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Chapter 34 Finding the Gopher Mouse

Among the three major areas of Jincheng, Diyuanfang is located near the east city wall, and its area is the smallest among the three major areas of Jincheng.

As a slum in Jincheng, this place is basically populated by people who have escaped from famine, and most of them are civilians working in other communities.

Some of them are waiters in inns, some are servants of wealthy families, and some are farmers who own land.

There is no main street in Yuanfang, and no carriages usually come here, so the roads are very narrow and every house is very close to each other.

The roads are not stone roads, but dirt roads. The fallen snow is black and mixed with the soil, making it very slippery.

If you don't pay attention for a moment, if you step down, you may be thrown onto your face.

When Li Qi brought Zhang Chuang and Xiao Man here, he was careful every step he took, and his shoes were covered with mud and water.

"Master, what are we doing here?" Xiaoman puffed up his cheeks and asked reluctantly.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Don't you feel bored staying in Cuihong Building every day? It would be nice to go out for a walk once in a while."

"I'm not bored at all. There is food and drink in Cuihong Building, and there is a stove, so why should I go out for a walk?"

Li Qi was too lazy to pay attention to him, but carefully observed the entrance of each house.

After passing through a deserted alley, the three of them came to a slightly wider road. Not far away, there was a child kneeling on the ground with a piece of grass stuck on his head.

Seeing this scene, Li Qi asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Man glanced at it and said, "That's a straw mark. He wants to sell himself."

"Sell yourself?"

Li Qi was a little confused. Looking at the boy who was almost eleven or twelve years old and wearing rags, he felt a little unbearable.

Just when he was about to go up and ask what was going on, he saw a few men who took the lead.

The leading man had a centipede-like scar on his face, extending from his left eye to his chin.

He threw a few coins on the ground and asked the child to follow him.

The child looked at the few copper coins, was stunned for a moment and said something, but was kicked by the scarred man.

"What a bastard, you still bargain with me!"

"Uncle...my mother is seriously ill and needs a tael of silver to buy medicine..." the child begged bitterly.

But before he could finish speaking, those people were about to take him away.

Although Li Qi was not a nosy person, he still couldn't bear it when he saw a child being bullied.

"Wait a moment!"

Li Qi blocked the path of those rogues.

Several people glanced at him and seemed to see that Li Qi was not dressed like someone from Diyuanfang. The scarred man asked: "What do you want to ask, sir?"

"I bought this child."

"Sorry about this young master, I have already given you the money, and now he is mine."

Li Qi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "You make a price."

Hearing these words, the scarred man hesitated a little, rolled his eyes and said, "Young Master really want to buy him?"

"Nonsense, please stop talking."

"That's easy to say, five taels of silver..."

Before the scarred man could finish speaking, Li Qi took out ten taels of silver and threw it over: "No need to look for it, just put him down."

Seeing how generous the other party was, the scarred man quickly put the child down without saying a word, with a smile on his face: "Thank you, sir."

After saying that, he took his people and left without any hesitation.

Xiaoman didn't seem to expect that his young master would do this, and was a little surprised: "Master, why did you buy him?"

Li Qi replied: "Young Master has so much money that he is in a panic."

Although he has accepted the fact that he has traveled through time, Li Qi still has some modern moral standards in his heart.

Maybe these things are just out of impulse, or because of self-deprecation of conscience.

Li Qi took out another five taels of silver from his pocket and handed it to the child: "You can use this money to treat your mother. I can only help you here."

The child looked at Li Qi in disbelief and hesitated for a long time before taking the money from Li Qi's hand.

Then he suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Qi: "Thank you so much!"

"Okay, okay. Go and treat your mother quickly."

Li Qi shook his head helplessly, and when he was about to leave with Zhang Chuang and Xiao Man, the child asked: "How dare I ask my benefactor's name?"

"Lei Feng."

Li Qi said a word without looking back and strode away.

After walking a few steps, Xiaoman couldn't help but ask: "Master, who is Lei Feng? What is the nickname you gave yourself?"

"When did you have so many questions? Why, you have nothing to do after you eat, and you start to use the residual heat in your brain?"

"I'm just curious." Xiao Man pouted.

Just as the two were bickering, Zhang Chuang suddenly stopped and glanced back at the alleyway he passed just now.

I saw no one at the entrance of the alley...

After circling Diyuanfang, Li Qi finally found the address given by Tianji Pavilion.

The houses in Diyuanfang are uneven, and the terrain is very complicated. The so-called address given by Tianji Pavilion is only a rough range, and the door has been marked by Tianji Pavilion.

Six stones are arranged in a plum blossom shape at the door of the house. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all. And on the wall behind the stones, there is a strange mark.

This is where the gophers are!

Li Qi walked to the door and knocked first. After a long time, no one opened the door.

No one is home?

Or is it that the local rat doesn’t want to see guests?

Just when Li Qi was confused, a voice came from behind the three of them: "What do you guys do?"

Li Qi turned around and saw a tall man in his thirties, wearing a fur coat made of unknown animal skin and a bamboo hat on his head.

"I'm looking for someone who lives here." Li Qi said.

The big man passed the three people, came to the door and opened it directly: "I live here, what do you want from me?"

"You live here?" Li Qi was a little surprised and looked up and down at the big man in front of him.

According to Lu Jinshuang, Gopher is not tall and has a hunchback, which is totally incompatible with the person in front of him.

Could it be that the address Tianji Pavilion gave me was wrong?

Li Qi couldn't react, so he subconsciously asked: "Are you a ground rat?"

The big man frowned when he heard Li Qi's question: "What kind of rat?"

"You live here alone?" Li Qi asked again.

"Of course, this is my ancestral home. I have lived here for more than ten years."

No, no, something must be wrong.

Tianji Pavilion claims to know everything, so it should be impossible to lie to herself. As for Lu Jinshuang, there is no need for her to lie to herself.

How could that happen...

This chapter has been completed!
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