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Chapter 738: The Second Kingdom Exploration, Devotees and Dialectics

The sun was setting in the west, and the battlefield had been cleaned up. The sky reflected the magnificent red clouds, and the coast was filled with red waves of blood. The kingdom's fleet docked at the shore, and a large group of kingdom warriors came ashore in armor and poured into the village of Red Earth. In the village

The tribal people welcomed him with cheers, and everyone had joyful smiles on their faces. The two Taino chiefs also returned with the obvious emblem of the Lord God on their foreheads. Their expressions were a little gloomy, but they forced a smile and said nothing more.

The Red Earth Tribe's dinner that night was grand and enthusiastic, without any surprises. The kingdom's warriors and Taino villagers sang and danced. After eating and drinking, many women who admired the warriors took the initiative to throw themselves into their arms.

Priest Tuomat, with a smile on his face, pulled the two dumb chiefs and solemnly declared to the tribesmen!

"The Lord God has sent down his divine power to allow us to win the battle against the Siguayu people! And the two respected chiefs have converted to the Lord God and fallen into the arms of the Lord God!... From now on, they are the powerful Lord Gods.

The supreme and only faith protects the entire tribe from the Siguayu raiders!"

Hearing this, the warriors and sailors of the kingdom took the lead in cheering and celebrating. The ordinary tribesmen were a little surprised, but they quickly started celebrating. Only the elders and leaders of the tribe were a little confused and came forward to ask.

The two Taino chiefs looked downcast, but they still nodded in recognition.

"In order to repay the kindness of the rescue, we have sworn a soul oath to worship the main god of the Longship Tribe... The Longship Tribe promised to protect us and will also train militia for us to guard against the Siguayu raiders!...


Hearing such a promise, the leaders of the Red Earth Ministry looked at each other and had nothing to say. During the day, the fierceness and good fighting skills of the longship warriors were seen by everyone and deeply imprinted in their minds.

In front of these armored and axe-wielding warriors, the "ferocious" Siguayu warriors were just like children in front of adults. They were indeed vulnerable. However, the Taino militiamen who were afraid of the Siguayu people were vulnerable to the longboat warriors.

I'm afraid it can only be regarded as a baby.

That night, the warriors of the kingdom were having a great time and were busy "converting" the young woman. The priests of the kingdom looked solemn and felt even more comfortable!

Because, with the respected chiefs taking the lead and the powerful display of force, in just one night, they converted five or six higher-status tribal leaders, as well as a dozen tribal hunters who were good at shooting!

"Huh! This is a top-down missionary... Once you convert the leaders at the top, the next progress will be like a mountain torrent, rapid and unstoppable!"

Priest Tomat turned his sore wrist, his face remained calm, and his heart felt extremely happy. He looked at the twenty or so respectful Taino believers in front of him, and the sun hummingbirds spreading their wings on their foreheads, as if he had seen

The endless glory of the Lord God envelopes the future of the entire island of Cuba!

Of course, Priest Tuomat knew in his heart that most of the newly converted tribesmen were grateful to the fleet for rescue, or were shallow believers who were shocked by the force, or even false believers who were speculating. They only knew the name of the main god.

In awe of the power of the Lord God, there are actually various gods in my heart, and I don’t have any firmness.

Next, only if they come from the bottom of their hearts and truly respect the Lord God can they go one step further and become true believers. True believers are the main body of believers and are the largest in number. Most of the nobles and businessmen in the kingdom have mixed minds and deep desires.

Probably they can only stay at the stage of true believers, maybe even less than that.

The higher level of a true believer is a true believer who has no doubts about the Lord God, no thoughts of questioning, and is sincere and trustworthy. In the Mexica Alliance and the Kingdom of the Lake, true believers are already the highest requirement for most people. Boat

The kingdom warriors in the team can be carefully selected to participate in voyages of thousands of miles, and most of them are at this level.

Going further up, there are only a few pure and firm believers, or fanatical converts who have experienced the collapse of their old beliefs and completely reshaped their cognition, and can become fanatic believers. Fanatic believers already regard God as the only one and can truly serve God.

,sacrifice your own life!

Among the Mexica warriors in the kingdom, the proportion of fanatics is actually very small. On the contrary, the Prepecha warriors who experienced the collapse of the Kingdom of Tarasco and abandoned their belief in the Three Gods have many fanatics. They are full of fanatics.

Blood, the Divine Blessing Legion composed of Otomi warriors, and the vanguard throwing battalion composed of Tekos tribe warriors who surrendered after the tribe's demise, all have a large proportion of fanatical believers.

"His Highness has demonstrated the power of the God of Death. He has subdued so many Tlaxcalans whose tribes have perished. He should also be able to gain a large number of fanatical believers. Well... if the 'Heart of the Gods' hot air balloon is allowed to take off a few more times, it will be revealed

With the miracle, the degree of piety of the believers will suddenly increase a lot!"

The night was vast, with singing and dancing. With a smile on his face, Priest Tomat looked at the simple and joyful Taino villagers and thought for a long time. These simple ordinary tribesmen have pure minds and are simple and natural. As long as they are taught patiently, they will become sincere believers and crazy people.

The proportion of believers must be much higher than that of other tribes on the Mexica Plateau!

"Pseudo believers, shallow believers, true believers, sincere believers, fanatic believers... and then higher up, there are the saints personally canonized by the alliance's high priests! The level of saints can no longer be determined by pure faith, but must be determined by faith.

Show enough ability to make amazing contributions to the Lord God..."

Thinking of this, Priest Thomas's heart was filled with excitement, and he could not hide the longing in his heart.

"The only two saints who have been canonized at the moment are the immortal elder who founded the divine religion and has outstanding prestige, and the high priest Shuter who personally formulated the religious law and presided over the religious reform. And Shuluo, who was inspired by the gods and can predict

Your Highness will definitely reserve the saint’s place in advance..."

"And if I can spread the faith of the Lord God in Cuba and resist the white-skinned evil that invades in the prophecy...then, as a revered saint...ah! May the Lord God bless me!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Priest Tomat murmured a prayer, and the hot look in his eyes seemed to burn the person who looked at him.

Chihuaco, the old militiaman, shrank his neck and lowered his head to avoid such intimidating eyes. He was silent for a moment, exhaled, and no longer paid attention to the fanatical priest Tomat, but looked at the man holding Tylenol.

Woman, a drunken and merry-making Ash Puap.

"Come on, come on! Drink this drink! When you finish drinking, the four of you will accompany me to the hut next to it!...Haha! I, Puapu, am the strongest warrior on the longship! Yes! You guys

Four, I want them all tonight!..."

"Huh! After this battle, I'm about to return. Before I leave, I have to have a good time! It's a pity that the fleet can't take women with it on a long voyage. Tall beauties like you, wait for me

When I return to the kingdom, I’m afraid I won’t meet him again!”

"Tsk tsk! It's so refreshing. This is so enthusiastic! Come with me into the house! I can't be like some old men, who only have a teapot without a spout, and there is no water in the pot..."

"Ahem! Damn it! That bastard Huitu!"

Hearing this, Chihuaco's face darkened and he cursed in his heart.

"You are only about the same height as me! If these Tylenol women stood up, you might not be able to reach them even if you stand on tiptoe!..."

It is strange to say that although the Taino people have a docile temperament, they are extremely tall, generally a head taller than the other tribes on the plateau. And I heard from the Mayan businessman Tikalo that there are also tall giants on the southern continent.

, generally as high as the spears of the kingdom's warriors. You know, according to the kingdom's new standards, a spear is more than two meters long.

"The wilderness people in the north, the plateau people in the Alliance, the Mayans in the lowlands, the Tainos on the islands, and the rumored giants in the south... so many tribes with different shapes, different personalities, and completely different languages ​​and beliefs.

...Are they really all descended from the same ancestors of the Jiao people, as the scripture says?"

Thinking of the two voyages and explorations, a few deep doubts flashed through the mind of the old militiaman Chihuaco. Although he had never gone to school and was illiterate, he knew deep inside and had seen many things. In his mind

In my heart, there is a spontaneous and simple dialectical thought, thinking dialectically about everything in the world. It's just...

The old militiaman Chihuaco turned his head, glanced at the fanatical priest Tomat who was dedicated to preaching, and pursed his lips. He knew that most of the people in the fleet were different from him. They could travel thousands of miles.

, he relied on the power of faith to get here. He can think of some ideas, but he must not say them.

"Praise the Lord God! She protects you, she protects us, and she protects the converted tribes and villages!"

The stars were shining brightly and the bonfire was blazing. Priest Thomas lowered his dagger and carved another hummingbird. Then, with piety and solemnity, he comforted the converted hunters.

"Hunter Chisnail, as long as you devoutly believe in the Lord God, your fighting skills will improve day by day! Your courage, your strength, and your wisdom will be blessed by God and gradually grow... In the end, you will be like the Kingdom

Like a warrior, brave and strong!"

"Praise...the Lord God!...Praise...Huitzilopochtli!"

The newly converted Taino hunter Chiwo stammered, chanted the name of the main god, prayed a few words, and left with excitement on his face.

Priest Tomat smiled, touched his chin, and was silent. He did not deceive the other party. All hunters and militiamen who held ceremonies and converted to the main god would receive systematic training from the kingdom's warriors and then participate in small-scale battles.

.After completing this complete process, promotion is inevitable.

"Well, taking advantage of this wave of power in the kingdom, we need to recruit some smart Taino teenagers! Teach the kingdom's writing, explain the scriptures of the main god, learn the prayer rituals, and serve as local priest apprentices. As long as these apprentices are trained into

Priest, the foundation of the kingdom on the island of Cuba will be completely stabilized!..."

Thinking of this, Priest Tomat was excited and his blood was boiling. The situation on the island of Cuba was suddenly opened up. The Kingdom's fleet could do a lot here! And the biggest contributor among them, besides himself, was the old militiaman Chihuaco...

Priest Tomat raised his head and clenched his fists on his chest. He smiled and nodded to Chihuaco, who was not far away and was looking at the stars.

"Praise the Lord God! Praise you, Captain Chihuaco, you are an outstanding believer of the Lord God!..."

Among the celebrating crowd, Chihuaco, an old militiaman, was stunned. He stood there for a while and then bowed his head respectfully in return.

"Praise...the Lord God! Priest Thomas, you are the fearless whale in the sea, leading the fleet forward!..."


"Ha ha!..."

Hearty laughter sounded in the villages of the Red Earth Ministry, reflecting the starry and moonlit night. This was the greeting of the devout and the dialectic before bidding farewell and leaving.

This chapter has been completed!
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