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Chapter Fifteen Bloodshed Contrary to Original Intention

"Mr. Smith, what do you mean by this?"

A lady in her early thirties, who showed wealth in everything from her dress to her temperament, broke the silence and took the initiative to ask Tom why he said these words that had nothing to do with women's rights.

Seeing that after more than ten seconds of silence, someone finally asked him a question, Tom continued, but he said something that made the feminist fighters a little angry.

"My personal hobbies are not in line with the mainstream. Today's mainstream society believes that a person should have faith. After a person becomes successful, he should drink European red wine and smoke imported cigars."

"So I am bound by social customs, and you are similar."

"I am bound by social customs, and you are bound by the subjective thinking of male supremacy."

As soon as this statement came out, it was like a thunderous thunder, instantly detonating the excitement of human rights fighters.

"Impossible, we are human rights liberators fighting on the front line of the women's liberation movement! We are not bound by the subjective thinking of male supremacy. How can that kind of ignorant and backward thinking restrain us pioneers?"

A younger-looking woman stood up and refuted Tom's remarks with some excitement. She did not agree that she was bound by the idea of ​​male supremacy!

Not just her, several women also looked at Tom in a less friendly way.

Tom still smiled and continued.

"You want women's rights to be properly protected, right?"

"You want women to be equal to men in all aspects of society, right?"

"You hope that women can live freely in the United States and even around the world, right?"

"But everything you have now comes from men. Everyone here is from a wealthy family. The father is either a lawyer or a businessman. Even if he is not good enough, he is also a factory owner, right?"

Before Tom could finish speaking, several young human rights fighters fiercely rebutted Tom.

"So we have to change all this, we have to reverse the embarrassing situation where women can only be dependent on men!"

"Yes! We want to change all this. We want women to be lawyers, businessmen, factory owners and even presidents of the United States!"

"Occupy these men's positions!"

Looking at this group of indignant human rights pioneers, Tom just sneered and continued.

"But you have never gotten rid of the subjective thinking of male supremacy."

"The reasons for the current social situation that you have just thought of are all about blaming the fault and inequality on men."

"If you say 'masculine and masculine', do you really subconsciously put both men and women on an equal footing?"

"Isn't this subconsciously prioritizing men and male supremacy?"

"How can you truly liberate women all over the world with such a mentality?"

“With a mentality of male supremacy, you still want to liberate women?”

"This is a joke."

Tom uttered "wild words" to more than a dozen human rights fighters and directly accused these human rights fighters of being a joke.

"Whether you have been protesting, marching, or giving speeches for the equal rights of men and women."

"Which one of you is not seeking alms from ignorant men?"

"These behaviors directly expose the weakness in your heart. You are longing for those men with backward thinking. Your active conscience will find out and then give you charity."

"Give me the rights that you women should have!"

"The French Revolution did not succeed through protest, nor did the independence of the thirteen states of the United States come through parades, nor did the Republic of Texas gain independence from Mexico and join the United States through speeches and performances."

"These people only gained the rights they deserve by throwing their heads and blood."

"Do you think you can get the rights you deserve by relying on each other's charity?"

Tom quickly criticized these human rights fighters to the point of shame. Tom was right, these women still had some illusions about men.

"That's too extreme, and the bloodshed goes against our original intention."

"Do you think you can get the rights you deserve by using bloodshed? Even if you use bloodshed, you may not be able to win the rights women deserve."

Tom had already investigated the American Equal Rights Association. These three middle-aged women were all moderate reformists. It was impossible for them and their followers to support bloodshed to fight for their rights. Tom had already expected this answer.

Tom slowly walked to another window and looked at the farm in the distance.

"Look, there are still many black people on those big farms. How much wages do you think they can get? Do you think these black people have their own land? Are they cultivating their own land?"

"The Emancipation Proclamation was spread from the White House in Washington to every corner of the United States, but did the slaves in Dixie listen to it?"

"I tell you bluntly, even today, more than half a year after the end of the Civil War, there is still a slave market in Texas for US$2,000 per black slave. Any large farm in Texas or even the entire Dixie United States

There are still a large number of "black slaves" who are not legal slaves."

The three middle-aged women nodded slightly. They recognized that Tom had truly conducted the investigation. They had already identified Tom as a man who told the truth and did practical things.

"War, the highest form of bloodshed, has not truly liberated black slaves. Do you think women can be liberated with just a few mouths or some wars?"

Tom walked back to his small wooden chair, leaned on the back of the chair, and took out a batch of glass "cigarettes" he had just made.

It is similar to the previous metal fake cigarette, except that it is replaced by a glass tube, and the original fillings such as cotton and other fillings inside are replaced by charcoal wrapped in gauze.

Tom doesn't smoke, but he likes the feeling of forcefully absorbing air. This feeling of forceful inhalation makes Tom know that he is really breathing and really alive.

"Do you know what really binds women? Is it men?"

"You may be thinking: Otherwise? Aren't men brutally restraining women? Aren't men using various means such as religion, law, and institutions to restrain women?"

"Of course not. For thousands of years, what really restrained women was their productivity under the constraints of technological conditions."

"Suppose a man needs to eat 100 kilograms of food a year to survive, a woman with a smaller appetite needs 75 kilograms of food, and a child needs 50 kilograms of food."

"So should everyone in the world produce enough food for humans to survive?"

"Only after humans have enough food to survive will they consider producing clothing, houses, etc."

"But we have to admit that women are not as good as men in terms of heavy manual labor. Unfortunately, all old industries are almost all heavy manual labor."

This chapter has been completed!
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