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Chapter 662 Imprisonment for ten years!

"Bo Ya's trip to Beijing this time was smooth, right?" At the Yingbin Restaurant in the capital, Zhou Yanru held a banquet to welcome Sun Chuanting. After the ceremony, Zhou Yanru began to chat.

"There are signs of peace in the north, and the journey has been smooth. Especially after entering Shandong, it is completely a peaceful world, which I have not seen in decades."

"Thanks to the hard work of His Majesty and all the ministers, the country finally has signs of revival. After Boya arrives in the capital, he should take a closer look. The prosperity of the capital cannot be compared with other places. You have also worked hard over the years, so you should Relax, relax."

"Relax? How can I, a sinner, have such a blessing? Speaking of which, Lord Sikong, can you tell me how the court will convict me?"

"Bo Ya, you really put me off by what you said. So far, Your Majesty has not said anything. I and Lu You have both asked me in person, but there is still no result."

"Is your Majesty too disappointed in me? I wonder if I can apologize to the Holy Spirit when I come to Beijing this time?"

"I'm afraid there won't be any chance recently. His Majesty said he was going to bring hundreds of officials and the emperor's heirs to pay homage to General Qin Liangyu, so he has no time to pay attention to other matters. We have to wait for the Dali Temple to complete the examination before looking for an opportunity."

The emperor doesn't want to meet him? He still has to pay homage to Qin Liangyu. Sun Chuanting was a little confused by Zhou Yanru's reply. Qin Liangyu died while rescuing him in Xuanhua, so he had naturally heard about it. He chose this time to hold a grand ceremony. During the memorial ceremony, didn’t he say that I, Sun Chuanting, was unfaithful?

Does this convey the attitude of the court? What is the use of disloyal ministers to the emperor?

Sun Chuanting, who was in constant panic, lost all interest in free activities and only stayed in the post house for three days before being invited back to the prison by people sent by the Ministry of Punishment.

The facilities in the prison were worthy of his status. It was a small prison with its own courtyard. It even had a life secretary who was responsible for taking care of his daily food and daily life.

A few days later, people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate sent him a complaint, asking him to read it carefully so that he could defend himself during the trial. They also informed him that during the trial, some important officials from Sichuan and Shaanxi in Beijing would For a jury, he needs to be mentally prepared and can even write letters to communicate with these people.

What kind of operation is this? Isn't it just like trying a ginger boil, where you just cut it in the end?

"You must pay homage to Grandma Qin, and you must come here often to see her in the future. As heirs of the royal family, you must be grateful to Zhongliang. When you grow up, you must always remember not to let down Zhongliang. A lot of passion. Only by always being grateful and being kind to the loyal and kind, will there be more loyal and kind people who will sacrifice their lives to protect the Ming Dynasty. People's hearts are exchanged for their own hearts. If you don't pay for yourself, how can others be kind to you for no reason?" Worship? During Qin Liangyu's ceremony, Zhu Youjian called the six or seven princes and princesses in Beijing over and taught them earnestly and sincerely.

It’s good to have more women. Unknowingly, in the past few years, a bunch of children have appeared around me. Now I don’t have to worry about no one to inherit my career. It’s just that these children are still too young to choose a successor. when.

The important ministers in Beijing were still thinking about establishing the crown prince early, and Zhu Youjian continued to drag his feet. It was a bit too cruel to appoint a child under ten years old as the crown prince. However, at this age, no consideration should be given to his legacy. Things are not working out, so we need to find a way to straighten out the Crown Prince's affairs.

The crown prince of Nanjing and the other two princes, Zhu Youjian did not want to consider them anymore. The crown prince of the Ming Dynasty had to be selected from these people in front of him. The question is, how to select and train? It will take a lot of effort to train an ordinary baby in future generations.

, now I am faced with the problem of cultivating a monarch who will lead hundreds of millions of people forward, and he is only allowed to succeed and not fail. The pressure is very high.

It would be okay if he cultivated a mediocre monarch, but if he cultivated Cha Xi and made him a master who was impatient, greedy, and incompetent like his predecessor, it would be a big deal.

After paying homage to Qin Liangyu, the public trial of Sun Chuanting began immediately. It was not until the public trial process began that Zhu Youjian found the chief officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple to set the final tone of the trial.

"Sun Chuanting is definitely guilty of treason. There is no doubt about this. However, he has made contributions to the country before. When he was in charge of Sichuan and Shaanxi, he also made some achievements in peace and livelihood of the people. The people of Sichuan and Shaanxi benefited from this. Comprehensive merits

However, I think it is more appropriate to set a crime of revoking all positions and rewards, and imprisoning for ten years." Without letting Chen Yan and the others guess, Zhu Youjian directly stated the criteria for conviction.

"I respect the holy edict." Chen Yan and the minister of Dali Temple quickly promised.

"After the verdict, let me explain to the people in the Ministry of Punishment that Sun Chuanting's imprisonment standards are basically in accordance with the current detention standards. He is in a separate house. He cannot see people casually. He needs to make special reports when visiting guests and going out. He is allowed to visit guests once a month and go out.

If they need special approval, they are generally not allowed to go out. In terms of daily life, three meals a day are provided according to the standards of low-level military officers. They are equipped with two living secretaries, one of whom may consider hiring his family members.

During his imprisonment, he must also be given appropriate arrangements for his affairs to reflect the purpose of reform through labor."

"Your Majesty, what kind of work should be arranged for him? Unlike other prisoners in the labor camp, he is alone in his own house and it is difficult to find a job." Chen Yan was deeply embarrassed about how to arrange work for Sun Chuanting. Other prisoners were in the labor camp.

The way the work is arranged in farms and labor camps and mines, you can't have someone specially escort him to work in these places every day, right?

"It's definitely not possible to ask him to do physical work. Let's consider some intellectual work. He has been leading troops for a long time and has rich experience in military and political management. The Military Academy can consider hiring him as a special instructor and giving him monthly salary.

Arrange about twenty class hours.

Under normal circumstances, when hiring someone with his experience and talent, the class fee will not be low. Well, for each class hour, the class fee given by the Military Academy will be three taels of silver dollars, two of which will be deducted by the Ministry of Punishments for supervision and used for other purposes.

The remaining one yuan will be given to him as pocket money for living expenses in the prison. As for the content of his teaching, it will be determined by him based on the current military school curriculum! In this matter, Du Yushi can find time to give him the money in private.

We hope to end the trial as soon as possible without wasting any more time."

Looking for time to tell the truth in private? After Chen performed in the palace, he went to see Sun Chuanting that night. It was better to choose a different date. Chen Yan felt that the time he found was the most suitable.

"Bo Ya! Are you satisfied with this result? In recent days, in order to know His Majesty's attitude towards you as soon as possible, all the important ministers from the court have been running to the palace. That's why I got the Holy Scroll and found out from the Saint's mouth.

Tianxian came out. With this result, it is truly a mercy from a saint. I hope you can accept it calmly."

Chen Yan knew that it wouldn't take long for such a big matter to spread throughout the court, so he couldn't wait to come all night to explain it. The purpose was naturally to let Sun Chuanting remember him as a favor. This time, it seemed that Old Sun was beaten to the end.

But the part-time teaching job at the Military Academy is no ordinary job. It is obvious that the emperor still treats Lao Sun differently, and the favor may be useful.

This chapter has been completed!
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