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Chapter 421: New Water Battle, Sacrifice Ceremony, and Noble Banquet

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the school yard of the Hekou Fortress, three tiger squat cannons were arranged in a row, fiercely bombarding the grass target in front! A large plume of white smoke rose from the muzzle, and countless stone pellets were scattered forward. Within fifty meters, the grass target was covered with leather.

All the armor was broken, and within twenty meters, even the solid ship plates were penetrated!

Seeing the power of the Tiger Crouching Cannon's bombardment, the monkey Kuruka was surprised and speechless, and the crocodile Ospie was shocked and speechless. Only the black wolf Toltec had seen it before, and his expression remained unchanged.


Shulot asked confidently with a smile.

"Great! I have always heard that the kingdom is blessed by the gods and a new copper beast appears. It turns out that it is such a powerful weapon!"

The monkey Kuruka was lost for a moment, and a smile broke out on his face.

"Your Highness, with this kind of weapon, no one in the world can resist us!"

"Ha ha!"

Shulot laughed loudly and looked at Crocodile Ospie again.

"Your Majesty, God Bless the Kingdom!"

Crocodile Osipai lowered his head slightly and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"...Within twenty meters, even if you hold the heaviest giant shield, you can't defend yourself against the bombardment of the copper beast. From now on, there will be no more unparalleled warriors in the world!"

Shulot nodded slightly. With the development of firearms, individual bravery will inevitably be eliminated, and the scale of war will become larger and more complex, eventually becoming a precise discipline. Whether it is land warfare or water warfare...

.The king smiled and asked in a deep voice.

"Ospai, the Rain God Crouching Tiger Cannon weighs about a hundred kilograms and is only half a meter in length. Its range is usually within a hundred meters, and the closer it is, the more powerful it is. I intend to place the Tiger Crouching Cannon on the Navy's ship. You

What do you think?"

Crocodile Ospie pursed his lips and was silent in thought. After a while, he asked.

"Your Majesty, can I take a closer look?"


Shulot nodded in agreement and waved his hand.

Russian Pai walked around the Tiger Crouching Cannon, carefully looked at the size and shape of the cannon, and even touched it with his hands. Then, he asked the gunner who operated it, and found that the firing frequency was about three to four rounds per quarter of an hour.

The angle can be adjusted manually. Finally, he noticed the copper claws fixed on the ground and the marks left by the impact of the gun body in the soil after the artillery bombardment... He thought for a moment and returned respectfully.

"Your Majesty, this kind of copper beast... tiger squat cannon can be placed on the newly launched Crocodile God galley! Each ship can have two cannons at the bow and stern."

Osipei bowed and answered carefully.

"When two navies meet, the boats usually test each other back and forth, and the big boats gradually approach. Within a hundred meters, the boats of both sides begin to accelerate and charge towards each other... The water surface is choppy, and shooting is usually inaccurate, so you can only fire before the battle.

One shot. This shot can be placed within 20 meters, and the Tiger Crouching Cannon at the bow or stern of the ship is fired. It can instantly break the enemy ship's shield and wipe out a large ship!... Morale is important in follow-up battles. As long as one ship is destroyed,

The rest of the enemy forces will also be frightened. Then the ships will collide and start fighting. The gunners will continue to reload, and maybe there will be a chance to fire again..."

After hearing what Osipai said, Shulot nodded slowly.

Even a tiger-crouching cannon has a heavy recoil. The hull of a catamaran canoe is not strong enough and the space is very limited, so it can only be used on a galley supported by a keel. The galley can carry 80 people, placed at the front and rear.

Two small cannons are more suitable.

The Condor Cannon weighs 500 kilograms and is 1.2 meters long, and can barely be placed on a galley warship. However, the current enemies of the Kingdom Navy do not have large ships. The battle is mainly based on fighting, and the power of the Tiger Crouching Cannon that fires shotguns is

That's enough. Wait until later to fight the expedition ships of Western colonists, and then consider building larger ships and installing heavier artillery.

Shulot pondered for a long time and agreed with a smile.

"Ospai, you are right! I will leave you eight squatting cannons and more than ten gunners, and I will take the rest to the alliance. You first move them onto two galley warships, and Qinjia

Practice and become familiar with the Tiger Crouching Cannon's tactics! In future water battles, you will be unable to do without this weapon!"

"I obey your will, Your Majesty!"

Crocodile Ospai had a serious look on his face and knelt down to salute. In addition to the Imperial Guards, his navy would be the first kingdom army to be equipped with Crouching Tiger Cannon, which shows the king's trust.

Hearing this, Monkey Kuruka's eyes moved. He asked carefully.

"Your Highness, do you want to bring these powerful artillery pieces to the Alliance as a gift to King Avit?"


Shulot smiled calmly.

"The high priest sent a special letter to remind him that King Avit is very concerned about this new weapon. I really should report something back to the alliance."

"Your Highness..."

The monkey Kuruka hesitated, wanting to say something, but felt it was not the right time. After a while, he silently knelt on the ground and bowed to the ground.

"Please be careful!"

Xiuluo nodded, stretched out his hand, and shook the monkey's hair. He looked at everyone present and smiled gently.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you are here, I will be as stable as a sacred mountain!"

Three thousand guards stayed at the Hekou Fortress for three days. Shulot summoned warriors, villagers and dog descendants within forty miles to hold a grand ceremony for the main god. Tens of thousands of people came from all over the country and gathered at the Hekou Fortress.

Outside. Then, the king wore heavy sacrificial robes, climbed to the watchtower at the top of the fortress, and personally released the three-color fireworks!

Brilliant fireworks bloomed above the fortress, making the cloudy sky flow with strange light. Tens of thousands of people couldn't take their eyes away, marveling and awe, looking at the brilliant colors and listening to the roaring explosions. Then, everyone was shocked and frightened, and couldn't help but wonder.

In the eyes of belief, the huge "Heart of God" slowly rises, carrying the emblem of the Lord God, flying high into the sky!

"Praise the Lord God! He sent down the divine creation and gave the authority of the sky to the most pious priests!"

Shulot chanted loudly, and dozens of priests relayed it loudly. The sacred prayers echoed up and down the fortress.

"You must believe in my God! His power is infinite and he controls the sky, the earth and the sea! He gives us blessings and protects the spring plowing and autumn harvest! He rules the souls of all people and promises devout believers that that is the destination of the soul, death.

The beauty of the future!...At this moment, repent to the Supreme Lord God, repent of all your unfaithfulness. Praise the Lord God devoutly, praise His mercy and glory! Praise the Lord God, Huitzilopochtli!"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Praise the Lord God! Huitzilopochtli is supreme and omnipotent!"

Under the leadership of the priests, tens of thousands of Hekou people knelt on the ground and shouted in unison. Many Prepecha people burst into tears and repented to the miracle above their heads. At this moment, they completely abandoned the belief in the three gods and converted

The Lord God with infinite power.

Thousands of Guakili warriors fell to the ground in awe, kowtowed repeatedly and prayed loudly. The tribes in the wilderness have always revered the divine heaven and earth. Facing the flying divine objects, they finally broke through their defenses and planted the seeds of belief in the main god. These seeds

They will gradually grow up, like entwining vines, firmly controlling people's hearts. With the nurturing of time, they will change from unruly tribal warriors to powerful divine warriors, just like Otomi of Xilotepec City.


Shulot stood on top of the fortress, looking down at the tens of thousands of people at his feet, with pride in his heart. During the Southern Expedition, the rebellion in Kuramo City made him understand that the kingdom was expanding too fast, and there were hidden dangers in people's hearts. And the spread of the Lord God's faith

, is not enough! Therefore, he created these epoch-making creations, strengthened the power of the main god, used unstoppable faith to unite the upper and lower, and knead all the Central American tribes!

"Grandpa, you will love these creations!"

Shulot looked up at the sky and looked at the huge "Heart of the Gods" hot air balloon. The lifelike red heart was swaying one or two hundred meters in the sky, like a real beating heart of the gods. Then he recalled what he had just said

The fireworks are like a strange light of three colors intertwined like a feathered serpent.

"Alyssa, you will like it too!"

The king smiled slightly. Then, his expression became more solemn and he sang the final chapter solemnly.

"God has arrived!! He comes from the sky to pick up the souls of the dead! He sends blessings to the warriors who died fighting for God, and for the people of devout faith. Believers, pray sincerely!! All souls

We will fly high into the sky and go to the red Kingdom of God! There is eternal beauty there and it is also our future!..."

As the king sang, tens of thousands of people knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly. The low-pitched prayers gathered together were like a herd of buffaloes galloping in the wilderness, and like the rolling thunder in the spring rain. This sound contained the meaning of tens of thousands of people.

Human faith contains infinite power, enough to reshape everything!

The long ceremony lasted until dusk. When the ceremony ended, most people's expressions changed significantly. The solemn group ceremony coupled with the creation of the gods beyond comprehension is the best way to spread faith.

At some point, the red "Heart of the Gods" disappeared from the sky. The "Heart of the Gods" only lasted for an hour or two before it was successfully recovered from the sky and fell into the fortress closely guarded by the Imperial Guards.

.After improving the internal structure of the hot air balloon, the launch this time was very smooth and there were no accidents.

Tens of thousands of people in Hekou County were reluctant to leave. They looked towards the sky above the fortress, and finally prayed on the ground for a while, and then left one after another under the leadership of the village priests. Thousands of Guakili soldiers returned to nearby military camps to accept the teachings of the war priests. Just now

Witnessing the power of the Lord God is a good opportunity to preach.

Shulot walked down from the fortress and came to the place where the hot air balloon landed. Dozens of divine priests were busy putting the hot air balloon away again.

"Chimel, how is the condition of Hot Air Balloon No. 2 and the Heart of God?"

"Dear sect leader, everything goes well!"

Chimel smiled confidently and nodded respectfully.

"It doesn't take long to take off. There is no damage to the surface of the Heart of God. It can take off again at any time."

"very good!"

Shulot nodded with satisfaction.

"When we reach the capital city in the lake and hold the grand ceremony, we will fly again!"

"I obey you, the chief priest of the Divine Enlightenment!"

Chimel bowed his head and saluted. Then, he looked at the eastern sky. The great capital city in the lake was five hundred miles away, waiting for the arrival of a miracle!

After the sacrificial ceremony, Shulot was about to set off again. On the second day, he said goodbye to the monkey Kuruka and the black wolf Toltec in turn, and made some follow-up arrangements. Then, the king led three thousand guards and boarded the kingdom.

Under the escort of the Crocodile Ossians, everyone headed against the Leman River towards the capital city in the lake.

Forty bronze cannons were placed on several galleys. The king personally rode a large galley to experience the sailing of the new warship. Surrounded by hundreds of canoes, the large galleys

The warship is like a turkey among hares, standing out. Compared with a canoe, a galley warship is more stable and comfortable, and its speed against the current is also faster.

The huge fleet traveled along the river for more than half a month. In mid-July, Shulot arrived in the western city-state of Trocan. He stayed for two days and had a banquet with nobles who had been friends with his family for generations.

Compared with Shulot's Western Expedition a few years ago, the atmosphere of this banquet was quite heavy. The nobles of the western city-states praised "His Royal Highness Shulot" and "Dear Prince", saluted and congratulated one after another, and toasted and prayed.

, and sent many precious gifts. However, Shulot was keenly aware that the attitudes of most of the western nobles were a lot unfamiliar, and their respectful expressions were just a formality. Except for the young patriarch of the Shanshan Family, the Western Expedition

Izel, an old acquaintance from that time.

The crowd invited the singers to drink and talk and laugh at the banquet, without mentioning any topic about the alliance. Halfway through the wine, a hereditary noble drank a little too much and finally couldn't control it. He fiercely touched the wine glass in his hand.

He threw it to the ground and broke the pottery cup with a bang. Then, he looked at Shulot and cursed angrily.

"Damn the Holy City family! Out of friendship for generations, we worked so hard during the Western Expedition, sending troops and food to help you! However, what did we get in exchange for this!..."

"Shaopan! What nonsense are you talking about in front of His Highness!"

There was a moment of silence in the field. Izel was the first to speak up and shouted angrily.

"Even the noble family of Chunyu priests cannot insult the venerable one!"

In the Nahua language, the meaning of xonpan is the green color of the rainy season in late spring. This is a word with religious meaning, symbolizing the blessing of the goddess of spring. The family named after this naturally has an ancient heritage and is closely related to

Priestly families associated with gods.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Shulot lowered his face, lowered his eyes slightly, and said nothing.

He heard that when his father returned to the east, he killed the former patriarch of the Shanluan family in the western city-state. This was definitely not his father's style of conduct. However, the rumors spread widely and were even compiled into a poem praising the loyalty of warriors and sung throughout the alliance.

My grandfather and father never wrote letters to explain, and the story behind it is not difficult to guess.

He also knows about the Spring Rain priest family. They have served the goddess of lakes, rivers and spring for generations and have held the power of sacrifice in Trocan State for nearly half a century. However, with the deepening of the religious reform, the main god has gradually become the only one. In the past two years,

The status of the Goddess of Spring continued to decline. The chief priests of the royal capital even sent directly subordinate third-level priests to Trocan State, depriving the Chunyu family of many privileges.

In other words, this is a traditional aristocracy whose interests have been harmed during the reform.

"Izel! You wolf-dog of the king! Don't think that everyone doesn't know how your father...well, well!"

Shaopan blushed and roared angrily. The nobles in the audience finally couldn't sit still. Several people immediately came forward, covered his mouth, hands and feet, and dragged him down forcefully.

"Dear Your Highness! Shao Pan, the leader of the Chunyu Clan, is drunk. I beg you, please don't punish him!"

"Exactly, exactly! When he wakes up, we will blame him!"

"Please do not inform the distinguished high priest! Although the Chunyu family has made mistakes, their sins will not lead to death!"

Several aristocratic elders who had been friends with the Holy City clan for generations came forward and apologized to the king on behalf of the Chunyu clan leader.

Shulot had a sullen face and suppressed the anger in his chest. After a while, he nodded.

"Elders, please take a seat, let's continue drinking!"

After saying that, the king picked up the wine glass and drank the entire glass of tequila in one gulp. He recalled what the noble elders had just said, and was suddenly startled.

"Never tell the high priest? Sin does not lead to death?..."

This chapter has been completed!
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