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Chapter 420 God-inspired scriptures, the king returns eastward

The warm spring rain falls from the sky, pattering, soaking the fields in the Patzcuaro Lake District. May in the Lake District is full of busy, tens of thousands of farmers are working hard in the fields, and the same is true for the legions stationed in the fields. Shulot

Wearing sacrificial robes, he came outside the city and held the spring plowing ceremony in person.

The Spring Plowing Ceremony was grand and solemn, with hundreds of priests at all levels participating, and fireworks were released to pray to the gods. The fireworks exploded under the clouds, and various strange lights bloomed in the sky. The devout crowd prayed on the ground, with tears of excitement in their eyes.

.They wholeheartedly praised the Supreme Lord God, praying to Him for a good harvest this year and to bless His sincerely dedicated people.

Half a month has passed since the hot air balloon experiment that raised the eye of the god, and the news of the miracle has spread widely in the lake area. The people of Gyeonggi witnessed the "god's attention" with their own eyes and were shocked and awe-stricken by the power of the god.

The belief in the Three Gods finally completely dissipated, and nearly 100,000 people completely fell into the broad embrace of the Lord God.

The shouts of the spring plowing ceremony outside the city were like thunder, and the sound shook the wilderness. In the Divine Power University inside the city, a prayer ceremony for spring plowing was also going on.

Hundreds of apprentices stood respectfully, praying to the sculpture of the Sun Hummingbird in the school grounds, praising the glory of the Lord God and thanking the Lord God for his enlightenment. Some devout apprentices even took out their obsidian daggers and cut their arms while kissing the Sun Hummingbird amulet.

and the skin of your cheeks, dedicating your own blood to the noble Lord God!

Behind the mark of the Lord God, a large and profound text of the King's "Divine Inspiration" has been engraved on the blank stone wall, accompanied by annotations in small characters written by Bravo himself.

Divine Power University is a priestly university that specializes in training reserve priests for the kingdom. Under the leadership of Bravo, Divine Power University is closed and mysterious to the outside world and strictly managed internally. In fact, it is no different from a military school. After the king left, he quickly unified the priest apprentices.

caliber, controlled the dissemination of the "mystery of the gods", and added traditional annotations to the recorded "King's Instructions".

Soon, everything in Shenwei University seemed to have returned to the religious tradition. The shocking experiments were like fireworks in full bloom, brilliant and fleeting. However, some future memories were deeply left in the hearts of the apprentices.


The girl Elaine followed suit and returned to the wooden house where she stayed after the apprentices finished their prayers. Not long ago, Vice Principal Bravo talked to everyone. He distributed a book to dozens of apprentices in Shenqi Institute.

The new "divinely enlightened scriptures", and the apprentices were solemnly warned not to spread the scriptures without permission, otherwise they will be punished by the gods!

Hearing the word divine punishment, all the apprentices present were awe-inspiring and lowered their heads and dared not say a word. Elaine didn't know what divine punishment was specifically, but judging from everyone's reaction, it should be very harsh. When it was her turn, Bravo

After obviously hesitating for a moment, he still gave her a copy of the "God-revealed scriptures".

When Elaine returned to the hut, she couldn't wait to take out the "Sacred Scriptures". On the cover, there were eight mysterious characters written on it: "Mysteries of Gods, Pictures Explain Nature", and then there were three small characters in the lower right corner, "Volume 1". This

It was compiled by the king himself and drawn by the court painters. Every page is lifelike and tells many novel and interesting natural principles.

The girl didn't know many words, so she mainly read the little figures inside. Biting her fingers, she quickly opened the first few pages she had read and came to the new one, muttering softly.

"Why are some springs hot?..."

Elaine was startled, thinking of the hot springs near Colima Volcano. Her father especially liked to soak in the hot springs, because the knowledge passed down by the tribe told him that the warm spring water contained the blessing of the God of Fire, which could make the gods live longer... thought

At this, she opened her eyes wide and looked at the picture that answered.

Under the lake on the earth, a red flame was drawn. Then, some cloud-like water vapor rose up and flowed to the bottom of the lake... Around the picture, there were words of explanation.

"Deep in the ground, there are scorching flames. The flames melt the rocks into magma, and transfer scorching divine energy from the cracks in the earth. Steam as hot as fire rises, heating the bottom of the lake..."

Elaine struggled to look at the pictures and identify the words. Her eyes flickered like butterflies flying among the flowers. Unknowingly, the door to a new world was slowly opening to her.

The Spring Plowing Ceremony lasted for a whole day. It was not until dusk deepened that Shulot returned to the towering Palace of Winds. He read reports from various places, and then recruited the palace painter to continue writing the enlightenment reading book of Shenqiyuan, "

The Mysteries of the Gods, Illustrations of Nature".

This set of books is richly illustrated with text, describing many common principles in nature, including astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, and basic knowledge of biology. The main content comes from the natural common sense in his memory, as well as the enlightenment books he has read. Common sense pictures

The book was written very quickly, with artists working day and night, and it is now in its third volume.

"When I go to the capital city in the lake next month, I will bring a set for Alyssa. She will definitely like the basic content of biology..."

The king smiled, thought for a moment about the pure and beautiful girl in white, and then continued to give instructions to the painter.

"A cell is like a fruit, with a skin on the outside and a core on the inside, but there are some tiny particles in the middle... Remember, after adding an outer wall to the plant, it can be drawn into a square shape... Yes,

Great, that’s it! Next, draw me a virus, a poisonous particle that causes disease... It’s a small ball with countless ridges on its surface, just like a round cactus fruit..."

May passed in a hurry, and the farmland in the Lake District was sprouting. The corn and beans had been sown long ago, and the pumpkins were almost planted. On the first cultivated fields, a few new sprouts were already sprouting. The farmers had endured the most difficult time.

In January, I braved intermittent spring rains to care for new seedlings and deal with weeds in the fields.

At the beginning of June, Shulot finished handling the spring plowing in the kingdom, compiled the fifth volume of illustrated books, and finally received the report from the Divine Enlightenment Office.

The new hot air balloon has been manufactured, and the design of the brazier has been improved to minimize the possibility of fire. The volume of the hot air balloon has increased slightly, but of course it is still far from being able to carry people. It is named "Heart of the Gods",

Because there is a red heart painted on it, and around the heart are the sun hummingbird symbols.

At this point, all preparations for the Return to the East alliance have been completed. In the pattering spring rain in mid-June, the king solemnly bid farewell to the chief minister Jatili who stayed in the royal capital, the chief priest Mavelo, and the commander of the Gyeonggi Army Orosh.

For the great things of the kingdom.

The government affairs of the kingdom will be handed over to the sages, the educational affairs will be handed over to Marvelo, and the military affairs will be directed by Orosh. The southern part of the kingdom and the capital will be kept quiet, and the people will continue to be organized into households to spread the faith of the Lord God.

After the autumn harvest, the standing legions would need to be mobilized and ready to conquer the Tlaxcalans at any time.

The other fourth-level chief priest, the noble priest Ugos, has already served as the envoy of the kingdom team and went to the lake capital first. He is the son of the alliance priest elder Ugel. He grew up in the lake capital and is the most popular.

The right person to communicate with.

Subsequently, the king led three thousand imperial guards, carrying hundreds of boxes of expensive betrothal gifts, dozens of light and heavy bronze cannons, hundreds of fireworks of various colors and a small hot air balloon, and officially set off from the capital of Qincongcan via the northern waterway.

Go to the Alliance.

Three thousand imperial guardsmen gathered around the Black Wolf King's banner and headed north in a mighty manner. Because of the heavy baggage, the army could only travel two to thirty miles a day. At the end of June, Xiulote arrived in Hekou County. Black Wolf

Toltec, the monkey Kuluka and the crocodile Ospai had been waiting for a long time and traveled twenty miles from the city to greet them.

"Your Highness! Black Wolf Toltec, greetings to you!"

After not seeing each other for several months, Black Wolf's expression became much calmer. As the commander of the Guakili Legion, he needed to return north with the canine warriors, so he stayed in the north after the southern expedition. When I saw him

King, Black Wolf's eyes were full of excitement. His face was still full of confidence, but his brows were slightly condensed.

"Your Highness, please take me with you as your bodyguard when you go east to the Alliance this time!"

Shulot smiled and patted Black Wolf on the shoulder and shook his head.

"Black Wolf, you are already the leader of the legion. You cannot leave the legion easily. Please comfort the Guakili warriors for me! After the wedding ceremony, the alliance army will march eastward against the old enemy Tlaxcala, and the Guakili Legion will join me in the war.


Hearing this, Hei Lang gritted his teeth, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed several times.

"Your Highness, I will fight for you, no matter who the enemy is! The Lord God bless you, and everything will go well when you go east to join the Alliance!"

"God bless you!"

Shulot smiled and nodded, then looked at the monkey Kuruka.

"Your Highness! Monkey Kuruka, greetings to you!"

The monkey Kuruka, wearing a simple warrior uniform, knelt down in the mud and paid homage to the king. Then he raised his head, with a sincere smile on his face, and his words contained admonishment.

"Your Highness, when I heard about your assassination last year, my heart felt like it was on fire. I wanted to go south immediately... It wasn't until the Guakili Corps returned north that I had a chat with Commander Black Wolf and I felt at ease... Your Highness

, you are the pillar of the kingdom, the commander of all our legions, and the only king... Please be careful and protect the body of the king... Now that you are in the Alliance, you are completely different from what you were four years ago, and many situations are no longer what they were back then.

...Please be extremely careful!”

Hearing these words, Shulot raised his eyebrows slightly and remained silent. Behind him, the warrior captain Bertard nodded slightly in agreement. After a while, the king smiled and reached out to lift Kuruca up.


"Okay! My legion commander, I remember what you said!...I read your letter and reported that after last autumn, the spear legion fought well. Its own losses were extremely slight, and it robbed 20,000 chas.

The population of Pala Lake District has defeated the blocking feather army again!"

"Your Highness, last year the army set out to the west and was able to achieve outstanding results. There are three main factors."

Talking about last year's conquest, the monkey Kuruka smiled.

"The first is that the main force of the royal army went south, and the Chapala Lake area was not on guard. When I led the army to plunder, the main force of the Feather Legion was in the north of Chapala, guarding the edge of the wilderness to guard against the invasion of the Guamar dog descendants. Locally

There were only some militiamen forming strongholds, and there was no decent resistance."

Hearing this, Xiuluo nodded and smiled in approval.

The Guamar people are one of the eight tribes of the Canine people. They are located to the west of Guamare State. They are half farming and half hunting in the wilderness. The kingdom has always had business contacts with the Guamar Canine people and has maintained a good relationship. Among them, the predecessor

The caravan director, the poet Páramo, made a great contribution. Last year, Kuruca went west and raided the Lake Chapala area. The two sides cooperated tacitly.

"Secondly, the strong men of Guajili move quickly, turn like the wind, and can run sixty or seventy miles in a day. Their fighting qualities are very high, far better than the militiamen who stay in villages and towns, and they are especially suitable for small-scale robberies.

And when encountering a large group of enemy warriors, they can escape in time."

"Well said!"

Shulot smiled and glanced at Black Wolf. The style of Guakili warriors actually fits Black Wolf very well. They are both good at mobile warfare. The only regret is that there are no horses in Central America, otherwise...

"Thirdly, the Kingdom's navy has the advantage and can steadily suppress the Chapala navy. There are many new catamaran warships, and the Prepecha sailors are brave and brave. And more importantly, the navy regiment

Crocodile Ospai is an outstanding general who is truly skilled in water warfare!"

Hearing the monkey's praise, Shulot turned around and looked at Ospie, who had been standing behind him without saying a word. He smiled and waved to him.

Osipi lowered his head, respectfully stepped forward, and knelt on the ground.

"Blessed by the Lord God! The hereditary aristocrat Osipai pays tribute to His Majesty! May you soar like a majestic condor in the land of the lake and rule thousands of people!"

Shulot looked at Ospie's respectful expression and nodded with satisfaction.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The north of the kingdom is the Leman River, and the south is the Talsas River. The two rivers are not connected to each other in the kingdom, and both flow westward into the Pacific Ocean. The newly formed

The kingdom's navy was also divided into two groups: the southern and the northern.

The Southern Navy is being formed, and currently only has hundreds of small civilian canoes, which are expected to be handed over to the command of Huitu Puap. The Northern Navy has inherited the foundation of the Kingdom of Tarasco, and has the Northern Shipbuilding Division as a priority, and now

There are already one or two hundred large canoes and hundreds of small canoes.

No matter what era, water warfare is a technical activity that requires experience and inheritance. Regarding the candidate for the regiment commander of the Northern Navy, Shulot thought for a long time, and finally chose a surrendered general who was good at water warfare and showed obedience.

Crocodile Ospie.

As for Anatli, she was born into a naval family of the Alliance and is the naval captain of the Mexica Alliance. Although she has a close relationship with the warrior captain and was loyal to Shulot during the Northern Expedition, she actually

He is a subordinate of King Avit and is under the direct jurisdiction of the Alliance. It is impossible for him to serve in the Kingdom of the Lake. On the other hand, it is more beneficial to the Kingdom for Anatri, who is close to the Kingdom, to stay as the leader of the Alliance Navy.

the overall situation.

"God bless you! Ospai, you have done well and you have not betrayed my trust!"

Shulot stretched out his hand and helped the crocodile Ospai up kindly. He looked at the other person's vicissitudes of life and said with a smile.

"My Captain Crocodile, you have fought against the Feathered Marines several times. How do you feel?"

Osipi pursed his lips, lowered his head, and a complicated look flashed across his face. Destiny was so unpredictable. A few years ago, he and the Feather Navy fought against the Mexica Navy at Lake Eureria.

A bloody battle in the sea of ​​fire. But now, he is willing to fight for the kingdom established by the Mexica people and conquer the allies who once betrayed...

After a few breaths, Osipai adjusted his mood and spoke respectfully.

"Dear Your Majesty, the kingdom's catamaran canoe warships are low-cost and large in number, far superior to the navy in the Chapala Lake area. We also have powerful crossbows and rockets, so it is not difficult to win. It's just a catamaran.

Once a warship appears, it will be quickly learned by the enemy. To completely defeat the Feather Navy, you must wait for more powerful paddle-sail warships to be launched and accumulate a certain number..."

Hearing this, Shulot nodded in agreement first, then shook his head. He turned around and pointed at the team of imperial guards, smiling meaningfully.

"Ospai, that's not necessarily the case!"

This chapter has been completed!
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