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Chapter 996: The Voyage Diary of the Knowledgeable Man, the Alpine Giant in the Ancestral Island Chain!

"God bless you! This is 52 degrees north latitude. The longitude your Majesty mentioned cannot be determined. We are in the middle of a long island chain, on a very long island, perhaps the largest one in the island chain... I am standing on the island

Looking from a high place, there is a vast ocean in the north, and a vast ocean in the south. I feel that the color of the ocean in the north is lighter, is it because it is colder? Or is it because, in the north of the island, there are high mountains of ice and snow, flashing

With a pure white light?…”

The vast ocean is wide from north to south, and long islands extend from east to west. Shining icebergs stand on the protruding north side of the big island, while on the south side is a concave and sheltered bay. At this moment, Mickey the Knowledgeable is standing

On the hills by the bay, he was wearing a seal-skin hat and a thick walrus fur. From a distance, he looked like a big, dusty landhog standing on the hills.


The wind at the beach was very strong and cold, so cold that it carried smoothies. Mickey, the knowledgeable man, was shivering a little, and said "hahaha" with his cotton-wrapped palms. A faint white mist floated from his mouth.

It looked like a mist spirit in mythology. He rubbed his palms vigorously and jumped on the spot for a while, then picked up the charcoal and continued to write and draw on the paper.

If you look carefully, you will see that on this roll of paper, a long island, a large bay, and an iceberg mountain range in the northeast have been drawn. In addition, there is a small human mark on the island, and in the bay

There is a long ship mark. The human mark and the ship mark are very close to each other, and they are even connected together. And in the last iceberg, there is a mysterious leaf mark, and I don’t know what it means.

"O God! It's cold here, really cold! It's early October, and there have been several terrible snowstorms on the Big Island, with strong winds that can blow people away! We're even just a little bit away from letting the storm

A long boat was blown away... God bless you! The long boat finally hit a rock and hit a reef. At least it survived, but it has not been repaired yet..."

"The island is full of strips of white snow, strips of gray wasteland, and strips of dark brown rocks... However, there is also green on the island. Although there is very little, you can definitely see green. That green is not a big tree.

, there may not be big trees on the island. It is low shrubs by the river, unknown short grass around the bay, and moss on the stone hills..."

Mickey the Knowledgeable paused and drew a circle around the bay to represent the area of ​​grassland. Maybe potatoes could be grown? He was a little unsure... Then he stared at the marks of the ships in the bay, blinked, and turned around.

Turn around and look at the twenty-mile-wide natural bay.

In this natural bay, three Kingdom longships are moored at the moment. You can vaguely see a group of dotted "groundhogs" on the ship. I don't know what is busy on the ship. I guess they are not fishing.

Shrimp, are they disposing of carcasses of fur seals and walruses, or reinforcing damaged hulls after storms?…

Mikey the Knowledgeable didn't know the answer, because these were managed by captain Zuvallo. And his task was to record geography and hydrology, draw topographic sketches, and write down navigation diaries. So, he moved his sight slightly westward and saw

A small group of low domed sheds, and another group of "groundhogs" busy next to the shed. This time, he knew exactly what these people were doing.

"The tall Unangax? (Aleut) are moving their short Barabara. There is still one month left, maybe later, maybe a few days earlier? Anyway, it will definitely be in November.

The terrible snow season and freezing period will come!...At that time, the terrible and terrible cold wave will come, and there will be heavy snowstorms all day and night! The sea will be completely frozen, and it will be so thick that it will be impossible to dig through it, let alone catch fish. And high

The tall sun god will also be shrouded in dense darkness!… The days will become extremely short, and the sky will even disappear. The nights will become very long, and sometimes there will be colorful flying cloud elves, drawing mysterious patterns in the night sky.

Omen rune... It’s a terrible, cold, hungry and gorgeous winter, which lasts for five months!..."

Mickey the Knowledgeable looked at the sky, at the not bright sun, and was stunned for a while. He thought of the long winter he spent in the far north last year, and shuddered suddenly, as if he felt it again

The cold that cuts into bones, freezes feet, breaks fingers, and loses ears also smells of storm, ice and snow, hunger and death.

"The Lord God bless! The Lord God bless! He protected us and survived the longest winter! He gave us light and warmth, and also gave us the strength to continue going west!..."

Mikey, the learned man, held the pure gold sun amulet around his neck and prayed devoutly for a moment. In this remote, cold and mysterious extreme north, only the devout faith in the Lord God in his heart could bring him firm courage and determination.

Be determined to continue moving towards the predicted end!

After a moment of prayer, Mickey the Knowledgeable regained his composure and continued what he had not finished before.

"Hmm...where did I write? Oh! Before the freeze comes, all the Unanga people are planning to migrate to the holy spring under the snow-capped mountains in the north, which is the location marked by the leaves! It is the only place on the entire Long Island that can be seen

The place where the big tree is. It is said that it has been blessed by the goddess of spring. There is the only spring that will not freeze in winter. It is also the warm winter camp of the Unanga people and the source of their drinking water in the harsh winter. Oh, they have no flint and lack of

Trees, very little fuel available…”

"God bless you! I have never been to that holy spring, and I have never seen the big tree on the island. But from the description of the Unanga people, it should be a hot spring that both the Alliance and the Kingdom have? So, in this extreme north,

On the cold and desolate island, there is also the divinity buried in the earth by the main god, and there are volcanic hot springs given by the main god?... Really! It really makes me curious! Since traveling westward along the island chain, this is the fifth one we have encountered

It’s a big island with hot springs. Almost every big island has tall icebergs and ice-free hot springs!…”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Could it be that the divinity of fire is hidden inside those icebergs? Or is this the place where the Lord God inspired us to continue our journey to the west?...

Ah! Praise you, the supreme god! We will definitely follow your divine inspiration and reach the new continent in the west along this divinely inspired hot spring island chain!!..."

After writing this, Mickey the Knowledgeable held the cold amulet again and prayed devoutly for a while. He knew that potatoes could definitely be grown around those hot springs. Then, he carefully added

A emblem of the main god, and then he took up writing again.

"Witness the Lord God! Our big ship brought fire stones for heating and plenty of food. The Unanga people welcomed us and were very friendly. They tried their best to invite us to join their winter camp and live in their 'balabala'


"Oh, 'Unanga' is what they call themselves. According to the guide of Unanga, they are 'really tall people'! They are really tall, generally a head taller than me... Sometimes I wonder why they are so tall."

They are the descendants of the Jiao people, but they can migrate to such a distant place, grow so tall, and be so cold-resistant?... Could it be that during their migration, they also encountered the gift of the Lord God, and thus gained the ability to resist the cold and transform

To gain great divinity?…”

"By the way! 'Barabala' is a small dome-shaped shed where they can move. It is very short, very short, and cannot even allow the tall Unanga people to stand up in the shed. This kind of shed is a skeleton made of small trees and shrubs.

, it is said that some skeletons have been passed down for dozens of generations, and they are the most precious inheritance of the tribe... Well, it is still because there are no big trees on the island, and there are few small trees... As for the outside of the shed skeleton, it needs to be paved layer by layer.

seabird feathers, various fish scales, and thick seal skins, walrus skins...and finally covered with thick mud..."

"Well, I feel that their craftsmanship in building sheds is not bad, but the sheds they built are worse than those of the Slaus people. After all, there is still a lack of wood and fuel on the island. I am here every day

Watch them busy, collecting dead grass and shrubs for the winter. But those things, how can they compare to the flints we brought?... Therefore, every time winter comes, it is a test of life and death for them, and they will take away

Living life!"

"Under this cruel winter test, there are only more than two hundred Unanga people on such a vast island. And this is already the largest Unanga tribe we have seen along the way! ...

Every day of their lives seems to be preparing for the harsh winter. They store food and fuel every day and are busy all day long. But when the terrible winter comes, they can only hide in the shed and never stop.

We hug each other from morning to night, pray for the protection of our ancestors, and reduce all activities as much as possible to survive the long and lightless winter nights!..."

"All this darkness and coldness has lasted for thousands of years and has never changed until we arrived! Until we were guided by the Lord God and sailed thousands of miles to bring them the light of the Lord God! Praise the Lord God of light!..."

This long record ends with a long paragraph of praise to the Lord God. Then Mickey, the knowledgeable man, stopped writing and prayed devoutly again. His face, which was red with cold, was filled with the pride of evangelism!

Along the way, the fleet came along the island chain and encountered many small Unanga tribes with dozens or hundreds of people. As long as the fleet gave these small tribes fire stones and food... these small tribes would not hesitate.

He hesitated, put on the amulet of the main god, and chanted the name of the main god with them, "praying" with an "excited" look on his face. The speed of conversion of these small tribes in the far north, and the flexibility of their bodies, completely exceeded the knowledge of the generals.

According to Mickey's imagination, many strong and tall Unanga (Aleut) sailors were even recruited into the entire fleet, most of whom were exchanged for food and fuel from local tribes! In fact, if

Without these Unanga people who are adapted to the extremely cold climate, the fleet would never be able to reach here!...

"Blessed by the Lord God! We sailed all the way west along the island chain that is thousands of miles long... Finally, in early October, we arrived at the largest island we have ever seen! I discussed it with Zuvalo and prepared to come here

Establish a real supply port, but I haven’t thought of a name for the port yet..."

"That's right! According to the singing of the local Unanga elders, His Majesty's divinely inspired 'Island Chain to the West' is called the 'Ancestral Island Chain'. And each island on the island chain is said to be a dead person.

The Ancestral Giant sank into the sea... And this largest island, located in the middle of the entire 'Ancestral Island Chain', is the place where the largest legendary Ancestral Giant died and sank in mythology! And that

The name of the giant is 'Atka', 'the real mountain giant'!"

Note: There will be locations of the "Barabara" shed and "Atka" island in the Easter egg chapter.

This chapter has been completed!
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