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Chapter 334: Death in October, further discussion among the tribes

In October, flaming flames came from the smoky sky and landed in the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains in the north. At this time, the vegetation was dying, the leaves in the mountains were falling, and the pine needles in the forest were covering the ground. Terrible mountain fires

Once it ignites, it spreads rapidly along the mountains, with the momentum of swallowing everything!

The fire burned along the mountains and forests, and no one could stop it. Without stopping, Ozoma and Masat led more than two thousand soldiers to escape from the red monkey camp to the flamingo camp, and then took the flamingo tribe and fled to

The Red Dog Main Camp has been under construction for a long time.

Before Red Dog Chief Chichika had time to scold him, a fire more than ten meters high came straight towards him. Thousands of canine descendants had no choice but to abandon their precipitous and complete main camp, throw away their messy stacks of supplies, and continue to flee in panic. Then, ferocious

The mountain fire engulfed the red salamander camp again, burning out twenty miles of white land before stopping in front of the turning mountains, and then gradually stopped.

Here, the mountain road extending eastward suddenly turns north and merges into the main chain of the Sierra Madre Oriental. The mountains in the main chain are steeper and more steep, with large expanses of brown rocks exposed, and the forest becomes very sparse. Continue fifty miles further north.

, is the home base where tens of thousands of dog descendants gather, the Palms Valley.

The terrible fire finally stopped! The five major tribes and thousands of canine warriors all breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone was disgraced, and the fire left a psychological shadow. People were panicked in the fire, and many ordinary tribes were demoralized and fled in random directions.

Fortunately, the dog descendants always ran fast and did not carry much baggage. The five major tribes gathered their troops and rested in the newly built camp at the rear. Although the terrain was dangerous, this new camp was just built and was the last line of defense against the Southern Allied Forces.

A line of defense.

Chief Chichika settled down in the camp after a long journey. Then, he immediately counted his men, summoned the leaders of various tribes, and held a tribal military meeting.

"...So, of the seven thousand soldiers in each battalion, there are only five thousand gathered in the new battalion right now?!"

Chief Red Dog clenched his fists, and there seemed to be anger burning in his eyes. When he went out this time, he brought nearly ten thousand soldiers, and everyone's morale was high! Even though the three tribes of Red Dog, Red Deer, and Red Monkey fought one after another, more than 2,000 soldiers were lost.

There were at least 7,000 people left. As a result, after a fire, only 5,000 soldiers were left. Most of them had low morale and were as panicked as defeated soldiers.

Hearing this, Chief Ashulote of the Red Salamander coughed and explained to the leader in a low voice.

"Big leader, the elites of each tribe suffered very few losses. The two thousand warriors who escaped were mainly tribesmen recruited from ordinary tribes. At that time, the fierce mountain fire hit and the tribes lost restraint, so the tribesmen took the lead to escape. They were all the way

He ran along the mountain road, probably straight back to the valley."

After hearing Ashulote's words, Chief Chichika showed no expression on his face and just loosened his fist.

It is worth mentioning that in the Nahua language, Xolotl is a black dog, representing the god of fire and thunder, death and rebirth. Axolotl means a salamander in the water.

Salamander. These two names are so similar. Because salamander can regenerate after severed limbs, symbolizing the power of death and rebirth, it was also given divinity by the Nahua ancestors.

Among the major tribes, the Red Salamander tribe was the first to submit to the leader of Chichika, so it was arranged in the camp at the rear to take charge of logistics affairs. Ashulote witnessed the entire rout with his own eyes and knew the situation of each tribe. At this time

Not anxious. He smiled and continued.

"Big Chief, although the mountain fire was fierce, it burned in a straight line, leaving enough way to escape. There are very few soldiers who were actually killed in the fire. As long as you send the envoy back to the valley, you can bring them back.

Recruitment! The food stored in each camp is less than half a month, and the luggage is very small. Even if it is burned by the fire, it will not be a pity."

"What's more, this fire cut off the entire mountain road and resisted the Southern Allied Forces for ten days! Maybe the cactus warriors on the opposite side have been destroyed in the fire. It's autumn harvest now, wait for them to attack again

, all ministries have finished harvesting corn, and there is no longer any worry about food shortage!..."

Chichika listened gloomily for a moment. He nodded in affirmation first, then shook his head in silence. Then, Chief Red Dog picked up a tough cowhide whip and walked towards the dejected Ozoma.

"Ozoma, do you know your guilt?"

Chief Red Dog spoke in a deep voice, his voice as cold as a cold wave.

Ozoma raised his head, met the eyes of leader Chichika, and his whole body trembled.

"Chichika, I'm not guilty! The mountains and forests in autumn are flammable. In order to rely on the mountains and forests for defense, there are hidden dangers in the positions of each battalion! Although I took the initiative to set the fire this time, causing the army to collapse... But if Ah

When the Ztecs attack the main camp, if they set a fire in the forest, we will all be dead!..."

Ozoma kept shouting. He thought about it for a long time in the past few days before he found some excuses. The location where each battalion was stationed was exactly what Chichika chose.

"Ozoma, do you know your guilt?!"

Chichika was furious. His eyes were like knives, containing sharp killing intent, and the whip in his hand was clenched tightly, making a creaking sound.

"I...I didn't..."

Massat secretly stretched out his foot and kicked Ozoma's knee. Chief Red Monkey woke up. He looked around the tent. Chief Red Salamander and Red Stork had lost their camp for no reason. They were all sneering at him. The other little leaders

All of them showed dissatisfaction. Under the overwhelming anger, if Chichika ordered him to be executed...Ozoma was shocked, his knees weakened, and he knelt down.

"Big Chief, I am guilty!... The Red Monkey Tribe first set up an ambush in the forest, and then fought the enemy to the death in the camp. They killed thousands of enemies and suffered heavy casualties themselves. Please consider the merits of the soldiers and forgive me.

My fault!"

Seeing Ozoma kneeling down, Chichika's expression softened slightly. He suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and shouted angrily.

"Ozoma, you made a big mistake and caused the alliance to lose three camps! As a leader, thinking of your achievements in fighting to the death, I will spare your life! Now, take off your wolf robe, turn your back, and receive fifty lashes


"Ah? Fifty lashes..."

Hearing this, Ozoma knelt on the ground, his face pale. He looked at the Red Deer Chief opposite for help.

Massat's brows trembled. If fifty lashes were really used, Ozoma would probably be whipped to death! Chief Chichika was using the topic to show his authority by killing monkeys. He hesitated for a moment, sighed in his heart, and stood up.


"Dear Chief Chichika! The Southern Allied Forces attacked fiercely, but Chief Red Monkey resolutely resisted. He set up an ambush in the forest, rescued me, and made great contributions to the Alliance! This time the fire was set because the Southern Allied Forces attacked too hard.

I had to use fire to stop the enemy... Please forgive me, big boss!"

"When we set up an ambush before, the Red Deer tribe surrounded and killed the enemy generals and obtained a precious pair of thick leather armor! It is invulnerable to arrows and spears and is extremely strong. Only true warriors can wear it. Big leader, I would like to donate the thick leather armor.

Here you go, please forgive Ozoma’s sins!”

Having said this, Chief Red Deer knelt down on one knee and bowed his head respectfully.

"Hmm? The thick skin of the cactus warrior?"

Chichika was a little surprised. He looked at the submissive Chief Red Deer and was silent.

Among the various tribes in the valley, the red salamanders and red storks are the most obedient, followed by the red deer tribe. The red monkey tribe is the strongest and has always been the most unruly. So for this expedition, he arranged the red deer and red monkey tribes at the front.

, engage the enemy first.

Although this wildfire happened suddenly, the result was not unexpected. The Red Monkey Tribe lost 800 warriors and fell to the bottom of the fifth tribe. The Red Deer Tribe lost 600 warriors, which was only slightly better than the Red Monkeys. The two tribes suffered heavy losses.

, the chiefs also became obedient. If they could subdue the drive, there would be no need to kill the Ozoma.

Thinking of this, Chichika's expression softened slightly.

"Masat, bring me the thick leather armor!"

Chief Red Deer nodded and asked his bodyguard to present the treasure armor. Chichika stretched out his hand and touched it, feeling happy. He grinned and nodded slowly.

"Killing the enemy leader and seizing the thick leather armor can indeed offset part of the fault! Ozoma, for your first offense, I will punish you with twenty lashes! Are you convinced?"

Ozoma gritted his teeth and lowered his head to hide the hatred in his eyes. He whispered back.

"Dear Chief, I am convinced that your rewards and punishments are fair!"

"Okay, turn around."

Chichika smiled fiercely, raised the whip in his hand, and struck it down mercilessly!

"Bah bang bang!..."


Ozoma knelt on the ground. He gritted his teeth at first and endured the torture, but in the end he couldn't resist anymore and screamed miserably. When many leaders heard the screams, they first froze in their hearts, then showed mockery on their faces and sneered in low voices.

"Ozoma screamed like a monkey, really embarrassing the warriors in the wasteland..."

"With such a weak chief, it's no wonder that he can't resist the attack of the Otomi native dogs..."

After twenty lashes, Ozoma could no longer hold on. He was covered in blood and fell limply to the ground, like a dead monkey, losing all dignity.

Chichika put down the bloody whip. He slowly squatted down, reached out and held Ozoma's hair, stared into the eyes of the Red Monkey Chief, and said coldly.

"In the tradition of the southern tribes, there will be a big leader who manages all the tribes. He is supreme and accepts the surrender of all ordinary leaders. The ceremony of accepting submission is to hold the opponent's hair...Now, Ozoma,

Surrender to me!"

"Big Chief, I...I...I surrender to you..."

Ozoma's voice was hoarse. He opened his mouth and replied with difficulty, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

"Okay! The big leader is majestic and just. He punishes the leader who makes mistakes and rewards the warriors who have meritorious service. Ozoma, I have punished you for your mistakes with my own hands. Now, it's time to reward your warriors for their achievements!"

Seeing Ozoma's awed expression, Chichika nodded with satisfaction. He stood up, paused, a flash of pain flashed across his face, and then became majestic. Then, Chief Red Dog picked up the heavy bronze cloth with one hand

A, place it next to Ozoma.

"Ozoma, I will reward you with this thick leather armor captured by Chief Red Deer!"

"Ah! Thick leather armor?"

Massat let out a low cry. He looked at Ozoma on the ground, who was touching his thick armor and his face was full of disbelief.

"This...this...thank you, chief!"

Ozoma was in a daze for no reason. He gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ground, saluting the leader of Chichika, truly feeling more in awe.

"That's right! Ozoma, you took twenty lashes from me and you can still stand up. You are a tough warrior!"

Chichika grinned again. He waved, and the bodyguard brought a clay pot. Then, Chief Red Dog helped Ozoma up and put the clay pot into his hand.

"This is a precious herbal medicine prepared by the tribe's witch doctor! It can heal wounds and will not be infected by the magic of death. This jar is all for you! Ozoma, you can rest in peace in the back camp for a few days. Red Monkey Warrior

We have suffered a lot of losses, and after escaping all the way here, our morale is quite low, and we need to rest again!"

"Thank you...big boss..."

Ozoma took the clay pot filled with herbs, listened to Chichika's comfort, and responded in a low voice. At this moment, an absurd sense of gratitude rose in his heart. Then, the Red Monkey Chief secretly gritted his teeth and shuddered.

, and started thinking wildly.

"Damn Chichika, are you using witchcraft on me? Why should I be grateful to him..."

Chichika smiled and nodded, then looked at Chief Red Deer aside.

"And you, Massat, the Red Deer Tribe fought hard and suffered heavy casualties. You also took the tribe to the back camp to rest for two days. Once the Cactus Tribe is defeated and we return to the valley, I will make up for your casualties!"

"Thank you, respected chief! The Red Deer Tribe is willing to fight for you!"

Massat was very grateful and also bowed and paid homage.

Chichika smiled and nodded, and also shook Massat's hair. He showed the majesty of a great leader while giving punishments and rewards. All the leaders in the tent looked in awe, and they all bowed their heads in submission.

Amosi stood in the corner of the big tent, watching everything silently. The newly promoted Red Crow Chief's eyes were deep, and he remembered the scenes in his mind. During these days of following Chief Chichika, the door to a new world

, is slowly opening to him, allowing him to transform silently.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After a moment, he looked outside the camp in silence. Although the huge mountain fire gradually extinguished, the flame in his chest had just ignited.

"A truly powerful warrior is the leader who rules all warriors, and is the wolf king who drives the wolves!..."

Not long ago, a mountain fire broke out and there was chaos. Amosi thought about taking advantage of the chaos to leave, but in the end he failed. Because the red-haired warriors of the tribe had been staying in the back camp of the army, including Alan. They and the red salamander warriors

They acted at the same time and were in a mess with each other, making it difficult for everyone to escape. However, since he rescued Uman last time, the leader of Chichika did not vent his anger on Amosi. Instead, he began to trust his abilities and intentionally promoted and cultivated him. This important military battle

He was also able to attend the meeting.

"My chiefs, my warriors!"

After rewarding and punishing the two chiefs, Chichika stood tall. He shouted confidently to everyone in an excited tone.

"Although our camp was burned down in the wildfire, we bought precious time! Now, this newly built camp controls the valley road. The mountains are majestic and towering, and the terrain is even more steep! As long as we hold on here, no matter how weak we are,

The Otomi dog, or the brave cactus warrior, they are all helpless!"

"Our old camp, Pamus Valley, is just fifty miles behind the camp! Now, we are no longer short of food, and we have harvested a lot of corn. You all heard from the tribe's messenger that the yield of farmland in the valley is far better than that in the wasteland! It is so rich.

We must keep the land and make it our own!"

"When the wildfires hit, the soldiers were a little demoralized, but the southern tribes were also suffering in the wildfires and suffered heavy losses! Now, I have sent envoys to recruit the soldiers stationed in the valley and summoned 10,000 reinforcements! We have enough

With enough food and brave warriors, we can defend this stronghold until the enemy dies of old age!"

"...Warriors, I won't say any more nonsense! As long as we repel the cactus tribe, our brave Guakili people can stay in the fertile valley and establish a powerful city-state alliance! At that time, all ministries will

All losses can be made up from looting. I will take you to the south to grab more food, skilled craftsmen, and fair southern women! Wow!!"

"Listen to the chief! Defeat the enemy and occupy the valley! Wow! Wow! Wow!!"

Upon hearing Chichica's war mobilization, demons suddenly danced in the tent. Chiefs Red Stork and Red Salamander were the first to shout in agreement, followed by Red Deer and Red Monkey. The leaders of each tribe were howling loudly, and even the punished Ozoma was hoarse.


"Robbing food, robbing craftsmen, robbing southern women!!"

Fanatic shouts echoed in the big tent, and even the shadows swayed in the bonfire, changing into greedy shapes, like fish hooked by desire.

A shadow was cast on Amosi in the corner, covering his face and making him lower his eyes. He thought of Kakalo again and the old chief's words when he said goodbye.

"Amosi, the world of the wasteland is vast. Tribes are constantly migrating, and eagles are flying away. Everything is for life and hope, for inheritance and continuation... We can't resist the shadow, so it's time to leave.


This chapter has been completed!
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