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Chapter 522 Wolves Travel Thousands of Miles to Eat Meat, The Vegetables in the Capital Still Have a Way to Survive in Shenyang!

"You, as criminals, have been sent to the border of Shenyang City by the imperial court! It is bad luck, but it is also good luck. At present, Shenyang Mansion is full of waste and is waiting for development. It is the time to employ people. As long as you feel at ease, it is not a bad idea. There is no luck. Of course, if you are still as lazy, greedy, and evil as before, don't blame me for being ruthless. If you commit another crime in Shenyang City, it won't be as simple as exile." Chen When Dayou inspected the newly arrived immigrants, he gave a mixture of kindness and power, so that these people could calm down and develop in Shenyang City honestly.

Standing in the crowd of prisoners, looking at Chen Dayou who was speaking in front of the crowd, Han Zhenjie felt disgusted. He didn't have any good impressions of officials now. These people were all fucking grandsons who talked better than they did!

But having said that, after arriving in Shenyang City, the situation was indeed similar to what he expected. The resettlement treatment given by the local government was not like dealing with refugees at all. Based on the family unit, each family was divided into a hospital of different sizes based on the population. In addition to the house, each family also received one hundred kilograms of mixed noodles, twenty kilograms of vermicelli, one hundred kilograms of potatoes, ten kilograms of cooking oil, ten kilograms of dried meat, ten kilograms of dried vegetables, ten kilograms of dried tofu, and five kilograms. Salt, a few kilograms of seasonings and a pot, each person was given an enamel jar for eating, fifty kilograms of firewood, fifty kilograms of charcoal, five kilograms of kerosene, and a cold-proof mattress made of ulak grass for each person.

It can be said that they have distributed enough things for living. With these things, it is not a problem to survive in Shenyang City for the time being! As for future life, the government also has arrangements. The city has set up different places for the elderly, old, weak, women and children. If you want to make money, go work in these fields. Strong laborers can earn thirty or fifty cash. Women and children can also earn twenty or thirty cash. As long as they are willing to work, the whole family will have enough to eat. No problem.

The government also has policies regarding long-term livelihood issues in the future. As soon as spring begins, the government will organize people to open fields outside the city. The hours of work done within a year will meet the government's requirements. By the end of the year, the strong laborers can be divided into twenty acres of good land. , women, children, the elderly and the weak can also be allocated fields ranging from fifteen to five acres. In short, as long as they are willing to work, what they earn in Shenyang City will be divided in a year. Live a normal life.

If you are too lazy to work, and if you run out of this little food, the whole family will have to drink from the northwest wind and starve to death and freeze to death, and the government will not pay attention to you. If you want to be opportunistic and get by in crooked ways, Shenyang City can There is no such soil. The current situation in this place is that there are many officials, many officials, many soldiers, and few people! It is not easy to survive in a place like this. There are more than 50,000 soldiers and horses living in Shenyang City, and there are nearly 100 people in the surrounding areas. One hundred thousand combat troops are nothing but decorations!

"Dad, it's like you said. We can live a stable life in Shenyang City." After returning to the newly resettled home, Han Zhenjie's wife looked happy. The treatment now is better than what she expected for prisoners. Much more. The courtyard in front of me is very spacious for a family of six. It is not much smaller than the courtyard where his family lived in the capital.

"Hmph! What does this mean? If we make a good living, our family may not be able to live a prosperous life in two or three years!"

"A life of wealth? Dad, are you talking nonsense, or have you thought of some other way to make money? Let me tell you, if you mess around again this time, I will be the first to take the children to the government to sue. You, so as not to be implicated again."

"You woman, do you really think that the men in your family have no ability to make money other than bullying and embezzlement? Back then, I also earned my wealth by selling vegetables in the city. Now that we have arrived in Shenyang City, we are seeking wealth. You still can't throw away the old method! What do you think this is?" As he said that, Han Zhenjie took out a pile of hundred-dollar bills from his arms.

"Money? Didn't the government collect all our money? Why did you hide so much money?"

"This is what those heartless women you mentioned brought together for me. Our family was uprooted by the government, but for those women, the government did not make things difficult for them. I put some money in their houses. After we were imprisoned, After the verdict, they collected some money and secretly sent it to the prison in the name of visiting the prison, so that I could use it on the road. I had no chance to use the money on the road, but now that I am in Shenyang City, it can be used as capital to turn our family around."

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Signing in to Become a God"

"How much do you want to get reborn? What do you want to do for a living? This time, you have agreed not to commit crimes."

"Let's work in the city for a while to see the situation. If the situation here is good, my idea is to quickly buy some good land for growing vegetables near the city, and we can grow vegetables and sell them! Our two The big ones can also do some work. With you and me, growing twenty or thirty acres of vegetables is not a problem! There are so many wastelands in Shenyang City now. There won’t be many people buying land at this time. The land price is very cheap. It’s not a problem to buy twenty or thirty acres of vegetable land with this money.”

"Buy land to grow vegetables? Didn't the government officials say that as long as you work for a year, you can get land? Why should we spend that money to buy land?"

"You, after all, you have no brains for business! It was only a year after the government allocated land, not to mention that the land allocated may not be suitable for growing vegetables near the city. Business is something that must be taken first to make money. Fa, after all, how can you make any money later? When our family was able to prosper, wasn’t it because we had already taken advantage of it?”

"Master, this Shenyang city is no better than the capital city! The capital city is a big place, and there are so many people selling vegetables, but there are not many people in Shenyang city, so business may not be easy!"

"Hey, let me tell you, if the business in Shenyang City is good, it may not be as good as the capital city. First of all, you may think that there are few people in this city, but in fact there are quite a lot. There are not many private households, but the official office of Liaodong is here In the city, this is nothing. There are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed here. These are our customers. This year, most of the government-organized field openings will be mainly for growing grain. Even for vegetables, they will mostly use common large fields. Mainly vegetables, we don’t know how to grow fine vegetables. Let’s just grow fine vegetables. Twenty or thirty acres of fine vegetables can be sold at a good price no matter what. Once vegetables are grown, the money earned from twenty or thirty acres can be enough to cover the price. We can grow hundreds of acres of grain. In a year or two, our family will be able to get back on its feet!"

No one can succeed casually. Han Zhenjie has been involved in the vegetable business for most of his life. In addition to making money by bullying and dominating the market, he is also a bit of a real person. As for the market conditions and market judgment of the vegetable business, he is an absolute expert. As soon as he settled in Shenyang City, he keenly sensed business opportunities. In this city, which the imperial court had made great efforts to revitalize, there would be no shortage of cash flow in the hands of the people. Coupled with the garrison and officials, they continued to sell vegetables. In this line of work, as long as you act early, you will definitely have no problem making enough money for your family to live a good life! A wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat, and a dog travels a thousand miles to eat shit. No matter what the situation, people with a flexible mind can live a good life. There are always more ways to live than honest people!

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