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Chapter 661 Sun Chuanting Enters Beijing to Convict

Not long after Liu Lishun went on tour, outside Chang'an City, Song Yingsheng, Huang Degong and others were seeing him off again.

The person seeing him off was much more important than Liu Lishun. The former governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi and the governor of the three sides, Sun Chuanting, the great general of the Ming Dynasty.

Standing at the gate of the city, he exchanged a few words with Song Yingsheng and Huang Degong, and looked at the tall Chang'an city wall affectionately. Sun Chuanting said goodbye to Chang'an city with eyes full of reluctance.

The fate between Shaanxi and Sun Chuanting lasted for more than ten years, and the second time he entered Shaanxi was ten years. In the blink of an eye, this experience was about to end. Was it a success or a failure in these ten years? After what happened, future generations

How should I comment? What did I leave to the land of Sichuan and Shaanxi? From this moment on, Sichuan and Shaanxi officially bid farewell to the era of Sun Chuanting.

In the contacts with the officials of the current imperial court, although they all maintained a positive tone from the imperial edicts transmitted to Shaanxi officials at all levels, but judging from their actual performance, it seemed that they did not think much of it.

The most common thing I say is that compared with other places, Sichuan and Shaanxi are pretty good. Where are these other places? It certainly does not exclude Beijing, Tianjin, Beizhi, Shandong and other places where the imperial court has long ruled.

Is the place where the imperial court has ruled for a long time really much better than Sichuan and Shaanxi? Sun Chuanting is both skeptical and curious. People are in charge of administration. Since the imperial court's New Deal, can the changes in local areas and officials have undergone earth-shaking changes? But, having said that,

Since the New Deal, it seems that the imperial court has become rich. The officials who came here talked about a budget of tens or millions of silver dollars, saying that they would develop Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Although silver dollars appear in the form of banknotes in most cases, their actual value has always been quite strong, and they are not real paper. They cannot be printed casually, right? If they could be printed casually, silver dollars would have become the treasure banknotes they once were.

But looking at the attitude of these officials in the imperial court, money is really like paper and they feel like they are spending it casually.

Objectively speaking, Sun Chuanting's actions in Sichuan and Shaanxi are worthy of recognition. In the past ten years, the lives of the people in Sichuan and Shaanxi have been stable, and they have not encountered the catastrophes that occurred in real history. For this reason, Zhu Youjian is enough to comment on the situation back then.

Feeling pleased with the arrangement.

Compared with all warlords and separatist forces, the governance of Sichuan and Shaanxi is good. Sichuan and Shaanxi, especially Shaanxi, are not like Nanzhi. This place has been severely damaged by civil unrest. It can only make most people stabilize.

, it is a remarkable achievement that ordinary people cannot achieve. The situation in the Central Plains is the same as that of Shaanxi, but the situation is much worse than that of Shaanxi. This is where Sun Chuanting's ability lies.

"Your Majesty, Sun Chuanting has left Shaanxi. It is estimated that he will be able to arrive in the capital in about ten days at most! When he comes to Beijing, what standards should be used to receive him?" After receiving the news that Sun Chuanting had left Shaanxi, Wu Sheng hurried over and asked the emperor.

How to greet people when they arrive in the capital. There are standards for how to receive other people. How to receive Sun Chuanting is really a bit awkward.

"Let's do this. After he arrives in the capital, let Grand Master Zhou meet him at the restaurant on behalf of me and the court. After receiving him, let him roam freely in the capital for three days! Three days later, the Ministry of Punishment will send someone to take him into custody and enter the public trial process."

"Your Majesty, won't you arrange for his face to face?"

"That's all. After the trial in Dali Temple is over, I will choose an opportunity to see him again." Before the trial of Sun Chuanting, Zhu Youjian was a little afraid to see Sun Chuanting. He was afraid that after meeting him, he would be soft-hearted and open his mouth.

All your sins are forgiven.

In memory, the natural goodwill derived from history can kill people. If Sun Chuanting is not held criminally responsible, it will set a very bad precedent. So Zhu Youjian forced himself to be more hard-hearted! Besides, as far as personal feelings are concerned

Generally speaking, Sun Chuanting didn't accumulate much favor with him. After time travel, the person who really owed the favor was Qin Liangyu, and he had no chance to repay it.

He sacrificed his life to save his life twice. The kindness is so great that it cannot be repaid! The Qin Ma family are the loyal and kind people who have dedicated their blood and descendants to the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, how should we convict Sun Chuanting? Can you tell me something about it?"

"How to convict people will be discussed in court in Dali Temple. This is Dali Temple's business and I can't make the final decision." This is very tactful. Dali Temple is not a place beyond the control of the emperor. How could he not be able to make the decision?

It's just that Zhu Youjian wants to create an image that he will not interfere casually in the trial affairs of Dali Temple. The archway that should be erected still needs to be erected!

"Okay! We can only wait until the Dali Temple review is completed before we know the result." When Wu Sheng spoke, he deliberately used accents. He was very angry at the emperor's mysterious virtue. If you have the ability, you can do it.

Completely let go during the entire review process, and do not sneak around to see the Dali Temple Minister for advice.

Listening to Lao Wu's words, it seems that he is a little angry at himself for pretending to be thirteen? If you are angry, you will be angry. Anyway, I will not tell you the result in advance. "I suddenly remembered that since the Prime Minister took office, it seems that he has not brought hundreds of officials to pay homage.

Old General Qin and other loyal souls who sacrificed their lives for their country? Let the Ministry of Rites arrange it. In a few days, we will go to sacrifice these loyal souls. I will bring the prince and princess with me so that they can also recognize the door of Ming Zhongliang."

Suddenly want to pay homage to Qin Liangyu? Wu Sheng trembled in his heart. This is not only an eye medicine for Sun Chuanting who is about to come to Beijing! It is also an eye medicine for the current officials. Qin Liangyu is as loyal and good as we, the literati and ministers, are.

Which one to imitate or which one to follow?

How to repay kindness with kindness? The proper attitude must be expressed. Even if Sun Chuanting is not treated seriously, he cannot be left without psychological burden and guilt. Repaying grievances directly is Zhu Youjian's attitude! For the sake of Ming Dynasty, for the sake of Ming Dynasty,

For the sake of the people, and even for the sake of history, Sun Chuanting would not be severely punished. But for his own sake, he still had to speak out a little.

Passing Tongguan, entering Luoyang, and crossing the Central Plains, Sun Chuanting's impression of the Central Plains was neither bad nor good. The current situation in the Central Plains is definitely incomparable to that of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

When he arrived at Yanzhou, he entered Shandong. As soon as he entered Shandong, the first thing he experienced was the track railway. He had known about railways before and was planning to build one in Guanzhong. Now he finally had the opportunity to experience it in person. He carefully observed the various

Details. From railway tracks, to rail cars, to stations, and the operation mode on the road.

"No wonder people say that the rejuvenation of the country lies in the railway. This thing is really a weapon for the military state. The efficiency of transporting troops by railway is several times that of before. Now there is a railway from Xuanhua to Shanhaiguan, which is in the hinterland of Zhili.

It has built another border wall for our Ming Dynasty. In addition to military use, it can also be used for civilian use. Nothing can compare with the contribution of enriching the country and strengthening the army." After leaving Yanzhou Station, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but sigh to the accompanying and guard beside him, and added a lot of emotion.

Appreciate the railway.

"Now the railway not only reaches Shanhaiguan, but also connects Shenyang, Daning and Guihua. Every time errands are assigned to newly graduated college students, everyone hopes to be assigned to an official office along the railway. It will be a lot more convenient.

." The companions who accompanied the emperor also praised the railway. They felt more sympathetic to the role of the railway.

This chapter has been completed!
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