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Chapter One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Four: The Construction of a Unified Culture: The History of Time and the Book of Songs of Jiaoren

"The seven Jiao people, and the ancestors on the other side of the West Sea? Build a world order where the Jiao people are one!..."

Avitt held "History of Glue Man" in his hand and pondered for a long time without saying a word. Just as he had never thought before that the world would be so vast... At this moment, he also had not expected that the construction of this "glue man as one body" would be so big that it would actually be possible.

It extends from the world of Central America to the entire northern continent, the southern continent, and even to the opposite side of the legendary Western Sea!

However, he can understand the significance of this kind of cultural construction, which is to expand the foundation of the ethnic group, expand the scope of the world, and build a common world order! The religious belief of this order is the main god. The cultural identity of this order is the glue of people.

.The political center of order is undoubtedly the central Mexican plateau and jungle, the Lake District of Texcoco!

At this moment, an ultimate political goal has been proposed in this thick "Historical Records of Jiaoren". As for the future of the northern and southern continents, how many Jiaoren kingdoms will there be, and how many royal kingdoms will be enfeoffed? This

But it was something Avitt could not imagine and could not know.

"In order to find the divinity of the main god, the seven tribes of Jiaoren dispersed in the third era and developed different kingdoms and civilizations. However, all tribes in the world have the same origin and are destined to be one! Therefore, when the main god emerged from his slumber in the fourth era

After waking up, the divine eagle returns with the divine snake in its mouth! And the beginning of the fourth era happened in eight fifty-two years of reincarnation, four hundred and sixteen years ago..."

"After a long search, the condor landed on the small island in the center of Lake Texcoco with the divine snake in its mouth! He obeyed the will of the Lord God and passed on the divinity of the sun to the selected Mexica tribes. And from then on,

The tribes of Mexica have also received the divine mandate from the Lord God: to conquer all the tribes in the world, unify the beliefs of each tribe, and bring all tribes back into one body!…”

"Today, the destiny of the Fourth Era has been revealed. Divine snakes from all parts of the world will be picked up by the divine eagle and subdued, allowing the blue snake's divinity to completely return! This is the 'eagle-snake unity'!..."

"Manifest destiny fell from the top of the sacred mountain. The Mexica Alliance is destined to wipe out all the tribes and unify the entire world! And all the conquered tribes, as well as the Mexica people themselves, are ancient brothers and the same race. There is no distinction between them.

, there is no difference between divine superiority and inferiority. They are all branches of the ancestors of the Jiao people, and they are destined to be integrated again!…"

"The golden eagle symbolizes the sun, incarnating into generations of Mexica ancestors. This last generation of golden eagles is the great god-king of the alliance, Avit. The god-king will wipe out all the tribes in the world and complete the unification that ends the fourth era! ... As for the third era, the golden eagle symbolizes the sun.

The destiny of the fifth era will be fulfilled by the last divine object, the black wolf who returns from the earth..."

Seeing this last paragraph, Avitt's expression moved slightly, and the expression on his face was a little subtle. But soon, he controlled his expression, looked at the already somewhat "mysterious" student Shulot, and asked seriously.

"Xulot, the destiny prophecy in the "History of the Jiaoren"...has the Lord God given you a clear divine revelation?"

"The Lord God bless you! He not only left behind the ancient saint's prophecy board, but also really gave me a glimpse of the future... The destiny prophecy in this historical record is indeed true!..."


Avitt clasped his hands behind his back, walked hesitantly for a while, then turned around and asked.

"Xulot, this kind of 'prophecy of destiny' is indeed of great benefit to the rule of our Mexica royal family... But how can we make all the people in the world believe it?..."

"Dear God King Teacher! For the conquered tribes, their generation can only live a better life if they choose to believe... And the next generation will be willing to believe that they are not a conquered tribe, and

They are the glue people who have the same origin as us Mexicans... As for the next generation, they will regard all this as unquestionable truth!..."

Shulot bowed respectfully and solemnly explained his ideas and worries.

"Witness the Lord God! In fact, I am not worried that the conquered tribes are not willing to accept this theory of destiny that binds people together... What I am worried about is that within our Mexica Alliance! I am worried about those who want to enslave the tribes and hope that

The middle-class nobles and priests who have completely taken all the benefits from the conquest... Such a theory of oneness is actually hindering them, hindering their exploitation of the conquered tribes, and hindering their bottomless acquisition of benefits..."

"However, for you who are truly at the top, only by expanding the scope of the Mexica headquarters, turning the Mexica Alliance into the Jiaoren Alliance, and building the Jiaoren concept of equal integration of all tribes... is the path to long-term peace and stability! And we

The Mexica royal family in future generations will also become the Jiaoren royal family, becoming more stable, long-lasting and sacred..."

"Oh? Build a body of Jiaoren, from the Mexica Alliance to the Jiaoren Alliance? From the Mexica royal family to the Jiaoren royal family?...Hmm...Xulot, you really gave me a tempting idea.

What a difficult problem! Let me think carefully about how to balance the voices within the alliance to carry out this fundamental reform..."

Avitt thought for a long time, with a helpless smile on his face. This is how governance is, a policy that will have endless benefits in the future may not be in line with the interests of the ruling group at this time, and will inevitably cause damage to some powerful classes. But only true

Only a strong monarch can carry out long-term reforms and suppress the opposition of vested interests for the long-term future. In this, prestige and ability are indispensable, and iron-fisted suppression and compromise appeasement must cooperate with each other! Otherwise, it will not be "Six Towns"

"Rebellion", internal conflicts exploded, triggering the "Great Schism of the Northern Wei Dynasty", which meant that the "Manchu-Han unity" completely went bankrupt and became "the first to worship Manchuria" until the "overthrow of the Manchu Qing Dynasty"...

Fortunately, as long as Avitt's main royal family unites with Shulot's Holy City branch, relying on absolute force, prestige and divine superiority, all the pain of reform and all opposition voices can be suppressed.

. I just don’t know whether the response of the alliance nobles is helpless patience and acceptance, or a sharp knife hidden in the secret...

"Xulot, your book "Historical Records of Jiaoren" is really too heavy! Put down this book and look at a few other books... Well, "Jiaoren Book of Songs" and "Jiaoren Yuefu"? These are chants

A collection of hymns and singing repertoire? Let me look through one or two..."

"Hmm? "Ode in the Clouds"? This style of narration is the poetry of Mixtec tribes, narrated as a Mixtec person? Let me read it carefully..."

"The ancient ancestors of the Jiao people went south from the Olmec land and built the sacred stone city and the Rain Temple in the Clouds. But they missed their homeland that they could not return to, and they stood on the top of the high mountain and sang long-lasting carols..."

"The clouds came from under the sacred tree and turned into rain and dew all over the sky. They fell in the valleys between the mountains and cornfields popped up... The people in the clouds came floating over, plowing and singing, asking the gods in the sky, where are they?

When can we return to our homeland and return to the ancient holy land of our ancestors?…”

"The gods descended from the sky to answer. The road ahead is long and long. The tribes in the clouds are searching up and down, and they will thrive in the valley. They will enjoy the beauty and peace, until blood and fire come from the north and destroy the tribes.

Copper and stone, re-melted into a cauldron!…”

"Don't be sad, the living will be separated after death! Be happy, the dead will know each other in the kingdom of God... In the morning, drink the tea of ​​hibiscus flowers with the rain and dew in the clouds. In the evening, eat the seeds of sunflowers, accompanied by

Ant’s fresh eggs…”

"This is life in the clouds! The roots of flower tea are on the sacred tree in the north. The brothers of sunflower seeds are in all directions... Before the final reunion, the brothers will kill each other with the stems and leaves of beans.

Let’s cook the beans themselves! Only the tears in the clouds, the beauty she pursues in her heart, she will not regret even if she narrowly escapes death!…”

"Ah! In the sky among the clouds, a group of eagles flew from the plateau. On the land among the clouds, the bloody fire of the setting sun ignited... And this is the fate that the ancestors have known for a long time. I hope that after the fire... the dark dead trees will inhabit

Hummingbird, the gods in the clouds will merge into the main god! And the separated ancestors of the Jiao people are like the rivers that merge into the sea. No matter how many fires they pass through, how many rocks they bypass, how many tears flow in, they will eventually merge into one!…

Finally, the sea water rises, turns into clouds, and flies into the peaceful nine heavens~"

After reading this beautiful ode in the Mixtec style, Avitt felt melancholy and could not recover for a long time. But after he recalled the content of the ode, the expression on his face became a little strange. He looked at Shulot

eyes and asked with a smile.

"Shulote! This Mixtec "Ode in the Clouds" is certainly beautiful and moving. It is in the style of all Mixtec tribes and is the best work... But the hidden meaning in it is also hidden.

Was the idea of ​​the unity of man really written by the Mixtecs?…”

"The Lord God testifies! This is indeed the poetry of the Mixtec tribes and was written by the Mixtecs!"

Shulot smiled slightly and answered confidently.

"This poem comes from the oldest inheritance of the Yunzhong tribes. It was just slightly polished and rewritten by the Mixtec descendant who was converted to the main god, Andy Weiyun, and then handed over to me for review and revision... Then, this "Yunzhong"

"Ode" was officially included in the "Jiaoren Book of Songs" and sent to temples all over the world for singing!…"

"Lord God! Are you saying that this entire "Jiaoren Book of Poetry" is the top-notch, revised version of the poems? They will become ballads that are spread all over the world, replacing the original preservation of each part?..."

"Yes! Teacher God King, that's it! These newly revised beautiful poems are just to replace the original old songs of each department... For example, this preliminary "Jiaoren Book of Poetry" will be given priority to the main temple and each department.

In the hands of nobles, coupled with the stories and pictures painted and engraved by painters, it is guaranteed to be an absolute crushing of the original inheritance!…"

"The printing workshops owned by the alliance and the kingdom have already decided on the scale of the first batch of printing! No more, no less, 10,000 copies will be printed first, and every city-state temple, every village shrine, and every family canonize a noble

, everyone can have at least one copy!…”

"It won't be long before new hymns are sung to replace the old tribal memories. All stubborn old people who dare to stand in the way will be severely punished or even disappear. And the consensus of the unified people will be derived from these 'ancestral poems'.

Spread among all tribes and infiltrate all newborn children!…”

This chapter has been completed!
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