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Chapter 447 The status quo of the simulator, many doubts


[But you need to understand one thing, I...]


Li Guanqi raised his hand to interrupt, "Stop talking about it, it sounds too foreign. Okay, let's continue talking."


[You need to understand one thing. The me in your body is the true body of the heart of time and space. Only my body will have the "uniqueness of time and space". My energy leaves me and is scattered outside, becoming charged energy one by one.

After items, they lose their uniqueness and will appear in every time and space.】

[But this is not important, because after I absorb the charged item into my body, the charged item will regain its uniqueness and disappear in various time and space. 】

[In fact, in the early days, when Master you were still in the "Forest Strange Things" copy, the weird world was not very stable. At that time, after you got the time ring, the disappearance of the time rings in other time and space also caused all these weird worlds to be destroyed.

There was a shock, and the extraordinary person inside was forced to exit the copy.】

[Of course, since then, each weird world has become more stable, and this phenomenon has never happened again. 】

"So that's it!"

Li Guanqi suddenly realized.

Back in the doomsday period, when I was traveling with Lin Xianbai, they often chatted when they had nothing to say. One time, Taoist priest Lin talked about this matter.

Lin Xianbai was almost dissected by Yin Sen at that time, but Yin Sen's ring suddenly burst into golden light, followed by a "dungeon error" prompt, and he was forced to exit the dungeon.

Now that I think about it, this is the reason.


Li Guanqi suddenly thought of something, looked at the light screen panel and asked: "You said that your charged items will appear in every time and space?

Which universe of time and space?

This weird world of this universe?

However, I also obtained one of your parts in the real world. The Time Crown was obtained by me during the real doomsday period.

But aren’t the real world and the strange world two separate universes?”

【This is also a question I want to know.】

[The real world and the weird world are two universes. Well, maybe it’s more convenient for me to just call them the real universe and the weird universe. And my missing part exists in the real universe and in the weird universe. 】

【This can only mean one thing.】

[Before that latecomer in the real universe got me, I was no longer a complete body. I had collapsed before that, and my energy escaped, forming so-called charged items, which were lost all over the real universe. ]


Li Guanqi's eyes narrowed.

This "latecomer" is the future god.

[Then, the latecomer got the incomplete version of me in the future time and space of the real universe.]

【I don’t know what happened during this period.】

[But in the end, he created the extraordinary being and the weird universe, and my energy may have escaped into the weird universe during this process, and charged items were also formed here. 】

[Only in this way can I explain why my charged items can be found in both the real universe and the weird universe.]

【This is not a good signal.】

[Because this means that maybe my charged items are not only distributed in the real universe and the weird universe. 】

[If they are lost to other multiverses, then Master, you may have to travel through the multiverses to collect my charged items in the future.]


Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment.

What the hell, when you ask the simulator, you always get part of the answer and a big question at the same time...

He didn't dare to continue asking.

Forget it, let’s ask the last one.

"You are in a strange world. You can interfere with the operation of the world and let me encounter your charged items through various coincidences."

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel in front of him and asked curiously: "What about the real world? Since the real world also has your charged items, can you also help create various 'coincidences' in reality to help

Did I meet?

In the real world, it's much easier to do things.

Even if it is the Government Affairs Office of a foreign prime minister, I can go shopping despite the hail of bullets.

However, in this strange world, in front of those top powerhouses at the Bagua level and the Nine Palaces level, I cannot take it as I please."

【Unfortunately, we cannot.】

[Specifically, it’s hard for me to explain it to you now, but you can understand it this way... The real universe is a purely natural multiverse, a universe born naturally. 】

【But Weird Universe is not.】

[It is a training ground that was forcibly created by the latecomer in the future time and space using my power. The purpose is to allow you extraordinary beings selected by him to gain strength, and then return to the real universe to help him change history.


【Does it sound familiar?】

[Yes, the nature of this matter is actually similar to before. When you still need to choose between the spellcaster dungeon and the different-blood warrior dungeon, I create a simulated world for you to enter the "personal simulation" mode.


[The difference is that I should have been very powerful before, with a lot of energy, and could directly create a simulated universe and make it fully formed and independent. 】

[In other words, the weird universe is equivalent to a copy of your real universe. 】

[Even though it gradually became an independent universe under the influence of my power, it is still an "artificial universe."]

[In the process of "man-making", my power is used. Because of this, I can interfere with the operation of this artificial universe and let you encounter various "coincidences". 】

[But in the purely natural universe of the real universe, I do not have this ability. 】

[In other words, I currently do not have this ability. 】

[Find more charged items to help me recover more energy. When my energy accumulates to a certain level, I can directly scan the entire universe, directly locate the coordinates of those charged items, and let you fly over to get them. 】

【By then, it will be much more convenient for us.】

[But that is for the future after all. At present, I can only rely on every moment the channel between the weird universe and the real universe opens and closes to affect the operation of the weird universe, allowing you to encounter various "coincidences" in this universe.

To get you as close to the charged items as possible.]

"I see……"

Looking at the contents of the boxes on the light screen panel, Li Guanqi finally had a sudden realization.

"Okay, let's do this first."

He nodded slightly.

【Do you have any other questions? 】

"There should be more, but I couldn't think of it for a while, and the incident about my ancestors had a great impact on me. Give me some time to digest it. Anyway, you won't run away. I will come back to you when I think of the problem.


Li Guanqi rubbed his eyebrows.

He mainly didn't want to ask another question, and then asked a lot of questions.

Let’s ask slowly later.


[Then let me explain the simulation situation now.]

[You previously traveled through time and space and used up all the energy you had accumulated. Now all I have left is the energy of the Time Jade Pendant.]

[The existing energy can still support you to conduct a large number of simulated futures in the real world until you travel to the strange world for the sixth time. 】

[If nothing goes wrong, you should be able to spend 60 days in reality when you return to reality. You can simulate events in these 60 days as you like, no matter how many times you do. 】

[However, this is because the real world is still quite backward, and there are almost no advanced beings. 】

[But the weird world is different. In this time and space, relatively speaking, many advanced lives have appeared, that is, those Jiugong-level creatures. In this time and space, simulating the future requires more energy. 】

[Coupled with the gradual integration of strange worlds, this time and space is more stable, and it is not like the previous dungeons and missions. 】

[Facing the weird world that is gradually merging today, if you want to simulate the future, you can only simulate it in real time like the real world. 】

[Based on the existing energy, you can only simulate the situation within the next 10 days in the strange world, and you only have 10 chances.]


Li Guanqi frowned slightly, "So, the kind of personal simulation of entering a simulated world, now say goodbye to me? From now on, my simulations in the strange world will be the same as the real world, and I can imitate them anytime, anywhere?"

[In fact, this simulation method has already said goodbye to you as early as the fifth weird world, but you have exhausted your energy before, resulting in you not simulating this weird world at all. 】

"In the real world, there is no limit to the number of times, but in the strange world, there are only 10 simulation opportunities, and you can only simulate the next 10 days..."

Li Guanqi narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered to himself.

It seems that in the weird world, the number of simulations cannot be used without thinking, but is used in scoring situations. For example, before doing something, simulate it first to get it all.

Although he thought about it carefully, from beginning to end, from getting the simulator to now, he seemed to have never faced a copy or task that required 10 simulations, and he could basically find the perfect route within 5 times.

But the problem is that now it can only be simulated within 10 days.

Even if you only simulate once each time, you can only simulate the situation for 100 days.

The fifth weird world has to stay for a whole year. Who knows if the sixth weird world will last longer?

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, the weird worlds will merge again, and 1,000 should merge into 100.

"Will it still fuse?"

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel and asked: "Can't you affect the system operation of the weird world? Then do you know what the next process of the weird world will be, and the world will continue to merge?"

[I can only interfere when the passage between the two worlds is opening and closing. In other words, I can only know the situation of the next strange world when you are about to travel to the strange world again. 】

[This is why, when it was still a dungeon and mission mechanism, I had to wait a few seconds before time travel before I could pull you into a simulated dungeon here. 】

[So, I can’t say that I know the specific situation of the sixth strange world, because I can’t be 100% sure. 】

[However, I can say that in the sixth weird world, there is a 99.9% possibility that many worlds will merge again, from 1,000 worlds to 100. The world you are in will have more realities pouring in.

The extraordinary person.]

"You are quite strict..."

Li Guanqi scratched his head.

He always felt that the heart of time and space, that is, the simulator, spoke in a weird way, a bit like artificial intelligence...

"Will the re-integration of the world cause the simulation difficulty to increase?"

Li Guanqi asked curiously, "Will 1,000 worlds merge into 100? Will the energy consumed by the simulation become larger again?"


[The fusion of more than 100 million weird worlds into the current 1,000 weird worlds has made the stability of this space and time reach a certain level. Even if the next 1,000 weird worlds merge into one, the stability of time and space will be improved.

It can only be said to be “one step further forward”.]

[However, this extra "step" has no further impact on the simulation and will not cause an increase in the energy consumption of the simulation. 】

"By the way, I remembered another question."

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel with a surprised expression, "You are the heart of time and space. Judging from my ancestor's message, you can simulate a universe... ah no, multiverse, that is the future of countless universes. How?

In my hands, it is so difficult for you to simulate the next 10 days?

Is it a matter of my strength?

Or...are you too disabled?"

[I already have self-awareness, I can use myself, I deduce the future, I don’t need your help, master, and it has nothing to do with your life level, master.]

[This is purely an energy issue.]

[The energy you retrieved for me is too little, that is, the so-called charging items are still too few. You need to find more.]

[The five charging items you brought to me now are just a drop in the bucket. Compared with my total amount, they are just a small star among the stars in the sky, insignificant.]

[But you are lucky. The energy contained in the Time Crown and Time Jade Perry is the more important part. The energy characteristics of this part allow me to travel through time and space, so I call them "core components". 】

"A drop in the bucket?"

Li Guanqi's expression changed slightly, "How many charging items do you have?"

【As vast as the sea of ​​sand.】

[They not only exist on this planet, they may be scattered in every corner of the universe. 】

[Your future journey will inevitably lead to the sea of ​​stars, to the depths of the starry sky, and to see other life forms and civilizations in this universe.]


[But it’s too early to say this now.]

[Become the number one on this planet first, find all the charging items on this planet, and then think about the future.]

[Your mission as a so-called "extraordinary person" is far from the ultimate goal of your life.]

[At least I can say that in addition to the mission of "Transcendent", helping me restore integrity and restore the stability of the multiverse is another goal of yours and another more important mission. 】

"Okay, okay, step by step."

Li Guanqi smiled and nodded.

He does not resist these so-called "missions".

When people are alive, they have to find something to do, and these "missions" show him a very vast world, and they also make him feel very...interesting?

Li Guanqi seemed to be unable to find other adjectives, and this word was appropriate enough.

He's really interested in these things.

He wanted to go to the end and see what his mission as an "extraordinary person" was.

What purpose does that future god want to achieve by doing all this, and what period of history does he want to change?

And after this incident is over, what kind of journey will he embark on in the depths of the galaxy?

These are very interesting things.

Li Guanqi wants to go step by step and explore bit by bit.

His life is still very long, and the road ahead will be even more exciting.

Take your time.

"I'm going out now, see you another day."

Li Guanqi looked at the light screen panel, smiled and waved his hand.


The next moment, his entire body disappeared from the spot, completely leaving the world shrouded in black mist.

This chapter has been completed!
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