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Chapter 739: The Second Kingdom Exploration, the Initial Establishment

The red sun rises, its path is bright, and the river flows out, pouring into the ocean. The fast Moa River flows down from the Moa Nickel Ore Belt in the upper reaches of the Red Soil Department, carrying slightly reddish nickel sand.

, merged into the Caribbean Sea. After the night of celebration, the red blood stains on the seaside had almost dissipated.

More than two hundred decapitated bodies of Siguayu gradually drifted away with the waves and disappeared on the vast sea. Only the fishy smell gathered and swam in search of traces of the brutal battle.

The Kingdom's fleet stayed in Red Earth for another four or five days. The Kingdom's warriors led the local Taíno militia to search the surrounding mountains and forests, and captured dozens of Siguayu remnants who fled into the forest. Counting Shanghai

Among the enemies captured during the battle, more than 80 Siguayu prisoners were captured.

The trial of the captured Siguayu people by the Kingdom's fleet was also very simple. The red-haired tribal warriors were familiar with fighting and were in danger of resisting, so they were all executed. The blue-haired tribesmen were tested by the priests one by one and took a blood oath to convert to the Lord God.

.If someone refuses to resist, he will be executed directly.

After two rounds of processing, the fleet had fifty more "actively" converted Siguayudingzhuangs. Together with the more than fifty Taino coolies who had been rescued and "voluntarily" joined, there were more than a hundred young people.

Strong labor.

Most of these Taíno coolies were held captive by the Siguayu people for several months, and those who survived were quite obedient. Most of them came from small tribes within two to three hundred miles of the surrounding area and were captured by the Siguayu people.

The raiding brigade broke through and they were already homeless. Faced with the invitation from the powerful Longship Tribe, they were sincerely willing to join. The few remaining people came from the Coastal Tribe further east and had families and relatives.

But they were afraid of the force of the fleet and did not dare to request to return.

"Well, there are two to three thousand tribesmen in the large coastal tribes two hundred miles to the east... We can make preparations early and include them in the missionary plan..."

Priest Tomat paid close attention and managed to appease all the Taino men who joined. Then, half coaxing and half threatening, the priests cut the blood of all the men, carved their emblems, and held a sacred conversion ceremony.

As a result, during this expedition, a hundred people were converted in the Red Earth Ministry, and another hundred tribal people who joined were converted. A total of two hundred "believers" of the main god were developed before and after, and the missionary work can be said to have made great progress!

The expedition was over and the harvest was full. Before leaving the Red Soil Ministry, Priest Thomas was a little worried. He felt that the Red Soil Ministry's faith was not stable at all and wanted to keep some people. However, the number of people left in the fleet in Cuba was too high.

Too few. For this reason, he also found the old militia Chihuaco to discuss whether he could leave some loyal Prepecha warriors from the two hundred people who were returning.

"Ah? Leave a few dozen more people in the Red Soil Department?...Hmm..."

The old militiaman looked embarrassed. But after hearing Priest Tomat's reasons, his eyes flashed, and he had an idea.

"Dear Priest Thomas, farmers build fences, keep turkeys inside, and even keep dogs, just to prevent foxes and wolves from stealing food."


Priest Thomas blinked when he heard the familiar metaphor. He knew that this was the speaking habit of the old militiamen, so he listened patiently.

"Actually, if there are foxes and wolves barking all the time outside, the turkeys will be too timid to fly out of the fence. The only fear is that the foxes and wolves will muffle their voices and not make a sound. Then the turkeys are forgetful and courageous.

Fat, maybe you will forget it in a few days..."

"Huh? Captain Chihuaco, you mean..."

"Ahem! Maybe... we can build the severed heads of the Siguayu people into a temple and set them up outside the village of Hongtu. Then insert the emblem of the main god to prevent them from cleaning up..."

Chihuaco lowered his eyes and said a few words softly. Priest Tomat's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood.

"Good! What a great idea! You can really kill two rabbits with one stick! This not only shows the majesty of the main god, but also makes the Taino people have no way out and dare not waver..."

Just as they were told, the kingdom's warriors were familiar with the journey. It only took half a day to build a solid temple of stones and heads outside the village of Hongtu. There were more than two hundred heads with blue, red and purple hair.

They are arranged one after another, with angry eyes and ferocious faces. They are as tall as a person, which is frightening to see!

"Ah? Priest Thomas, this!...This is it?"

Priest Tuomat was in high spirits, and worked hard with several warriors to erect the two-meter-high emblem of the Lord God in front of the Jingguan Temple. Then, he looked serious and warned in a deep voice.

"This is the blessing of the main god, and it is also the credit of that battle! The glory of the main god shrouds the villages of the Red Earth Tribe. If the Siguayu raiders dare to invade, they will lose their heads! Chief Redstone, you have to watch out.

The emblem of the main god, this is the divine power sent down by the main god to protect the believers of the Red Earth Tribe. If there is even the slightest damage, the main god will definitely send down divine punishment!..."

After hearing the words of Priest Tomat, most of the newly converted Taino believers looked happy. The ordinary Taino villagers were surprised and fearful, but also proud and happy. The Red Earth Chief and several tribal leaders had some embarrassment on their faces.

They are different from ordinary villagers and know how powerful it is.

The Siguayu raiders had come twice before, and when they saw the village's resolute resistance, they did not attack as hard as they could in order to reduce casualties. At best, they only looted some property and food, and captured some ordinary villagers who fled randomly. And this way

Once the Jingguan is established, the fight between the Red Soil Ministry and the Siguayou people will be the end of a fight to the death!

"Uh...Priest Thomas...this Jingguan..."

"This is the majesty of the Lord God! You cannot doubt the power of God! Remember, you are already a believer of the Lord God and the first tribal chief to convert. The warriors of the kingdom will come from the plateau one after another, bringing

More and more powerful power. You must know that God’s gift and God’s punishment are never empty words!..."

"Chief Red Earth, as the first example of conversion, your faith must be firm!..."

Priest Tuomat looked stern and gave a few serious words of admonishment. The Red Earth Chief was silent for a long time, sighed helplessly, lowered his head and agreed. He knew that from now on, the Red Earth Tribe would have no choice, and might really have to surrender to the longship.

The tribe moved closer to the supreme god...

After everything was completed, the seven kingdom longships were loaded with food, took more than 20 captured Siguayu canoes, and more than 100 newly joined men, and set out on their way back. Three days later, they arrived

The village of the Mayari tribe sent the haggard-looking Chief Shuihua back to participate in another grand celebration dinner!

In Mayari, the kingdom's fleet stayed for another eight or nine days. The kingdom's priests were busy preaching and converting believers. The warriors and sailors were busy wooing the men and women in the village. And the newly joined men

, was busy preparing food, harvesting a batch of cassava, soaking it in water to remove the poison, and also brought some cassava plants that could be planted.

Back to the tribe, Chief Shuihua hid in the chief's cabin, using the excuse of dealing with crocodile skins, and was depressed for a few days. After many visits from Priest Tomat, he finally figured it out, or accepted his fate, and officially

Wearing a sun amulet that symbolizes the main god.

"Hey! Praise the Lord God! May the Mayari tribe be really blessed by the Lord God and let the tribe prolong..."

Next, the simple Chief Shui Hua regained some energy, and led the hunters in the village to help, and made a lot of hard preparations for the new stronghold of the kingdom that was about to be established.

"Okay! Very good! Everything is ready, the fleet will set off tomorrow! Go to the prophesied land between the iron mines and the bay, and establish the town of Iron Bay!"

On the second day, the kingdom's fleet was loaded with supplies and took a large group of canoes, sailing 40 miles eastward to the lower reaches of the Mayari iron mine, at the intersection of the bay and the river. The fleet of 400 people

Members, more than a hundred newly joined Ding Zhuang, and dozens of militiamen brought by Chief Shuihua to help, a group of 600 people, landed one after another, making the entire deserted bay become noisy.

Afterwards, Priest Tomat unfolded a simple map of the town drawn by himself, and everyone got busy in teams and began to build the kingdom's first stronghold in Cuba, the "Iron Bay", Iron Bay Town!

This chapter has been completed!
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