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Chapter 48 Your Majesty, you are dead

May 15, 1867

Just as John's army was advancing steadily.

Something big has happened in Mexico City!

Maximilian I was arrested while fleeing from Mexico City and sent to a military court.

In order to end the war as soon as possible, especially the battle against the unstoppable "Devil's Army", the military court tried Maximiliano I overnight.

President Benito wanted to demonstrate the determination of the United Mexican States not to be invaded by other countries, especially the reappearance of the monarchy, and secretly instructed the trial judge of the military court to execute Maximiliano I.

In the end, the military court ordered the execution of Maximilian I based on the "Black Decree" signed by Maximilian I.

"Black Decree": In short, prisoners of war can be disposed of at will, signed by Maximiliano I on October 3, 1865.

When Maximiliano I signed this decree, it was to execute a large number of senior leaders of the United Mexican States who were prisoners at that time, in order to attack the United Mexican States.

Unexpectedly, it became Maximilian I's own talisman.

The younger brother of the Habsburg Emperor, the son-in-law of the King of Belgium, the grandson of the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the grandson of the King of Bavaria, and the puppet appointed by the French Emperor...

Almost the "common relatives" of all European royal families were ordered to be executed.

Or were they executed by the natives of these American colonies.

The news that the Austrian royal family was about to be executed spread throughout the world in an instant.

One day in early June 1867,

In a jail cell in Mexico City.

General Tomás Mejía, the former top military officer of the Second Mexican Empire, sat in the corner of the cell and looked quietly at General Mariano Escove, the top military officer of the United Mexican States, who walked into the cell.

"My compatriots, why do you continue to be loyal to that ignorant and backward feudal lord? We in Mexico must move towards a more enlightened future!"

"A democratic, self-reliant, equal, and republican United Mexico exists!"

“Join us in building a Mexico like this!”

"For the sake of us being Indians and the fact that we are true compatriots, join us."

This was not the first time that General Mariano Escove came to persuade General Tomas Mejía.

"I will not give in to you unbelieving people who have no faith in the Lord."

"I once promised His Majesty the Emperor that I would shed every drop of blood for His Majesty the Emperor!"

"I have made up my mind. Unless I can breathe every breath of air freely with Your Majesty, I would rather die!"

"Those of you who dare to resist His Majesty the Emperor will eventually be punished by God."

General Tomas Mejía's resolute attitude made General Mariano Escovi could only shake his head silently and walk out of the cell.

Why would the government of the United Mexican States, as a democratic representative, try its best to win over such a person with serious feudal ideas?

General Thomas Mejia was an Indian general who repeatedly provoked the Lincoln government during the American Civil War.

Now that the United States and Mexico are on good terms, especially the United Mexican States and the Yankee government of the United States, the generals of the United Mexican States can no longer openly provoke and insult the U.S. government.

The U.S.-Mexico War more than ten years ago caused Mexico to lose nearly half of its territory. Such a shame and humiliation was coupled with the myth of the "Devil's Army" being invincible.

The army of the United Mexican States always has a trace of fear when facing the "Devil Army" of Hero Company.

It is self-evident that the morale of the United Mexican Army has been improved by the participation of such high-level generals who once dared to insult the United States federal government.

Due to various considerations, President Benito wanted to win over this "fellow general".

It is a pity that President Benito and the government of the United States behind him did not expect that the other party was a foolish and loyal person.

It was not only this Indian general who was willing to be buried with him to strongly oppose the execution of Maximilian I.

French literary giant Victor Hugo, Italian Founding Father Giuseppe Garibaldi, U.S. President Andrew Johnson and even some moderate "Master Ma's Apprentices" were not in favor of directly executing Massimi

Lian Nuo I.

Not to mention the "verbal and written criticism" of Maximilian I's "imperial relatives" in Europe.

Interestingly, Knight Tom Smith, the "chief royal knight" of Maximilian I, did not publicly express any arguments.

Tom was still sitting firmly in the base camp, the Smith Farm in Houston, Texas, watching the battle reports from John on the front line.

Winning streak!

John commands hundreds of thousands of "security guards" and continues to attack the entire territory of Mexico.


June 19, 1867

It was three o'clock in the morning, and there was still no light in the sky.

President Benito ignored all the dissuasion and insisted on executing the top leaders of the Mexican Second Empire, headed by Maximiliano I, outside the suburbs of Queretaro.

Dozens of minutes before execution,

"I really miss His Majesty who just came to Mexico. We swore allegiance to His Majesty together back then."

"It's a pity for the past. We were sitting together in high spirits. We finally have a noble master to whom we can be loyal."

"Times have changed, but I didn't expect you and me to be..."

"This group of people with no faith actually dare to execute His Majesty. It's really a bleak world and a bleak people's heart!"

"Minister Thomas Mejia, you and I will meet in heaven."

"General Miguel Miramon, the Lord will always protect you. See you in heaven."

Miguel Miramon and Thomas Mejia, who arrived at the execution site first, hugged each other and confided to each other their loyalty to His Majesty Emperor Maximiliano I, recalling every detail of the past few years.


After the clergy celebrated mass for Maximiliano I, Maximiliano I was taken alone to the execution ground - the execution ground outside Querétaro.

Maximilian I wore a black uniform and wore on his chest the Order of the Golden Fleece, which the Habsburg family inherited from the Order of the Golden Fleece of the Principality of Burgundy.

"Give this to my queen mother. Please tell her that I will still miss her before I die."

Maximilian I gave the hat on his head to the Hungarian chef who had been following him since Austria, and told him to express his longing for his mother.

"Don't worry, kids."

"You fight for your dreams, and so do I."

"You and I have the same dream, both to build a better Mexico, but the paths are different."

Maximilian I shook hands with each young man who was executed and patted them gently on the shoulder.

Encourage these young people who are fighting to build a better Mexico.

Encourage these dreamers who strive for their hometown.

Encouraging these executioners who are about to impose the death penalty on themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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