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Chapter 66 The Death of the Governor

Governor James had just prepared himself for a desperate situation when he heard a heavy knock on the door:


Several "vanguards" in the staff team broke open the office door of Governor James' office.

Every employee has a conspicuous logo on his left arm and left chest.

The logo on the chest is a round badge with a blue background and a white five-pointed star in the middle.

This badge, modeled after the Texas state flag, symbolizes love for the state.

The logo on the left arm varies from person to person.

The blue armband symbolizes a temporary representative elected from ordinary employees, and the armband also indicates the worker's origin.

The red armbands are the key members of the employee union in the Smith Factory area. The armband also indicates which employee union the employee representative wearing the armband is from.

Among the dozens of employee representatives who broke into the office, there were one or two leading employee leaders who looked familiar to Governor James.

Governor James took a closer look and recognized several employee representatives wearing red senior armbands.

These senior employee representatives are the "senior security guards" of Hero Company who once visited the state government building with Tom.

Governor James somewhat understood Tom's plan.

The "senior security guards" of Hero Company are all the "guards" who follow Tom Smith. They are basically distant relatives of the Smith family.

These security guards are all standard direct descendants of the Smith family, but now they are all senior cadre members of the Smith Factory District Employees Association across Texas.

Is this Texas State Employees Union a union of Texas State Employees?

Or is it his Tom Smith association?

These are just the "hero undercovers" that Governor James recognized from his staff team. How many others did he not recognize?

Looking at the heroic undercover in front of him, Governor James figured out a lot of things.

No wonder employees came to the state government immediately after being forced to lose their jobs.

No wonder employees who come to Texas state government for the "first time" can go directly to the governor's office.

No wonder Tom has such confidence and is not afraid of employees rioting because of unemployment.

Governor James smiled, shaking the wine glass in his hand, and looked at the excited employees in front of him.

An excited young employee pointed at Governor James’ nose and cursed:

"James, why are you in cahoots with the Yankees!

"I'm telling you, actually..."

Just when Governor James was about to say how Hero Company colluded with the state government,

Tell us how Hero Company, representatives and senators "help each other".

Just when all this was about to be informed by Governor James to these employee representatives.

Standing at the front was a senior cadre of the federation wearing a red armband, the "vanguard" who had just smashed the door, and took out a small oil painting from his arms.

A small oil painting less than five inches long and wide attracted Governor James's full attention.

It was a famous painting of European Tsarist Russia that Governor James bought at a high price, and it was usually hung in the bedroom of his home.

Governor James looked again at the backbone member of the federation with the red armband who was holding an oil painting and smiling to himself during the angry "riot".

It was still very hot in Texas at the end of October, and Governor James' office was also a south-facing sunny room.

Governor James, wearing a thick suit, was sitting in direct sunlight, but could not feel any warmth.

The sunlight does not bring any heat except glare.

"Actually what! You are the traitor who betrayed Dixie!"

"No wonder when we fought with Gay Yang, after the fight you became governor, and you became Gay Yang's undercover agent!"

"The defeat of Texas was all because of you!"

The frustrated Governor James was pulled up from his seat by a group of indignant employees. Governor James had given up resistance.

Governor James' mission was to save his life, but once he resisted these "just" employees, the whole family would be swimming with sharks in the Gulf of Mexico with the help of stainless steel anklets.

Governor James understands better than the average person why the hero company became prosperous so quickly.

In the memory of Governor James, Tom Smith was a kind-hearted entrepreneur who said "kill his whole family" and "kill his whole family".

Let their whole family be neat and tidy.

Several small and powerful gangster families in Texas were directly eradicated by Tom Smith after their conflicts with Tom Smith. They were completely "eradicated".

Now there are no people with those last names in all of Texas.

Governor James was brought out by the employees, and the angry workers began to punch and kick him.

A "hero undercover" took out the sign prepared in advance and hung it around Governor James' neck.

Written on the sign were several capital letters that spliced ​​into the word most hated by Texans - "Yankee."

During the constant pushing and beating, Governor James did not say a word.

Not even a low moan caused by pain came out.

Governor James recalled in pain all his interactions with Tom Smith.

"Don't worry, I will still support you in the next gubernatorial election."

"Congratulations, you have been elected governor for three consecutive years."

"Why has school been so slow recently?"

"Congratulations, you have been re-elected as governor for the second year."

"Cheers! To the people of Texas!"

"I will pay you more taxes, and you just need to work hard on infrastructure construction. Aren't political achievements easy to come by?"

"Don't worry, they're just a few small gangsters. I've killed a lot of gay Yang's garrison, so what's left of these gangsters?"

"That's right, those gangsters were killed by the Smith family. Don't worry about it. Their hands and feet are very clean. There will no longer be any "hands and feet" to hinder us."

"Mr. Governor? Are you little James? I have something I would like to "cooperate" with you on."

Governor James gradually recalled everything from the new to the old.

Finally, Governor James recalled the scene of his first meeting with Tom Smith.

That young man with messy hair, no beard, wearing a cheap suit, and a strange smell...



A strong man walked out from the employee representative group, lifted a large stone, and hit Governor James hard on the head, interrupting Governor James' memory.

After a series of punches and kicks, Governor James finally couldn't hold on anymore and staggered down.

The fall of Governor James made the crowd even more excited:

"Well played!"

"Kill this gay Yang!"

The angry crowd did not stop, and more employees picked up all the tools around them and began to beat the unconscious James Governorton.

This chapter has been completed!
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