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Chapter 523 To do big business, you must learn to use other people's originals to make money for yourself!

Some people are naturally good at doing business because of their brains and sensitivity to the market. Han Zhenjie has such qualities. Not everyone can master the game of bullying and dominating the market.

But there are also people who, simply by good luck, have become businessmen unconsciously. When Han Zhenjie was preparing to start a career in Shenyang City, some people's businesses in this devastated city were already on the upswing.

right way.

The day before yesterday, Zhang Qiushan had just changed the name of the leather goods shop. This leather goods shop, which was originally owned by the Manchu government, was officially renamed Qiu Wu Leather Goods Shop. Qiu is naturally Zhang Qiushan, and Wu is the fifth businessman of the fifth uncle.

After working in the leather shop for more than two months, Zhang Qiushan understood that he could not run such a large leather shop by himself. So he gave the fifth uncle 30% of the shares, and also gave the old man who had been so shameless

The stock of Li Yicheng, the crippled man who followed him.

The leather shop, which has been operating for nearly three months, should be said to be out of the situation of closing down at any time. During this period, they have developed from sewing sheepskin military caps from broken leather to sewing leather gloves and sewing leather goods.

During the multi-product operation stage of shredded sheepskin military coats, the leather store's turnover has also grown from the initial monthly income of tens of taels of silver dollars to the current monthly income of two to three hundred taels of silver dollars.

The number of employees in the business has expanded from the original four people who were old, weak, sick and disabled to more than 30 employees including the elderly, weak, women and children. Although this scale does not seem to be very big, in Shenyang City, their business is a proper private company.

The industrial and commercial organization is a star enterprise that solves employment problems. Among the large private commercial organizations in Shenyang City, there is really no second commercial place that can provide employment for more than 30 people.

Star companies are treated like star companies. Just a few days ago, Royal Bank, which had just been operating in Shenyang City for a few days, came to Zhang Qiushan to negotiate a support loan with an annual interest rate of 3%. This loan

The total amount is one thousand taels of silver dollars, and the interest for one year is only over thirty taels.

After being injected with a large amount of capital, Zhang Qiushan was a little confused. He has never spent so much money in his life.

"Fifth Master, the loan has been approved, how should we do business next? The people in the yamen have made it clear that by the end of this year at the latest, they will no longer recommend orders from the army. In other words, we will

The business is going to start its business this year and no longer rely on the government to survive. Do you think we can survive on our own?"

The leather goods produced by Dingzhang Qiu Shan and their shop are purely for industrial support and are not cost-effective from an economic point of view. Nowadays, Daming has a large number of sheepskin producing areas, and the sheepskins here in Shenyang do not have much advantage. Therefore, in

After this period of industrial support is over, the military's procurement will definitely be based on the best cost performance and will not be uneconomical as it is now.

"Why can't we survive? Now that we have the basic foundation, why are we still afraid that we can't do business? Just put your heart in your stomach and do the leather business well. The old man will take charge of the general direction. Since now we have

Now that we have made a lot of money, we have to recruit some people during this period to find a way to open the door to collecting sheep skins from the Tatars in the north. From now on, we will have to rely on skins from outside to survive! The little rotten skins we have in Shenyang City are probably not worth it.

It’s almost gone, and there isn’t much left in stock.”

"Going out to collect sheepskins? This can only last a few months. We have to consider next year's business. Without the government order next year, we won't be able to sell the sheepskins even if we collect them."

"First eat the meat you can eat in front of you. As for the future, if there is no order from the government, we will do less sheepskin business and return to our original business of leather shop, making expensive goods. Your family is in charge of expensive skins." The old man knows the craftsmanship well, so don’t worry, there will still be business.”

"Expensive goods? But we don't have that many books. Listen, we have taken out a loan of a thousand taels of silver, but this amount of money is enough to collect sheepskins. When it comes to collecting expensive goods, a good leather can cost dozens of dollars." If we don't care about two, how many skins can we collect?"

"Are you a heretic? You have to be smart in business. Who said you have to pay in cash to buy expensive leather? As long as we prop up the stall, there are people who put the leather in our shop and expect me to sell the goods to them. Go! To run a small business, you must rely on your own strengths. To run a big business, you must learn to use other people’s strengths to make money for yourself.”

"Fifth Master, you are probably thinking too well, aren't you? Are there any rich people in Shenyang City who can sell their goods to our store first? If the whole city is talking about business, maybe we are the ones who can do it."

"There are no such people in Shenyang City, but there are no such people in other places! The imperial court recently negotiated peace with the Manchu Tatars, saying that they would find a place to reopen the food market with the Tatars in the east of Shenyang. It seems that there is also a place in the north with the Manchu Tatars. We need to open up a sales market. They have a lot of valuable leather in their hands, and from now on our goods will fall on them."

"Let the Mantars give us credit first? Will they do this?" Out of awe of the Manchus deep in his heart, Zhang Qiushan was shocked by the bold idea of ​​the fifth uncle! How could those nobles give us such a thing? Do you want to buy goods on credit? Do you have such a great reputation?

"Shanba, the situation has changed! They used to be noble people, but now? Now they have to rely on us to sell leather! If they don't give us the goods on credit, how can they live with a bunch of leather? The leather looks valuable, They are not just living things. Hundreds of thousands of people have been moved all over the place. How can they live a better life now? If they don’t lend us their skins on credit and slowly receive living money, how can they support their people! The imperial court does not charge high fees. The imperial court would rather collect wood and grass than their expensive goods. Now in Shenyang City, we are the only decent leather goods shop, and the Tatars have to look at our faces!"

"Fifth Master, are you saying that the Manchu Tatars will rely on us in the future?"

"The sky has changed! You have received great fortune. You have worked so hard and don't waste this rare good fortune! If you do well this year, you will become a figure in the Liaodong business community."

"We don't care whether they are characters or not. If it is true as the fifth master said, we just want to get our family back from the Tatars. I don't know how they are doing after they arrive in Manchu!"

"As long as they are still alive, we will definitely bring them back this year. There is plenty of opportunity to settle the debts of the Dog Tartars."

The human heart is something that is hard to win, easy to win! How many months has it been? Zhang Qiushan, the Fifth Master and others have already had a big change in their views on the Manchu people. Their thoughts of surrender and awe, It has become so indifferent, and now they are even beginning to think about the matter of the ex-serfs singing. This is something that has only happened in the past two years. When Jinzhou was just recovered a few years ago, the people would not have it. With such an attitude, some of them are even thinking about how to help the Manchus fight back! After Shen Yangyang recovers, there will be very few people like this anymore!

This chapter has been completed!
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