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Chapter 997: The Voyage Diary of the Knowledgeable Man, the First Encounter with the Unanga People, and the God of the Kingdom, Dadi Port!

"Witnessed by the Lord God! The dead giants turned into mountains and islands, and the remaining divine blood turned into warm springs... Is this legend of giants in the ancestral island chain the origin of the ancestors of the Unanga people? Is it the giant divinity bestowed upon them by the Lord God?

Woolen cloth?…"

The sun emerged from the clouds and illuminated the icebergs in the distance. Those shining lights were always so pure and bright, as if they carried a kind of desirable divinity.

"The light of divinity, the light of the Lord God!..."

Mickey the Knowledgeable stood on tiptoes, squinted his eyes, and looked at the dazzling snow-capped mountains at noon. His face was full of piety and yearning. He refused to look away for a long time, until his eyes were filled with sparkling tears, and then he slowly

I closed my eyes and prayed silently in my heart.

"Praise the Lord God! Praise you, that bright and majestic divine light will always guide us!..."

The tribes on the Mexican plateau, whether they are Mexica, Prepecha, or Tlaxcala, all have ancient legends about the origin of the sacred mountain, and they also worship the white mountains of ice and snow from the bottom of their hearts. In fact,

This tradition of worshiping the white mountains seems to be a common feature of the plateau peoples, just like the Tibetan tribes and Himalayan tribes in the Old World.

"Blessed by the Lord God! This is the fifth large island in the Ancestral Island Chain. It is called the Mountain Giant 'Atka' by the Unanga tribe... Well, I have decided that this island will be called the Five Ancestral Islands, 'Shen Gaoshan Island'

'! And this continuous snow-capped mountain range should be named the fifth sacred mountain of our ancestors, 'Shengao Mountain'... The characteristic of Shengao Mountain is that there are three peaks adjacent to each other, one of which is extremely high, which is very conspicuous during navigation..."

After a moment of prayer, the knowledgeable Mickey wiped his tears, lowered his head, named the highest snow mountain on the island, and recorded it in the logbook.

As the exploration fleet headed west on the far north coast, it encountered many white snow-capped mountains along the way. Some of these snow-capped mountains were far away from the sea, while others were very close, but they were all the most eye-catching symbols on the voyage.

Can be seen hundreds of miles away!

Therefore, when encountering heavy fog during navigation or losing their way, the fleet can only stop, pray and wait silently. Until the fog dissipates, the peak of guidance appears in the distant horizon, like the guidance of the Lord God.


For the sake of future voyages and to facilitate other ships in the kingdom, the knowledgeable Mickey named these islands and snow-capped mountains in sequence according to the names of the local tribes and the order of discovery.

The most important reference.

"The five ancestral islands are about a thousand miles away from the first ancestral island, the 'God Earth Island' (Unimak). But this thousand-mile voyage took us more than a month, and we only traveled 30 kilometers per day on average.

-40 miles is extremely difficult!…”

"Witness the Lord God! Compared with the previous coastal navigation around 60 degrees north latitude, this section of the thousand-mile sea route of the ancestral island chain, although it is on the warmer south side, even in the warm summer and autumn, is actually more difficult! And the main trouble is

Our first problem is that we cannot rely on ocean currents, and the second problem is the ever-changing wind direction... And the most important third thing is the terrible, terrible, terrible fog!..."

Writing this, Mikey the Knowledgeable looked to the east, looking at the direction of the island chain, with memories in his eyes.

"At the end of August, the only four long ships left in the fleet arrived at the beginning of this island chain... After talking with the local Unanga tribe, we learned the name of the long and narrow island connected to the mainland,'

Unimak is what the Unanga people call 'the vast land'..."

"Enlightenment from the Lord God! I'm a little unsure, is this an island or a peninsula connected to the mainland? However, as the starting point of the island chain heading west, I still named it the Ancestor Island, 'God Earth Island'.

Because, on this long and narrow island, I saw four white peaks! Three of them are on the east side, and one peak hangs down to the west. The four white peaks are lined up in a row, extending on the horizon. What a strange and spectacular sight it is.

What a sexual scene!…”

"The entire Shendi Island is very long, and we don't have time to explore it carefully. But here, for the first time, we met many Unanga people! It was also the first time that we learned about the hot springs close to the mountains on the island chain.

, and even heard the details of the ancestors’ island chain going west!…”

"Praise the Lord God! Praise Your Majesty! Your Majesty's prophecy, just like many times before, is truly displayed in front of our eyes!... The whole fleet was overjoyed, lighting fire stones for heating on the seaside, and roasting sea beasts.

We celebrated in the open air with the Unanga tribe by the hot spring! ...Ha! It was truly a pious and bright night!"

Mikey, the knowledgeable man, raised his head slightly. Thinking of the celebration that night on God's Earth Island, he couldn't help but show a smile of joy from the bottom of his heart. He smiled and glanced at the figure not far away, feeling frozen.

There was a hint of embarrassment on his red face. He murmured a few words, but they would never be recorded in the voyage diary.

"Praise the Lord God! The women of the Unanga tribe are very tall, strong, and very white, just like the white bears in the Far North... Lord God! Gaowa is really too tall, which makes me very embarrassed. I can't help it.

If you don't knock her down...she is too strong, just like a senior female warrior, it is really difficult to defeat...Maybe this is the giant divinity inherited by the Unanga people!..."

"Ahem! As a priest of the Lord God, I must have won the final victory, spread the glory of the Lord God, and gained a wife to accompany me! ... After the grand celebration, Zuvalo decided to go to God's Earth Island

We left behind a long ship and fifty samurai sailors, and established the kingdom's 'God Earth Port' right next to the hot spring camp of the Unanga tribe! And most of the small Unanga tribes also chose to join us.


"As the exploration fleet traveled along, it had to gradually reduce the number of ships, leaving the crew behind one after another, and establishing supply ports everywhere around the coastal tribes... Because we need to keep the flint and food of the fleet westward.

Concentrate it on the incoming ships to ensure food for at least three months!…”

"The remaining crew members will rely on the kingdom's large boats, fishing nets, and bronze weapons and tools to work with the local tribes... to hunt and fish, cut down trees and grass, and collect food and fuel to prepare for the long and harsh winter.


Thinking of this, Mickey the Knowledgeable sighed quietly. Along the way, the number of warriors and sailors from Prepecha has become less and less, not even one-third of the crew. And the remaining ones

Two-thirds were sailors and hunters recruited from various northern tribes along the way.

After all, the climate and diet of the kingdom in the lake are so different from those on the far north coast! Except for the particularly strong warriors of the kingdom, ordinary Prepecha people have a hard time adapting.

They couldn't adapt to the climate, and they continued to die of illness! The exploration fleet had no choice but to leave them in various port camps, in warm shacks, and peaceful settlements, so that they could survive the first and most difficult adaptation test.

"Blessed by the Lord God! There are many coniferous forests around 'God Dadi Port'. Although the trees are not tall, they are very tough and difficult to cut down. The kingdom's bronze ax can easily collect wood and was given to the local Unanga tribe.

A big shock, like the fire stones that keep us warm!…”

"The size of the Unanga tribe is very small. Most have dozens of people, a few have more than 100 people, and the most is less than 200 people. Their ethnic structure seems to be very simple, with no hierarchy or particularly strong differences.

Tribal concept. I feel that their most important purpose in everything they do in their daily lives is to survive and survive in the winter!…”

"Therefore, when the kingdom showed the accurate bows and arrows for hunting, the large boats and nets for fishing, the bronze tools for logging, the black coal flints for heating, and the roaring tiger crouching bronze cannons... they did not hesitate to choose to join our team.

In the settlement, together with our remaining crew members, we built a small shack of Balabala, and quickly started to believe in the Lord God!…”

"Praise the Lord God! Although their height, appearance and language are all very different from ours, Your Majesty has received divine revelation. They are indeed our original lost Jiao brothers! These differences between different tribes are probably given by the Lord God.

Their divinity allows them to survive in the harsh cold of the Far North. And their joining, just as His Majesty said, can greatly speed up and help the exploration fleet to complete this divinely inspired and difficult journey.

Go west and explore!…”

As he wrote this, Mikey, the knowledgeable man, touched his chin and looked at his wife Gaowa, who was sitting on a stone and knitting something a few steps away. She was also the Unanga woman he first converted to.

"Gaowa, it's so cold, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Ong?"

Hearing this, White Bear Gaowa blinked and looked at her husband, the knowledgeable Mickey, with some confusion.

The Unanga tribe speaks an Eskimo-Aleut language, and the structure of their language is very simple. They have only three vowels and a dozen consonants, and they often use the same monosyllabic word to express different meanings. And "

The meaning of "Weng" here is "man, husband". By the way, they are an obviously polygamous tribe, allowing taller and stronger men to pass on more offspring, thus gaining a higher chance of survival for the tribe.


"I said...well...come here!..."

The knowledgeable Mickey waved, and Gao Wa stood up, strode to Mickey's side, and looked down at her husband.

As the strongest Unanga woman in the tribe, Gaowa was over 1.8 meters tall and had strong arms that could fight bear cubs with her bare hands. The knowledgeable Mickey next to her was only less than 1.6 meters tall.

, the figure is also obviously smaller. The two of them stand together, like a white bear in the snow field, accompanying a prairie dog.

"Weng Weng?"

White Bear Gaowa blinked her pure black eyes and looked at her husband, who was short and thin, but was the leader of the tribe.

According to the tradition of the Unanga people, as a symbol of the fusion of the two tribes, the strongest woman has always been married to the most powerful man. Although she does not know where her husband is so powerful, she must be able to command so many strong warriors.

It's amazing! She heard people say that her husband can defeat an adult white bear with that roaring golden magic weapon. But she can only defeat an underage cub with her bare hands... Alas! The gap between her and her husband is really huge.

Got it!…

"Well, Gao Wa...what is that in your hand?"

"Asx! Grasscloth!"

White Bear Gaowa could understand such simple Nahua language and gestures. She smiled toothily, unfolded the grass cloth she had woven in her hands and gently wrapped it around the exposed neck of Mickey the Knowledgeable.

It also felt much warmer instantly.

"Eh?...Gaowa...very good!..."

The knowledgeable Mickey was stunned, touched the "scarf" made of grass around her neck, and blinked. The white bear Gaowa also smiled happily and blinked in response to her husband. She even wanted to reach out and hug her husband.

Get up, just like when she was in a good mood, carrying pine trees back to the tribe.

Of course, the Unanga people in the Far North do not have cotton cloth. They can only use the furs of various animals and "grass cloth" made of long grass to keep warm. Just like the white bear Gaowa, although she is tall and strong, her hands are also very weak.

They are dexterous, can lay traps for hunting birds, and can also weave "grass utensils" for daily use. The knowledgeable Mickey has gradually become familiar with these characteristics of the Unanga people during a month of close contact with Gaowa.

. And the purpose of calling Gao Wa over was...

"Gaowa, bring me my bronze box..."


"Yes! God's blessing! That's the most important thing!"

"Oh! Here! What is this, Weng?..."

White Bear Gaowa nodded, and easily took out a tightly sealed bronze box from the package behind him with one hand. This box was very thick and heavy, and the outer layer was coated with expensive natural rubber, so it was waterproof.

Mickey, the knowledgeable man, took it with both hands, carefully opened the lid of the box, and then took off the thick cotton cloth for protection. Rolls of strong leather paper appeared in the polar sun, shining in front of his eyes!

"Blessed by the Lord God! This is the most precious treasure, the fleet's voyage record! I wrote it myself, the "Diary of the Divine Inspiration Voyage"!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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