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Chapter 995 Arrangements before returning home, a letter from ten thousand miles away

"God bless you! After conquering the Chapala Lake area and the coast of Haenyeo City, the population of the six counties of the Lake Kingdom has reached an astonishing 2 million! The Lake Kingdom I established with my own hands has become the only one in the world.

Because of the alliance’s military machine, it continues to expand, expand, and expand again!…”

The sun is setting over the East China Sea, and the red sunset is setting on the sea. The sky and the earth are covered with red clouds, reflecting the boundless breadth. Shulot stood in the palace of Hidden Snake City, looking at the western sky through the half-open wall window. In this rich and beautiful place

He has stayed in this comfortable seaside place for so long that even everything on the plateau has become a bit far away.

From the end of the East China Sea coast, look towards the hills in the west. The magnificent Trochtitlan is just one thousand two hundred miles away in the west. And the kingdom’s Qincongcan capital is a full two thousand miles away.

Far away!

"O Lord God! It has been four and a half years since I left the capital of Qin Cong Can! ... The military machine that I built and strengthened with my own hands has been running on its own for too long! ... But when can I return to Qin Cong Can

How about returning to the royal capital to the towering Palace of Winds and returning to the ruling center of the kingdom?"

Thinking of this, Shulot's eyes were deep and his expression became serious. The Eastern Expedition was over, and only the last alliance with the jungle tribes was left. Avitt had already arranged a victory ceremony and was waiting for it.

He returned to the center of the Great Alliance, the cage of the capital city in the lake. After he entered the cage, if he wanted to return to the capital, he could only wait patiently for the realization of the White Skin prophecy, and for the turn of events for the alliance's expedition...

"Witness the Lord God! The general is out there, but he disobeys the king's order...Avit, I follow your king's order and return to the capital city in the lake to avoid the civil war between the alliance and the kingdom...but the generals under me may not necessarily do so.

Obey my king’s order!…”

"So, this thousand-mile seaside land, this newly established seaside alliance... will no longer obediently hand over the inland cities as we agreed before... After the seaside tribal alliance rises, it will have its own will!

And I am in the capital city in the lake, but I am powerless and helpless!…”

Shulot was expressionless and lowered his eyes. He recalled the chess pieces he had laid out and thought about what other layouts he needed to perfect in the end.

"Zicao, Dahu, Apa, and Qingqiu, the four full-power Jiedu envoys, independently conquer the four directions!...The Coastal Alliance has unified the Totonak tribes and is about to conquer Maya!...There is also the Yunshe Mountain City in the hands of the kingdom.

, nailed in the hinterland of the four states of Tlaxcala..."

"In addition to the power of the kingdom... there are also allies of the Otomi tribes, Otopan city lord Giowa who has sworn an oath with me, Otomi deputy chief priest Omarinchin... allies of the Colima tribes, are pregnant

Elaine, the chief’s daughter…an ally of the Silver Crow tribe, the two daughters of the Silver Crow chief…”

Thinking of this, Xiulote's eyes flashed. The cute and well-behaved Colima "cat" was conceived in May. And now it is early October, and she has been pregnant for five months... In other words, if

All goes well, his fourth child, a fusion of the blood of the Mexica royal family and the noble chief of Colima, will be born in March next year...

"Well... the Coastal Alliance has sent envoys and made an appointment with the Jungle Totonac tribes and the Jungle Sauk tribes: after the autumn harvest is completed, in late November, in the first ancient Olmec city in the south, the Ancient Saint

City Alliance!…”

"This key alliance involves more than 200,000 autonomous Jungle Totonak tribes, and at least four to five million Jungle Sauk tribes! Even the source of the Sunrise River, six hundred thousand people in the southeast inland

The nearby Yuanshui City will send envoys from the gods to participate..."

"As for the relationship between the Coastal Alliance and the inland jungle tribes, is it war or peace?...Who is in charge of the order of the entire southeastern jungle?...It will all be witnessed by the Olmec ancestors in this meeting.

The alliance is confirmed!…”

Shulot touched his chin, his thoughts drifting into the distance.

The essence of this alliance is the Seaside Alliance's redefinition of the order in the southeastern jungle. The rebuilt ancient holy city of the ancestors will take over the religious center position of the Hidden Snake Holy City; and the Seaside Alliance with Jinwan City as the center will also be established.

Nominal suzerainty over the jungle tribes.

Only when the political and religious order is determined can the Coastal Alliance be free to fully expand to the Maya Coast!

"At that time, I will personally preside over this alliance and meet with the chiefs of the jungle tribes in turn! By the time everything is sorted out, it should be late December. The four thousand guards led by the warrior captain Bertard will also

We should arrive at Hidden Snake City!"

"Well, the overall layout of the kingdom, the strategic planning of the East China Sea, the strategy of the Maya Coast, and the response of Western explorers... I have to explain it clearly to Bertard! Calculating it this way, it will be mid-January next year..."

"Witness the Lord God! At the beginning of next year, I will lead four thousand guards back. I will go slower on the road and inspect the cities and villages in various places. It should be delayed until March... In this way, I can see Elaine's child with my own eyes.

I will be born and know whether it is a boy or a girl, so as to arrange a further alliance with Chief Colima... As for whether the two sisters, Li Yu and Li Yao, can be pregnant with my child... I will work harder and work harder for a few months.

You should be able to win last time!…”

For Shulot, the capital city in the lake is a magnificent and strong cage. He will not be in a hurry to return, but will arrange everything outside the cage to increase his strength as much as possible. Although Avitt is eager to recall him,

But even if he didn't refuse to return, he would only provoke but never overturn the table.

Political power struggles always require constant trade-offs and compromises. This is especially true when the strengths of both parties are equal!

In the past ten years, Avitt and Xiulote have been both masters and apprentices, as well as sons-in-law. They have joined hands with each other to embark on the road to supreme power... They have both become qualified and even outstanding politicians through top-level political experience.

, I will no longer be easily swayed by my feelings!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "God bless you! When everything is arranged... I should arrive in the lake capital in April next year. By then, Avitt will prepare a big sacrifice for me.

It should be the Spring Plowing Festival!…”

"My teacher, my father-in-law, my divine king...I am looking forward to meeting you again!..."

As the sun set, shadows surged from the horizon. Shulot lowered his eyes and stared at the last light of the setting sun. He didn't speak for a long time. Until the two clerks lit the oil lamps, prepared steaming meals, and called softly.

There was a sound.

“Your Highness, it’s time to eat!…”

Only then did Shulot open his eyes and turned to look at the charming sisters. At this moment, he was not hungry in his belly, but very hungry in his heart. It was the desire for power, and power turned into an aphrodisiac.

It ignites the fire in his body. And the only thing that can satisfy him is...

"Ah! Your Majesty... Your Highness... you deserve... to eat... ah!..."

"Hmm. Very good... delicious!"

The long rainy season on the seaside has gradually come to an end, and the storm has finally cleared up. The end of summer in September has passed, and the tropical flowers have fallen, intertwined and danced lightly. The early autumn in October has arrived, and the corn in the fields has grown up and the harvest has begun.

The time is not far away, all you have to do is wait.

The days of early autumn passed in indulgent waiting, until a distant messenger came on a long ship of the East China Sea Navy. In his arms, there was a letter written seven months ago, which had passed the final journey.

A long distance of thousands of miles! And when Shulot saw the end of the letter, he stood up suddenly and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What?! This year? At this time?!…"

The two clerks stuck to Shulot's body and came over curiously. When they saw the words at the end of the letter that they could understand, and the charts that they couldn't understand, their eyes were full of confusion. They didn't know,

How much courage is contained in this short sentence, and what does it mean to the entire world!

"God bless you! God bless the kingdom! My most supreme Majesty, I have heard from the coastal tribes at 60 degrees north latitude what you said about the island chain heading west. Everything is just like your divine revelation!..."

"We will try our best to head west, and before this year's ice-free period arrives, we will send the first long ship and follow the warm currents that go west... to try to cross the long westward island chain and reach the prophesied land.

The New World, even if you go there and never come back!…”

This chapter has been completed!
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