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Chapter 557 The magistrate's summons scares the former Caitou into the urine!

Shooting himself in the foot, when Chen Dayou walked out of the venue, he felt like he was one head and two heads above the head. This meeting was a terrible one. Not only did he not get away with it, but he also picked up a hot potato. Who would have thought that suddenly he would There are so many refugees coming!

He brags and brags, but he has to stick to it even after gritting his teeth. Resettlement of 40,000 refugees is just 40,000. No matter what, he has to find a way to complete this matter, otherwise he will not be able to survive in the officialdom of Liaodong!

"Everyone, the work of accepting 40,000 refugees this winter must be completed with quality and quantity. This is a task given to us by the court and the province, and no discounts can be made. Having said that, this matter is also an opportunity for us in Shenyang City. As long as we can do it next year If 70,000 refugees have been resettled before summer, Shenyang will be revitalized soon, which is a great achievement for us." Returning to his prefect's office, Chen Dayou quickly summoned his main officials for a meeting. Time was tight. , the task is heavy, and now the entire Shenyang Mansion must be mobilized.

"Master Futai, the main thing to resettle the immigrants is food, clothing and housing. As for clothing, when they come from Beizhili, the court should take care of it. In other words, now we mainly need to solve two things: food, housing and housing. In terms of living, it may not be possible if each family is allocated a room in one courtyard as before, but it can still be done by reorganizing the vacant houses in the city and sharing a room with three or five people. Therefore, the official feels that now we The most important thing is to put the food ration issue in place so that the resettlement work can be generally orderly."

"Well, that makes sense! We still have some dilapidated houses in Shenyang City that can be repaired and used for people to live in. Once these houses have been renovated, they will definitely be much better than temporary shacks. As long as the coal supply is sufficient, they can survive the winter. There won't be any big problems. As for the food rations issue, our government will produce a surplus of 40,000 to 50,000 dan of grain this year. Once deployed, it should be enough for the refugees to survive the winter, right?" Chen Dayou listened to the analysis of the official who spoke. , the anxious mood relaxed a little, and began to discuss the problem in detail.

"Sir, judging from the overall situation, the surplus food is enough. But there is a problem now. Even if there are no refugees, we all have a problem in Shenyang City. We are in urgent need of some winter vegetables. People cannot always eat staple food and Potatoes, right? If there were no refugees, we might only be short of some fine vegetables, and now there are 40,000 refugees coming. I estimate that the shortage of meat and coarse vegetables might be huge."

"Lack of vegetables and meat? Are you in need of oil?"

"There is a way to solve the problem of oil. Although transportation will be difficult after winter, we can still find a way to transport some oil. After all, the transportation capacity for oil transportation is not very large. But it is difficult to transport meat and vegetables from outside. .”

"This is a big problem. Without meat and vegetables, the quality of food for refugee resettlement will not be improved, and food consumption will increase. Moreover, it is easy for refugees to complain, which will affect our entire refugee resettlement work. What do you have here? Is there no good way to solve it?" Only then did Chen Dayou realize that the biggest problem in Shenyang City now is the unreasonable food supply structure, and he had not noticed this problem before!

"Futai, I really don't have any good ideas from Xiaguan right now. However, there is a Caitou in the city who was exiled from the capital. He seems to have some ideas in this regard. The canteen of our prefect's Yamen has been opened from him a few days ago. I bought some garlic seedlings and prepared them for the winter. Can I pass them over and ask him if he has any good ideas?"

"Oh? Maybe this is really a talent! In this way, after our meeting is over, you send someone to inform the government office, and I will ask him for advice and see if there is any good way."

The situation is urgent, so we can only seek medical treatment urgently. Maybe the poor settlement recommended by this official will be able to come up with some good ideas. In short, the worst-case scenario is to let the refugees come and eat only staple food and boiled potatoes.

Han Zhenjie is taking a few people hired from the street to build a shack for planting leek in his own land. He is very busy. The shack he built for the leek field is relatively simple, just using wooden stakes and

The straw curtains are built into an on-site shed that is about the same height as a person. After that, at the bottom of the shed, a few fire pits similar to fire pits are made of earth for heating. In short, it is necessary to keep warm while saving labor and effort.

Cheap. Fortunately, the stubble of leek must be covered with a large amount of wheat straw and bean grass, which can also play a thermal insulation role, so the insulation requirements for the shack are not too high.


"Shopkeeper Han, it's not easy to find you. I thought you were at home, but I didn't expect you to be in the fields. It's already winter and you're still busy." A clerk from a grassroots street office came with him.

Several people rushed to Han Zhenjie's place and started complaining.

"Jin Guanren? I'm a small vegetable farmer, but I'm not lucky enough to be like Maodong right now. I wonder what the official's orders are for finding him?"

"I'm not here to look for you today. These are the officials of the prefect's Yamen. They sent you to go to the prefect's Yamen." As the clerk spoke, he pointed to the people following him.

"Tell me to go to the magistrate's office. This villain has been abiding by the law since he arrived in Shenyang. He has never done anything bad. Officials, why do you come to take this villain? I beg you to be noble and let him go."

When Han Zhenjie spoke, everyone was already kneeling on the ground, and urine could not stop flowing down from his thighs. He had suffered the disadvantage of being summoned casually in the capital, so when he heard that he was being summoned to the prefect's Yamen, he immediately

Scared to the point of peeing.

"Hey! You idiot, the prefect told you that he wants to ask you some advice on growing vegetables. What do you take it for? We, prefect Chen, are an important official in the province. Will we have nothing to do and trick you into going to the Yamen to interrogate you?"

When a policeman from the prefecture's Yamen saw Han Zhenjie in such a frightened state, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. After laughing for a while, he started to speak.

"The prefect asked me about growing vegetables? I'm afraid that's impossible, right? How could a high official like him care about such a trivial matter?"

"You are such a coward! Can't you take our words seriously? Stop gossiping and quickly change into a pair of pants. Clean yourself up and follow us to the government office. Don't keep us waiting too long."

Until this moment, Han Zhenjie was still a little dubious. He was really frightened by this kind of thing. He could say both the word "official" and "official" in both mouths. Who can be sure what will happen when he arrives at the prefect's Yamen?

But there was no way, even though he had doubts in his heart, he finally went to the house on the edge of the field to change his clothes, and followed these officials to the magistrate's office. Along the way, he was trembling with fear and uneasiness.

Han Zhenjie was really not a timid person in the past, but after suffering a big loss, he couldn't help but become timid when he saw people from the official yamen. He would involuntarily think about the worst, for fear that the new life he had finally started would be ruined again.

Are you going to be tortured by these shady people?

This chapter has been completed!
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