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Chapter 101 Destiny

The breeze blew the bonfire in the main hall, swaying the departing light and shadow, and dimming the last hearts of the people.

Kechar stood up and rushed forward. Before he took two steps, a tall shadow came towards him and blocked the way. He immediately swung his copper staff without hesitation and hit the guard captain on the temple.

The guard captain's expression was dull, and he still held the clay pot in his left hand. He took quick small steps forward, swung the blunt blade of the copper ax in his right hand, and deftly hit Kechar's left wrist. The chief priest let go of his wrist in pain,

The staff jingled and rolled away from the ground.

Kechar's face turned fierce, and he turned his right hand forward and stabbed the guard captain's lower abdomen. The guard captain dexterously turned the copper ax again. There was another clang, and the copper surface blocked the sharp edge of the obsidian dagger. It took only a blink of an eye.

, two more guards came from the left and right, and the fate was sealed.

The chief priest's face was ferocious. Seeing that there was no chance of a breakthrough, he took a step back, raised his right hand high, and threw it hard into the corridor. The blue dagger drew a rapid arc and shot toward the elder.

The elder's face was calm and untroubled. The guard next to him raised his hand and shield, and the dagger bounced off with a bang, clinking to the ground. Kechar immediately turned around and ran towards the staff. He fell to the ground and grabbed the last one.

To use weapons, unscrew the copper ornament on the top of the staff and pull out the blow dart to shoot.

The captain of the guard came steadily. He just gave a light kick, and the dart flew away. Kechar still did not give up and hugged the leg of the captain of the guard, shaking his hands hard, trying to knock down the sculpture in front of him.

He lowered his body slightly, as if roots were growing on his feet and his legs were motionless.

Looking at all this, the elder sighed quietly. His voice was distant and calm.

"Kechar, my child, don't struggle in vain anymore. You should know that the outcome is already doomed. Leave the last bit of dignity behind! Also leave a way out for your family."

Hearing this, Kechar trembled all over. He finally stopped and looked at the elder with a pale face.

"My family..."

The elder nodded calmly and looked at Kechar gently.

"My child, don't worry. It will be quick and there won't be any pain."

The will of the gods can never be changed. The captain of the guard finally opened the clay pot of fate. He took out a bottle of light green potion and handed it to Kechar at his feet.

Kechar laughed miserably. He took the potion tremblingly, opened the cap and was about to drink it, but looked at the elder unwillingly.


The elder did not answer, but turned around calmly.

Looking at the tall mountain-like back, Kechar finally despaired. He raised his head and poured the medicine into his throat with trembling wrists, unwilling to accept his fate.

A lot of the light green potion was spilled, but the rest was enough to open the door to the Kingdom of God. Soon, the chief priest could not suppress his whole body trembling, and showed a strange and sincere smile. Then he fell to the ground gently, and even the medicine in his hand

None of the pottery bottles was broken. Then, Kechar on the ground continued to dance for a few seconds, then fell to the ground with a smile on his face and became motionless.

The captain of the guard knelt down, first felt Kechar's breath, and then opened his eyelids to look at his pupils. Then, he turned around solemnly and nodded to the elder for confirmation.

The elder came slowly. He walked to Kechar's body, looked at it silently for a long time, and then whispered to himself.

"My child, don't worry. Soon, many people will accompany you on the road."

Then, the elder gently shook the bell in his hand. Several chief ministers and guards rushed over and knelt down on one knee to salute. Their eyes did not blink for a moment, and they did not glance at Kechar on the ground.

"Where are the guards?" the elder asked calmly.

"The Five Hundred Guards have taken control of the area around the Prince's Palace and the port to Texcoco."

The leading guard replied respectfully.

"Where are the family warriors?"

"Three thousand royal family warriors participated in the ceremony and are now stationed in the palace area."

"Capital Samurai?"

"In the name of the ceremony, ten thousand capital warriors have gathered in the four armories."

"Noble Chapter?"

"According to your order, after the sacrifice, the tiger and eagle warriors all feasted in the temple area, and King Avit was also there."

The elder finally nodded. His majestic order revealed his long-hidden edge again. In those plain words, his will was as iron as iron and indifference as ice!

"Mobilize the guards and arrest the Prince of Texcoco. Those who resist will die. Mobilize the family warriors and arrest the high-ranking priests and nobles of the Texcoco family. Those who resist will die. Mobilize the capital's warriors and impose martial law throughout the city in the name of ceremony.

, blockade all ports. Mobilize the noble battle groups, assemble in the East Armory, and prepare for departure. Inform King Avit: Stay in the mansion with peace of mind, everything has nothing to do with him."

The elder's face was expressionless, ignoring the arrival of blood and fire. He continued to speak calmly.

"Summon the waiting Shuter, I want to see him. Summon Ugel, wait outside."

The guards bowed their heads neatly and saluted, and then walked away quickly. After many years, the envoys once again set out from the chief palace, along the special passage to the great temple. Then, with orders that could not be disobeyed, they went to all the capitals where the force was concentrated.

The place.

The elder walked slowly back to the center of the hall and sat down on the stone throne of the god. He closed his eyes slightly, and Kechar was lying not far away, smiling as if he was asleep. The guard captain held the clay pot and stood guard in a solid state.

Next to it, you can hear the needle drop again in the main hall.

Not long after, there were some hurried footsteps in the corridor, which were obviously different from those of the guards. The elder opened his eyes slightly, and the high priest Shuter, wearing a solemn divine costume, came in a hurry with empty hands.

Shuter eagerly stepped into the hall. He knelt down and paid homage, his obsidian crown hanging low. Then, he was about to open his mouth to request, but suddenly stopped. On the ground, Kechar's smile was right in front of him.


The high priest stared blankly ahead. The old friend who had known each other for decades, and the old rival who had been fighting for more than ten years, was sleeping peacefully on the ground, with a happy and peaceful face. He had planned many times how to fight when they saw each other again.

How should I argue tonight? Unexpectedly, the other party has returned to the Kingdom of God.

Shuter felt happy at first, and then a deep chill came over him. He bowed his head again and saluted without saying a word, and his back was slowly soaked with sweat.

The elder looked at the high priest calmly. He hadn't seen him for many years, and little Shuter had become much older. After a long time, the elder slowly spoke.

"Shuter, I know what you want from me. It was inconvenient to see you two days ago. Now that I have seen you, there is no need to say anything. Your grandson is a good boy. For him, you have to give up your position in the high priesthood.

Come to the capital. It’s time to reunite the two major priesthoods of the alliance."

Hearing the elder's words, Shuter was shocked and had many thoughts. He raised his head slightly and looked at the elder, his expression changing. Decades of hard work and more than ten years of grandson weighed in his heart. Then he let out a long sigh, fate

It was already doomed, and I had no choice.

"Dear elder, I will obey your will." Shuter's face was pale. He took off the divine crown on his head, revealing his gray hair, and his expression was a little more relieved.

"I will hand over the high priests immediately, and I hope you will let the boy Shulot go."

The elder looked at Shuter carefully. The memories of the past gradually merged and turned into the old boy in front of him. After a long time, he nodded slightly.

"Shuter, your grandson is a good boy. After the merger, the twelve-member priesthood will be handed over to you. You can decide whether to be the high priest or the chief priest."

Hearing the elder's appointment, Shuttle raised his head slightly. He was a little happy at first, then smiled bitterly in his heart, and then sighed.

"If the elder is still there, the chief priest of the capital is actually meaningless. If the elder is not here, no one can suppress me. Can I survive the elder? I am afraid it is still unknown. If I really survive the elder? It is impossible to say.

A glass of poisonous wine..."

In any case, at this time he could only salute again and respectfully accept his fate.

The elders still calmly decide on major affairs of the empire.

"From now on, Ugel will be your deputy. If the merger is a small matter, leave it to him. Religious regulations are the big deal."

Hearing this, Shuter looked at the elder with questioning eyes.

"You are going to compile a fundamental religious text to guide the future of the Mexica people. You will understand the specific content after you discuss it with the child. If you are not sure, just ask me. Remember,

Give up your Quetzalcoatl and transform into your patron saint."

"You are too deeply influenced by my brother, and you always want to use Quetzalcoatl to unite the tribes. However, you must not compromise when integrating other ethnic groups. The weeds in front of them must be plowed and the roots must be pulled out, so that the corn behind them can grow well.

.There must be a sacrifice of holy blood before the earth can be reborn."

"Actually, Kechar understands me best. It's a pity that he has come to an end after all. After thinking about it, your child is still worth more, so I let him go. Just stay in the capital and protect the child by the way, so as to save you from inadvertently


The elder tonight was different from usual. His mood fluctuated slightly, and he said a lot again.

Xiu Teer maintained the posture of saluting, remembering every word of the elder in his heart, and then nodded in response.

The elder pondered for a moment and then asked calmly.

"Shuter, how far are Teotihuacan's legions from the capital?"

Hearing this, Shuttle fell to his knees with a plop. He lowered his gray head and prostrated on the ground.

"Dear elders, the legions of Teotihuacan are only here to pay homage to the king's enthronement ceremony..."

"How far is it?"

"...Half a day." Shuttle replied with difficulty.

The elder nodded slightly.

"It's pretty much what I expected. Now you go back and deliver the order to take Teotihuacan's army outside Texcoco. Early tomorrow morning, we will launch at the same time as the army in the capital. In the name of the enthronement ceremony, I have already arranged manpower.

Open the door and deal with the weeds. It is more convenient and clean for the city-state army to do it."

Shuter was shocked. He raised his head and looked at the elder.

"Texcoco City? Dealing with weeds?"

The elder nodded calmly.

"Now is the right time. The pumpkins in the west are too small and don't matter. The kidney beans in the east should be pulled out when they are ripe. Mexicans only want the tallest corn."

Shulot lowered his head and pondered. After a moment, he bowed silently and accepted the order.

The elder looked at Shuter for a moment and then waved his hand gently.

"Xuter, you go down. We will deal with it more cleanly tomorrow. The kid has a good character and can be entrusted with big things, so let him stay here for another day. We old guys will take care of tomorrow's affairs, and the children should not get involved."

A guard immediately stepped forward to lead the way, and Shuttle held the divine crown in both hands and walked away backwards. His back was soaked, and his body was cold and hot, but his heart calmed down. This time, his footsteps were silent.

The elder waved to the guard and closed his eyes again. Today's consumption was too great, and fatigue came in waves. After all, time is not forgiving.

After resting for a while, the elder opened his eyes again. In front of him was the slightly fat Ugel. He was kneeling on the ground, shaking and sweating all over. Next to him was Kechar's frozen smile.

The elder looked at Wu Geer for a few times and then calmly ordered.

"Ugel, stop shaking, you still have time. The two priesthoods are going to merge, with Shuter as the leader and you as the deputy. Shuter wants to compile religious scriptures, so I will leave all the merger matters to you."

"Tonight and tomorrow we will get rid of the Texcoco family. You go and summon the priests to appease people. Tell everyone that Prince Texcoco was dissatisfied with the death of Trol and poisoned the chief priest Kechar with the intention of treason. The crime cannot be punished.

Forgive me. Prince Tlacopan did not participate, let him be at ease and be safe. The other nobles at all levels are not guilty if they don't know. If they are not at ease, you can accept their bribes as usual."

Hearing this, Ugel was horrified. He kowtowed hard, making a banging sound on the ground.

"Dear elder, I will return the bribe I received before..."

"Ugel, look up." The elder stared calmly.

Wugel immediately stopped. He raised his head slightly, met the elder's emotionless gaze, and felt a chill in his heart.

"Do as I say. Lock up the nobles if they are unstable, but don't kill anyone. You still have time, study more classics in the future."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wugel carefully checked the elder's gaze. Then he saluted respectfully and accepted his fate with trembling.

"Go down. I'm tired. Take Kechar's body out and place it so that the nobles can see it. The poison he was poisoned was the Texcoco ayahuasca. Tell the nobles,

Don’t remember it wrong.”

Ugel kowtowed again. He walked backwards with weak steps and left. Two guards carried Kechar's body, like emotionless pottery figurines, and followed quietly beside him.

After arranging everything, the elder finally closed his eyes and rested against the stone seat. The captain of the guard spread jaguar skin on the stone seat and covered the elder with a duck down blanket. Then he moved the bonfire to the back of the stone seat.

The elder fell asleep silently in the warm darkness. In his dream, he saw his long-lost elder brother, the poet king of Texcoco, and his late friend Coyot. The three marshals fought hand in hand.

, defeated the Tepanek army formation and captured their capital. Then in front of the Tepanek burning temple, the comrades and brothers drank happily and laughed heartily.

The eldest brother danced a brave war dance and played the brilliant bamboo flute. Coyote sang a poem loudly:

"The flowers that are blooming today are under the feet of warriors.

The enemy who persisted and resisted will have turned into dust tomorrow.

Even though it has the strength of a huge stone, nothing can reach eternity.

We rejoice in today's happiness and forget the pain that will come tomorrow!

A moment of glory will fade away like a dream.

Human beings are so slim, how can we gain time?

Only wither, all things we cherish~~"

In his sleep, the elder smiled slightly. Yes, this life can only wither, and I am afraid there will be no words to say goodbye. The bonfire flickered, illuminating the elder's hair, but it was already completely white.

At the feet of the elder, Ugel walked out of the chief minister's palace. He breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had walked out of the kingdom of death. Then, he wiped the sweat on his head with his sleeves, but he couldn't wipe it away. It turned out that the clothes were already damp.


Ugel turned around, and the guard behind him also stopped. He looked at Kechar's peaceful smile, first sighed quietly, and then smiled happily. Finally, he couldn't help lowering his head and whispered to Kechar.

"Old guy, you have been so powerful for so many years and you have always dominated me, but this is the end! The smart egret was sacrificed to the gods, but the stupid turkey did not live long. I am indeed a piece of rotten wood that cannot be carved, but

I still have time, what about you? I would rather be greedy and stupid, be a dead tree without any threat, and live happily!"

Having said this, Ugel smiled proudly again. Then, he swayed his fat body and walked towards the priest's temple group with a smile. Behind him, Kechar was silent.

This chapter has been completed!
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