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Chapter 3 I am the reincarnation of President Lincoln

March 5, 1866

"Hmph, hum, hum..."

There is a train traveling between cotton fields in the fields of south-central America.

In a compartment of the train, a man and a woman were sitting opposite each other.

The man looked out of the train window with tears in his eyes.

The woman, on the other hand, stared at the man's angular profile, feeling secretly sad.

The man is Tom. Tom is looking out the window at the endless fields and the black slaves working hard in the fields.

Oh, no, Tom shouldn't call them niggers.

President Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation" left no slaves in the United States of America in any legal sense.

The black people in these fields should be called farmers who do not need wages.

Even though slaves are not legally allowed to exist in the United States today, the farmers of Dixie "have their own clever plan."

Farmers bribe the local judicial system, that is, judges and police.

The police will arrest a random black man on the street, and then the judge will convict these black men of unwarranted charges.

According to the laws of the Dixie area, these black people must pay fines after being punished by the law.

And how could the black slaves who had just been liberated have the money to pay the fine?

Black people would be forcibly assigned to local farmers as laborers, and they would use unpaid labor to repay the fines.

The black people will be released after they have paid enough fines with their labor.

When black people walk out of the farmer's farm gate, these "free" black people will be arrested and imprisoned again by the police who have been waiting outside the door for a long time.

These judges and police are so just and just.

To put it bluntly, this is just a disguised form of slavery.

This is the second time Tom has traveled across America. The last time he traveled across America was in 1865.

During this period, the Civil War had just ended, and there were more cases of disguised enslavement of black people in Texas.

Of course Tom knew about these dirty things.

But whether it was the previous life or this life, Tom would never use such dirty methods to enslave black people.

"Brother, why are you crying?"

"What, did I cry?"

At the prompting of cousin Diane next to him, Tom reached out and touched the corners of his eyes. Sure enough, his tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"I saw those black people working hard in the fields."

"I couldn't help but cry when I thought about their tragic life experiences and tragic experiences."

"The black people have obviously been legally liberated by the great President Lincoln, but they still can only work in this field for free."

"They are so pitiful. I must save them from the hands of those hateful farmers and slave owners."

"I am the reincarnation of President Lincoln, and I will fulfill President Lincoln's last wish - to liberate black people from the southern fields!"

"And I'm not the kind of showman who only signs bills but doesn't do practical things. I will truly liberate these black people."

"Let them have salaried jobs and a free life."

Tom wiped the tears on his face and continued to look affectionately at the hard-working black people outside the train window.

Cousin Diane looked at Tom with a black question mark expression on her face.

"Brother, you don't have a fever, do you? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I really feel sorry for these black people."

Diane walked up to Tom and touched Tom's forehead with her little hands to see if Tom had a fever. What nonsense was the "good in the world" cousin talking about?

"I'm telling you Diane, these farmers are not going to use these black people."

"Like they did when they tied the slaves to the farm."

"It's just a waste of natural resources, a waste!"

"I couldn't help but be saddened and shed tears by this extravagant act."

"Slave owners only used these black people during busy farming times, but what about slack farming times?"

"Isn't it just raising some black people who eat for free?"

"The more I looked at it, the more regretful I became, and I couldn't help but cry."


Tom couldn't help crying more tears, and Diane took out a handkerchief to help him wipe away his tears.

"If those black people are sent to my factory, I guarantee that they can be put to good use."

"Let these black people enjoy the blessing life of factory employees who work 18 hours a day."

"And these black people have no religious beliefs, so they don't need a holiday at Christmas."

"These are simply the most perfect employees. It is such a waste to let them farm."

"Working 18 hours a day without any rest throughout the year is the good life that black people should enjoy most."

"This is the happy life that black people deserve."

"Wow, I am a good factory owner who loves black people so much, and I am simply the kindest person in the world."

Diane couldn't believe her ears.

She was carefully recalling every word that cousin Tom just said. Did he really say the word "enjoy" just now?

Is it really enjoyable to live a life of working 18 hours a day all year round?

It's a pity that Tom can't read minds, otherwise he would definitely answer Cousin Diane, which is of course enjoyable.

Although they are always in danger of death from overwork, they have gained freedom!

Life is precious, but love is even more valuable. If we fight for freedom, we can throw away both.

This petty bourgeois "moaning without illness" poem written by the Hungarian poet Petofi ten years ago will be given by Tom to all employees who will die from overwork in his factory in the future.

Look, freedom is much more valuable than life. Why don’t black people be grateful to me, Tom Smith?

Why don't you thank me, the great human rights factory owner, for giving Negro the "free" life that he can leave his job at any time?

Diane looked out the train window at the cotton fields, watching thousands of black people working in the cotton fields.

I also saw white slave owners walking around me from time to time. These white slave owners were holding long leather whips and wandering among the black people.

Whenever a black model cotton automatic seeder stops functioning.

These white slave owners would unceremoniously use the "maintenance tools" in their hands to help "repair and repair" these machines.

"Diane, look, these stupid white slave owners have backward whips to urge these black people to work."

"Don't they know how to tie them up with wages?"

"Calculate the daily expenses and consumption of black people. Give them a salary that is just enough to survive."

"Black people had to be chained to factory jobs in order to survive."

"You don't have to take care of their medical care, marriage, residence, etc."

"It's a pity that times are different!"

"When will there be loans, mortgages, and credit cards?"

"Today's rich people own up to 100% of the world's assets."

"And I firmly believe that with the promotion of your cousin, Tom, the rich people in this world will own 150% of the world's assets sooner or later."

"A loan of 10 years, 20 years, 30 years or even 50 years is eternal!"

Diane was so confused by Tom's "great ambition" that the ten-year-old girl simply couldn't understand what Tom Lie said.

Tom looked at the little blond girl who was trying hard to think about the knowledge that she couldn't understand with her little head, and patted Diane's head lovingly.

"If you can't figure it out, don't force it."

"Brother no, I must figure it out. I must become your helper, just like Brother Johnny and Brother Rocky."

"Hahaha, then you have to study hard. Come and write down two sets of "Huanggang Little Number One Scholar". Cousin, I just wrote the mathematical version."

"No, I'm going to help my cousin see her niece."

Tom took out a few math test papers, and when he turned around, he found that Diane had just made an excuse and ran out of the box.

This chapter has been completed!
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