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One Thousand and One Chapter: The Voyage Diary of the Knowledgeable Man, Celestial God Ancestral Peak, 'Mickey's Hymn to the Gods'

"Praise the Supreme Lord God! He guided us to the foot of the stretching Holy Mountain, to the mouth of the raging Blood River, and to the fertile Thousand Island Bay! This Thousand Island Bay, which is hundreds of miles wide, is located at the mouth of the Blood River.

Dozens of miles to the west. To the north of the great bay is a stretch of white mountains that blocks the cold wave, allowing the bay to avoid the extremely violent cold in winter. The great bay is surrounded on three sides by the meandering rivers of the north, and the snow water from melted icebergs.

Connected to the depths of the rolling mountains, there is only the seaport that spreads out on the south side. Dozens of islands are dotted here, surrounding a piece of light blue and magnificent sea water. Of course, the most exciting thing for the fleet is

The abundance of fish in this warm bay!…”

"In the height of summer in July, long cod circles the islands in such numbers that they look like corn growing in the sea. And millions of king, sockeye, and coho salmon come from

The sea returns here from all over. They cross the islands, jump over the waterfalls, and swim all the way up the river to the north. Many Sugpia tribes and Eyak tribes also gather from the vast northern mountains.

Come here to catch the abundant fish in summer... There is no doubt that this broad and fertile Qiandao Bay is the common summer camp for the northern tribes within a radius of several hundred miles!"

"When the fleet arrived here, it had already traveled a thousand miles from the last divinely inspired gold mining port, Shenjinxi Port. This thousand-mile voyage would be very fast if it followed the current to the west, and it didn't even take a long time.

Ten days. But if you go eastward against the current and there is no suitable wind direction, it will be very slow, maybe a month... I discussed it with Zuvalo for a long time, and repeatedly asked the sailors recruited by each ministry, and finally decided to go here.

In the large warm bay rich in fish, a supply port for the kingdom was set up, named Sacred Blood Bay Port!"

"The location of the Sacred Blood Bay Port is on the east coast of the entire large bay, close to the lake further east and upstream, and not far from the entrance of the Blood River. In this way, the fresh water in the kingdom's settlements will be stable

Source. On the edge of the lake, you can also try to plant potatoes. And around the lake on the east side, there are many hills, covered with dark forests, where wood can be cut... God bless you! After the establishment of this port, the most urgent

The first task is to catch summer and autumn fish and store enough food, the second is to recruit the northern tribes migrating to this bay, and finally to build warm winter shacks..."

Mikey the Knowledgeable's eyes flashed, thinking of the beautiful Thousand Island Bay, and the kingdom's port at the intersection of the lake and the sea. After the fleet selected the location, they left behind sixty samurai sailors and a long ship.

Then, before leaving, the fleet carefully searched and visited the northern tribes around the bay, and obtained a lot of population supplements through invitations or transactions.

"God bless us! We traveled around the bay for ten days and invited two small tribes of more than 20 people to join the camp at the Sacred Blood Bay Port, and then recruited more than 20 Sugpia sailors.

The fishing and hunting tribes in this area are slightly larger in size, with an average of around a hundred people, but the largest is only more than two hundred people. Facing the huge fleet of the Kingdom with many warriors, tribes everywhere are in awe..."

"Witness the Lord God! I asked about the Anu fish I picked up from the Sugpiya hunter, and he told me that there are more than two hundred people, which is already a large tribe on the southern coast! If the population is larger, the food supply in autumn and winter will be greatly affected.

Problem, unless the fishing and hunting land they occupy is extremely rich... In the mountain basins and plains at the foot of the mountains farther north, with the scarcity of prey, the maximum tribe size is only about a hundred people, and usually there are dozens of people..."

"Praise the Lord God! Because the tribes in the North are too small, small fishing and hunting tribes often have ancient exchange traditions. They will exchange young men with the tribes they meet to maintain the continuity of the tribe. When a tribe has sufficient food, young men will

If a tribe has a large population and grows to a certain extent, it will often split into two branches and disperse into a wider fishing and hunting land. And if a tribe suffers heavy losses in winter and is on the verge of extinction, it will also try to find a more powerful and wealthy tribe to join..."

"In other words, in this cold land of ice and snow, the survival and continuation of tribes are the eternal theme! Whether it is the Sugpia people on the west coast or the Eyak people on the east coast, the inter-tribal

The boundaries between the tribes are far less clear-cut than those of the big tribes in the south. And this tradition is also very helpful for us to recruit tribesmen and sailors, as long as we regard them as our brothers..."

"Of course, there are still large tribes. In the most fertile fishing and hunting land in the west, we suddenly met, just like the Tianzu Divine Peak that we were destined to meet!..."

“When we came to the westernmost side of the Thousand Islands Bay and climbed to the thousand-meter-high mountain peak on the shore, a misty and illusory mountain shadow suddenly appeared on the distant skyline, towering far and high in the north! ... Lord God

Witness! That is the holy land common to all tribes in the north, the highest ancestral peak of the gods!..."

Thinking of the clear sky that day and the endless mountains at the end of the sky, piety and yearning once again appeared on the face of the knowledgeable Mickey. The huge white shadow towering into the clouds, from the first sight

From one day on, it was deeply engraved in his heart, like the snake mountain, the supreme god in the scriptures, shining with the light of divinity!

At that moment, facing the ancestral peak of the gods that was hundreds of miles away but still clearly visible, facing the towering white mountain that had never been seen before... Whether it was a warrior from the kingdom's fleet or a sailor from the northern tribe,

They all knelt down on the top of the mountain and sang pious praises to Him.

"Praise the Lord God! Praise the ancestors! He sits high on the top of the sky and the mountain, casting his boundless white eyes, overlooking the vast and vast world of mankind!... Praise my God! Bless us!..."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Mickey the Knowledgeable prayed devoutly for a long time, and once again shed tears of excitement in his eyes. Then, as the most educated priest in the fleet, he looked at the distant

The sacred mountains, the continuous ice fields, the covered black forests, the flowing rivers, and the nearby bays, his eyes gradually drifted away. He recalled the difficulties and encounters along the way, imagining the Lord God creating the world, and the sacred things walking down the Snake Mountain.

Scenes, singing hymns of praise from the heart!

And this "Mickey's Psalm" will also become the most immortal chapter in the fleet's exploration voyage. As a spiritual imprint to witness the gods, it will forever be recorded in the inheritance scriptures of the kingdom!

"Ah! The origin of the era is a starless and moonless night! At the end of this world, on this snake mountain that stretches to the sky, the Lord God stepped down from the throne. The sky and the earth were black and yellow, the universe was vast, and the Lord God's power was infinite, creating a new era.

Everything in the world! His immortal brilliance covers the endless land and spans the time of generations. Everything starts from here!..."

"Ah! The Lord God created the sky, the boundless sky! The reflection of the sky is the boundless earth, covered with heavy snow with white light! And the intersection of the snowfield and the sky is the azure blue sea, connecting the endless

Black abyss!...The sky, the earth and the sea, in this distant and icy north, still maintain the appearance of their original creation...Praise the Lord God! At this moment, this vast and silent beginning is imprinted on my heart without any concealment.

In my eyes, it was engraved in my pious dream... And with tears streaming down my face, I bowed my head and kissed in the ice and snow, witnessing the sacred source with my own eyes!..."

"Ah! The Lord God has created light, emitting the most holy white light! The ice fields are shining in the vastness, and the bay is sparkling. The crystal snow-capped mountains reflect the sky, and the silver-white snow tops are as clear as the clear lake! The sky and the earth are gradually becoming desolate, the wind and snow are biting and cold. The clouds are changing.

The shape, the rays of light spread golden. The long river carries snow and reflects the sky, and the drifting ice for thousands of miles is filled with light... The supreme Lord God! I walked through the fields of flowing light, I walked on the overpass of the rainbow, I walked on the long road to the sky, and walked into the vast sky.

In the sky! On the high place where the sky has faded, on the peak where the sun will also rest, I hear the inspiration of the Lord God... Praise Him, the Most High God! I will complete this hymn for Him, when He first steps down

In front of the sacred mountain, sing His eternal glory!…”

"Ah! The Lord God created life and sowed the seeds of the forest! The forest flooded the mountains, and the dark green was the silent vitality. The white snow overturned the forest, and the pure white was the chilling silence. In the vast black forest, echoing the whisper of God, also

The song of enlightenment rises misty! The whisper rises and falls in the windy and snowy cloud mountains, the song freezes in the deep sky, and the saints also chant together... They chant the eternal desolate snow top, chant the fire of the reincarnation of the ages.

, chanting about the deer in the snow, the white fox, the light pink trees, the deep black forest, all the creations of the Lord God!... And I, the devout and humble priest of the Lord God, also recited in return, lying on the ground, chanting

Reciting the death and life of all things in the world, reciting the exploration of the west inspired by the Lord God, and the descendants of the Jiao people who are unified by the gods!..."

"Ah! The end of the era is the sunset falling into the snowy field, and the long night after the sunset! The forest is like a spear like ink, the Tianshan Mountains fly into the sky. The cloud patterns and waves are like the sea, the empty river is shining like a smile on the sand. The river is like brocade cloth, and the clouds

Like a white gauze, engraved with my most pious kowtow, I stare at the lowered eyes of the Lord God! The red clouds of the setting sun fall through the dazzling halo of clouds, covering the highest sacred mountain with glow. The pure snow river meanders to the sky.

, leaving behind the vastness in the hearts of believers!...Ah! And when the morning sun of the old days has faded, the sky is like a pottery cover, the snowy fields are clear and clear, and the stars are falling among them, clearly shining with the divine light of the stars! The sacred aurora will shine.

It ignited like fire in the middle of the night, dyed like long marks like ink, and drew a magnificent night light like clouds, the light of the night!... And those were the footprints of the black wolf of death in the night sky, step by step,

Hope towards the dawn of dawn!…”

"Ah! Praise my supreme Lord God, who has given me the enlightenment under the sacred mountain, like the snow light pouring into my heart! Then I know that at the beginning of the origin of this far north, all the signs of the end have been given! The blackness of death

Wolf, will listen to the enlightenment of the Lord God and walk out of the black forest of the earth!... He will transform into a new sun, he will open a new era, and he will shine high on the divine peaks of the ancestors, forever and ever.


After Mickey sang a hymn, everyone on the mountain was silent, and only the singing echoed in the mountains. Zuvalo's eyes widened, and his whole body was trembling. He seemed to see a noble sect chief priest, following this

A shocking hymn that will shine goldenly in the future!~

Note: Tianshenzu Peak is the 6,200-meter Denali Peak, the highest peak in North America. Mickey’s poem comes from the author’s travel notes in Alaska. I really want everyone to see it. It is a proud work. Hee hee! Thank you for your support!


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