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Chapter 54: 500,000 pigs

Tom Smith is a time traveler with unparalleled foresight. When encountering most events, he can think beyond the limitations of current history to think about some issues.

He made some extremely groundbreaking decisions that are simply incomprehensible to people today.

The problem is that no matter how good the decision is, it is just an illusion and a dream if no one implements it.

If we really talk about the execution ability of a decision that ordinary people cannot understand, John has always been the number one "executor" under Tom Smith.

It has been about half a year since John came to Houston, and John has never let Tom down.

Not this time either!

Through constant population transportation and the full support of Hero Company's factories, John's front army already has more than 400,000 "knight attendants".

Among them, there are 100,000 "security guards" and more than 300,000 workers of all kinds, all working at the road construction site.

John based on what Tom once said - "Mountains that can be flattened with dynamite are just plains, let alone people?"

If you encounter an enemy, blast!

If it encounters a mountain, it will explode!

When encountering a city, there will be peace!

The enemies were all destroyed by Hero Company's imitation of the Krupp cannon - the Smith Model 1866 field cannon.

The mountains blocking the road were all blown up by tons of TNT until they were almost like "flat land".

Several small cities and villages were blown to pieces by incendiary bombs and ordinary artillery shells flying in the sky.

In line with the principle of "bombing level" and regardless of the cost of "human lives", John's front army's road construction speed is almost only limited to the cement concrete solidification speed, and there is no resistance at all in other aspects.

In John's worldview, people are divided into three categories - family, tools, and dead things.

John never regarded anyone other than his family as a human being.

It is precisely because of this unimaginable coldness, cruelty, and even a little bit of cruelty that John can secure his position as the "second in command" of Hero Company and become the "number one executor" under Tom.

In order to prevent the Indians from emerging from the woods to attack or damage the road, John burned all the woods for five kilometers to the left and right of the planned route in advance.

Fortunately, this is a coastal area with strong sea breezes in the morning and evening, and John laid a fire belt in advance before setting the fire, so no large-scale forest fires were caused.

Set fire to the mountains, blow up the mountains regardless of casualties, squeeze the paving workers, and drive out Indians from the lands under the control of the United Mexican States on a large scale...

Millions of Indians fled to southern Mexico.

With this combination of punches, it took John just over three months to complete the laying of the temporary military cement road from Veracruz to Mataromos on April 5, 1867.

John's Front Army successfully joined forces with Tom's Front Army at Matamoros, the border city between Texas and Mexico.


"Are they all a bunch of trash? Even if we can't resist the Texan traitors who betrayed Mexico, it will take a while!"

"Only three months, only three months, only three months!"

"In three months, we lost all the outlets in the Gulf of Mexico."

"The Eastern Theater Front Army plus local guerrillas, more than 500,000 people, collapsed in three months."

"Even if there are 500,000 pigs, the Texas Army won't be able to catch them all in three months!"

After learning that the eastern war zone had completely collapsed and that all access to the sea had been completely lost, the President of the United Mexican States, Benito Pablo Juarez Garcia, became furious in a temporary base outside Mexico City.

The ministers and staff around them looked at each other in confusion as the Mexican President yelled and cursed, and for a moment they didn't know how to respond.

The United Mexican States Front Army did not pay attention to this "genocidal" brutal army at first. As mentioned before, the United Mexican States Front Army was supported by the Yankee government of the United States.

Without the cooperation of the Texas government, supplies could only be imported from California, in the western United States.

The eastern battlefield along the Gulf of Mexico has no strategic importance, and the front line of the western battlefield has advanced to Mexico City.

An all-out attack on Mexico City was the original decision made by the Army of the United Mexican States.

It was also a decision made by the first Indian president of the United Mexican States.

It is also the wisest decision.

As for the escape trip of the "fellow Indians" of the President of the Eastern Theater Command?

Does it matter that there is Mexico City?

But now, all access to the Gulf of Mexico has been lost. More importantly, the territory of the Second Mexican Empire is "theoretically" in contact with the United States.

It can be seen from the newspaper that a large number of people and materials from Texas crossed the border and poured into the front line of the western Mexican station.

The "war materials" exported by Texas through this small opening are now tearing apart the entire western defense line of the United Mexican States step by step!

"Haven't you Americans always stood by our side, the United Mexican States, since President Lincoln?"

"Didn't we agree that as long as you help us deal with the Second Mexican Empire, we will take over a large number of Indians in the United States?"

"Is it possible that you Americans are going to regret it? Are you going back on your word?"

President Benito questioned the American "special envoy" beside him-Samuel Adams.

He is also the leader of the meat tickets that Tom used to exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Mr. President Benito, please don't get excited yet."

"You may not know, but there are three major forces in the United States of America:"

"The largest force, and also the most powerful force, is the "official government" force with the Washington government as the core and a large number of factory owners and capitalists as auxiliaries."

"The sphere of influence was concentrated around the industrial Great Lakes region and what is now the industrial region of California on the west coast of the United States."

"The second largest force is the "Remnant of the Alliance" force led by Hero Corporation, a super-large personal decision-making company that emerged from the Dixie people a few months ago."

"Relying on low-priced fertilizers and high-priced farm products has gained popular support in the Dixie area."

"The sphere of influence is concentrated on the Gulf Coast - near traditional agricultural states such as Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi."

"The third largest force is the primitive Indian tribes that dominate the central United States."

“The sphere of influence is concentrated in the central United States near the mountainous plateaus of Montana, Colorado, and New Mexico.”

"I am here to support you on behalf of the Washington government, which is the official government of the United States."

"The hero company, the supporter of Mexico's Second Empire, is the controller of the second largest force."

"They are all white supremacists who are disguised as "capitalists" but are actually slave owners. If they want to support the ignorant and backward monarchy, there is nothing we can do."

"It's impossible to fight another Civil War, right?"

"But please rest assured that our Washington government will fully support the more enlightened, more democratic, and friendlier government of the United Mexican States."

Listening to Adams's talk, President Benito shook his head helplessly and sighed.

This chapter has been completed!
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