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Chapter 524 Can't defeat Guangzhou city with the Iron Man Army?

The fate of life is so strange. When the fifth uncle thinks about what happened to him, Zhang Qiushan and others in recent times, he has to lament that things are unpredictable.

After working as a customer and serving people all my life, I didn’t leave anything behind when I was old. I was kicked out of the shop and left to fend for myself. But who could have imagined that in this almost desperate situation,

The highlight of life has come again. Do you think this is a good life? Or a bad life?

After coughing for a long time against the stove in the shop, the fifth man finally took a breath again. Time was running out, but he refused to accept this fate. He had to survive this winter no matter what! For an elderly man,

Winter is the most difficult. If you survive the winter, you will most likely persist until the next winter.

Zhang Qiu Shan, the young man in front of him who had not had much contact with him before, is one of the reasons why the fifth uncle must live strong. In addition to the skills of managing leather, this young man is a complete fool in the business world. If he were

It would be difficult for Pi Xing to lay a solid foundation without enduring a period of time. God has given them a window to contend with fate, and they should not close it so cruelly.

How lucky and glorious it would be to be able to establish the only big leather store in Shenyang City at the last moment of life?

Just as Mr. Wu was thinking in the lobby of the shop, the bell rang for the end of work. A group of old women and children got up from the back hall where they were sewing leather goods, and left the leather goods shop noisily to go home. This time

The group of people are unfortunate. The disaster in Shenyang caused their families to be separated. But they are also lucky. As survivors, they can live well now.

As the sun set, the new immigrants and survivors in Shenyang City stopped busy and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, the sun rose as usual, and people started a new busy day. Compared with the previous days, life in Shenyang City seems to be much busier now than before, but the people yearn for such busyness.

Because every busy job has a reward.

Amidst the violent coughing, the fifth uncle moved the door panels of the leather store's front hall piece by piece, preparing to start a new day's business.

"Green Gourd Sword Fairy"

Just when he opened the door and asked his granddaughter to light the stove, a savage-like man appeared at the door.

"Fifth Master?"

The fifth uncle took a closer look. This beggar-like man looked familiar.

"Fifth Master, I am Liu Mazi's son. He worked as a clerk in this leather shop. Did you ever take care of me back then?"

"Xiao Liu Mazi? Why are you like this? Didn't your whole family follow the Manchus to Mandi? Why are you here again?"

"Alas! I sneaked out from somewhere. I traveled through the barren mountains and ridges for more than ten years before I finally found Shenyang City..."

Xiao Liu Mazi felt as if he was seeing his relatives. He told the fifth uncle how he escaped from the Manchus and ran to Shenyang City.

This winter, life in the Qing Dynasty was extremely difficult, and the Han people who were forcibly moved to Manchuria were even more miserable. Xiao Liu Mazi couldn't bear it anymore, so he met up with several peers and escaped, braving the ice and snow.

After narrowly escaping death, he was the only one of five or six people who made it to Shenyang City alive.

"Hurry up and warm yourself up first, then slowly drink the ginger soup. I'll find you something to eat later. If you eat it now, it will eat you up." After listening to the reason for a while, the fifth uncle quickly arranged for Xiao Liu

Mazi sat down to warm up.

After struggling for nearly an hour, Xiao Liu Mazi regained some of his strength and ate a large bowl of porridge.

At this time, Zhang Qiushan and others also rushed to the front hall after hearing the news, and hurriedly surrounded Xiao Liu Mazi.

"Mazi, do you know the whereabouts of our family members?" Seeing that Xiao Liu Mazi seemed to be energetic, Zhang Qiushan quickly asked what he was most concerned about.

"Alas! No matter how you say it, you are still alive."

"Alive? Just live! Dog Tatars, I will settle the accounts for them sooner or later." Zhang Qiushan did not ask any more questions, but said a harsh word bitterly. Liu Mazi said this, and Why are you asking? My family must be living a life worse than death, but what can I do now? I can only pray that they are lucky enough to survive this winter, and we will think of a solution next year!

In Shenyang City this winter, pain and hatred are mixed with hope and rebirth. The pain will not be erased so easily. From time to time, some people and events will pop up, uncovering the scars and hurting people's hearts.

There is no war in the cold Liaodong this winter, but the wounds opened by the war have not yet healed, and the process of getting over the pain is not easy.

At the same time, in the distant and warm city of Guangzhou, the people were also in great pain, and the cloud of war once again came over them.

In the twelfth lunar month, the eldest son of the Zheng family came to Guangzhou with hundreds of warships and fifty or sixty thousand soldiers and horses!

"Young Master, there are over 100,000 thieves in Guangzhou City. We must not underestimate this battle." A general of the Zheng family stood on the deck of the flagship with Mr. Zheng, looking at the Guangzhou City in the distance, and said what he said The worries in my heart.

"Headless insects are nothing to worry about. Although we don't have as many soldiers as they do, we are well-equipped and have many firearms. We also have strong armies such as the elite Kunlun Slave Musketeers and the newly-built Iron Armored Army at our hands. There is nothing a mere bandit can do. No?"

If Zhang Xianzhong was still alive, Damu would not despise Xiying so much. But now that Zhang Xianzhong was dead, Damu suddenly felt that Xiying had become a ragtag group of people, completely no match for his own opponent who had a well-equipped and strong army in hand and was wise and powerful.

In the past two years, facing the pressure of all members of the northern court to use firearms, the Zheng family's army, which is rich and powerful, has also been undergoing large-scale changes in firearms. At the same time, the Iron Armored Army, a military branch that originally only appeared in the later years of Omu-san, is also under pressure They showed up early. They felt that with their heavy armor, they would be less damaged by the fierce northern musketry. This is the capital that Omu classmate is proud of. With such a family background, there is no way he can defeat the army of the northern imperial court. Another story , is it still impossible to deal with the gang of beggars who mainly use swords and spears?

In the city of Guangzhou, Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo and other new generation generals of the Great Western Army were also looking at the Zheng family's team gathered on the river with warships on top of the city.

"Second brother, the Zheng family seems to have the idea of ​​​​landing on the beach. Should we send troops to drive them into the river so that they cannot land?"

"It can't be done. The Zheng family's ship has a large number of heavy artillery. Without defense, our people cannot stand up on the beach."

"Where can we let them go ashore?"

"Let them come up. Only on land will we have a chance."

"I heard that there are many firearms in the Zheng family's army, and it is difficult for our troops to get close to them on land. These pirates are difficult to deal with."

"It's a bit prickly!"

"Is the second child confident of winning this battle?"

"You can only find out if you fight. We haven't touched any of the main force of the Zheng family. This time I just want to see what the methods of these sea dolls are like. I really thought that after the death of my adoptive father, we in Xiying can pinch anyone.

Does it exist?"

This chapter has been completed!
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