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Chapter Fifty-Fifth: Smith Cleans Up the Disabled

President Benito knows what these Yankees are up to, and what the three major forces are not.

It's all lies. It's just that the Second French Empire has recently dealt with the trivial matters of the Austro-Prussian War, and is afraid that the Second French Empire will come back to join the war.

I was afraid that the Second French Empire, a long-established European power, would reverse the situation, so I temporarily decided to double-bet.

Isn’t it just a two-way bet, where whoever wins doesn’t lose?

If the "remnants of the Confederacy" among the three major forces really supported the Second Mexican Empire, why did they join the war now? This timing is too coincidental.

President Benito thought about it and finally decided to take Mexico City as soon as possible according to the original plan.

Kill Maximilian I, end this war, end everything.

Everything should be over.

"Hey~ attack Mexico City with all your strength, and try to capture Mexico City before Tom "Knight" and his "Knight Squire" come over, capture Maximiliano I, and end this war!"

Liam wanted to say, we really weren’t betting on both ends! We really couldn’t control Hero Company!

Whether it is the artillery captured by the United Mexican States from the Mexican Second Empire Army, the French Second Empire Expeditionary Force, or the artillery "volunteer" supported by the United States, they are all old-fashioned muzzle-loading guns left over from the Napoleon I era.

The Second French Empire, which complacently believed that the French artillery was still the best in the world, did not increase investment in the research of new artillery at all.

The current artillery of the Second French Empire is mainly the artillery designed by the Second French Empire around 1850. Its technical characteristics are still based on the technical characteristics of the Napoleon I era - muzzle-loaded cannon and smooth-bore cannon technology.

Napoleon III, the nephew of Napoleon I, is now quite old. The French army still uses Napoleon cannons with the technical characteristics of Napoleon I's period.

The artillery supported by the United States was also the M1857 12-pounder field gun widely used by the Yankees during the Civil War, nicknamed the "Big Napoleon Cannon."

Yang Ji improved the artillery of the Second French Empire and put it into service. The technical characteristics are not much different from the French artillery.

Theoretically, the maximum range of France's Napoleon cannon cannot exceed 2,500 meters, and the maximum firing speed under a skilled gunner's hand is only two to three rounds per minute.

On the other hand, the Prussian Krupp cannon with breech-loaded gun and rifled gun technology has a theoretical maximum range of about 3,500 meters. The average gunner can shoot more than five rounds per minute, and the most skilled gunner can even shoot ten rounds per minute.

Not to mention the rifle, the Chasepo rifle has a fire rate of 10-15 rounds/minute, a bullet muzzle velocity of 420 meters/second, and a sight range of 1,200 meters. In front of it, the muskets of the United Mexican States are almost like fire sticks.

The gap in productivity is also huge. Until now, Mexico has been dominated by large plantation economies. There is not even a decent factory area in the country. The few industrial products are also products produced by Yankee factories.

Looking at John's front, Tom is not stingy in logistics.

The "security" brigade of 150,000 people has at least one million people as their logistics personnel. The number of artillery and shell production personnel alone is no less than 100,000, and there are also hundreds of thousands of road construction workers.

Hero Company is equivalent to taking advantage of its industrial production capacity and concentrating the national strength of the United States to fight against Mexico, a "primitive agricultural country".

"In war, less than one percent of what is decided on the battlefield is decided."

"What advanced tactics, what fearlessness, what human sea tactics, what guerrilla tactics."

"In the face of absolute disparity and enemies who ignore subsequent rule, it is a joke."

"I, Tom Smith, don't want you Indians, these primitive people who dance with magic. I only want this land!"

"This is the living space for my people in Texas~"

Advanced weapons, specialized training in later concepts, thought control and unimaginable productivity combined with Tom's strategic purpose for northern Mexico is not to rule the people on the land, but just to get a piece of land.

Under the influence of all the above factors, the defense line of the United Mexican States is simply an ornament that can be placed at will in front of Tom's "Knight Squire".

John also perfectly implemented Tom's strategic goal, only the land, no one left behind.

If you encounter a village, move it away directly. As long as you are not from the hero company, you will be killed without mercy.

Even the local Hispanic plantation owners were merciless and shot them all.

Some forests that looked like they might have hidden Indians were also burned down.

The Indians were not given any chance to infiltrate the enemy's rear.

A large number of Indians fled after hearing the news. From the second week onwards, John never saw an Indian tribe with the smell of fireworks.

If the war is not to obtain a land that can be ruled stably for a long time and where taxes can be continuously paid, then what is the benefit of conquering this land?

This incredible strategic goal has left President Benito of the United Mexican States completely confused.

Not only President Benito, but also Yankee, Napoleon III, and everyone else who paid attention to this war could not understand Hero Company's strange strategic goal of "requiring land but not people."

Pattern, this is the difference in pattern.

Mexico, which recently experienced the U.S.-Mexican War and lost a large amount of territory, now has a population of seven to eight million people, mostly primitive Indians.

During the Mexican-American War, the United States did not fully annex Mexico because the remaining land was basically where Indians gathered.

These places are really not conducive to the rule of the Americans who are culturally closer to the Europeans and whose production methods are a mixture of industrial and plantation-style.

Now Tom seems to be telling Americans and people all over the world that if the people in a land are not suitable to rule, but you really want the land, wouldn't it be better to just drive them away?

The Americans were too merciful in their treatment of the Indians through the combination of war and immigration.

There are only 7-8 million Indians, and Tom doesn't mind slightly reducing the population of these ethnic groups whose culture and customs are completely unable to integrate into industrialized society and cannot be exploited by his heroic company.

It's not much, just reduce it by a few hundred percent, and it's best to die on the spot.

In Tom's eyes, these nations that are not adapted to industrialized production should become part of history and be remembered, rather than living as a drag on the world's per capita productivity.

God created human beings, Colt made them equal, and Smith eliminated the useless.

Take advantage of any "lack of lackeys" above the average line,

Transform all "tool people" near the average line,

Remove all "waste" below the average line.

John's front army was quickly called the "Devil's Army" by the Mexican people, and John Mueller's nickname of the "Three-Fingered Devil" officially left the underground world of Texas and resounded in every land in Mexico.


Thanks to book friends 2022022014 for the reward of 100x2

100 rewarded by the old book eater

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