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Chapter 100 Pathfinding

The setting sun reflects on the white stone city, creating brilliant light and shadow on the pure white walls, like the fate of a noble person.

On the east side of the capital in the lake, on the outskirts of the palace area, there is a vast mansion with a red roof and white walls. This mansion is very close to the ferry east of the capital. It is only half a day away, and you can take a canoe to Tesco.

The city of Texcoco on the east shore of Lake Co.

The mansion has a rare two-story building that exceeds the regulations of civilians. Dozens of houses and halls are arranged neatly and solemnly. The south-facing residence is spacious and bright, decorated with obsidian and volcanic rock patterns. This is the owner's room.

Behind the main house, there is a platform with the same height as the house, with stone and wood benches, which are used by Mexica nobles to bask in the sun and enjoy the shade. In the corner of the mansion, there are also special toilets covered with hay and plaster.

Incense was lit at the door.

At this time, an elegant and handsome young man in Chinese clothes was lying on a bench, looking at the gorgeous and fleeting sunset, sighing at the glory of the past and present. His face was filled with gentle melancholy, and his eyes were full of reminiscence.


"The king of the Mexica ascended the throne, what a grand and glorious ceremony it was! Today I think of you, Coyote, my great father. If I meet you again, after a long time, accompanied by the brilliant

How can I tell you about the sunset? With silence, with tears, with sighs... I will never forget the lost glory of Texcoco."

Beside the young man, there was a middle-aged warrior. His face was full of determination.

"Dear King, we will definitely revive the city-state and lead the alliance! The Tenochtitlan people are having a brutal civil war again, and their brutal rule will not last long. The old thieves will eventually die!"

Hearing the warrior's words, the young man nodded slightly. Then, he sat up solemnly, his eyes twinkling.

"In front of outsiders, don't call me king, I'm just a prince now."

The middle-aged samurai had an angry look on his face. He blushed and shouted in a lowered voice.

"The Tenochtitlan people are just one of the three tribes that built the alliance. They are a barbaric tribe living on the island, unjust rebels who rebelled against the patriarch. How can they compare with the Texcoco people who have been inherited for three hundred years!

We are a country of culture. There are wooden murals in the great library that are thousands of years old. The poems of all the kings are more beautiful than any other in the world! We did not succumb to the Tepanecs back then, and we will not succumb to the Tenochtit now.


The young man also straightened his back and looked solemn and solemn.

"You are right! We will rise again eventually! Time treats mortals equally, and even the immortal sun will eventually die. Now, my uncle still controls the eight thousand warriors of the city. As long as we endure it, we will wait until the future

The timing!”

After saying that, the two looked at each other for a long time, firm belief burning in their eyes.

At this moment, an attendant hurriedly came from the main hall.

"Your Highness the Prince, the chief priest of the Alliance is here to visit and is waiting in the main hall. Please go and meet him."

Prince Texcoco instantly restrained all his sharpness and turned into a melancholy and gentle young man. He nodded to the warrior and walked steadily towards the hall. After a while, the chief priest in the feather crown costume appeared in front of him. With one hand, he

Holding the magic staff, he held a red-bottomed wooden box in one hand.

"Dear Prince Billil, His Royal Highness the fasting prince, in the name of the patron saint, I salute you!" Kechar smiled cordially.

"Dear Chief Priest, the descendants of Acolva salute you and welcome your arrival! What can I do for you?" Prince Bilil bowed his head slightly to express respect to the spokesman of God.

Kechar pondered slightly, then sighed.

"I am here to inform you of the unfortunate news on the order of the immortal elder. Wang Shutrol lost the food route, which led to the failure of the siege of Otopan. He committed an unforgivable crime. He felt guilty and had already committed suicide at the enthronement ceremony.

Sacrifice, bear the due responsibility for the crime. This is his head."

With that said, Kechar handed the red-bottomed wooden box into Billil's hands. His hands were stained blood red.

Hearing this, Billil trembled all over. He opened the wooden box with difficulty, and saw his uncle's unwilling and angry face. After a moment, he slammed the wooden box shut, and tears filled his eyes.

Soon, Biril put away his tears. He suppressed his anger, lowered his head again expressionlessly, and thanked Kechar. Then he turned around and placed the wooden box on the sacrificial altar in the center of the main hall.

With this action, Billil quickly thought about how to deal with it. When he turned around again, his face was filled with tears again. He seemed to be unable to control his body and fell down on the stone table. He lowered his head to cover his expression and raised his head.

Crying loudly "woo woo".

Kechar also looked at all this with a sad expression, and nodded slightly in his heart. Although Prince Bilil was only eighteen years old, he was quite smart. At this time, he could neither show too much indignation nor be too forbearing and pretend that nothing happened.

It happens. Crying is the best choice.

"From this point of view, Prince Billil is indeed a good marriage partner. He can also restrain King Avit." Kechar's mind was full of thoughts, and he immediately comforted him with kind words.

"Dear Your Highness, King Uncle Troll has washed away all guilt with his noble self-sacrifice. He is about to return to the Kingdom of the Sun and continue to fight for the light! Your Highness does not need to be too sad. The elder has no intention to continue pursuing the pursuit.

It’s your responsibility.”

Kechar smiled slightly, his face as bright as the spring breeze.

"In the kingdom of God, King Uncle Troll will still bless you. I heard that Your Highness is not yet married, and I have a grandniece who is fourteen years old this year. She is quiet and elegant, and has not yet been married. I wonder if Your Highness is interested in accepting the patron saint

With his blessing, teach her the poetry of Texcoco?”

Thinking of this, Kechar sighed in his heart. Kepana was still too disobedient. As Bilil's official wife, she was a perfect match. But at this time, Prince Bilil was at a low ebb. He should be able to accept it and marry him.

grand-niece as the head wife.

Billil thought quickly, and was a little surprised and surprised by the chief priest's overture. He pondered for a moment, and it seemed that there was indeed a gap between Avitt and the chief priest. Since he could not propose marriage to Avitt, the chief priest's line was indeed a good one.

The choice of marriage. It’s a pity that she is not the direct granddaughter.

Billil immediately put away his tears and saluted the chief priest respectfully: "The chief priest is willing to express his love and regard it as the blessing of Uncle Wang's heroic spirit. That is naturally very good. When I bury Uncle Wang generously, I will come again.

Asking for the friendship of flowers and birds.”

Kechar smiled kindly and nodded. He looked at the change in Billil's expression and felt more and more satisfied.

Soon, a maid brought a bright red cocoa drink. Bilil drank a cup first to express the warrior's blessing. Then he asked: "Your Excellency, the chief priest, this is Texcoco's special cocoa. Do you also want to try a cup?"


Kechar glanced at the cocoa mixed with unknown spices and smiled. As a master of pharmacies who uses poison, how could he drink a drink of unknown origin? What's more, he had just made a sacrifice on the order of an elder not long ago.

Wang Shutrol.

"Thank you for your friendship, Your Highness. However, as priests, we only drink the holy water given by God and cannot appreciate the charm of cocoa. If Your Highness is interested, I can bring you some holy water from the Great Temple to taste next time. It is a gift from the gods and is really wonderful.


Billil thanked him with a smile. The two of them chatted happily, next to them was a bright red wooden box with a bottom. In the box was Troll's head, which was listening quietly.

After a while, Prince Billil sent the chief priest Kechar out.

"You will worship Uncle Wang's head first and let his soul ascend to the depths of the Kingdom of God. After two days, I will come again and take away the noble man's head."

Billil's face darkened and he nodded in agreement.

The two said goodbye reluctantly. Then, Billil turned around and returned to the main hall. In front of the middle-aged warriors who came after hearing the news, he pulled out a dagger, cut his arm, and cried bitterly again.

"My beloved uncle, you were killed for no reason, and my heart aches like a knife! You are an immortal old thief who won't even let go of your last military power. I swear I will never coexist with you!"

The middle-aged warrior also burst into tears. He suppressed his grief and said: "King, should we set off immediately and return to the city of Texcoco to mobilize the warriors and militia just in case?"

Billil thought for a moment and shook his head: "With the warriors out of hand, there is no chance of winning if we raise an army. Since the old thief sent Kechar to test me, he probably has no murderous intention. Kechar is willing to marry me, which also proves it.

This means.

There are already nobles who are dissatisfied with killing a general on an unfounded charge. What's more, killing a prince without any charges? Old thieves will not do anything reckless. After we have finished offering sacrifices to Uncle Wang, return his head, and then cross Hudong

Come home"

The middle-aged warrior nodded in admiration. Then the maid brought flowers, and the two of them paid tribute to Troll's head together, wrapping the flowers around it. They recited sacrificial poems, and used flowers and bright red to bid farewell to the deceased.


After leaving the prince's palace, Kechar went straight to the chief palace under the protection of the war priest. The elder's instructions had been completed, and his plan was being implemented steadily. The only worry now is that Su Hui of the Shuter family

The child. High Priest Shuter must be on his way here day and night, and maybe he has already arrived in the capital.

"We can't delay it any longer, otherwise things will change." Outside the palace, Kechar looked at the changing light and shadow on the white wall. As soon as the sun set, the light and shadow turned into darkness, just like the fate of a noble person.

The chief priest walked up the long stone steps and entered the hall with bonfires and candlelight. The elder sat quietly on the stone seat, looking at the dark sky in the west, with the sculptural guard captain behind him.

"Dear elder, the enthronement ceremony has been completed. Trol of the Nesavar family has been sacrificed, and his head has been handed over to Prince Bilil for worship. According to etiquette, after two days, the soul ascends to the Kingdom of God.

Then we can pass on the first three armies."

With a smile on his face, Kechar knelt down respectfully and saluted.

The elder nodded slightly.

"Kechar, thank you for your hard work. How is Billil from the Nesavar family?"

Kechar pondered for a moment, then spoke to save Bilil.

"Prince Billil was young after all. He was a little angry at first, but then after my persuasion, he realized Uncle Wang's guilt and kept crying. In my opinion, he is still a child and has not learned to tolerate, but he is not stupid either.


The elder nodded slightly again. He looked at Kechar quietly, his eyes seemed to see through everything.

Kechar raised his head slightly and looked at the elder's expression. After a long silence, he knelt down again, saluted and asked.

"Dear elder, how should we arrange the writing matter?"

The candles flickered out and the bonfire jumped. The elder lowered his eyes slightly. Then, he slowly stood up and walked towards the corridor of the gods.

"Kechar, you have been following me for thirty years, right?"

Kechar maintained his kneeling posture. He looked up at the elder's back, which was stretched by the candlelight, casting shadows into his eyes.

"Yes, elder. It has been thirty years since I graduated from the priesthood and joined your service. Following you, I worked hard to do everything well." Kechar continued to answer respectfully, with a hint of something bad in his heart.


"Yes, my child. From the first time you entered the snake house and crushed the rattlesnake to death with your bare hands. I knew that this was a child with first-class skills, reflexes, and determination. Later, you went out with your elder brother to assassinate

The leader of the city-state in the south asked me for advice on medicine again, and I admired you even more. Since the death of my eldest brother, I appointed you as the chief priest. In these thirteen years, you have never let me down."

The elder's tone was filled with emotion. His emotions fluctuated slightly, and he rarely said a lot. After finishing speaking, he had already entered the dark and narrow corridor of the gods, under the heavy protection of the guards. Then, in the darkness, the long

The voice of the speaker floated faintly.

"Kechar, can I ask you something again?"

Kechar looked at the elder's retreating figure and listened to the elder's pleading tone. A bad premonition rose in his heart. He tried hard to maintain a smile, clenched the copper-plated staff with his left hand, and reached into his arms with his right hand.

, holding the poison-quenched dagger.

"Dear elder, I am willing to die for you!"

The elder finally turned around. He looked at Kechar from a distance, facing the weak candlelight with an expressionless face.

"Okay. My child, my life is not far from the Kingdom of God. Can you help me go to the Kingdom of God to explore the way first?"

Kechar was horrified. He stood up suddenly, with a magic staff in one hand and a dagger in the other, and rushed towards the elder.

This chapter has been completed!
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