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Chapter One Thousand and Two: The Voyage Diary of the Knowledgeable Man, Long Bay Tribe and Big Whale Island, the Best Tribal Soldiers!

"At the beginning of August, we climbed up the undulating mountains on the west side of Qiandao Bay and saw the Ancestral Peak of the God connecting to the sky! That sacred scene, like the practical guidance of the Lord God, was deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone in the fleet

! Undoubtedly, the five longships of the fleet stayed for two days, lit the sacred flames, and held a grand prayer ceremony. The newly joined tribal sailors heard that this was the sacred mountain where the main god stayed, and they also joined in with the same piety.

They prayed. They seemed to have gradually integrated the ancestor worship of the Heavenly God Ancestral Peak with the supreme belief in the Lord God..."

"And this is what the priests of the fleet are happy to see! In my opinion, faith is always a gradual process. It must first penetrate into people's hearts, solve existing problems, and then improve purity step by step.

Becoming more and more pious and dedicated, until he is willing to dedicate everything to the Lord God... Just like the kingdom warriors of the fleet, during this voyage, as His Majesty's prophecy comes true, they have gradually grown into the most devout fanatics!... Lord God

Witness! We will definitely be able to spread the glory of the Lord God in the vast, desolate, white and sacred land of the far north!..."

"In addition, during this prayer ceremony on the sacred mountain, we also met a Sugpian hunting team. They wore thick seal furs, carried many stones and bone javelins, and also carried a dozen short

The hunting bow. This equipment is already the most capable northern hunter we have seen. And after they heard that we were offering sacrifices to the ancestral peak, they enthusiastically participated. After the prayer ceremony was completed, they also

Warmly inviting the fleet to visit their large tribe not far away... From their mouths, the fleet learned about the narrow bay a hundred miles away in the west, and the hunting team with "four palms", the "extremely powerful" extremely powerful

Beida Tribe, Changwan Tribe!"

"The Changwan tribe occupies the coast on the south side of the Shenshan Mountain, and has a fishing and hunting land that is said to be extremely rich. If they really have four palms and twenty hunting teams, that means there are at least three hundred strong tribesmen.

! And this also means that their tribe has a population of at least seven or eight hundred people, and they are indeed the leading tribe in the far north! ... Unfortunately, the rich and narrow bay seems to be behind the mountains and is not connected to the waterway of the Thousand Islands Bay.

Connected. And if the fleet continues to the southwest coast, it will not pass through the powerful Long Bay..."

"Of course, when the warriors in the fleet do not have an absolute advantage, there are indeed risks in carrying food and flint to contact a large northern tribe of this size... Therefore, Zuvalo and I discussed it for a while, and finally declined.

We accepted the other party's invitation. We just exchanged gifts with the hunting team of the Long Bay Department, and then took the crew back to the longship and continued to the southwest coast. I heard from the sailors of the local tribe that there is a warm and rich city at the end of the southwest coast.

On the big island, you can see many big fish, so it is called 'Big Fish Island' by the local tribe..."

"In mid-August, the five long boats of the fleet arrived at Big Fish Island. And those 'big fish' floating on the water were actually large whales that were more than ten meters or even tens of meters long! So,

Zuvalo named it 'Big Whale Island'! And where big whales gather, there will naturally be abundant fish schools, group after group, from the coast to the offshore, and even more in the deep sea... Praise the Lord God!

That is food that cannot be caught or eaten at all. It is probably more abundant than the Thousand Islands Bay! Therefore, the fleet must establish a fishing supply port here! ...Ah! The Lord God bless us and give us

Food on the go!…”

The iceberg shines with pure white light, and on this high mountain island hanging alone in the sea, it seems to be the warm and expectant gaze of the Lord God. Mikey, the knowledgeable man, spreads his hands, prays in a low voice, and kneels several times toward the northeastern peak, as if he is bowing his head to the ground.

Marmot. Next to him, the white bear Gaowa blinked his eyes, and also bent down his strong body, lying next to his husband, like a polar bear waiting on the northern coast.

After a moment of prayer, Mickey the Knowledgeable turned his head and looked at Gao Wa with gentle eyes. He reached out and touched the other person's fair and rough cheek, and then touched the emblem of the Lord God engraved on the other person's forehead.

"Gaowa, do you believe in the Lord God?"

"Weng? Faith?"

"That is...obeying God's teachings, obeying God's will, and being willing to risk your life and do many difficult and dangerous things for God!..."

"Difficult? Dangerous?..."

"It's just...very painful, very tiring, and you will die..."

Hearing this, Gao Wa blinked her eyes and smiled honestly.

"Weng. Here, the tribes are very miserable and tired, and they will die at any time... As long as there are warm and glowing stones. As long as there is food to eat, it will last for a long time... The tribes are not afraid of hardship or tiredness.

Not afraid of death!"


Hearing this, Mickey, the knowledgeable man, was silent for a while, then rubbed Gaowa's hair and held his wife's big hand firmly.

"Gaowa, if there are flint and food...will the sailors of the tribe be willing to sail westward with the fleet to find the prophesied land of divine revelation?..."

"Crossing the West to the Ocean? A place inspired by God?"

White Bear Gaowa looked confused and thought for a while before asking.

"Weng, our tribe has been rowing westward. Are we looking for a new settlement? Migration is very common. Everyone, if you are willing, it will be good if you have food and warmth!..."

After hearing Gaowa's words, the knowledgeable Mickey was silent for a long time, not knowing how to answer.

The exploration fleet traveled along the way, constantly setting up ports, leaving behind stationed crews, and constantly receiving additional manpower from the fishing and hunting tribes in the North. At this moment, among the 150 people on the three long ships, there were 150 people from all tribes in the North.

There are more than 80 sailors, from more than 20 different small tribes. However, there are only more than 60 warriors in the kingdom.

So at a glance, the average height of the exploration fleet is almost a head taller than when it set off. The longships are full of burly Northland men, as well as short and fierce Kingdom warriors. And the Kingdom

In addition to teaching these tribal sailors simple Nahua language, the warriors also taught them how to wear armor and hold spears, and how to fight in teams.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This extreme northern tribe is tall and strong, with amazing physique, strong strength, perseverance and tenacity, and excellent endurance. It is almost the most knowledgeable Mickey has ever seen.

, the strongest glue tribe!

Even the leader of the fleet warriors trained by the commander-in-chief, senior warrior Chakapu Shijian, also expressed his sincere admiration.

"Blessed by the Lord God! These strong men from the North are tall and strong. They can wear double layers of bronze armor and carry more than eighty kilograms of weight. They charge and fight! They are weathered and taciturn, but they can obey orders and are not afraid of difficulties.

Hardship and death…”

"Praise the Lord God! They are the best warrior reserves and the real seeds of the guards! As long as we train them, teach them the killing battle skills, and then fully equip them, they will be the most terrifying warriors! ... And if we can have a team

The 8,000-strong legion composed of the northern tribes, all the tribes in the world, even the Eagle Jaguar Chapter of the Alliance, may not be able to resist it!…”

The knowledgeable Mickey agrees with Shi Jian's evaluation. His wife Bai Xiong often cut down trees when building the camp and came back carrying more than 300 kilograms of wood. And trekking with a load of two to three hundred kilograms was also

Almost all the strong men in the North can do it. They have to keep migrating with heavy camps and supplies in the most difficult cold and wind and snow. And even a piece of wood is something that is possible in winter.

Never throw away life-saving fuel.

"O Lord God! The Jiaoman tribe in the hard and cold land has survived the test of the Lord God to this day... They have the smallest population and the strongest physique. They are adapted to the harsh conditions of the Far North and are the most reliable members of the exploration fleet.


"Blessed by the Lord God! We will build supply settlements one after another in this far north, and we will definitely reach the end of the West Sea! And by that time, the continuous flow of the Kingdom's fleet will eventually make all the Extremes who join the Kingdom

The northern tribes have all completely escaped from the long struggle of cold and hunger!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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