not the number one scholar, but he also served as a minister of the emperor for a period of time. Now his performance in Jiaodong is good, this person may be able to rise to the top.

"In this way, Yanzhou is indeed the first choice. The iron smelting industry there has declined a lot in the past two years. It would be a good thing to revive it by building a factory service area. Yun Yang, build a factory service area

It is an industry that needs to have characteristics. Apart from mining and metallurgy, what kind of industry is chosen as good in Yanzhou? In addition, it is estimated that the money for setting up a factory area cannot be obtained from the capital, and most of them have to rely on self-financing. This matter guarantees them

There are precedents when setting up factories, and there must be regulations on how to raise money and attract investment."

"When setting up a factory area in Yanzhou, Baoding should be used as a model for reference. I believe that industries such as vehicle parts, railway tracks, agricultural tools, textiles, and building materials should be the pillars. In addition, I heard that a new type of factory that does not use mules and horses has recently appeared in Beijing.

An iron car that can fly as fast as the wind. If our factory area can produce this kind of car, it will definitely have a bright future."

"Are you talking about the bicycles you can buy on the streets of the capital? Although that kind of bicycle can fly as fast as the wind, I have heard that it is expensive to build. A bicycle costs six to seventy taels of silver dollars. And on the roads in the countryside,

It’s not easy to use. Our Lu land doesn’t have as many rich people as the capital city, nor does it have as good roads as the capital city. How can we sell it after we produce it?”

"Dutai can definitely be sold. Bicycles do not eat grass and only require manpower. Compared with mules and horses, how much money and energy can be saved in a year? We do not have as many rich people as in the capital, but our market is big

Ah, they are available for sale in this province, the Central Plains, and even Nanchang. Xiaguan, I saw a bicycle bought by a wealthy businessman not long ago. Although it is indeed not as good as oil roads on ordinary roads, it can still be used, and it is definitely faster than walking.

, and it is easier to raise than mules and horses, so this thing will become popular all over the world."

"Well, I will write a memorial to His Majesty and try to win over him to see if the palace can set up a factory in Yanzhou."

"It would be best if we can fight for the governorship. The palace has set up so many factories in Beizhili, which has made countless wealth. We, Lu, should also be treated fairly, and we can't just let Beizhili take advantage of it."

When other officials saw someone mentioning the matter of asking the palace to set up a factory in Shandong, they suddenly became interested, and they all said that they must let the emperor have a bowl of water, and not let all the good things go to Beizhi.

The earth is also under the rule of the emperor, so there should be several palaces and factories.

Things are so confusing. In the past, local officials hated palace property and mines and wanted to give them away, but now they are eager to fight for them. As the saying goes, everything in the world is for profit, and everything in the world is for profit.

During Wanli's reign, the palace's industries were sucking local blood and had no positive impact on the local government's finances, so officials naturally disliked it. It's different now. The palace factories not only pay taxes to the local government, but also drive local revenue.

As well as industrial development, they will naturally strive for it enthusiastically.

"Relying on uterine assets is one aspect, but we have to find ways to raise the bulk of the construction of the factory area ourselves. Do you have any ideas?" If he could get a large amount of funds from the capital, Ma Shiying would not be in such a dilemma. With Wu Di

Because of his status, he did not receive much support when he set up the factory area in Baoding. He only received a partial loan. His status is not as good as that of Wu Di, and he is expected to receive fewer policies.

"Xiaguan believes that the Yanzhou Factory District should be built through private associations to raise funds for setting up factories. In fact, this method is not only applicable to the Yanzhou Jianda Factory District. Other prefectures and counties can also use this method to target their own areas within the territory.

It is also a way to develop the economy by setting up some small factory districts where industries are concentrated. One prefecture has one pillar, one county has one specialty, and it is fully blooming."

"What a government, a pillar, a county, a specialty! Yun Yang's words are so kind, I am greatly inspired. I originally thought of transferring you to Yanzhou to be responsible for the construction of the factory area, but now it seems that you should

It would be more appropriate to transfer you to the governor's office. Let's do this. After I go to Jinan City to discuss with Governor Lu, I will transfer you to the governor's office to take charge of the construction of factory areas in the province." Ma Shiying felt that tonight

The meal was not in vain, and the content of the discussion was very constructive. It not only opened up ideas for economic development, but also discovered a talent, which was very rewarding. Now it seems that officials who come from universities are indeed better than those who come from normal imperial examinations.

People's brains are very active. For example, the seventh-grade official Zhang Tuyuan (zi Yunyang) in front of me has a very active brain!

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