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Chapter 335 An unexpected encounter

The October wind was full of chills, and even the sun became slightly cooler. Thousands of warriors marched silently through the scorched forest, and there was a crackling sound when they landed. When they raised their feet again, their straw sandals were all scratched.

The wood ash was dyed black. On the road, sporadic human-shaped chars could be seen, but their identities could no longer be identified. The dangerous mountain fire had just passed, and the birds and beasts in the mountains fled far away and never returned. Along the way, there were only traces of god-like destruction.

Leave awe in the hearts of mortals.

"The Lord God bless you! Praise Your Highness!..."

The sound of pious prayers sounded from the ranks of warriors and floated to the black wolf's royal flag.

The king stopped and took a short rest. He raised his head and saw birds hovering in the sky, and mountains rising in the northeast. As he went further, the mountain road did not become narrower, but the terrain began to become steeper. He looked into the forest again, burning

The scorched woodland has a wide view, and one can see far away at a glance. The Guakili people did not attack here, and the passage of the army was extremely smooth.

"We set off for the expedition in early August, and it is already halfway through October. The corn harvest will be completed, and the Guakili people will no longer be short of food. I hope they will still stay in the valley and not disperse in a hurry and escape into the wilderness!"

Shulot looked into the distance, silent in thought.

When setting out from the mountain city of Otomi, there were more than 27,000 people in the three legions, and thousands of militiamen maintained the food routes. The army marched all the way north, annihilating the tribes along the way, and then captured the Red Fox Valley. More than 2,000 people were injured or killed.

The captive population was close to 30,000. Then, 1,500 Otomi warriors and 3,000 militiamen were left to garrison in the valley and continue to maintain food routes. 3,000 Red Frog warriors were drawn out to accompany the army on the eastward expedition.

In the Eastern Mountain Road, Otopan and Guamare warriors fought against the Canine tribes several times, and as many as 2,000 people were killed and hundreds injured. The number of enemies killed by the army was also roughly the same, more than 2,000 people.

"This is still the result of the support of Mexica warriors. In fact, the combat power of the main force of the Dogs is obviously higher than that of the Otomi Army. Their actions are fast, their tactics are more flexible, and they also have unique advantages in mountainous terrain.

Bonus... No wonder the Ottomi tribes were so suppressed during the previous southern invasion that they couldn't hold their heads up."

Shulot shook his head. The Otomi warriors of the three countries are all recruited vassal legions. They are composed of private armies from various ministries and are not supported by the kingdom. It is difficult to intervene in training. Although the discipline of these troops is poor, their combat effectiveness in the homeland is still good.

Okay, it's okay to fight against the wind.

Now, he has more than 21,000 troops in his hands. Seven thousand Otopan legions are clearing the way in the front, more than 5,000 Guards legions are supporting the center, and the remaining nearly 10,000 people are in the rear. The battlefield width in the mountain road is limited.

Even if the woodlands on both sides are included, at most more than 10,000 people from both sides can fight at the same time.

The snake-like marching team stretched for ten miles. After Shulot marched for half a day, a scout reported back.

"Your Highness, we encountered an enemy camp more than ten miles ahead! The flags of all the Dogmen's tribes are here, and they will set up camp in a dangerous place to defend!"

Hearing that Canu Yi was still there, the king heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he led his personal guards and walked for more than ten miles to the new camp of Canu Yi that was blocking the way. After looking at the terrain, he took a breath again.

The long mountain road suddenly turns north here, rising tens of meters with the mountains on both sides, forming a steep slope. There are rugged rocks on both sides of the slope, making it difficult to climb. And a brand-new camp

, standing at the end of the slope. The camp is located high up, completely cutting off the mountain road!

Looking carefully, this camp is actually very simple. There is a fence on the outside, and behind it is a solid low wall made of wood and stone. On the low wall, there are densely packed tribal warriors with heads in the thousands. And the number of red-haired hunters

There were more than a thousand. Seeing the incoming coalition forces, many canine warriors shouted and cursed and made various provocative actions. They seemed to have high morale.

Shulot observed the enemy's demeanor and found that they were divided into two obvious categories. One was shouting wildly, and the other was silent and quiet. He quickly made a judgment.

"Most of them are new reinforcements, but not elites!"

Further back, the red dog's flag is erected high, surrounded by tribal flags. The flags are of different sizes, clearly distinguishing priority. Beyond the flags, a large and messy grass nest can be vaguely seen, and there are also half-repaired grass nests.

back wall.

"Haha, the canine descendants chose a good location, but built a turkey nest instead!"

Shulot watched for a moment and suddenly laughed. Then, he looked at the Ottomi generals.

"It's a pity that my black wolf is not here. Who is willing to be a pioneer and give me a try?"

Chief Mespa lowered his head and remained silent. Chief Chalki's expression flashed with hesitation. Only Prince Giowa narrowed his eyes, took a step forward, and responded loudly.

"Your Highness, the warrior Otopan can be the vanguard!"

Hulot took in the reactions of the generals. Then, he nodded and smiled at Giovanni.

"Okay! Prince Giowa, send out two thousand warriors, raise more large shields, and test the quality of the canine descendants. I will send a thousand crossbowmen to hold down the battle for you!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Giová wore bronze armor, saluted and left.

"Dong dong dong!"

Soon, low war drums began to beat, and a large number of gray-blue warriors lined up in front of the camp. Giowa began to boost morale. Thousands of crossbowmen were behind, preparing to shoot and cover.

In the high camp, the canine descendants also separated one after another, dividing their labor like a colony of ants. The red-haired hunters occupied the best shooting position, took out their bows and arrows and prepared them. Some tribal warriors held wooden boards to cover around the hunters, while others

The soldiers stood in front of the piled rocks, ready to throw them at any time.

"Hey, there are some rules."

Shulot's eyes were sharp, focusing on the details of the camp. His eyes swept across a small group of conspicuous spearmen, and then stopped under the red dog's flag. There was a vague tall figure wearing the chief's wolf robe.

, is also looking this way.

"...Uman, the one wearing golden armor and a helmet is the Death Chief?"

Chichika narrowed her eyes and looked at the black wolf flag on the hill opposite, then tilted her head and asked.

"Uh...yes, Chief. I heard...that flag has magic power...can't look at it more."

Uman held the shield in one hand, and the loyal guard stood in front of the Red Dog Chief, and answered intermittently. He had been hit by a samurai arrow in his left arm before, and the arrow penetrated nearly an inch into the flesh, but did not damage the bones. As a big leader,

Personal guards, he naturally received the best treatment. The witch doctors and priests gave him spiritual "holy medicine", thornless cactus balls, and dried black feather jade slices.

In various parts of the northern wilderness, black feather jade has been widely used as medicine and has been passed down for more than 5,000 years. The earliest archaeological specimens of later generations were found in Texas Aboriginal sites in 3,700 prehistoric years. It contains hordenine with antibacterial effects.

, has a very good killing effect on bacteria and fungi, and can replace penicillin to a certain extent. It also has a strong analgesic effect and is often used for women in severe pain during childbirth.

Of course, in various parts of the wilderness, the most important effect of black feather jade is to communicate with the divine heaven and earth in sacred religious rituals, and to gain enlightenment from nature and gods... To put it simply, it is hallucinogenic.

Chichika frowned slightly and looked at the stuttering guard. This is what happens after using too much Wu Yuyu. Chief Red Dog's face darkened and he scolded.

"Uman, the holy medicine is the medium for priests to communicate with heaven and earth. It will corrode the souls of mortals. Even warriors cannot avoid it! The holy medicine has protected you and escaped from the inflammation infected by the god of death. Since your wound has improved, from today on

Get up, you are not allowed to use the holy medicine anymore! As a warrior, you have to bear the pain yourself!"

"Uh... it's up to you, Chief!"

Wuman's eyes straightened and he nodded vigorously.

Chichika continued to look at the black wolf flag, his eyes as fierce as a beast. With more than 15,000 warriors under his command, and backed by a dangerous camp, he was confident enough to withstand the cactus tribe!

A few hundred steps away, in the corner of the camp close to the mountain wall, the girl Alan was holding a hunting bow and looking at the black wolf flag in front of her. Her hair was dyed red and her chest was tied tightly.

This is her first time as a warrior to participate in the battle with the Mexicans.

Seeing Black Wolf's royal flag, Alan's heart was beating violently, and complex expressions were changing on her face. After a while, she gritted her teeth, clenched the bow and arrow in her hand, and fired at the spear warrior beside her.


"Chippawa, this is the Mexica Legion?"

"Yes. This is the Mexica Legion."

Chipawa was only seventeen or eighteen years old. He was a thin boy. He held a spear in both hands and stared at the army outside the camp with red eyes. Three thousand Mexica warriors wore platinum cloth face armor and were listed under the wolf's flag.

The formation was neat and orderly. Tens of thousands of Otomi warriors surrounded the surroundings, filling the entire valley. Soon, the memories of the previous battlefield came to his mind again, making him tremble with fear.

"They were the ones who destroyed the Kingdom of Tarasco and killed my father!"

Hearing this, Alan felt the same and her eyes were red. She stretched out her hand and held Chippawa's shoulders.

"Chippawa, don't be afraid! Mother Wilderness will guide you out of the nightmare you once had and become a fearless warrior! ... Just like what I experienced."


Chipawa looked at the girl in front of him gratefully, his heart suddenly beating very fast. After a while, he nodded vigorously.

"I will be as brave as you!"


The girl looked at the pattern of the wolf flag and was lost in thought for a moment, then turned around and asked.

"Chippawa, you are from the Condor tribe in the south, and you know more about the Cactus tribe... What does this black wolf pattern represent? Is it very common?"

"Ah? Black wolf pattern? Hmm... I heard Captain Zucata say that the black wolf is the Mexica people's god of death. This is a very important god and should be very common in the Mexica Alliance!"

Chippawa racked his brains, trying to remember what the captain had said.

"In the Legion, this flag represents the Mexica people under the Temple of Death. During the invasion of Mexica, he was the commander-in-chief of the Northern Route Army...I was in the Southern Route Army, and I never really encountered it..."

"...Legend has it that he is the incarnation of the God of Death, possessing terrible magic power. He can turn into a running black wolf and project lightning that explodes like thunder. It was he who destroyed the strong river mouth fortress and defeated the supreme condor king.

He also captured the majestic capital of the kingdom. It was he who burned down the sacred temple of the Three Gods and destroyed the villages in my hometown!..."

"Ah? That's it...it turns out to be a very common pattern..."

Alan blinked her eyes, inexplicably feeling a little disappointed. Then, she clenched the hunting bow in her hand and looked fiercely at the distant king under the wolf flag. The king wore a bronze helmet covering his face and golden bronze armor, just like a god.


"Humph! Is this the evil Mexica leader? If he dares to approach the camp, I will shoot him to death with one arrow!"

Alan held her head high and confidently pulled her hunting bow. Then, she thought about it and added.

"By the way, daddy said that to deal with the thick skin of the Mexicans, shoot them in the calves and necks!"

"Alan, that's not thick leather, that's bronze armor."

Chippawa whispered.

"Bronze? What is that?"

"Well...bronze is...hard, sharp gold."

"Can gold be hard and sharp?"

Alan was a little confused. Although the Northland was desolate, there were many scattered open-air gold and silver mines. There were trinkets made of gold and silver in various parts of the wilderness.

"Ah this..."

Chippawa scratched his head. He was just an ordinary village militiaman, and he actually didn't understand this.

"Alan, anyway, our tribes are all in the back camp and live very close to each other. I will ask Captain Zukata to come and talk to you in the evening! He is a senior warrior of the kingdom, very powerful and knows a lot."

"Okay! Dad is also very interested in the southern tribes..."

Afterwards, the two stopped talking and just looked nervously at the army on the opposite side.

The sound of heavy war drums gradually became more urgent. The two thousand Otopan warriors formed a team and began to attack. Under the command of an armored warrior, they held up huge wooden shields, climbed along the mountain road, and slowly approached the towering camp.

Thousands of crossbowmen from the temple praised the name of the main god and followed closely behind the warriors. They were carrying fine large crossbows with enthusiastic expressions. Soon, the crossbowmen approached within seventy steps and suddenly drew down their hanging knives.

Raise your head and shoot out a hail of arrows!

This chapter has been completed!
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