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Chapter 2 Texas, your hero, is coming to save you!

"Did everything explode?"

"They were all blown up. That bastard made thirteen carriages and tried to deceive us, but we all blew them up."

"Well done, pass it on, and each person will be rewarded with a hundred dollars!"

Tom's brother-in-law, Oh, no, he must be his ex-brother-in-law.

The ex-brother-in-law was sitting in the office, listening to the "good news" from his subordinates, and couldn't help but open a bottle of French red wine that he had treasured for a long time.

Gently shaking the wine glass, watching the red liquid in the glass continue to rotate, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the mouth.

"The company is mine! It's mine!"

"The tens of millions of assets belong to me!"

"Women! Money! Status! I'm here!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The ex-brother-in-law fantasized about a future where he would have a group of wives and concubines and build a house with gold bricks. He couldn't help but dance and celebrate in the office.


The sky-high flames and terrifying explosions interrupted everything, interrupting the middle-aged man's graceful dancing.




"Weird, my good niece, sleep well, don't be afraid, mua~"

Tom was sitting on the train, holding a crying baby girl in his arms and coaxing the baby girl to sleep.

He even kissed his niece's forehead affectionately.

His sister was also coaxing another little baby girl.

Outside the train is the North Atlantic Ocean on one side, and the New York industrial area on the other. Just now, a huge explosion came from the New York industrial area, and several small "mushroom clouds" rose up, scaring Tom's two nieces, who were less than one year old, into tears.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a deep knock on the door, and Tom handed the little baby girl to his ten-year-old cousin, Diane, and then walked out of the train compartment.

Outside the door were two young men, one tall and one short, both about twenty years old. They were Tom's right-hand men in this life.

The tall one is "Tough Man" Johnny, and the short one is "Slippery" Rocky. They were both stowaways who came from Europe with Tom.

He is also Tom's cousin in the Second German Empire, and he is the person Tom trusts most now.

"Has it been dealt with?"

"Fifty tons of TNT can blow up half of New York, let alone several factories and mafia gathering places."

"That's right. It's just a pity for those factory employees. I have trained them for so long in vain. Woo hoo hoo, I will cry for three seconds because my hard work has been wasted."

Tom pretended to wipe away a few tears. As for the lives of employees?

The United States will die as soon as it grabs a handful, and its lost labor is worth "crying".

The employees only lost their lives, but Tom lost the fruits of his labor!

One, two, three, after counting silently for three seconds, Tom put on a solemn expression again and looked at the two men beside him.

"What a stupid family. I used to only ride in a carriage. Just because I said I know how to ride in a carriage doesn't mean that I can only ride in a carriage now."

"All thirteen carriages exploded. He really wanted to kill my sister and me, not even my own two daughters. How cruel, my "good brother-in-law""

"It's a pity that they are not as ruthless as me. If I were, I would blow up all the ports and train stations."

"Oh! No, this is called rationality."

"Thank you, I'm smart, I took the train."

"And I also left some small "gifts" for their family in advance."

"A small gift named tnt."

"I understand them so well!"

"It's a pity that this gift scared my two nieces to tears, otherwise it would be the most perfect gift in the world."

Tom stepped forward and put his arms around their necks. The three of them were like a trapezoid, walking arm-in-arm toward another train compartment.

"I'm going to Texas soon. Remember, I will follow the same rules when I get there. I said, you do it, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, boss, that you must be talking about disobedient Johnny. I am the most obedient."

"What the hell Johnny, I'm talking about you, you little prick!"

The three of them entered a train compartment one after another, sat at a small table, took out paper and pen, and began to plan their future after arriving in Texas.

"What's wrong with you two? You're so listless. Is it because you still have unresolved issues in New York and can't let go?"

Halfway through the planning, Tom saw that Johnny and Rocky were worried, so he stopped writing and asked them what they were worried about.

"Boss, I still don't understand why you want to go to Texas. Isn't it better to stay in New York?"

"I don't understand why we have to go to Texas. Don't we all have millions of dollars?"

Faced with his cousin's doubts, Tom touched the flowing blond hair on his head and said plausibly:

"I am the person who knows America best in the world."

"Don't worry, Texas is the true destination of our Smith family!"

"Our Smith family, on the Yankee side, is at best the main member of a consortium."

"And if we go to the Dixie area, especially Texas, we can be emperors!"

"Emperor of Texas! Emperor of Dixie! Even Emperor of All America!"

"I, Tom Smith, am the Tom of Prussia in America"

"Loki, you are my Prime Minister Bismarck, and Johnny, you are my Marshal Bittenfeld. When the time comes, we will expand our territory together!"

Tom danced and "painted a pie" in front of his two cousins, while the two teenagers who grew up in the Second German Empire also had some excited fantasies about what it would be like to become royal relatives.

The most common male names in the Second German Empire were Wilhelm and Frederick, which shows the Germans' worship of emperors and kings.

They grew up hearing stories about Frederick the Great and William I and various Prussian generals and prime ministers.

Now that someone in my family has the opportunity to become emperor, how could he not be excited?

Tom is not just a painter, he really has plans and ideas.

Anyway, no matter whether he becomes emperor in the end or not, Tom will establish another "Big Mac" monopoly company in the Dixie area!

Even if you don’t want to be an emperor, you should also be a “local emperor”!

Texas, your hero, is coming to save you again.

Johnny and Rocky, who were full from the big cake, were full of motivation and continued to discuss future plans with Tom.

The future of the Smith family has undergone earth-shaking changes on this small train.

So why does no one consider train safety?

Why must trains be safe?

Because Tom had kidnapped the family of the manager in charge of this section of railway in advance and let them board the train.

If this section of the railway is not safe, his whole family should be buried with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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