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Chapter 558

After meeting Chen Dayou at the prefect's Yamen, Han Zhenjie's frightened mood finally calmed down. It turned out that he really came to him to ask for advice on growing vegetables.

"Dr. Han, if you have any idea about the shortage of winter vegetables in Shenyang City, please don't hesitate to give me some advice. If you really contribute to this matter, the government will never treat you badly." After briefly talking about the situation, Chen Dayou went straight to the topic and asked Han Zhenjie if there was anything he could do.

"Master Magistrate, if tens of thousands of people are to be relocated to the city, it will be very difficult to find a solution. You must know that there are not only ordinary people in our city, but also nearly a hundred thousand troops. As far as I can see, this year even There aren’t many cabbages and radishes grown, let alone other vegetables.” When it came to professional issues, Han Zhenjie stopped being nervous and began to speak truthfully. As a conscientious person, he had long been interested in the vegetable supply market in Shenyang City. From observation, he knows the general situation better than Chen Dayou.

"This is indeed a fact, but as a local official, I have to find a way. Mr. Han, is there any way you can alleviate this urgency?"

"Since the prefect is asking questions, I will tell you a few non-solutions. Shenyang City should not only be short of vegetables this winter, but also be short of meat! Regarding meat, I think we can find some solutions from the Mongolian people in the north. "You can store more mutton in winter, so you can buy more. As for vegetables, we can only use three methods: hiding, planting and expanding."

"Hide, plant, and expand? How should these three methods be implemented?"

"Housing means hiding the existing vegetables as well as possible to prevent them from spoiling! For example, radishes, although many people know how to store them in cellars, the radishes most people hide will become weak over time. Xiao People here know a few ways to make radishes last longer. You can hide radishes and pears together, so they can last longer. If you don’t have pears, you can also open the wine jar and seal it with mud and put it in the place where the radish is hidden. In the cellar, you can also extend the storage time of radishes. As for cabbage, I also have a few tricks to make it last longer!"

If others asked, Han Zhenjie would not tell these private goods. This is his plan to make a fortune. But when an official of Chen Dayou's level spoke up, Han Zhenjie felt that it would be more beneficial to tell it than not to tell it. Big.

"Okay, I have indeed hired the right person. After these methods are finished, I will ask the Han Dong family to teach all the officials in charge of farming in the government office! These methods you gave us are not in vain, so let's give them to you. An initial bonus of three hundred taels of silver dollars. By the way, where does this kind of peace and expansion fall into place?"

"Actually, even in the coldest winter in Shenyang City, you can still grow some vegetables if you think of some ways. I have been trying to grow some leeks in my own land during this period. Your Excellency, you can have all the leeks in the suburbs gathered together. Get up and plant leeks the way a villain does. Although you may not be able to grow many, you should have two to three hundred acres. Another way you can think of is to hatch bean sprouts. Bean sprouts are also a good vegetable in winter and can be produced in large quantities. , is a good idea. In addition, you can also grow some fungi in the greenhouse, which can also be used as vegetables."


"Wonderful, after the Han Dong family said this, our Shenyang City will be able to produce tens of thousands more catties of vegetables in winter. If there is any other way, the Han Dong family will tell you."

"The only way left is to expand. I've seen people in the capital fry potato chips with oil and red pepper. It's very delicious. These potatoes can also be used as vegetables. They don't necessarily have to be crushed into powder or boiled. "Also, we can collect wild vegetables, fungus and other dry goods from the mountains from all over the ground, which can also be eaten as winter vegetables."

Professional people still have to do professional things. After Han Zhenjie’s plain talk, Chen Dayou felt that he had found a way to solve the winter vegetable supply in Shenyang City. Although these methods cannot fundamentally reverse the winter vegetable shortage in the city, At least it can alleviate the problem to a certain extent. As long as these methods are properly organized, it is possible to allow the refugees to see vegetables every few days. Anyway, we can only survive for one winter. It should be able to hold on to the past.

Chen Dayou had gained a lot, and Han Zhenjie had also gained a lot from his visit to the Yamen. He was hired as the general consultant for the supply of winter vegetables to the Shenyang Yamen, and worked with the Yamen officials to guide and participate in the whole process. Of course, this work was not in vain. After he succeeded, Chen Dayou promised him a reward of five hundred taels of silver dollars, and at the same time, he would be given fifty acres of suburban land to grow vegetables!

After finishing this job, it seems that he will be able to save three or four years of hard work. After this winter, Han Zhenjie will be a small rich man. This business is very cost-effective, and he feels that he has benefited greatly.

Is he profiting from it? Actually, you can’t say that. Han Zhenjie is exchanging intellectual property and experience for money. After careful calculation, he still suffers a bit. The ideas he will come up with in the future will not be exclusive sales. He will still have to make money in the future. Think about it again.

The whole city of Shenyang is mobilizing to prepare for the winter. To the east of Shenyang City, Dorgon, the ancestral land of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, also has to cope with the coming winter.

Walking out of the palace in his ancestral land and looking at the snow-covered mountains and forests in the distance, Dorgon was filled with melancholy. His life has been very difficult in the past two years, and he has obviously become much older. He is troubled both internally and externally. This word is used to describe the current situation. Dorgon's situation should be the most suitable.

Outside, the Ming court pushed the Manchus to the east of Shenyang. Needless to say, even the several Horqin Mongolian tribes that had been close friends with them in the past two years began to alienate them. The Sauron people in the east and the Koreans in the south also began to stop. stand up.

Inside, the situation was even more complicated. The Manchu nobles were entirely responsible for the defeat of the Han Dynasty, overtly or covertly, and passed it on to Dorgon. Now that the little emperor was getting older, he began to have thoughts about power and pampering. They were eager to think of ways to seize power. The Han officials and Han generals who had retreated to Manchuria were now having complicated thoughts. They were increasingly dissatisfied with the oppression of the Manchu nobles. A few days ago, Shang Kexi led people to fight with the Manchus. The leader stood up and the two sides fought, and the situation was almost out of control.

The most troublesome thing for Dorgon is the economic situation. It has been more than a year since he retreated here, but the basic governance and economic order have not returned to normal. If he hadn't opened a border trade with Mingting, he could have obtained it by buying trees and grass. Economic income is estimated to have collapsed long ago.

"Send an order to Mandahai and other frontline generals, and ask him to restrain his subordinates more strictly and not to feel uncomfortable on the border of the Ming court! We are not getting any advantage, and we are making a mess. God will ask the Ming court to send a message to accuse us. Destroy the content of the peace agreement." After looking at the old forest for a long time, Dorgon reluctantly gave an order. The generals on the front line have been sending troops to the Ming court's control area to harass, making Dorgon even more passive now. He We know better than anyone that under the current circumstances, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties need a stable border more than the Ming Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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