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Chapter 58: The Olive Branch of Great Britain

The representative of the Austro-Hungarian Empire came back to his senses and looked at the Belgian representative, then at Tom, and finally at the scorched earth outside the conference room.

The representative of the Austro-Hungarian Empire recalled Tom in front of him. This new knight was nicknamed the "Knight of Human Slaughter". He killed seven to eight million Indians without blinking an eye. If he still had to push the envelope...

Does the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had just been defeated by the Kingdom of Prussia, really still have the ability to expedition to Central America?

"Knight Smith, you really know how to joke. As the chief royal knight of the Habsburg family, these thousands of lands were obtained through bloody battles by you and your knights. If we Habsburgs are still greedy, in the future

Who will protect the honor of Habsburg in the future?"

"Belgium thinks so too."

"Don't worry, you can draft a bill. We on the Habsburg side will accept it in full. The noble candidates will also give you a copy first, and we will discuss who will be the emperor of Mexico."

"The same goes for Belgium."

After thinking about all this, the representative of the Austro-Hungarian Empire put on a flattering expression and looked at Tom.

Tom nodded slightly and expressed his affirmation of the Austro-Hungarian representative's ability to examine and seize the title.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire and its follower Kingdom of Belgium are finally settled.

Tom went back to propose a constitutional monarchy bill that would completely exempt the monarch, and then handed it over to the representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Pseudo powers like Austria-Hungary are easy to talk to, but can the current three colonial giants - the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Second French Empire, and the Spanish Colonial Empire be so easy to talk to?

The diplomatic representatives of the three giants are not so worried about Tom's military strength. None of these three giants can be offended by Tom now.

Even though Tom now has a population of millions and an excellent industrial level, if a war really breaks out, which of these three countries does not have a standing army of hundreds of thousands?

It's okay for Hero Company to fight against a local leopard like the United States of Mexico without a navy. If we really want to go to war with these three countries, a naval blockade will destroy Hero Company, and the Yankees will rush up like dogs that smell meat and "share their food."

hero company.

Even those local leopards from the United Mexican States almost brought down the Hero Company. Tom did not dare to imagine the consequences of going to war with any of the three colonial giants.

A century-old navy! What a century-old navy.

The current hero company really does not have much maritime power to compete with the three colonial giants.

"This is a bill of reparations from the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

"This is the reparations bill from the Second French Empire."

"This is the reparations bill from the Spanish colonial empire."

The three diplomatic representatives directly dumped the reparations agreement previously signed with the United Mexican States.

Tom took a closer look and found that this agreement was indeed a heavy burden for the United Mexican States with a population of seven to eight million.

Consider the national power of the United Mexican States before Tom's entry.

Under these three reparation agreements, the development speed of the United Mexican States should be slowed down by more than 30%.

It's okay, Tom is now helping the United Mexican States solve the problem of not being able to develop quickly if it pays back money.

"The three representatives can rest assured that I guarantee that the United Mexican States will pay reparations on time every year."

"How can you guarantee that?"

"It's very simple. If you don't pay back the money, the country will be exterminated. Let me see if these Indians have a greater thirst for life or a greater thirst for development."

Tom's solution is to get the remaining six to seven million people in Mexico to "abandon their delusions and understand reality."

Stop dreaming about the Mexican Indians being independent and self-reliant, just let them be sucked dry by the Europeans.

Either die or be squeezed dry, choose one.

This was not a joke by Tom, but Tom had planned to do it for a long time.

Otherwise, why would Tom keep more than six million Indian monkeys?

Tom left the three representatives with a scary smile. The three representatives looked at the scorched earth outside the window and recalled the crazy propulsion method of Hero Company.

But not everyone is afraid of this method, some people even like it.

Such as the diplomatic representative of Great Britain.

"Good idea. We in Great Britain really like talents like you."

"Great Britain needs more colonial governors like you!"

"Compared with you, Knight Smith, the people of the East India Company are really weak and kind."

"I will definitely go back to Queen Victoria to report your intelligence and call on all the foreign governors in Great Britain to learn from you."

Representatives from the other two countries had some inner resistance to Tom's "extreme" ideas, but considering their national interests, they silently accepted the outcome.

The representative of Great Britain was different. He liked this method of rule very much. Before the independence of the United States, England's high-pressure rule over the colonies was unmatched by other colonial empires.

The British people like to use cruel high pressure to exploit the "fellows" from England in the colonies, let alone what is their attitude towards the indigenous people?

Otherwise, why are there no Indians among the thirteen states that founded the United States of America?

The more I see the representative of Great Britain, the more I like Tom.

The diplomatic rhetoric of retreat in order to advance, the "unkind" policy towards the indigenous people, the terrifying land-washing and expulsion tactics...

Great Britain really needs this kind of talent. Why do such talents appear in Texas, America?

Such a person should be born in Great Britain, preferably a child of Queen Victoria.

In that case, even if London is allowed to restart the monarchy!

If Great Britain can develop with the assistance of Knight Tom Smith, it will surely take the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets to a higher level!

Unifying Europe is no longer a fantasy!

This representative of aristocratic birth even began to imagine that Tom would become Victoria's child and lead Great Britain to unify Europe.

It is a pity that a "human hero" like Tom Smith claims to be a "simple and kind-hearted" farmer boy who grew up in a farm family on the outskirts of Houston, Texas, in the United States of America.

I just went to Europe for a short period of time to escape the chaos of the Civil War.

For the diplomatic representative of Great Britain, Tom's life was a real pity.

If Tom's official resume is that he was born in Europe, the representative of Great Britain should carefully study the genealogy of Tom Smith's family after returning to the country.

Give Tom Smith a title after a peer of Great Britain.

After discussing the core interests of the six parties, the six people discussed the details of the treaty together. After confirming all the details, they asked the drafting officer and translator around them to start drafting the agreement.

While waiting for the agreement to be finalized, representatives from Great Britain took the initiative to approach Tom.

"Knight Smith, I wonder if you are interested in serving our Great Britain."

"Great Britain?"


Thanks to Chihiro Asuka for the tip of 100

100x3 rewarded by Marshal Tian No. 2

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