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Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Three: The Construction of a Unified Culture: The Five Elements of Destiny and the History of Jiaoren

"Since the gods gave the first flame and the ancestors of the Jiao people walked out of the forest, the ancient sages have predicted the future, five gods, five elements and five lives!... The reincarnation of five eras, the gestation of five divine objects, and the reversal of the five elements.

Born, inheriting five ancient and destined destiny!..."

"The sacred objects of the five eras are the flame, the sacred tree, the blue snake, the golden eagle, and the black wolf. In the first era, the first fire was ignited from chaos, and the ancestors of the Jiao people built the first city-state. In the second era, the sacred tree was born from the fire.

, the ancient sages gave enlightenment to all tribes under the tree. In the third era, the blue snake escaped from the sacred tree and fell into the seven Jiao people clan in the world. In the fourth era, the golden eagle hunted the blue snake, conquered the Jiao people tribes in turn, and reunited the gods.

Sex, uniting all the tribes into one! Until the final fifth era, the black wolf ran north and south, connecting the endless continents, and the seven tribes of Jiao people were finally unified. And the God's destiny bird fell from the sky, perched on the burning

The scorched sacred tree has become the final totem of faith for the Jiao people!…”

"The elements of these five eras are fire, wood, water, metal, and earth! They are inversely related to each other, and the successors accommodate the former. Earth produces metal, water, wood, and fire. The five elements are the destiny! ... And the specific manifestation of the destiny is glue.

Man's five missions: 'Inherit the divine fire and worship the Lord God', 'cultivate the fields and nurture the people', 'connect the great lakes and control the two oceans', 'conquer the four directions and achieve great military virtue', and 'unify the north and south, without borders'!"

In the camp, Avitt looked serious and read "Historical Records of the Jiaoren" carefully. At the very beginning of this book, there is the theme that runs through the whole book, which is like a prophecy: "Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Destinies". And as long as you read it carefully,

The mystery and mystery, the self-consistency and logic, the grandeur and guidance, are like the most sacred sacrificial divination, enough to make the Nahua nobles who believe in ghosts and gods go crazy!

"Five gods, five elements and five fates?...Xulot, is this also a prophecy inspired by your god?..."

"Oh! Witness the Lord God! Teacher God King, this "History of the Glue Man" is an archaeological discovery from the first ancient city of the Olmecs, the 'Ancient Holy City'... It is the devout Totonac priests who came from the ancient

The real ancient context and prophecies unearthed in the era stone tablets and engravings! According to the research of the priests, the engravings of 'Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Destinies' have a history of at least four thousand years, and are the common ancestors of all tribes.


With a solemn look on his face, Shulot told the origin of the "Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Fate". In fact, the chroniclers and priests of the ancient holy city did collect five ancient murals of divine objects and found the images and reliefs of the Five Elements.

, arranged in the "correct" order of interpretation, and enshrined in the pyramid temple of the ancient holy city! However, Shulot and the priests only made some "minor contributions" to seal the dust on the murals and stone carvings.

The pattern can be "reasonably interpreted".

Therefore, this theory of destiny is by no means some "half-truth", some "deliberate compilation", some "I annotated the Six Classics"... This is "well-founded archeology" and "the literature and art of the ancient Jiao people's civilization"

"Revival", and has a complete set of supporting relics, antiquities and inherited songs, which will definitely stand the test of history and future generations!

"Lord God! It really is a prophecy from the ancient Olmecs? Destiny...the destiny of the world?...the destiny of the glue people!..."

Avitt pursed his lips, and his expression became much more solemn. He was not detached from the times, nor could he see detachment from "divinity" like those old priests. He continued to read and turned to the front.

It is difficult and obscure, and there is another link within another link, as well as the "Destiny Theory" link of various arguments by the priests, and then we have reached the real "examination of historical records" part.

"The original First Era, as far back as eight hundred and fifty-two years of reincarnation, 41,600 years ago! The Lord God awakened and ignited the fire of the sun. He created the world and the sacred rubber tree.

Different images of gods create and enlighten people! The Lord God is omnipresent and omnipotent!"

"The ancestors held high the torch of the Lord God, walked out of the jungle, came from the origin at the end of the West Sea, walked eastward for 41,600 miles, and then stopped at the location of the ancient holy city! Here, they

I saw the sacred rubber tree, connecting the sky and blocking out the sun, supporting the ancient firmament. This only sacred tree in the world inherits the divinity of heaven and earth, and is also the only way from the earth to the sky!...So,

Here, the ancestors established the first city-state, the ancient holy city..."

"Then, the main god fell asleep in the sacred tree, and breathed out the true fire of the sun in his sleep. So, the first fire of the second era burned the sky-reaching sacred tree! The fire of the sun ignited the rubber tree, and blue blood flowed out

The snake, the eagle that flew away the golden smoke, the wolf that dropped the black light...the escape of these five divine objects, fire, tree, snake, eagle, and wolf, are the five sources of divinity in the world. And the ancient sage personally saw

After seeing this and knowing that this was the fate of the five eras, I left behind the prophecy of 'Five Elements of Destiny'..."

"So far, the ancient second era has started from the eighty-fifty-two-year reincarnation, 4,160 years ago! The ancestors took the 'Ancient Holy City' as the source, and then built many ancient cities. These first

The ancient city is also the origin of the clans of all tribes in the world. However, the main god has never awakened. With the charred sacred tree reaching the sky, the divinity is scattered everywhere. Therefore, the ancestors of the Jiao people are looking for traces of the main god and the lost divinity.

, resolutely left the ancient holy city and went in a different direction! At this point, the seven branches of the Jiao people were born! And the third era of the Jiao people scattered began!..."

After reading this, Avitt took a deep breath and tried to calm down the surging emotions in his heart! Even as wise as he is, his spine is still numb from the shock of this ancestral story that has stirred thousands of miles and spanned thousands of years. He has always been suspicious,

But in the face of such logically complete myths and historical records, and in the face of various arguments and textual research, I have to choose to believe it!

And at its root, this ancient narrative of human integration and divinity is exactly what he wants to believe, and what most tribes in the world want to believe. This is the connection of culture, creating "nothing" from "nothing"

"There is", and then solidified into "truth" from "being". And at the end of the connection between generations, this is an incomparably true belief, and a mark engraved on everyone's soul!

"The Lord God witnesses everything! From the second era to the third era, each branch of the Jiao people created their own legends and civilization! The first branch of the Jiao people stayed in the Olmec land to protect

There are many ancient cities. They inherited the Totonak tribes, the Jungle Sauk tribes..."

"The second branch of the Jiao people reached the plateau to the west and became the Teotihuacan tribes. They established the Pyramid of the Sun and the Moon, and also continued the Nahua tribes on the plateau until the Mexica people were chosen by the Lord God..."

"The third branch of the Jiao people reached the lake farther west and became the tribes of Loma Alta. They built the pyramids by the lake and finally continued to form the Prepecha and Tekos people..."

"The fourth branch of the Jiao people went to the southern jungle, became the ancient Zapotec tribes, built the pyramids of Mount Alban, and then continued the three tribes of Izumo..."

"The fifth branch of the Jiao people went east to the Mayan jungle, created the Golden Mayan tribes, built the snake god pyramid in Tikal City, and continued the lowland and highland Maya! They did not stop and continued to move forward.

East, reaching the East China Sea Islands, scattered in the stormy sea, continuing to the hot land of Cuba, mountains and seas, and island tribes!..."

"The sixth branch of the Jiao people went north to the northern continent and was scattered in the endless disasters. From the west coast to the east coast, from the wasteland to the grassland, from the river to the forest... they formed hundreds of small tribes.

tribe, until the cold extreme north!...They have begun to return, returning to the ancient Jiao people..."

"The seventh branch of the Jiao people went south to the southern continent, got lost in the endless rain forest, and divided into four major tribes...the halite and gem tribes of Qibucha, the big river tribes of the jungle, and the tribes of the mountains.

The Andean tribes and the Mapuche tribes... They have forgotten their main god, but the sun of the main god shines on everything. They will eventually return one day, and the tribes will be reunited!..."

"However, the story of the seven glue people is not all in the historical records of the ancestors. The ancient saints of the second era saw everything about the origin with the eyes of the astral world! At the beginning of the first era, there were 41,600 people in the west.

Hundreds of miles away, there is the place of origin where the ancestors of the Jiao people held high torches and set out for the first time! And the location of that place of origin is just opposite the West Sea. On the distant continent of the West Sea, there are also ancestors of the same race who have never made the eastward journey!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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