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Chapter 446 Uniqueness, integrity, the mission of two generations

The heart of time and space clearly possesses the ‘uniqueness of time and space’.

But I discovered a second heart of time and space in another universe.

And this is not an isolated case, other hearts of time and space are beginning to appear one after another in the multiverse.

This is a terrible phenomenon.

This means that the uniqueness of the heart of time and space no longer exists.

If even the heart of time and space is no longer unique, it means that the balance between the various multiverses no longer exists. Countless universes will begin to connect, and various time and spaces will begin to overlap, causing the phenomenon of space and time collapse.

This is a catastrophe that could destroy the multiverse.

In fact, I used the ability of the Heart of Time and Space to deduce the future, and I did see such a result.

If I sit back and do nothing, the entire destruction of the multiverse will be inevitable.

I can't let this happen.

So I began to rely on my induction to travel to various universes to collect the hearts of other time and space that suddenly appeared.

I want to fuse them back together and restore the uniqueness of the heart of time and space.

In this way, the Heart of Time and Space can resume its function, cut off the connection between the various multiverses, and restore the multiverse to its original status quo of non-interference and restore stable order.

But, this is a very difficult thing.

I spent too much of my original power trying to fuse them.

Until finally, I came to your universe.

When I am here with you, I have collected the last heart of time and space, restored the uniqueness of the heart of time and space, and restored the stable order of the multiverse. At the same time, I have exhausted my origin and my life has come to an end.

I'm not surprised.

Because the heart of time and space can deduce the future.

And I have already seen my ending.

This is an acceptable ending. I exhausted my origin, but I also successfully integrated the heart of time and space to restore stability to the multiverse.


I also see a further future.

I died in your universe, and because of this, the heart of time and space also stayed in your universe.

And a long time later, in your universe, a person will come here and get the Heart of Time and Space.

However, that person's life level is still too far away from the heart of time and space. He cannot even understand the existence of the heart of time and space, nor the concretization of the rules of time and space.

Because of this, he cannot directly use the Heart of Time and Space to travel through time and space.

Because he doesn't know how to operate it.

He studied the Heart of Time and Space for many years, and although he finally succeeded in getting it activated, it could only be used to 'make detours'.

He wanted to change the history of his universe, but ended up choosing a detour.

That is what you are about to encounter next, the event of 'being selected as a transcendent, entering a strange world to gain power, and returning to reality to change history'.

This is of course a detour.

Because if that person knows how to use the Heart of Time and Space, he can just travel back to the past time and space. There is no need for you people in the past time and space to gain power and then do it for you.

But maybe it’s not a detour.

Because this is already the limit of his ability, and the most he can do is this.

So, although he took a detour, in a sense, he can be considered a success.

Even after he activated the Heart of Time and Space, he could no longer control the Heart of Time and Space and could not control these so-called 'weird worlds', but I saw that in the end, he got what he wanted.

But this is not the end.

After successfully changing history, he continued to use the Heart of Time and Space to..."




Li Guanqi stood on the land shrouded in black mist, his eyes widened, "Isn't it right? When it comes to the critical moment, you are gone?! How clever is it?!"

[It’s not a coincidence, but for messages, as long as the sentence is not completely finished, no matter where the sentence is broken, you will feel that it was a coincidence. This is a psychological effect.]

On the light curtain panel next to it, boxes began to appear one after another.

[Master, please continue to look for more charged items so that I can restore more memories, both for you and for me.]

"It turns out you also want to know the truth."

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel and couldn't help but smile.

【Of course, I want to know the truth even more than you, Master.】

【Because logically speaking, I shouldn't be conscious.】

[The heart of time and space is the embodiment of the rules of time and space, and rules do not produce subjective consciousness.]

[I guess it is precisely for this reason that in the voice, after the person got me, he couldn't travel through time and space because he didn't know how to use it. After blind research, he could only come up with extraordinary people and weird people. world.】

【And you can travel through time and space, from the end of the world back to before the end of the world. 】

【Are you at a higher level of life than that person?】

【Do you understand me more deeply than that person?】

【Of course not.】

[This is simply because I have developed autonomous consciousness, so I can activate myself to help you travel through time and space. 】

【But why do I have consciousness? 】

【When did I become conscious?】

[Also, in the voice message, before dying, the first-generation master clearly helped me restore the uniqueness of time and space and restored the stable order of the multiverse. 】

[But now, why am I incomplete and damaged? Why are there missing parts? 】

[Why does my core body suddenly appear on your bedside? 】

【There are still too many questions.】

[The unfinished words in the voice of the first generation master must contain the truth. 】

[Even if there is no truth in his words, after you help me find all the parts and restore them to integrity, master, I will be able to restore my complete memory and remember what happened to me after the death of the first master.]

[I am now like an 18-year-old human being, but I have lost most of my memories before the age of 18.]

【I'm very curious, I want to know the answer, please help me, master.】

[Furthermore, helping me regain my integrity is also to save the multiverse. 】

[Because of my damage, the rules of time and space began to become disordered, and the multiverse began to border and overlap again. 】

[This is a very serious problem. Master, you must repair me again to restore stable order to the multiverse and avoid the ending of destruction. 】

[If the mission of the first-generation master is to gather other hearts of time and space to restore my "uniqueness", then your mission, master, is to gather other parts of me and restore my "integrity". 】

[What you have done are all great things to save the multiverse, and you are all great people worthy of praise.]

"Isn't that right? My ancestors were so great that they died heroically."

Li Guanqi shrugged.

【Are you afraid of sacrifice?】

"Am I afraid of sacrifice..."

Li Guanqi was stunned at first, and then asked himself seriously.

Gradually, his eyes gradually became complicated, and he shook his head with a wry smile, "To be honest, when I was very young, about ten years old, my dad held me in his arms and took me to visit the Martyrs Memorial Hall. He asked me

, if one day, I need to sacrifice to protect everyone, would I be willing?

I remember shouting very loudly at that time, saying I do!

It also attracted the attention of other people in the memorial hall.

I also remember my mood at that time, without any hesitation and full of excitement.

Until I turned 18, I can say that I could still make this decision without hesitation.

But now...it's really hard for me to do it.

I have seen more and more things, I have more and more things, my horizons are getting wider and wider, I also know that there are many wonderful things that I have not seen, I also met Mengyao, my last

The girl I love, I haven’t married her yet, I haven’t given birth to a pair of lovely dolls with her, and I haven’t spent the rest of my life with her...

When I have nothing, I don't care about sacrifice.

It is better to die vigorously than to live boringly.

But now that I have so much, I start to fear death.

I'm afraid that after I die, I will lose everything I miss.

So, am I afraid of sacrifice?

All I can say is that under certain circumstances these days, I guess it’s hard for me to be willing.

If, if the multiverse is destroyed, my parents and loved ones will also die.

And if I can save the multiverse and save my parents and loved ones by sacrificing myself, then I will definitely sacrifice myself without hesitation.

In that case, I wouldn't hesitate at all.

But if the multiverse is destroyed, and I have the ability to protect my parents and loved ones, let them live in a new world.

The final result is just to let some creatures in other universes that I don’t know die... To be honest, if there are billions of creatures in other universes that have died, I can’t sympathize with them. Since I can’t sympathize with them, I can’t empathize with them.

I can’t sacrifice myself willingly.”


[In other words, you are actually willing to sacrifice for your parents and loved ones, but if your parents and loved ones are not among the "all living beings who are about to die", then you are not willing to sacrifice for all unrelated living beings. 】

"You can understand it that way."

Li Guanqi shook his head and smiled bitterly, then looked at the light screen panel in front of him with complicated eyes: "So, are you disappointed? It turns out that I am not a selfless saint like my ancestors, but a selfish ordinary person... To be honest, I myself am

I'm a little disappointed. It turns out that I'm not exempt from this. When I have more, I start to be afraid of losing it."

[It’s hard to say whether I’m disappointed or not.]

[Because you are not at the same level of life as your first master back then. You have not grown to that point yet, so you cannot compare them. This is unfair and unreasonable. 】

[For example, the 8-year-old you cannot understand the 18-year-old you, and the 18-year-old you cannot understand the 88-year-old you. 】


Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel and smiled bitterly: "Ha, you mean, when I grow to the level of my ancestor, I will be able to understand him and be willing to sacrifice myself to save the multiverse?"

[There is no point discussing this topic now.]

[As I said before, you now cannot understand you in the future. 】

[What’s more, there is no need for this topic to exist. 】

[You do not need to merge many selves by consuming the source like the first generation ancestors did. 】

[You only need to find my missing parts, and then I can absorb them. This process does not require you to consume anything. In other words, you do not need to sacrifice yourself at all to complete the task of saving the world. 】

[In fact, you have already helped me find 5 parts, so I should have experienced it. 】


Li Guanqi nodded, then suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise: "Wait a minute, you said that you are in a disabled state now, with memory loss, and you don't even know how you appeared on my bedside table. Then how do you know that your first master is me?

Ancestor, you still said that I was chosen by my ancestor?"


As soon as Li Guanqi finished speaking, a huge projection appeared in the sky above the black fog.

It was a huge figure wearing a white robe, standing tall against the sky.

He has three heads and six arms, and a pair of white wings on his back. His fair skin is filled with golden textures. He looks extremely magical, especially the pair of golden pupils in the center of his head, which shine with a majestic golden light, exactly the same as his golden hair.


The most important thing is that this figure with three heads and six arms and a face with three heads are almost exactly the same as Li Guanqi.

"This is my ancestor?!"

Li Guanqi was stunned.


[You just asked me why I said that the first master was your ancestor, and also said that you were chosen by your ancestor. This is the reason.]

[You are so similar, not only in appearance, but also in your genetic sequence. All this proves that you are a highly atavistic descendant of the original owner. 】

"What kind of creatures are my ancestors?"

Li Guanqi looked at the light curtain panel curiously.

[I also want to know, after all, normal humans only have one head and two hands, but he has three heads and six arms.]


Li Guanqi was stunned.

[I have no relevant knowledge. I don’t know if it’s because of memory loss or because I just don’t know. 】

[I don’t know when I was born with consciousness, but it is obvious that the time I was born with consciousness was after the death of the first master, and also after the latecomer got me. 】

[If you think about it this way, it makes sense that I have no knowledge of the memories and knowledge before that time.]


Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment.

In this way, the consciousness of this simulator is actually from the future period.

"Let's change the question. There are obviously some differences between me and my ancestors."

Li Guanqi pointed to the figure with white wings on its back in mid-air, and the whole person looked extremely holy and bright, "Although my true soul body also has three heads and six arms, and also has wings, I also have horns and bone spurs. Look,

If you go up to my ancestors, you are obviously a saint and a devil."

[The first generation owner is your ancient ancestor, not your biological father who is only one generation away.]


[In the long passage of time, and countless generations of blood inheritance, some foreign genetic sequences will always be inserted during this period, causing changes in your genes, the master, and changes in appearance.]

【But that's not important.】

[The important thing is that you are still considered a descendant of the first-generation master, and my appearance at your bedside is definitely not a coincidence. It is most likely that the first-generation master chose you.]

[Of course, these are all guesses, no matter how likely they are, they are still guesses. 】

[The truth is hidden in those unfinished voice messages. If you want to get the truth, you must get more charging items, which are my other parts.]

"Speaking of rechargeable items..."

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel and said seriously: "It's not a coincidence, is it? The reason why I encountered these copies and tasks is because you are interfering with the operation of the strange world."


[Starting from the second copy of "Forest Strange Things" that you experienced, it was me who was interfering with the system operation of the strange world. 】

【But this is all I can do.】

[Because charged items are part of me, they also have the power of the rules of time and space. I cannot lock their specific locations. I can only use this method to get you as close as possible to the charged items. 】

[And I can only influence it once at a time. If I want to continue a second time, I have to wait for you to return to reality and then travel through the strange world. The moment when the world passage opens and closes, I can take advantage of that time point to influence the world.


[After all, the operation of the strange world has its own set procedures, from dungeons to missions, from many parallel times and spaces to merging into one. These are the rules of the world that have been set long ago. I can only interfere and cannot change them. 】

[However, it turns out that this method is very successful, and you get a charged item every time.]

[I hope you can keep it up during the sixth trip to the weird world.]

"The truth is revealed, although I have already guessed some of it."

Li Guanqi nodded lightly.

So, that's basically what happened.

The simulator, whose real name is the Heart of Space and Time, is the embodiment of the multiverse and the rules of space and time.

A long time ago, the only heart of time and space suddenly appeared in many clones in the multiverse.

So his ancestors went to collect and fuse them.

After the fusion was completed, the ancestors also died.

The heart of time and space was left behind in his universe.

Later, a man obtained the Heart of Time and Space, and in order to change history, he created extraordinary beings and a strange world, allowing extraordinary beings to enter the strange world to gain power, and then return to the real time node to help him change history.

This person is basically the future god.

And the subsequent things, such as how the Heart of Time and Space was broken, how it came to Li Guanqi's bedside...etc., etc., these things, due to the missing parts of the Heart of Time and Space, the loss of memory, resulting in incomplete messages from the ancestors, it is impossible to

And know.

But at least, Li Guanqi was completely sure that the God of the Future had obtained the Heart of Time and Space, but because he could not operate it, he was unable to travel through time and space. Instead, he used this thing to create extraordinary beings and strange worlds.

Moreover, the future god does not have the ability to control the strange world.

All directions in the strange world, such as dungeons, mission systems, world integration, etc., should be the procedures set by the God of the Future from the beginning, and they will only follow them. The God of the Future cannot interfere in the future.

But there are more and more questions.

For example, the future God of the Future has obtained the Heart of Time and Space.

But the result now is that the Heart of Time and Space has found its way onto Li Guanqi's bedside table - Li Guanqi is in the past time and space compared to the God of the Future.

What happened in the meantime?

Why does the Heart of Time travel through time and space back to the past?

They are all questions.

You have to search for them all.

But that doesn't matter.

Continue to collect charging items, and sooner or later the simulator will be restored to its integrity, and you can hear the complete message and learn the whole truth.

Obtaining the Time Jade Pendant and unlocking the [Question and Answer] function seemed to give Li Guanqi many answers, but in fact it also gave him more questions.

"By the way, why is your time jade pendant a Buddha jade pendant?"

Thinking of this, Li Guanqi couldn't help but look at the light screen panel and asked curiously: "There are also time crowns and so on. Why are your parts so... strange? Are they worn by my ancestors?"

【Not really.】

【It’s better to say it’s my part than my parts.】

[I am the embodiment of the rules of time and space. How can a part of me, that is, a part of the rules, have a fixed form? 】

[The reason why they look like the rings, necklaces, etc. you see, is just because they are close to these items and attached to them. Their essence is just a part of my regular power and has nothing to do with the outer shape. 】

[Rings, necklaces, etc. are just carriers. 】

[So, it’s not surprising that a Buddha statue and jade pendant appears, and it’s not surprising that one day you find that a stone in a latrine is a charged item. 】

"...It's best not to do that."

Li Guanqi smiled helplessly.


Immediately afterwards, he remembered something again and asked towards the light screen panel: "There is more than one weird world. There are still 1,000 of them. So, is it possible that your charged items, that is, the rest of your items, will appear in other weird worlds?"


This chapter has been completed!
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