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Chapter Fifty-Seven: Those who know current affairs are heroes

Each European representative took turns putting forward the country they represented and their final demands.

"The Habsburg family hopes to continue Maximiliano I's rule over Mexico, and the Habsburg family will find a suitable nobleman to continue to rule."

"The same goes for Belgium."

The ruling families of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Belgium were all direct relatives of Maximilian I, and they were more concerned about whether the new rulers were direct family members of their own.

"The meaning of our United Nations is very simple. The United Nations only requires the new Mexican government to repay its debts on time. As for who repays the debts, we don't care."

"Spain is just like Great Britain."

"The Second French Empire was also more concerned about whether Mexico's new government could pay back the money on time."

The demands of the other three old colonial empires are very simple, they just want money.

Nowadays, these three empires have too many colonies around the world and are often fighting for independence. They really don't have the spare national power to "fight for every penny" with several other big forces against the small fish and shrimps in Mexico.

"We in Mexico will not surrender to you invaders!"

President Benito stood up and sternly rejected these invaders who wanted to carve up his motherland.

It's just that these five "invader" representatives didn't look at the "president" of the Mexican orthodox government at all, and they all looked at the current representative of Mexico's Second Empire - Tom Smith Knight.

Where is Tom?


Tom is snoring now. He is really tired from traveling and traveling these past few days. He is even more tired than before when he worked three hours a day.

John, who was standing behind Tom, gently patted Tom who was already asleep. Tom slowly opened his eyes and looked at the five European representatives sleepily.


Tom stretched for a long time and began to negotiate with the five representatives in a daze.

"The Habsburgs must still want a monarch to return to Mexico, right?"


"The other key points are money. What I said is correct."


Several representatives were a little surprised and wondered if Tom was pretending to sleep just now.

"Easy to say, easy to say, I agree."

"No! The Mexican people will not..."

"Why are you sitting here, John, kick him out, and then just ask him to come in and sign."

"I am from the United Mexican States..."

"President, right? You are a piece of shit. If you keep talking nonsense, I will make the Indians in Mexico and even Central America history."


"What are you doing? You can't be beaten again and again. Sparing you a life is good enough. Why don't you get out!"

President Benito's eyes turned blue with anger at Tom's unvarnished humiliation, a mouthful of blood surged into his throat, and he passed out from anger.

How can a weak country have diplomacy?

The weak country on the victorious side sometimes becomes a "trading item" for the powerful country at the negotiation table.

What's more, it's a weak country that has been defeated.

Haven’t you seen that the representatives of the Kingdom of Belgium have been “standing in line” with Habsburg’s “Austro-Hungarian brother”?

After carrying away President Benito, Tom continued to discuss with the five representatives how to "carve up" Mexico as if nothing had happened.

"The six of us will continue."

"Let's go one by one, let's talk about the monarch first."

"I have no objection to the monarchs of Europe."

"The question is what kind of monarch is this monarch and how does he rule Mexico."

“What kind of monarchy is Mexico?”

"Is it from Great Britain?"

"Or Prussian?"

"Or is it a matter of choosing the better of the two French empires?"

The four types of monarchy mentioned by Tom respectively refer to four systems with different sizes of monarchy.

The constitutional monarchy of Great Britain is a British constitutional monarchy in which the monarch completely rules without rule, and the parliament governs the country.

Prussia's constitutional monarchy is a dual monarchy, with both the monarch and the parliament having great power.

The two monarchies of the French Empire were the French monarchies of Napoleon III and Napoleon I in different periods.

Napoleon III was a monarchy in which Parliament still had some power.

Napoleon I was a complete dictator.

Needless to say, the Habsburg family definitely wanted a completely autocratic monarchy like Napoleon I.

But this is not realistic. The Austro-Hungarian Empire ruled by the Habsburgs now has no access to the sea that is conducive to expeditions to America.

If they really break up with Tom Smith, the actual controller of Mexico, the Austro-Hungarian Empire can only stare blankly.

As long as Mexico continues to pay money to the Second French Empire and other colonial empires, it is impossible for these colonial empires to make expeditions to the Americas like this time.

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire believes that Prussia's approach is most suitable for the current situation in Mexico."

"The same goes for Belgium."

After carefully weighing the pros and cons, the Habsburgs decided to propose the Prussian monarchy as Mexico's founding policy.

Tom looked a little unhappy, feeling that these European guys were really greedy.

I'm just saying this to you out of politeness. Now that I'm the actual controller of Mexico, you can't just do the British thing and just give me a "vase" and I'll take good care of you and that's it.

Are you still so ignorant of current affairs?

"The Prussian approach isn't very good."

"Since they are all from your Habsburg family, let's just do what the Austro-Hungarian Empire did in Mexico."

"What do you think?"

Can the Austro-Hungarian Empire still do what it did in Central America? What does this mean?

“How can our Austro-Hungarian empire be implemented in Central America?”

"Belgium is equally confused."

The representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Empire felt very strange. The system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was the result of a century-old marriage and joint rule between Austria and Hungary. Now this condition also exists in Central America?

"Just turn this place into an Austrian colony, and you send a nobleman to be the governor."

"Be more direct and turn it into an empire like Napoleon I."

"Or the Austro-Hungarian Empire can add a territory and change its name to the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

"Mexico is just like Hungary. You send a few nobles to rule here with full power."

The representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were a little confused. The more they said that the nobles sent by the Austrian Habsburg family had more power.

Who doesn't want power?

The representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not quite understand Tom's "warning" of advancing before retreating, and were still thinking about the benefits of these two actions that Tom said.

The representative of Belgium was different. As a diplomatic representative of a small country, he was not the arrogant "representative" of a powerful country. He heard Tom's "implied warning".

The representative of Belgium gently kicked the representative of Austria-Hungary with his foot, where no one else could see him.

This representative is obsessed with the fantasy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s expansion of territory.

The representative of the Austro-Hungarian Empire came back to his senses and looked at the Belgian representative, then at Tom, and finally at the scorched earth outside the conference room.


Thanks to book friends 2022022014 for the 100 tips

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