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Chapter 488 The current government is really a group of blue sky working on errands!

The factory area has now formed a very good positive perception among the local government. Many local officials are interested in this thing and have no objection in their hearts. When Miyun and Tangshan first started to engage in this thing, it was still Based on the will of the emperor and the court.

When Baoding also started to engage in this thing, the local government's thinking was opened up. At the end of last year, the Jiaodong Administrative Office began to build its own factory area around the port in Dengzhou. This year, not only Ma Shiying of Shandong is doing this Liaonan and Songjiang Prefecture have also started to do this.

Speaking of Songjiang Prefecture, it is indeed worthy of being the seat of Shanghai in later generations. Their speed and sense of industrial development are really unmatched by ordinary places. At the beginning of last year, Zhu Youjian arranged to support a batch of sewing machines. In just one year, their garment industry has already improved.

The most obvious thing is that this year, the number of businessmen coming to the capital to order sewing machines has increased significantly. In the first month since the sea opened, nearly a thousand sewing machines have been purchased there. The sewing machine factory built there has also begun production. The finished product is finished. According to reports, the sales volume is actually very impressive. It’s just that the technology in Beijing is updated faster. Businessmen and industrial workshops still recognize the products here more, so they don’t bother to go to the capital. Come and buy goods.

The price of sewing machines has dropped a lot after two years of development. The price here in the capital is now about thirty taels of silver dollars. Since this thing is not a common product yet, merchants come to purchase it with orders. , so when it is shipped to Songjiang, the price will not increase much, at most forty taels of silver dollars.

Forty-two silver dollars is still a bit expensive for ordinary household users, but it is not unacceptable for manufacturers of ready-made garments. With sewing machines, production efficiency will be greatly improved, and the production volume of one person will be higher than that of four or five people. The production volume is still high. Based on this efficiency, if you spend forty taels of silver dollars to buy a sewing machine, you can save the cost in about half a year, which is a very cost-effective investment.

Wu Benliu was originally a weaver in Songjiang Prefecture. He had more than a dozen looms at home and employed about 20 weavers. His life was pretty good. In the past few years, due to the influence of the market and industrial environment, His livelihood was cut off, the factory was closed, the workers were dismissed, and he still owed hundreds of taels of foreign debt.

Just when he felt that he could no longer survive and had no other way out, Songjiang Mansion was liberated by the navy. Originally, he thought that this matter had no impact on him. What did the fact that he could not survive because of his debts have anything to do with the government changing its owner? Which government in the past dynasties would care about the life and death of ordinary people? Is it possible that the emperor in Beijing will still pay off his foreign debts?

What happened next was really beyond his expectation. The officials from the north did not repay his foreign debt, but they did other things. Not long after the rebuilt Songjiang government office was put into operation, officials came to talk to him. .

The content of the conversation was very simple and clear. The government hopes that his factory can resume operation as soon as possible. If it is difficult for the weaving factory to recover, the government can help him transform. The direction of transformation is to become a garment factory. As long as he is willing to transform, the government can He rented five sewing machines for free and gave him a guarantee, and loaned him two hundred taels of silver dollars from the Royal Bank to get the factory up and running as soon as possible. At the same time, the government would also place an order for the production of two thousand sets of military uniforms for him to start the factory. There is business.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

Things were good and could not be better, but Wu Benliu was still worried, fearing that his factory would not be able to continue. He still owed two to three hundred taels of foreign debt. When he heard that he was rich, those creditors

Why don't you come here to collect debts? How can you keep the factory running if you let them take the money away?

When he expressed his concerns, the officials who came to talk said that the government also had a plan for this matter. In view of the current situation that a large number of factory owners in Songjiang Prefecture are burdened with foreign debts, the Songjiang Prefecture government has introduced a package plan. It will be for everyone.

The workshop owner's creditors issued a debt moratorium, prohibiting them from collecting debts in any way for half a year. At the same time, all debtors' governments only recognized the principal and not all interest. Any creditor who insisted on asking for interest would be dealt with by national law.

Along with the debt suspension order, the Royal Bank's debt-for-payment plan was launched. If any creditors need capital turnover within six months, they can take the IOUs in their hands and invite the workshop owners to the Royal Bank to handle the three-party transfer of creditor's rights.

Half of the claims were transferred to the Royal Bank, and half was cashed out for turnover.

Of course, the transfer of creditor's rights is also subject to conditions. The debtor must be a workshop owner, and there must be two or three industry peers to jointly guarantee it to prevent anyone from using false debts to cash out.

Catching up with such a once-in-a-lifetime good thing, Wu Benliu quickly started industrial transformation and restarted his own workshop. In three months, he completed the production order of two thousand sets of military uniforms and earned two hundred taels of silver dollars. In the following time, he

We received orders for more than 2,000 sets of military uniforms, and began to make some orders from outside. There were also many orders for ready-made clothes from outside, such as factory uniforms from the factory in Beizhi, uniforms for railway workers, clothing for officials, teachers, etc.

There are common people's clothes.

After working hard for a year, Wu Benliu's factory produced more than one set of ready-made clothes, with a huge profit of seven to eight hundred silver dollars. Not only did he escape the fate of bankruptcy, but he also ushered in a new life.

"My boss, the person who bought sewing machines from Beizhi has returned, and all ten machines have arrived. I had people try them out, and they all work very well. They are indeed better than those made by our factory here." The manager of the factory ran to

Wu Benliu's office, reporting to him on the use of the sewing machine that had just arrived.

"As long as it's easy to use, it won't hurt to spend more money to buy a good machine. After these machines arrive, our factory will have 25 sewing machines. This year we can make 20,000 sets of ready-made clothes no matter what. If we can do it by the end of the year

After completing this amount, I will give everyone working in the factory an extra month's salary."

"My boss is kind-hearted. People in the factory have been thinking about my boss. By the way, can we have an order for 20,000 sets this year? The government seems to have never placed an order for military uniforms." The manager was a little worried that the factory would not be able to accept it.

If you place enough orders, you won't make that much money.

"Old Wang, we have chickens that lay eggs, but are we afraid that we won't be able to hatch them? There are no big orders from the government, but I have a new way. The day before yesterday, an old acquaintance came over from Suzhou Prefecture.

He placed an order for 5,000 sets of military uniforms for me! Who said that he still has a way to get orders for military uniforms from other military leaders. With his line, our factory will not have to worry about making money."

"Which rebels are you making military uniforms for? If the government knew about this, would anything happen?"

"Hey, I've asked Manager Liu about your concerns a long time ago. He said that military uniforms are not contraband. As long as we can get cash, we can do it with confidence! There is only one principle, we can't do business at a loss."

"If Manager Liu really said that, then this matter would be foolproof. The current government is really a bunch of people working on errands. They really take too much care of us. When we encounter such officials and gentlemen, our lives will be ruined."

Why worry about not being able to survive? By the way, boss, my nephew in Suzhou has recently gone to Songjiang and is looking for a job to make a living. I wonder if he can join our factory?"

"As for your nephew, let him work in the factory. People are down-to-earth, right? As long as they are down-to-earth, with clean hands and feet, and diligent, our factory will need them. Our factory is short of people right now. No matter what happens this year, we have to have over a hundred workers in the factory.

, it must meet the requirements of the eighth-grade factory level."

This chapter has been completed!
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